When was the last time that America was great???

I've only ever gotten two answers tho this question.

Any of you MAGA freaks want to weigh in?

One was pre-civil war..ya know back when we had slaves and all...the other was 1929
Actually, we often skip the question that is posed by all those nitwits who wear a MAGA red hat......

Basically, "making America great again" implies that greatness for our nation was a thing of the PAST.

What was, then, the period that America STOPPED being great and needed an orange demagogue to begin a "renaissance" ??

So, I ask again........WHEN did our country stop being great, prompting a whole bunch of [somewhat red-necked) Americans to start wearing a MAGA hat???
America being great again started Nov. 9, 2016. I thought everyone knew that.
America is not great because of Trump. Our Country is & was great because we have a system whereby someone like Trump & yes Clinton or Nixon can be investigated for suspected wrongdoing. That's how we roll, despite Trump & whether you Trump suckholes fucking like it or not. So GFY's.
The investigations will proceed & if you & Trump don't like it you can all hit the road. Move to an island. You deserve each other.
I'm not sure but Obama thought it was bad enough that we needed “hope and change.”

Surely some grown up that you know must have a dictionary handy.....Look up those terms and you'll come off a little bit less of an idiot.

BTW, MORON...........It wasn't your orange CULT leader that came up with the slogan (although he must have used you dimwits' donation to buy those MAGA hats in China.)........Here.

Ronald Reagan used the slogan "Let's make America great again" in his successful 1980 presidential campaign.
I've only ever gotten two answers tho this question.

Any of you MAGA freaks want to weigh in?

One was pre-civil war..ya know back when we had slaves and all...the other was 1929

The Constitution that made everything possible?

You freaks want to try to claim the USA would exist as it is like today ...
I'm not sure but Obama thought it was bad enough that we needed “hope and change.”

Surely some grown up that you know must have a dictionary handy.....Look up those terms and you'll come off a little bit less of an idiot.

BTW, MORON...........It wasn't your orange CULT leader that came up with the slogan (although he must have used you dimwits' donation to buy those MAGA hats in China.)........Here.

Ronald Reagan used the slogan "Let's make America great again" in his successful 1980 presidential campaign.

Like I said pre Roe vs Wade, the hippies/ baby boomer kids fucked everything up.

I'm not sure but Obama thought it was bad enough that we needed “hope and change.”

Surely some grown up that you know must have a dictionary handy.....Look up those terms and you'll come off a little bit less of an idiot.

BTW, MORON...........It wasn't your orange CULT leader that came up with the slogan (although he must have used you dimwits' donation to buy those MAGA hats in China.)........Here.

Ronald Reagan used the slogan "Let's make America great again" in his successful 1980 presidential campaign.

Like I said pre Roe vs Wade, the hippies/ baby boomer kids fucked everything up.

Miss George Wallace, dontcha?
America's greatness relies on a lot of things including morale, confidence and economic production. The most notable thing in the Obama administration was the time that he told America that good factory jobs were gone forever so get used to it and the GDP failed to hit 3% on a yearly average for the first time in modern history during Obama's entire eight years. The democrat political agenda seemed to rely on vague threats of global catastrophe unless we complied with strict rules of living that guaranteed suffering and despair and Obama spent most of his first term apologizing to foreign nations for America's success. Is it any wonder that Americans longed to make America great again?
nd Obama spent most of his first term apologizing to foreign nations for America's success.

Oooooops. Mr. fuckhead.....you forgot (or just overlooked) that Obama pulled us out of a recession, gave 30 million Americans health care insurance that they could not get otherwise, and stopped the 750,000 unemployment claims PER MONTH..........ALL within that first term....

Oh, I'm sure you just forgot.......Correct you eternal moron........LMAO
nd Obama spent most of his first term apologizing to foreign nations for America's success.

Oooooops. Mr. fuckhead.....you forgot (or just overlooked) that Obama pulled us out of a recession, gave 30 million Americans health care insurance that they could not get otherwise, and stopped the 750,000 unemployment claims PER MONTH..........ALL within that first term....

Oh, I'm sure you just forgot.......Correct you eternal moron........LMAO

How did Obama pull us out of a recession dunder head? if you say cash for clunkers I am going to cast 7 demons on you that you will never ever recover from.
Perhaps we are great because we are here sitting on our azzes living easier lives debating it in comfort.
Actually, we often skip the question that is posed by all those nitwits who wear a MAGA red hat......

Basically, "making America great again" implies that greatness for our nation was a thing of the PAST.

What was, then, the period that America STOPPED being great and needed an orange demagogue to begin a "renaissance" ??

So, I ask again........WHEN did our country stop being great, prompting a whole bunch of [somewhat red-necked) Americans to start wearing a MAGA hat???

Right before you were born....he he he

Just kidding.
Shitstain obama is the maggot eating the heart of the nation. Trump is the medicine undoing some of the damage.
Actually, we often skip the question that is posed by all those nitwits who wear a MAGA red hat......

Basically, "making America great again" implies that greatness for our nation was a thing of the PAST.

What was, then, the period that America STOPPED being great and needed an orange demagogue to begin a "renaissance" ??

So, I ask again........WHEN did our country stop being great, prompting a whole bunch of [somewhat red-necked) Americans to start wearing a MAGA hat???

The 1950s. It began its slide downhill with the weak-minded, drug-crazed Haight-Ashbury counter-culture hippie movement of the 1960s that began the Progressive Movement. Nothing against drugs or hippies, just all the weak people among them who couldn't handle the stuff, and went on to grow up thinking they were a new, better, smarter breed of elite socialist Progressives who knew better than their rich, stuffy capitalist parents what was good for America.

Yes, a poster as ignorant as trump. Well, a lot of them here. The Progressive movement was way before the hippie days of the '60's. Maybe turn off fox news and rush for your world view. Books are still free to read in our socialist libraries. Get a move on before the libraries are privatized. Good luck and one link below to get you started on the first step of your thousand mile journey.
The Progressive Era (1890 - 1920)

Yes, another Buffoon as ignorant as any on the Left. Too stupid to understand the post before commenting on it, too stupid to read his own article to realize the progressives of those days held similar values to the conservative of today! Progressivism went through various phases, and the phase I was talking about and most interested in was the harmful, destructive phase that began in the 1960s that lead to the idiot, arrogant Left of today. Like the idiot above.
Last time we were Great was when the Great Obama was President

I'm not sure but Obama thought it was bad enough that we needed “hope and change.”

Surely some grown up that you know must have a dictionary handy.....Look up those terms and you'll come off a little bit less of an idiot.

BTW, MORON...........It wasn't your orange CULT leader that came up with the slogan (although he must have used you dimwits' donation to buy those MAGA hats in China.)........Here.

Ronald Reagan used the slogan "Let's make America great again" in his successful 1980 presidential campaign.

Obama never gave hope or change. Only the far left believe that bullshit, just as the far right believes MAGA? The mere fact you would take any of it seriously shows what a low IQ you have.

You are hopelessly a partisan moron, you backed a dishonest candidate and the right backed a dishonest candidate. You and your extremist on both sides of the aisle gave us Trump. The fact you aren’t intelligent enough to see it tells us what we need to know. The fact all you can do is cry and wet your panties every day shows how clueless you are.

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