When was the last time the left blamed the actual guy that killed 17 people?

Ever hear of “Kate’s Law”?

Spare me this bullshit where you righties imply you don’t blame the individual solely and not use an incident to further political issues .

Apples and oranges. The guy who killed Kate Steinle never should have been in this country.

And the guy who killed 17 at a high school shouldn’t have been able to buy a gun.

That dude in San Francisco shot ONE person and it was by accident. But you Righties sure ran with it .

The ILLEGAL ALIEN didn't shoot Kate Steinle by accident, he intentionally pulled the trigger. Only simple minded people can even begin to think that. We all agree that the kid shouldn't have been allowed to buy a gun. YOUR government FAILED to do their duty and by THEIR inaction, he was able to buy a gun, and murder people.

Government failure? CHECK.

Sorry but you say the illegal alien intentionally pulled the trigger. But this issue went to case. And the jury decided the incident was an accidental shooting. So, we can believe you or the jury. You, me boy, loose.

Do we all believe that this clown should not have been in the us, yes.
Do we all believe that he have not have had a handgun. Yes.

Sorry, me boy, but saying a jury was unanimously simple minded is stupid.

And, he did not murder people, he stupidly shot a pistol by mistake. So the jury said.
Terrible thing. Kate should be alive. But in this country in 2013
we had nearly 34,000 deaths by firearm. Get that number, me boy. 34,000!!!!!!!
And many were by guns acquired illegally. And you are trying to make a case of one accidental killing bing a murder, because you want it to be a murder.
You look, to me, just plain stupid.
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Right, so let the victims defend themselves. Just another leftist who would scream like a school girl and pass out if you ever saw an actual gun much less touched one

Guy, i was in the Army for 11 years. I saw guns you guys only wank off to at night.

And these weapons should not be available to people like Nikolas Cruz.

One more time.

The rest of the world has figured this out. Civilians don't need guns, and you have a lot less violence when they don't have them.
What does "military grade" mean? Scary looking?

You already called it a "machine gun" and I had to correct you on that. So what's up now?

Uh, you can try to pretend that a gun that can shoot 45 rounds a minute isn't a machine gun... but it's a machine gun.

But that's okay, man. Keep pissing yourself that kids are calling you on your stupidity.

You want to make it a "little harder" for a shooter to get a gun while making it impossible for anyone to defend themselves from a shooter.

What's wrong with that equation?

That the good guy with the gun never shows up, so he's not worth having around.

One in 10 has the good guy show up. But usually too late to help much.
Great post, by the way.
In the case of the Parkland shooter the deranged kid was 100% responsible.

The students that were killed or injured were put at risk by the Federal, County and city government because they didn't do the job they were paid to do.

We can't trust crazy people and we can't trust the government to protect us.

So, you need someone to blame. But you have no idea of the scope of the issue. Here is the problem, me boy, simplified for you:
1. In order to set up protection for any single school, you have to fund that protection. At least 2 extremely well trained guards, with ongoing training, equipment, and communication systems. And more.
2. There are about100,000 public schools in the US. Plus a number of private schools. And colleges of various types including JC, Private Colleges, and State Colleges.
3. To fund the protection requires an affirmative vote of the populace in each school district.

So, what do you think is the chance that even half of the funding will be improved.

So, me boy, stop blaming every organization you can think of. It is an issue of the will of the people. Plain and simple.

Anyone out there have expertise in the training of school guards to hold off school mass shootings? If so, what is your input regarding guards and training, etc?
Uh, you can try to pretend that a gun that can shoot 45 rounds a minute isn't a machine gun... but it's a machine gun.

What AR-15 can shoot 45 rounds per minute? An AR-15, in the hands of a skilled user, can shoot 200 rounds in a minute. The gun, in its full auto military form, shoots 750 rounds per minute. But that does not make it a machine gun. You can't change the definition just to suit your needs. It's not automatic so it's not a machine gun.

ma·chine gun
məˈSHēn ɡən/
noun: machine gun; plural noun: machine guns; modifier noun: machine-gun; noun: machinegun; plural noun: machineguns
  1. 1.
    an automatic gun that fires bullets in rapid succession for as long as the trigger is pressed.
But that does not make it a machine gun. You can't change the definition just to suit your needs. It's not automatic so it's not a machine gun.

It's semi-automatic.
It's a machine gun.
17 kids and teachers died.

This is unacceptable to normal sane people. But leave it to the gun fetishists to dwell on "it's not technically a machine gun because X"
Its not a machine gun.

No matter how many times you say it.

86 people were killed with a truck in France, does that make it a battle tank?
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But that does not make it a machine gun. You can't change the definition just to suit your needs. It's not automatic so it's not a machine gun.

It's semi-automatic.
It's a machine gun.
17 kids and teachers died.

This is unacceptable to normal sane people. But leave it to the gun fetishists to dwell on "it's not technically a machine gun because X"
Well said. Thank you.
Right, so let the victims defend themselves. Just another leftist who would scream like a school girl and pass out if you ever saw an actual gun much less touched one

Guy, i was in the Army for 11 years. I saw guns you guys only wank off to at night.

And these weapons should not be available to people like Nikolas Cruz.

One more time.

The rest of the world has figured this out. Civilians don't need guns, and you have a lot less violence when they don't have them.

You were in the Army and you think guns are sex objects? Again you show what a liar you are. I grew up in Michigan gun country, no one who actually owns and shoots guns for real thinks guns are sex objects. It's only inner city leftists who associate guns with sex. Obviously you're the fem in your relationship
What does "military grade" mean? Scary looking?

You already called it a "machine gun" and I had to correct you on that. So what's up now?

Uh, you can try to pretend that a gun that can shoot 45 rounds a minute isn't a machine gun... but it's a machine gun.

But that's okay, man. Keep pissing yourself that kids are calling you on your stupidity.

You want to make it a "little harder" for a shooter to get a gun while making it impossible for anyone to defend themselves from a shooter.

What's wrong with that equation?

That the good guy with the gun never shows up, so he's not worth having around.

One in 10 has the good guy show up. But usually too late to help much.
Great post, by the way.

Yes, which is why you have blood on your hands that you don't allow teachers and administrators to protect themselves and their students. You're a murderer, and apparently you both know that and are fine with it since you brag about it
But that does not make it a machine gun. You can't change the definition just to suit your needs. It's not automatic so it's not a machine gun.

It's semi-automatic.
It's a machine gun.
17 kids and teachers died.

This is unacceptable to normal sane people. But leave it to the gun fetishists to dwell on "it's not technically a machine gun because X"
Well said. Thank you.

It's not well said. He's a fucking moron.

People died so it's a machine gun?

More people died in an attack with handguns at fucking Virginia Tech, are they machine guns too? 33 people, almost twice as many as were killed in Florida. So he used machine gun handguns?

Virginia Tech shooting - Wikipedia

It's a machine gun because I SAY SO. Damn the actual definition. Ya know, a mere technicality. LOL More like an INCONVENIENT TRUTH.

Liberal logic: Doesn't exist.
Right, so let the victims defend themselves. Just another leftist who would scream like a school girl and pass out if you ever saw an actual gun much less touched one

Guy, i was in the Army for 11 years. I saw guns you guys only wank off to at night.

And these weapons should not be available to people like Nikolas Cruz.

One more time.

The rest of the world has figured this out. Civilians don't need guns, and you have a lot less violence when they don't have them.

You were in the Army and you think guns are sex objects? Again you show what a liar you are. I grew up in Michigan gun country, no one who actually owns and shoots guns for real thinks guns are sex objects. It's only inner city leftists who associate guns with sex. Obviously you're the fem in your relationship

Kaz, you should stop while you are only a mile behind. That was a really stupid post, right there with your normal drivel. No one suggested guns were sex objects, except you. It is simply that NRA tools like yourself get sooooooo emotionally excited by guns,it does indeed look like you are going to stick your tiny dick down that .223 hole at any moment.
What does "military grade" mean? Scary looking?

You already called it a "machine gun" and I had to correct you on that. So what's up now?

Uh, you can try to pretend that a gun that can shoot 45 rounds a minute isn't a machine gun... but it's a machine gun.

But that's okay, man. Keep pissing yourself that kids are calling you on your stupidity.

You want to make it a "little harder" for a shooter to get a gun while making it impossible for anyone to defend themselves from a shooter.

What's wrong with that equation?

That the good guy with the gun never shows up, so he's not worth having around.

One in 10 has the good guy show up. But usually too late to help much.
Great post, by the way.

Yes, which is why you have blood on your hands that you don't allow teachers and administrators to protect themselves and their students. You're a murderer, and apparently you both know that and are fine with it since you brag about it

Well, since you think that way, you should call the authorities. Though they will not bother with you, but may want to consider you for a loony bin.
I probably have more guns and have no doubt hunted way more than you, me boy. Am I a gun expert? Nope. I just listen to those that are, which you do not. You listen to the NRA and post talking points. And call people names. Really, me boy, you are a waste of space. Though I do find you pretty funny.
Right, so let the victims defend themselves. Just another leftist who would scream like a school girl and pass out if you ever saw an actual gun much less touched one

Guy, i was in the Army for 11 years. I saw guns you guys only wank off to at night.

And these weapons should not be available to people like Nikolas Cruz.

One more time.

The rest of the world has figured this out. Civilians don't need guns, and you have a lot less violence when they don't have them.

You were in the Army and you think guns are sex objects? Again you show what a liar you are. I grew up in Michigan gun country, no one who actually owns and shoots guns for real thinks guns are sex objects. It's only inner city leftists who associate guns with sex. Obviously you're the fem in your relationship

Kaz, you should stop while you are only a mile behind. That was a really stupid post, right there with your normal drivel. No one suggested guns were sex objects, except you. It is simply that NRA tools like yourself get sooooooo emotionally excited by guns,it does indeed look like you are going to stick your tiny dick down that .223 hole at any moment.

Oops ... I color coded it for you. You may apologize now
What does "military grade" mean? Scary looking?

You already called it a "machine gun" and I had to correct you on that. So what's up now?

Uh, you can try to pretend that a gun that can shoot 45 rounds a minute isn't a machine gun... but it's a machine gun.

But that's okay, man. Keep pissing yourself that kids are calling you on your stupidity.

You want to make it a "little harder" for a shooter to get a gun while making it impossible for anyone to defend themselves from a shooter.

What's wrong with that equation?

That the good guy with the gun never shows up, so he's not worth having around.

One in 10 has the good guy show up. But usually too late to help much.
Great post, by the way.

Yes, which is why you have blood on your hands that you don't allow teachers and administrators to protect themselves and their students. You're a murderer, and apparently you both know that and are fine with it since you brag about it

Well, since you think that way, you should call the authorities. Though they will not bother with you, but may want to consider you for a loony bin.
I probably have more guns and have no doubt hunted way more than you, me boy. Am I a gun expert? Nope. I just listen to those that are, which you do not. You listen to the NRA and post talking points. And call people names. Really, me boy, you are a waste of space. Though I do find you pretty funny.

ANOTHER one??? Every freaking leftist in the world is a gun owner, which is how you know that guns cannot be reliably used for self defense.

Every one of you immediately also drops your pants and gets out a ruler ...
But that does not make it a machine gun. You can't change the definition just to suit your needs. It's not automatic so it's not a machine gun.

It's semi-automatic.
It's a machine gun.
17 kids and teachers died.

This is unacceptable to normal sane people. But leave it to the gun fetishists to dwell on "it's not technically a machine gun because X"
Well said. Thank you.

It's not well said. He's a fucking moron.

People died so it's a machine gun?

More people died in an attack with handguns at fucking Virginia Tech, are they machine guns too? 33 people, almost twice as many as were killed in Florida. So he used machine gun handguns?

Virginia Tech shooting - Wikipedia

It's a machine gun because I SAY SO. Damn the actual definition. Ya know, a mere technicality. LOL More like an INCONVENIENT TRUTH.

Liberal logic: Doesn't exist.

Look, an idiot like yourself, a mere con troll, is a joke. You are quite funny. You can not read english, and you can not accept the obvious logic of a guy that knows guns. Which, me boy, you do not.
We all know that an ar15 is semi automatic, dipshit. EVERYONE. And by technical description, it is not a machine gun. So, why don't you go try to tell the parents and brother and sisters why they should care that the AR15 with 30 round clips, shooting .223 ammo that will always go clear through a person and leave a 4" path of destruction through their kid is not a machine gun, even though the shooter could shoot over 100 rounds per minute. Because that person will be soooo impressed that you know it is not technically a machine gun. Clear up to the point that he throws your worthless ass out of his home.
Does being as stupid as you are hurt, dipshit???
What does "military grade" mean? Scary looking?

You already called it a "machine gun" and I had to correct you on that. So what's up now?

Uh, you can try to pretend that a gun that can shoot 45 rounds a minute isn't a machine gun... but it's a machine gun.

But that's okay, man. Keep pissing yourself that kids are calling you on your stupidity.

You want to make it a "little harder" for a shooter to get a gun while making it impossible for anyone to defend themselves from a shooter.

What's wrong with that equation?

That the good guy with the gun never shows up, so he's not worth having around.

One in 10 has the good guy show up. But usually too late to help much.
Great post, by the way.

Yes, which is why you have blood on your hands that you don't allow teachers and administrators to protect themselves and their students. You're a murderer, and apparently you both know that and are fine with it since you brag about it

Well, since you think that way, you should call the authorities. Though they will not bother with you, but may want to consider you for a loony bin.
I probably have more guns and have no doubt hunted way more than you, me boy. Am I a gun expert? Nope. I just listen to those that are, which you do not. You listen to the NRA and post talking points. And call people names. Really, me boy, you are a waste of space. Though I do find you pretty funny.

ANOTHER one??? Every freaking leftist in the world is a gun owner, which is how you know that guns cannot be reliably used for self defense.

Every one of you immediately also drops your pants and gets out a ruler ...

What all rational people know, KAZ, is that you are a con troll and have no clue. You are, I believe, just a congenital idiot. Which is the best that can be said for you. Because your issue is congenital,so you can say it is not your fault. Just plain bad luck.
But you are funny, in peculiar kind of way.
But that does not make it a machine gun. You can't change the definition just to suit your needs. It's not automatic so it's not a machine gun.

It's semi-automatic.
It's a machine gun.
17 kids and teachers died.

This is unacceptable to normal sane people. But leave it to the gun fetishists to dwell on "it's not technically a machine gun because X"
Well said. Thank you.

It's not well said. He's a fucking moron.

People died so it's a machine gun?

More people died in an attack with handguns at fucking Virginia Tech, are they machine guns too? 33 people, almost twice as many as were killed in Florida. So he used machine gun handguns?

Virginia Tech shooting - Wikipedia

It's a machine gun because I SAY SO. Damn the actual definition. Ya know, a mere technicality. LOL More like an INCONVENIENT TRUTH.

Liberal logic: Doesn't exist.

Look, an idiot like yourself, a mere con troll, is a joke. You are quite funny. You can not read english, and you can not accept the obvious logic of a guy that knows guns. Which, me boy, you do not.
We all know that an ar15 is semi automatic, dipshit. EVERYONE. And by technical description, it is not a machine gun. So, why don't you go try to tell the parents and brother and sisters why they should care that the AR15 with 30 round clips, shooting .223 ammo that will always go clear through a person and leave a 4" path of destruction through their kid is not a machine gun, even though the shooter could shoot over 100 rounds per minute. Because that person will be soooo impressed that you know it is not technically a machine gun. Clear up to the point that he throws your worthless ass out of his home.
Does being as stupid as you are hurt, dipshit???

Mindless stupid liberal gun crying rant aside, are you finally admitting that an AR-15 is not a machine gun? The amount of damage it does to the human body, it's rate of fire, how many rounds it holds, it's color, how evil it looks, etc are not deciding factors on whether or not its a machine gun. And it's important that we call it what it is, because machine guns have been heavily restricted since the 1930's, but AR-15's are not. So either you're a fucking moron with your little liberal moron buddy calling it a machine gun when it's not, or the gov't completely forgot about the AR-15 and missed it when they banned machine guns.
But that does not make it a machine gun. You can't change the definition just to suit your needs. It's not automatic so it's not a machine gun.

It's semi-automatic.
It's a machine gun.
17 kids and teachers died.

This is unacceptable to normal sane people. But leave it to the gun fetishists to dwell on "it's not technically a machine gun because X"
Well said. Thank you.

It's not well said. He's a fucking moron.

People died so it's a machine gun?

More people died in an attack with handguns at fucking Virginia Tech, are they machine guns too? 33 people, almost twice as many as were killed in Florida. So he used machine gun handguns?

Virginia Tech shooting - Wikipedia

It's a machine gun because I SAY SO. Damn the actual definition. Ya know, a mere technicality. LOL More like an INCONVENIENT TRUTH.

Liberal logic: Doesn't exist.

Look, an idiot like yourself, a mere con troll, is a joke. You are quite funny. You can not read english, and you can not accept the obvious logic of a guy that knows guns. Which, me boy, you do not.
We all know that an ar15 is semi automatic, dipshit. EVERYONE. And by technical description, it is not a machine gun. So, why don't you go try to tell the parents and brother and sisters why they should care that the AR15 with 30 round clips, shooting .223 ammo that will always go clear through a person and leave a 4" path of destruction through their kid is not a machine gun, even though the shooter could shoot over 100 rounds per minute. Because that person will be soooo impressed that you know it is not technically a machine gun. Clear up to the point that he throws your worthless ass out of his home.
Does being as stupid as you are hurt, dipshit???

Mindless stupid liberal gun crying rant aside, are you finally admitting that an AR-15 is not a machine gun? The amount of damage it does to the human body, it's rate of fire, how many rounds it holds, it's color, how evil it looks, etc are not deciding factors on whether or not its a machine gun. And it's important that we call it what it is, because machine guns have been heavily restricted since the 1930's, but AR-15's are not. So either you're a fucking moron with your little liberal moron buddy calling it a machine gun when it's not, or the gov't completely forgot about the AR-15 and missed it when they banned machine guns.

what language do you speak, and understand, me poor con tool. My post said, as we all know, dipshit, that an an AR15 is technically not a machine gun. And if you could read and comprehend, you would see that is what I said. So, do you simply like hurling drivel, dipshit?

You know little about guns, that is obvious. Particularly, about guns and using them is stressful situations. Like, oh, Parkland. Dipshit.
So there are lots of military folks who do know what you have no clue of. Now, a rational person would like to know what they will tell us. Because they know, where you and I do not. You want to believe Trump and the NRA. People with real life experience with combat and assault weapons can tell you the actual truth. Here is the first link I ran into, from an army soldier who was shot by a bullet from an assault rifle. So, he has been in combat, where trump and the NRA have never been. So, you can read the article and try to learn, or you can go on being a simple nra tool. Your choice.

I've been shot in combat. And as a veteran, I'm telling you: allowing teachers to be armed is an asinine idea

There are plenty of articles like this one on the web, and they are easy to find. I have read many of them, in order to understand their take on the subject of protecting schools, and who needs to do it. And, from my look at the subject, none agree with Trump or the NRA. All say pretty much what the above article say. And they all explain why.[/QUOTE]
But it never will. Neither will the AK-47, the Ruger Mini-14, or any other of the 20 or so semi-auto rifles with high-capacity magazines.

You people are pissing in the wind.
850,000 people showed up at the rally in Washington DC this past weekend. The writing is on the wall. These people will register; they will vote; your people will no longer be in office; legislation will follow; and at that point, you'll have nothing but a dumbass look on your face.

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