When was the last time America defaulted on it's debt?

Can't reason with Cult members.
Especially ones as deeply deluded as her.
Yes, but it's fun to prove what an ignorant Troll she is.

It’s like a credit card that keeps raising your limit to keep getting bigger and bigger interest payments. The question is, who gets the interest payments in this scenario? I’m sure they have ridiculous lobbyist budgets.
Once again we have Democrats bleating that we will DEFAULT ON OUR DEBT if the debt ceiling isn't raised without any attempt to get concessions on the profligate spending we have.

I googled it for a link, but couldn't find any debt defaults on our debt despite the yearly bleating on this by Democrats.

Can someone else help me out with a link?
The problem we have today is that Sleepy Joe refuses to negotiate with the Loyal Opposition to get things done.

All he has to do is to work with MTG , Boebert and other top Republicans to eliminate the deficit. Biden has raised interest rates so high, that its just impractical not to reduce spending on Government Waste.

No one is saying to get rid of all Waste. But Biden needs to negotiate on this.

BTW, its a hoot the way the libs were such deficit hawks when the adults were in charge and now want to spend like drunken sailors.

The problem you have today is that the Republican Party has no clue how to govern, or how to get things done.

MTG.. Bobert, and the rest of the Insurrection Caucus are not "top Republicans" at all. They're crazy ass clowns who are all under investigation by the D0J. More than half the Republican members of the Judicial Committee asked Donald Trump for pardons, including the Chairman.
The problem you have today is that the Republican Party has no clue how to govern, or how to get things done.

MTG.. Bobert, and the rest of the Insurrection Caucus are not "top Republicans" at all. They're crazy ass clowns who are all under investigation by the D0J. More than half the Republican members of the Judicial Committee asked Donald Trump for pardons, including the Chairman.
More than half the Republican members of the Judicial Committee asked Donald Trump for pardons, including the Chairman.


Man, this will be fun to see you avoid bringing a link. Ya know why, you are a lying sack and there is no link.
Its like asking the question, "When was the last time a nuclear war destroyed the world?" using the reasoning "Since it hasn't already, how do we know it will?"

The US has obligations to pay it's debts. The question being asked is, "What happens if we don't pay them." Some republicans want to find out...the Democrats (and most Republicans) don't want to. When the GOP tried this in the 1990's, Clinton got 2 terms. When the GOP tried this in the auts and the 2010's, Obama got 2 terms. Now they're going to try it in the 2020's. Gee...wonder what will happen now....
Its like asking the question, "When was the last time a nuclear war destroyed the world?" using the reasoning "Since it hasn't already, how do we know it will?"

The US has obligations to pay it's debts. The question being asked is, "What happens if we don't pay them." Some republicans want to find out...the Democrats (and most Republicans) don't want to. When the GOP tried this in the 1990's, Clinton got 2 terms. When the GOP tried this in the auts and the 2010's, Obama got 2 terms. Now they're going to try it in the 2020's. Gee...wonder what will happen now....
Even with a shutdown we bring in way more than needed to service our debt, Dumbass.
Even with a shutdown we bring in way more than needed to service our debt, Dumbass.

You can't reach her.

It has nothing to do with paying our bills.
We keep paying our bills.
We just theoretically can't borrow additional money.

You're so full of shit, Obama let our credit rating decline. He was president while it happened. Was the worst president, but Biden took that spot from him.

Showing how Republicans don’t care about our country.
Their antics led to a degradation of our credit rating because Republicans can’t be trusted to pay our bills
Showing how Republicans don’t care about our country.
Their antics led to a degradation of our credit rating because Republicans can’t be trusted to pay our bills
Once again you demonstrate your colossal ignorance. Barry's downgrade was due to his profligate spending and massive deficits, not any credit ceiling showdown.

Are you ever not a complete dumbass?

S&P cut the long-term U.S. credit rating by one notch to AA-plus on concerns about the government’s budget deficit and rising debt burden. The action is likely to eventually raise borrowing costs for the American government, companies and consumers.

“The downgrade reflects our opinion that the fiscal consolidation plan that Congress and the Administration recently agreed to falls short of what, in our view, would be necessary to stabilize the government’s medium-term debt dynamics,” S&P said in a statement.

United States loses prized AAA credit rating from S&P

The United States lost its top-tier AAA credit rating from Standard & Poor's on Friday in an unprecedented blow to the world's largest economy in the wake of a political battle that took the country to the brink of default.
Once again we have Democrats bleating that we will DEFAULT ON OUR DEBT if the debt ceiling isn't raised without any attempt to get concessions on the profligate spending we have.

I googled it for a link, but couldn't find any debt defaults on our debt despite the yearly bleating on this by Democrats.

Can someone else help me out with a link?
So, you're trying to say that Republicans will cave at the last second?
So, you're trying to say that Republicans will cave at the last second?
They most likely will. If they don't the only thing that will happen is the 40% of the unnecessary govt employees will be sent home for a 3-4 day paid vacation.
They are doing this to try to get spending concessions from the Senate. A futile play because Turtle might as well have a (D) after his name.

We won't default, the economy won't crash, just like the 22 previous shutdowns.

But brainless Dimwingers like rightwinger sealybobo et al around here, in Congress, and in the media will continue to whine and cry about the impending doom.
Mindless dumbasses all of them.

But it gives them something to distract from Traitor Joe's crimes, so it's stupid on that front as well.
They most likely will. If they don't the only thing that will happen is the 40% of the unnecessary govt employees will be sent home for a 3-4 day paid vacation.
They are doing this to try to get spending concessions from the Senate. A futile play because Turtle might as well have a (D) after his name.

We won't default, the economy won't crash, just like the 22 previous shutdowns.

But brainless Dimwingers like rightwinger sealybobo et al around here, in Congress, and in the media will continue to whine and cry about the impending doom.
Mindless dumbasses all of them.

But it gives them something to distract from Traitor Joe's crimes, so it's stupid on that front as well.
I don't understand the point of bringing us to the brink when they will just cave anyway at the end. It accomplishes nothing but making Republicans look bad. It doesn't even appease their base if they say they tried and then caved.

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