When was the last time the left blamed the actual guy that killed 17 people?

Dream on, Billy Boi. Not going to happen in your lifetime. There are roughly 10 million AR-15 rifles owned in this country right now.

Are you going to be the one who goes door to door to confiscate them? Let me know how that works out for you.

Coke was legal until it wasn't. Own an AR-15, go to jail. If the government wants your gun, they'll get it and there isn't jack shit you can do about it. Remember Ruby Ridge? In the end, he didn't get to keep his gun, did he?
But it never will. Neither will the AK-47, the Ruger Mini-14, or any other of the 20 or so semi-auto rifles with high-capacity magazines.

You people are pissing in the wind.
850,000 people showed up at the rally in Washington DC this past weekend. The writing is on the wall. These people will register; they will vote; your people will no longer be in office; legislation will follow; and at that point, you'll have nothing but a dumbass look on your face.

Still. Damn. I had hoped the dumbass look would go away. It is so pathetic.
Seriously, does anyone even know? That commie propaganda march on Saturday did not have one sign blaming the actual guy or the failure of those government agencies that ignored at least 47 warnings.

Anyone else think that was deliberate? It was the fbi that ignored it right? We know for a fact what they are about. We also know the left love it when a tragedy happens where they can take full advantage.

Why is it so far fetched that that was deliberate? Well, when was the last time you saw anyone on the left blame the actual guy?

No ask why.

Uhhh....we blame the shooter like every single time it happens. And then we blame the Nazi terrorist organization known as the NRA right after we blame the shooter.

What exactly was your point, my dear Repug lightweight goober???
Why did you think that anyone was going to confiscate any gun, me boy. Been reading NRA talking points.
It's called "perception management". They're trying to frame the conversation into something as uncompromising as possible. They don't want a reasonable argument on this issue.
Ever hear of “Kate’s Law”?

Spare me this bullshit where you righties imply you don’t blame the individual solely and not use an incident to further political issues .

Apples and oranges. The guy who killed Kate Steinle never should have been in this country.

And the guy who killed 17 at a high school shouldn’t have been able to buy a gun.

That dude in San Francisco shot ONE person and it was by accident. But you Righties sure ran with it .

The ILLEGAL ALIEN didn't shoot Kate Steinle by accident, he intentionally pulled the trigger. Only simple minded people can even begin to think that. We all agree that the kid shouldn't have been allowed to buy a gun. YOUR government FAILED to do their duty and by THEIR inaction, he was able to buy a gun, and murder people.

Government failure? CHECK.

Sorry but you say the illegal alien intentionally pulled the trigger. But this issue went to case. And the jury decided the incident was an accidental shooting. So, we can believe you or the jury. You, me boy, loose.

Do we all believe that this clown should not have been in the us, yes.
Do we all believe that he have not have had a handgun. Yes.

Sorry, me boy, but saying a jury was unanimously simple minded is stupid.

And, he did not murder people, he stupidly shot a pistol by mistake. So the jury said.
Terrible thing. Kate should be alive. But in this country in 2013
we had nearly 34,000 deaths by firearm. Get that number, me boy. 34,000!!!!!!!
And many were by guns acquired illegally. And you are trying to make a case of one accidental killing bing a murder, because you want it to be a murder.
You look, to me, just plain stupid.

All the verdict proved was that the DA was a moron, and the "expert" they chose for the case was either ignored or likewise a moron. The illegal alien placed his finger on the trigger, he then pulled it. That requires an act of volition. That makes the firing of the pistol INTENTIONAL.
If we arrested people for saying stupid shit on the internet, half of USMB would be in jail.

The problem wasn't that Nikolas Cruz was a disturbed person... it was that he was a disturbed person who had a God-given "right" to own a military grade weapon.
And that God-given right (as you call it) ,wasn't given to him by God. It was given to him by Obama and his Sect of Education Duncan, and their insane PROMISE Program.. Marion Morrison got it right in this thread, in post # 18. Kudos to him for that.

PROMISE Program Getting Very Little Press
I'm personally not all that worried. Who would the left send to take em?

Not sure I'd want the job, and I'm damned sure you'd find zero volunteers from the progressive side (too busy gardening and shit)
It's called law enforcement. They need to fill up their "for profit" prisons with somebody.
There is no reason any civilian should own a weapon that fires 45 rounds a minute.
There's reason why civilians should own rifles that shoot a lot more than that.

How about if these guys show up on your front lawn ?

These kids have no reason to be scared. One simply has to look at the statistics. I can't blame them for thinking it's a massive problem that needs to be addressed, the evil of a school shooting drives up all sorts of emotions, just like the murder of police officers or african americans/etc also drives up emotions, leading to irrational beliefs.
Here's an interesting article:
Perspective | School shootings are extraordinarily rare. Why is fear of them driving policy?
Why does the right waste all this time and energy trying to stop voter fraud when it only occurs 0.006% of the time?
Its not a machine gun.

No matter how many times you say it.

86 people were killed with a truck in France, does that make it a battle tank

Um, yeah, it is..

And quit trying to change the subject.

Yes, which is why you have blood on your hands that you don't allow teachers and administrators to protect themselves and their students. You're a murderer, and apparently you both know that and are fine with it since you brag about it

"No, you are!"

Are you like 12?

Arming teachers is pretty much the stupidest thing you wingnuts have said yet. And you say a lot of stupid things.

Teachers don't have the training to fight off crazy people. If cops were reluctant to engage, I don't think Teachers would do any better.

What you will have is the teacher who shoots a kid because the kid got mouthy and he felt threatened.

Or the teacher who left his gun where little Billy could get at it and shot Little Sally with it.
It's not well said. He's a fucking moron.

People died so it's a machine gun?

More people died in an attack with handguns at fucking Virginia Tech, are they machine guns too? 33 people, almost twice as many as were killed in Florida. So he used machine gun handguns?

Virginia Tech shooting - Wikipedia

It's a machine gun because I SAY SO. Damn the actual definition. Ya know, a mere technicality. LOL More like an INCONVENIENT TRUTH.

Liberal logic: Doesn't exist.

Shoots a lot of rounds in a short amount of time, designed for a battlefield.

It's a fucking machine gun.

The VA Tech loon was able to kill a lot of people because he was able to roam around campus for hours.

The Parkland Loon was done in less than a few minutes.
Mindless stupid liberal gun crying rant aside, are you finally admitting that an AR-15 is not a machine gun? The amount of damage it does to the human body, it's rate of fire, how many rounds it holds, it's color, how evil it looks, etc are not deciding factors on whether or not its a machine gun. And it's important that we call it what it is, because machine guns have been heavily restricted since the 1930's, but AR-15's are not.

So this is your argument, that because it can't go full auto, it's not a machine gun, even though it is specifically designed to fire a lot of very powerful rounds in a short period of time?
You were in the Army and you think guns are sex objects? Again you show what a liar you are. I grew up in Michigan gun country, no one who actually owns and shoots guns for real thinks guns are sex objects. It's only inner city leftists who associate guns with sex. Obviously you're the fem in your relationship

Guy, you guys are gun nuts... you totally wank off at the thought of your guns...

The real problem isn't the responsible gun owner who owns one gun, it's the "gun country" people who own dozens of guns.
All the verdict proved was that the DA was a moron, and the "expert" they chose for the case was either ignored or likewise a moron. The illegal alien placed his finger on the trigger, he then pulled it. That requires an act of volition. That makes the firing of the pistol INTENTIONAL.

Um, guy, you had the full weight of the prosecutors' office against an undocumented immigrant and a public defender, and your side STILL lost the case.

Because it wasn't what your side presented it as. It was just an unfortunate accident.

And that God-given right (as you call it) ,wasn't given to him by God. It was given to him by Obama and his Sect of Education Duncan, and their insane PROMISE Program.. Marion Morrison got it right in this thread, in post # 18. Kudos to him for that.

Again, you are a little confused. PROMISE wasn't about disturbed white kids like Nick Cruz. It was about how minority schools are turned into a school to prison pipeline by overzealous administrators charging kids with crimes for minor infractions.

The White Kids like Cruz, Lanza, Holmes, Roof--- they never get arrested or busted, even when their own families are concerned about them.

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