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When Trump says win, he means win and he is winning again.

I take it you still don’t understand. Last years interest was 378 Billion dollars. Guarantee it will be much higher next year thinks to stimulus. That does nothing to bring the debt down.

Who or what do we owe the principle and interest to?
Any government that issues its own currency can not be forced to default on debt issued in that currency.
Greece collapsed because it joined the EU and no longer possessed a sovereign currency.
The US not only has a sovereign currency it also possesses a global reserve currency.
Imho, government deficits and debt are not the problem.
Private individual and corporate debt are the problem

Government Debt and Deficits Are Not the Problem. Private Debt Is. | Michael Hudson

"Student loan debt, now the second largest debt in the US at around $1 trillion, is the one kind of debt that has been growing since 2008. It is depriving new graduates of the ability to start families and buy new homes.

"This debt is partly a byproduct of cutbacks in federal and local aid to the universities, and partly of turning them into profit centers – financializing education to squeeze out an economic surplus to invest in real estate and financial holdings, to pay much higher salaries to upper management (but not to professors, who are being replaced by part-time, un-tenured help), and especially to create a thriving high-profit, zero-risk, government guaranteed loan business for banks."
Lol. You don’t think that countries that we borrow from want something for loaning money? You don’t think that people that loan money in the way of bonds don’t want something for the government using their money? I take it simple finance is not something you are familiar with.
We can not just print our way out of debt. Every amount you print devalues the dollar by that much. You print billions of dollars you either have to back that up with something of value or you have uesless paper. Print enough and you might as well just use it to burn in the fireplace.
Of course he has been in more litigations then any other president.
First off some of those were where his name was licensed that he had no control of the company. Second no other president has been involved in business to that extent, most have been career politicians
He's been sued more often than any other POTUS in history because he is a pathological liar and con man. Name another president that's ever been associated with a scam like

A $25 million settlement has been reached in a lawsuit against Trump University
Roflol. Who was the last politician that even came close to having a billion or more business?
if you don’t think that politicians lie you have had your head buried in the sand your whole life.
You mean the millions funneled into the Clinton slush fund? That has suddenly dried up?
Shared Campaign information. Hell anyone is free to share any campaign information.
If Manafort engaged in any "coordinated expenditures" with Trump's Russian fans, he broke federal campaign finance laws.

Trump Campaign in Legal Jeopardy Over Manafort's Sharing Data with Russian Agent - Just Security

"If the data Manafort shared with Kilimnik was used to materially guide spending by Russian nationals to influence the 2016 presidential election, then the Trump campaign seemingly received an 'in-kind contribution' from the Russian nationals in the form of 'coordinated expenditures' in violation of multiple federal campaign finance laws."
I take it you were unfamiliar with Muller and his efforts.
Did you Not notice that he was not indicted for violation of any federal campaign laws. They indicted him on tax evasion and other charges.
EvenMuellers hatchet job stopped short of indictment of federal Campaign laws.
I don’t care who you are that there is funny. The last guy sat and drew how many lines in the sand? let guns be sold to drug cartels. Confiscated reporters emails and computers. I could continue but you wont bother.
I didn't vote for Obama or Trump, so I'm a little confused how someone can criticize one and support the other. Even so, no POTUS in my lifetime has ever lied as effortlessly and constantly as Trump. He has been a con man all his life; he's the corrupt crony capitalist who cut out the (political) middleman.

Trump's 2,000 Conflicts of Interest (and Counting) - CREW
I get it of course you never voted for 44. Funny how few people actually claim they did.
I can understand not having been around business that you confuse easily. Trump owns businesses he and others visit them Rather then the run down Days Inn on the bad part of town. Yeah that must be a real head scratcher for some. I always have to laugh at fools who creamed at everyone that we would be in world war 3. That moving the embassy to Jerusalem, even though it was voted on years ago and other presidential candidates swore they would do it, would be the end of the US. They swore to everyone that Mueller would walk Trump and family out of the White House in chains.
44 was the worst president we have ever had and hopefully will ever had. He hated the military, the police.
the guy lied every time he turned around but very few called him on it.
As I said. For a guy you said thought the whole thing was a hoax he sure got the ball rolling. He got companies making masks, toilet paper when the run was on for that, ventilators to hospitals and a hospital ship parked in New York City.
Four percent of the world's population and 20% of global deaths got the ball rolling toward the wrong end zone. Trump continues to play politics with over two hundred thousand dead Americans' lives; how many more will perish by January 20, 2021?
Joe Biden was around when Bill Clinton thought it was a wonderful idea to grant China Favored Nation status which resulted in the theft of our pharmaceutical industry. The Chinese have us over a barrel with medications we no longer have control of here, especially crucial antibiotics.
What were Republicans saying about Bill Clinton's China policies?
How much money has Trump made in China?
Slick Willie and Don the Con are on the same side of this war:

Ivanka Trump's Chinese Trademarks - CREW
Many of Trump's detractors including those in his own party were involved in this betrayal of the people but they are not running for president. Can anyone find any evidence that back when Clinton sold us to the Chinese either Biden or Pelosi objected or tried to warn us? I'll wait.
Pelosi isn't running for POTUS, and Biden's the same corporate DNC Democrat he has always been:

Joe Biden’s China Journey

"As a United States senator, he spoke of transforming China through trade. As a presidential candidate two decades later, he denounces it as a 'dictatorship.'"

Can you handle the bad news?

Trump is even worse.
Again I get it, you wanted to be able to run down and have a test every hour. Every country in the world was trying to use the same things to make tests. Do you somehow believe that all those materials just magically show up? The more they are wanted the harder they are to obtain
South Korea and the US reported their first Covid-19 deaths on the same day, yet SK found the resources for nation-wide testing while the richest country in history did not. South Korea has experienced around 300 deaths total since that day while the US has over 200,000 fatalities; which nation had the most effective leadership?
Again I get it, you wanted to be able to run down and have a test every hour. Every country in the world was trying to use the same things to make tests. Do you somehow believe that all those materials just magically show up? The more they are wanted the harder they are to obtain
South Korea and the US reported their first Covid-19 deaths on the same day, yet SK found the resources for nation-wide testing while the richest country in history did not. South Korea has experienced around 300 deaths total since that day while the US has over 200,000 fatalities; which nation had the most effective leadership?
I know you will never understand simple thought processes but I will attempt it any way. First off we have six times the population spread out over More area.
second the CDC developed a test that proved mostly unreliable and was considered by most a failure.
Third unfortunately due to congressional rules and regulations plus the failure of the previous test testing was not given immediate approval by the FDA.
fourth By that time we were competing with every country on the planet for the needed materials to create the tests.
finally it takes time to distribute tests and teach the proper method over this country.
Were you some how thinking that the president was going to jump in and develop the virus test instead of the people at the CDC? Did you think that he had the ability to shove the FDA out of the way? Even if he had removed any one of the FDA rules and regulations and one person had a bad reaction and died you would want to hang that around his neck for being in too much of a hurry and fast tracking.
Did you expect him to be creating the testing materials or using military force to secure them?
I know, you were expecting him to load up large planes fly them around to every town and city plus teach people how to safely test kind of like Santa Claus.
you cant tell the brain washed--brain dead demonrats anything that does not come out of their leaders mouths. thats what they are programmed for--to listen and obey their disgrace of a party. the facts can be right in front of them but damn it, its just not true. you traitors, did your parents teach you to be put on a leash and be led around by these evil sorry excuse for a political party? i think not...grow some balls and stand up to the idiots that have already started turning AMERICA into communism. 47 years in office, BEIJING joe, this idiot has done nothing to condemn racism, its hard when racism is TRUTH in their minds. they are the ones, through my days , that have eaten away at AMERICANS, to promote rascism and hatred. all of this started years ago, but 47 years. 80 years old and this is the best the demonrats have to offer you people? thats sad. geriatric abuse comes to my mind. and you dont see something wrong with that picture? wtf millions in the demonrat party and they pick an 80 year old geriatric, with a few issues health wise. wow. another idiot demonrat says it was set up when IT refused to wear a mask...sadly, you people will never learn---i would have to say i told ya so.....
That was an excellent post except for the 80 year part.47 was accurate but not 80.dont forget our last great president jfk was a democrat,that was more than 47 years ago so you are correct on that number.these trolls who think biden and the dems are so great are disgusting filth,I have always said both parties are corrupt and one in the same which was true until recent years.ever sense facist pig Obama got in office,the country has been destroyed by democrat leaders,they have taken the trophy from the gop as the more corrupt part,it’s not a tie anymore as it was for years.

patriotic president jfk who was stepping on powerful toes in Washington which is why they offed him,is rolling over in his grave on how evil and corrupt the dem party has become sense he was alive.
now this PROVES this is not the real george phillips,he would NEVER deny these facts and reality and laugh about these facts.he always posted many times how corrupt and evil obama was and how both parties are corrupt.:auiqs.jpg:
I take it you still don’t understand. Last years interest was 378 Billion dollars. Guarantee it will be much higher next year thinks to stimulus. That does nothing to bring the debt down.

Who or what do we owe the principle and interest to?
Any government that issues its own currency can not be forced to default on debt issued in that currency.
Greece collapsed because it joined the EU and no longer possessed a sovereign currency.
The US not only has a sovereign currency it also possesses a global reserve currency.
Imho, government deficits and debt are not the problem.
Private individual and corporate debt are the problem

Government Debt and Deficits Are Not the Problem. Private Debt Is. | Michael Hudson

"Student loan debt, now the second largest debt in the US at around $1 trillion, is the one kind of debt that has been growing since 2008. It is depriving new graduates of the ability to start families and buy new homes.

"This debt is partly a byproduct of cutbacks in federal and local aid to the universities, and partly of turning them into profit centers – financializing education to squeeze out an economic surplus to invest in real estate and financial holdings, to pay much higher salaries to upper management (but not to professors, who are being replaced by part-time, un-tenured help), and especially to create a thriving high-profit, zero-risk, government guaranteed loan business for banks."
Lol. You don’t think that countries that we borrow from want something for loaning money? You don’t think that people that loan money in the way of bonds don’t want something for the government using their money? I take it simple finance is not something you are familiar with.
We can not just print our way out of debt. Every amount you print devalues the dollar by that much. You print billions of dollars you either have to back that up with something of value or you have uesless paper. Print enough and you might as well just use it to burn in the fireplace.

dude why do you bother,as i said,this is obviously not the real george phillips who stopped posting several months ago.its obviously a shill that has highjacked his account sent here to troll by his handlers same as they always pay campy to do.
As I said. For a guy you said thought the whole thing was a hoax he sure got the ball rolling. He got companies making masks, toilet paper when the run was on for that, ventilators to hospitals and a hospital ship parked in New York City.
Four percent of the world's population and 20% of global deaths got the ball rolling toward the wrong end zone. Trump continues to play politics with over two hundred thousand dead Americans' lives; how many more will perish by January 20, 2021?

keep up the lying of parroting the cdc death count,you arent brainwashing us with those lies as your handler is so desperate to get you to.lol

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