When was the last time that America was great???

I'm not sure but Obama thought it was bad enough that we needed “hope and change.”

Surely some grown up that you know must have a dictionary handy.....Look up those terms and you'll come off a little bit less of an idiot.

BTW, MORON...........It wasn't your orange CULT leader that came up with the slogan (although he must have used you dimwits' donation to buy those MAGA hats in China.)........Here.

Ronald Reagan used the slogan "Let's make America great again" in his successful 1980 presidential campaign.

Obama never gave hope or change. Only the far left believe that bullshit, just as the far right believes MAGA? The mere fact you would take any of it seriously shows what a low IQ you have.

You are hopelessly a partisan moron, you backed a dishonest candidate and the right backed a dishonest candidate. You and your extremist on both sides of the aisle gave us Trump. The fact you aren’t intelligent enough to see it tells us what we need to know. The fact all you can do is cry and wet your panties every day shows how clueless you are.

All very true Pap. Both sides actually had good, better, actually honest, reasonable candidates. The failing in your statement is that honest candidates barely get a dollar in backing, barely a notice in the media. The system is rigged now that it takes a billion dollars to run for office and no one gives away a billion dollars to honest candidates that are out for the country and not some special interest of their own. Our media and elitists have manufactured fanaticism and extremism for a reason, and each side is so bad now that the other side is 100% committed to simply defeating them at all cost than the issues themselves.
Actually, we often skip the question that is posed by all those nitwits who wear a MAGA red hat......

Basically, "making America great again" implies that greatness for our nation was a thing of the PAST.

What was, then, the period that America STOPPED being great and needed an orange demagogue to begin a "renaissance" ??

So, I ask again........WHEN did our country stop being great, prompting a whole bunch of [somewhat red-necked) Americans to start wearing a MAGA hat???

I'd say before LBJ and free food for people that don't work.
I've only ever gotten two answers tho this question.

Any of you MAGA freaks want to weigh in?

One was pre-civil war..ya know back when we had slaves and all...the other was 1929

I've seen plenty of other answers. You are a blind fool. I've given another answer in this very thread. You are an asshole.
Actually, we often skip the question that is posed by all those nitwits who wear a MAGA red hat......

Basically, "making America great again" implies that greatness for our nation was a thing of the PAST.

What was, then, the period that America STOPPED being great and needed an orange demagogue to begin a "renaissance" ??

So, I ask again........WHEN did our country stop being great, prompting a whole bunch of [somewhat red-necked) Americans to start wearing a MAGA hat???
Under regan from what I have been reading
When we had the Naturalization Act of 1790 allowing only White people as citizens.

Go burn a cross on someone's yard......But, remember, wearing your robe and pointed hat is a MUST for those events..

Be real "proud" Trumpo cultists for having such a fuckhead in your midst.....OR, tell this idiot to get lost.
So on your trip to moral superiority how's your boy IIhman Omar doing these days.
Actually, we often skip the question that is posed by all those nitwits who wear a MAGA red hat......

Basically, "making America great again" implies that greatness for our nation was a thing of the PAST.

What was, then, the period that America STOPPED being great and needed an orange demagogue to begin a "renaissance" ??

So, I ask again........WHEN did our country stop being great, prompting a whole bunch of [somewhat red-necked) Americans to start wearing a MAGA hat???

The day before you were born.
When was the last time that America was great???

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