When was the last time the left blamed the actual guy that killed 17 people?

Ever hear of “Kate’s Law”?

Spare me this bullshit where you righties imply you don’t blame the individual solely and not use an incident to further political issues .

Apples and oranges. The guy who killed Kate Steinle never should have been in this country.

And the guy who killed 17 at a high school shouldn’t have been able to buy a gun.

That dude in San Francisco shot ONE person and it was by accident. But you Righties sure ran with it .

That's right! Yet due to cooperation between Obama and Broward county in not counting crimes as crimes, he was able to buy a gun!

Broward County Promise Program - Fully Executed Collaborative Agreement - Final Document
Ever hear of “Kate’s Law”?

Spare me this bullshit where you righties imply you don’t blame the individual solely and not use an incident to further political issues .

Apples and oranges. The guy who killed Kate Steinle never should have been in this country.

And the guy who killed 17 at a high school shouldn’t have been able to buy a gun.

That dude in San Francisco shot ONE person and it was by accident. But you Righties sure ran with it .

That's right! Yet due to cooperation between Obama and Broward county in not counting crimes as crimes, he was able to buy a gun!

Broward County Promise Program - Fully Executed Collaborative Agreement - Final Document
I'm sorry to say....you swallowed a lie....

First, it is not the Promise Program, the promise program is about free college education....or something of the sort?

the Conservative Tree, who posted the document gave the link title the wrong name....?

But if you go to this document that they claim Broward County is using....

The 5th WHEREAS down says specifically the Florida State Legislature enacted it.....this is Florida Law, not Federal Law, and NOT Obama...and the Florida Legislature is REPUBLICAN lead.

but man oh man, you guys just love love love to blame Obama for everything, eh?

And in addition to this, the program has been out there and pushed since 1990 by outside expert educational groups....

Also, it is a pretty good program, and the positives coming out of it, are numerous!

Plus, the program does not recommend that there is never any police discipline....the program is basically for first or maybe even second time offenders of say, smoking pot, or being found with pot, or a schoolyard fight, so that these one or two time offender kids are not put in to the penal system, with a record that can ruin the rest of their lives....it primarily is to help black kids, who were overwhelmingly given police records for crimes that white children who committed the exact same offenses, were not given police records...

Cruz, is white as snow.... but even if he were part of this "special treatment", which it seems he could have been.... it would have been for the first or second offense at school ONLY, and not the 37 fricking times the police were called in, due to his actions.

The program is to give those juveniles being idiot juveniles.... a second chance for doing something stupid....

It is NOT for people like Cruz....other than the first or second occurrence of something stupid....and Cruz's incidences with the police, over 30 times were not minor, it was simply NEGLIGENCE on the police and school admin's part to not recognize this guy had real PROBLEMS imo....!!!! :eek:
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Uh, you can try to pretend that a gun that can shoot 45 rounds a minute isn't a machine gun... but it's a machine gun.

But that's okay, man. Keep pissing yourself that kids are calling you on your stupidity.

That the good guy with the gun never shows up, so he's not worth having around.

One in 10 has the good guy show up. But usually too late to help much.
Great post, by the way.

Yes, which is why you have blood on your hands that you don't allow teachers and administrators to protect themselves and their students. You're a murderer, and apparently you both know that and are fine with it since you brag about it

Well, since you think that way, you should call the authorities. Though they will not bother with you, but may want to consider you for a loony bin.
I probably have more guns and have no doubt hunted way more than you, me boy. Am I a gun expert? Nope. I just listen to those that are, which you do not. You listen to the NRA and post talking points. And call people names. Really, me boy, you are a waste of space. Though I do find you pretty funny.

ANOTHER one??? Every freaking leftist in the world is a gun owner, which is how you know that guns cannot be reliably used for self defense.

Every one of you immediately also drops your pants and gets out a ruler ...

What all rational people know, KAZ, is that you are a con troll and have no clue. You are, I believe, just a congenital idiot. Which is the best that can be said for you. Because your issue is congenital,so you can say it is not your fault. Just plain bad luck.
But you are funny, in peculiar kind of way.

You're speaking for "rational people?" Isn't that like daffy duck speaking for Mensa?
LOL, the irony that you're just regurgitating an anti-NRA talking point ...
And you're just putting a label on something, rather than answering the question.

Rsherman: You're regurgitating an NRA talking point

kaz: The irony you're regurgitating an anti-NRA talking point

Billo_Really, OMG ... kaz ... that's just a talking point!


You're too stupid to have a discussion with. Let's just look at some boobies
Ever hear of “Kate’s Law”?

Spare me this bullshit where you righties imply you don’t blame the individual solely and not use an incident to further political issues .

Apples and oranges. The guy who killed Kate Steinle never should have been in this country.

And the guy who killed 17 at a high school shouldn’t have been able to buy a gun.

That dude in San Francisco shot ONE person and it was by accident. But you Righties sure ran with it .

The ILLEGAL ALIEN didn't shoot Kate Steinle by accident, he intentionally pulled the trigger. Only simple minded people can even begin to think that. We all agree that the kid shouldn't have been allowed to buy a gun. YOUR government FAILED to do their duty and by THEIR inaction, he was able to buy a gun, and murder people.

Government failure? CHECK.

Sorry but you say the illegal alien intentionally pulled the trigger. But this issue went to case. And the jury decided the incident was an accidental shooting. So, we can believe you or the jury. You, me boy, loose.

Do we all believe that this clown should not have been in the us, yes.
Do we all believe that he have not have had a handgun. Yes.

Sorry, me boy, but saying a jury was unanimously simple minded is stupid.

And, he did not murder people, he stupidly shot a pistol by mistake. So the jury said.
Terrible thing. Kate should be alive. But in this country in 2013
we had nearly 34,000 deaths by firearm. Get that number, me boy. 34,000!!!!!!!
And many were by guns acquired illegally. And you are trying to make a case of one accidental killing bing a murder, because you want it to be a murder.
You look, to me, just plain stupid.

All the verdict proved was that the DA was a moron, and the "expert" they chose for the case was either ignored or likewise a moron. The illegal alien placed his finger on the trigger, he then pulled it. That requires an act of volition. That makes the firing of the pistol INTENTIONAL.

No, it means having his finger on the trigger was intentional, me boy. If you ever fired a gun, you would have a clue. One of the worst mistakes those new to guns like you, is that they put too much unintended pressure on the trigger. That means, me ignorant con tool, that the gun often goes boom. Often by mistake. Look, it is WAY to hard to understand, and does not meet the con description. Truth is of no interest to you, because you are a tool. And you will never believe a jury.
Back to your bat shit crazy con web sites, and NRA talking points. Trials are for people that can think. Which leaves you out.
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Yes, which is why you have blood on your hands that you don't allow teachers and administrators to protect themselves and their students. You're a murderer, and apparently you both know that and are fine with it since you brag about it

"No, you are!"

Are you like 12?

Arming teachers is pretty much the stupidest thing you wingnuts have said yet. And you say a lot of stupid things.

Teachers don't have the training to fight off crazy people. If cops were reluctant to engage, I don't think Teachers would do any better.

What you will have is the teacher who shoots a kid because the kid got mouthy and he felt threatened.

Or the teacher who left his gun where little Billy could get at it and shot Little Sally with it.

So you just argued that you want shooters to have free rein because cops won't engage shooters and teachers/administrators shouldn't be allowed to.

You have no plan to keep guns from shooters from getting guns other than the magic pass a law and pretend it will work like conservatives do with drugs.

Joe: Let them kill students and teachers until they run out of bullets. Then arrest them.

I admit I wasn't expecting your reaction to that you have blood on your hands to that you agree.

And again you're proving you're an inner city leftist who would scream and faint if you ever saw a gun much less touched one. Of course people with CCs who have had a background check and safety training can use a gun for self defense. You'd know that if you had ever used a gun before.

I'll tell you what. You stick to your forte, picking out tapestry for your loft while you drink white wine spritzers. Leave guns to people who aren't hysterical sissies like you by day and Rambo by night as you whack off to fantasies about guns at night
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You were in the Army and you think guns are sex objects? Again you show what a liar you are. I grew up in Michigan gun country, no one who actually owns and shoots guns for real thinks guns are sex objects. It's only inner city leftists who associate guns with sex. Obviously you're the fem in your relationship

Guy, you guys are gun nuts... you totally wank off at the thought of your guns...

The real problem isn't the responsible gun owner who owns one gun, it's the "gun country" people who own dozens of guns.

You're a truly sick fuck that you think a gun is a Friday night date. What do you do since you're afraid of guns? Instead of a blow up woman, do you have a blow up AK-15?
These kids have no reason to be scared. One simply has to look at the statistics. I can't blame them for thinking it's a massive problem that needs to be addressed, the evil of a school shooting drives up all sorts of emotions, just like the murder of police officers or african americans/etc also drives up emotions, leading to irrational beliefs.
Here's an interesting article:
Perspective | School shootings are extraordinarily rare. Why is fear of them driving policy?
Why does the right waste all this time and energy trying to stop voter fraud when it only occurs 0.006% of the time?
it does? based on what statistic?
There is no reason any civilian should own a weapon that fires 45 rounds a minute.
There's reason why civilians should own rifles that shoot a lot more than that.

How about if these guys show up on your front lawn ?

View attachment 184935

In 70 years, zero of "those guys" ever showed up on my property. Period. In 70 years, none of the hundreds of people I have known EVER had "those guys" show up on their lawn. But I did know a guy hit by lightning.
You see, me poor con tool, it simply proves that cons are afraid. Nothing a con like you can do about it. It is simply a trait you are subject to. So, you have your assault weapon which you can practice with. Maybe you should spend some time walking down dark alleys, and see if you can stir up some trouble, dipshit.
There is no reason any civilian should own a weapon that fires 45 rounds a minute.
There's reason why civilians should own rifles that shoot a lot more than that.

How about if these guys show up on your front lawn ?

View attachment 184935

In 70 years, zero of "those guys" ever showed up on my property. Period. In 70 years, none of the hundreds of people I have known EVER had "those guys" show up on their lawn. But I did know a guy hit by lightning.
You see, me poor con tool, it simply proves that cons are afraid. Nothing a con like you can do about it. It is simply a trait you are subject to. So, you have your assault weapon which you can practice with. Maybe you should spend some time walking down dark alleys, and see if you can stir up some trouble, dipshit.
so curious, because it hasn't happened at your house, it hasn't happened? is that what you're going with?

LOL. can't make this shit up. Shit dude, a guy took a box knife onto a plane and flew the plane into a building. in fact, that happened three times in the same day!.
There is no reason any civilian should own a weapon that fires 45 rounds a minute.
There's reason why civilians should own rifles that shoot a lot more than that.

How about if these guys show up on your front lawn ?

View attachment 184935

In 70 years, zero of "those guys" ever showed up on my property. Period. In 70 years, none of the hundreds of people I have known EVER had "those guys" show up on their lawn. But I did know a guy hit by lightning.
You see, me poor con tool, it simply proves that cons are afraid. Nothing a con like you can do about it. It is simply a trait you are subject to. So, you have your assault weapon which you can practice with. Maybe you should spend some time walking down dark alleys, and see if you can stir up some trouble, dipshit.
so curious, because it hasn't happened at your house, it hasn't happened? is that what you're going with?

LOL. can't make this shit up. Shit dude, a guy took a box knife onto a plane and flew the plane into a building. in fact, that happened three times in the same day!.

Did they ride in on motorcycles? Should I have been there with my assault weapon?

Did you have a point at all?
how much anyone want to bet old Billy doesn't respond? he can't tell us why. he's just a parrot.
Guess you lost your bet?

ca-caw, ca-caw!
you didn't answer my question. all you did was say something stupid. It is a response however, so you got me. it was nonsense and made no sense, but hey. you responded. ouch.
Problem is you have no working brain. Not your problem. Just plain bad luck.
you wouldn't know a working brain it if landed in your skull. you proved it with that post. :21::21::777:

That would be your opinion. I am sooooooo hurt. Because you know how much I value your opinion.
There is no reason any civilian should own a weapon that fires 45 rounds a minute.
There's reason why civilians should own rifles that shoot a lot more than that.

How about if these guys show up on your front lawn ?

View attachment 184935

In 70 years, zero of "those guys" ever showed up on my property. Period. In 70 years, none of the hundreds of people I have known EVER had "those guys" show up on their lawn. But I did know a guy hit by lightning.
You see, me poor con tool, it simply proves that cons are afraid. Nothing a con like you can do about it. It is simply a trait you are subject to. So, you have your assault weapon which you can practice with. Maybe you should spend some time walking down dark alleys, and see if you can stir up some trouble, dipshit.
so curious, because it hasn't happened at your house, it hasn't happened? is that what you're going with?

LOL. can't make this shit up. Shit dude, a guy took a box knife onto a plane and flew the plane into a building. in fact, that happened three times in the same day!.

Did they ride in on motorcycles? Should I have been there with my assault weapon?

Did you have a point at all?
my point was made, thanks.
how much anyone want to bet old Billy doesn't respond? he can't tell us why. he's just a parrot.
Guess you lost your bet?

ca-caw, ca-caw!
you didn't answer my question. all you did was say something stupid. It is a response however, so you got me. it was nonsense and made no sense, but hey. you responded. ouch.
Problem is you have no working brain. Not your problem. Just plain bad luck.
you wouldn't know a working brain it if landed in your skull. you proved it with that post. :21::21::777:

That would be your opinion. I am sooooooo hurt. Because you know how much I value your opinion.
funny just like your post was your opinion. see how that works on a message board? I'm still laughing.
Apples and oranges. The guy who killed Kate Steinle never should have been in this country.

And the guy who killed 17 at a high school shouldn’t have been able to buy a gun.

That dude in San Francisco shot ONE person and it was by accident. But you Righties sure ran with it .

The ILLEGAL ALIEN didn't shoot Kate Steinle by accident, he intentionally pulled the trigger. Only simple minded people can even begin to think that. We all agree that the kid shouldn't have been allowed to buy a gun. YOUR government FAILED to do their duty and by THEIR inaction, he was able to buy a gun, and murder people.

Government failure? CHECK.

Sorry but you say the illegal alien intentionally pulled the trigger. But this issue went to case. And the jury decided the incident was an accidental shooting. So, we can believe you or the jury. You, me boy, loose.

Do we all believe that this clown should not have been in the us, yes.
Do we all believe that he have not have had a handgun. Yes.

Sorry, me boy, but saying a jury was unanimously simple minded is stupid.

And, he did not murder people, he stupidly shot a pistol by mistake. So the jury said.
Terrible thing. Kate should be alive. But in this country in 2013
we had nearly 34,000 deaths by firearm. Get that number, me boy. 34,000!!!!!!!
And many were by guns acquired illegally. And you are trying to make a case of one accidental killing bing a murder, because you want it to be a murder.
You look, to me, just plain stupid.

All the verdict proved was that the DA was a moron, and the "expert" they chose for the case was either ignored or likewise a moron. The illegal alien placed his finger on the trigger, he then pulled it. That requires an act of volition. That makes the firing of the pistol INTENTIONAL.

No, it means having his finger on the trigger was intentional, me boy. If you ever fired a gun, you would have a clue. One of the worst mistakes those new to guns like you, is that they put too much unintended pressure on the trigger. That means, me ignorant con tool, that the gun often goes boom. Often by mistake. Look, it is WAY to hard to understand, and does not meet the con description. Truth is of no interest to you, because you are a tool. And you will never believe a jury.
Back to your bat shit crazy con web sites, and NRA talking points. Trials are for people that can think. Which leaves you out.

I have been shooting competitively for probably longer than you've been alive. Rule number Three of Gunsite is "Keep your finger OFF the trigger until your front sight is ON THE TARGET"

In other words, beginner, your finger is never on the trigger, until you are pulling it.
The gun was left there in a paper bag, he took the bag and by accident dropped the paper bag on to a rocky jetty area or dropped the gun that he found in the bag or something like that at the beach where he had walked to, and the gun that he found in the bag went off when it hit the rocky area, that set the gun off and ultimately killed the girl.....if this is the same case I had read about, a couple of months ago???
Apples and oranges. The guy who killed Kate Steinle never should have been in this country.

And the guy who killed 17 at a high school shouldn’t have been able to buy a gun.

That dude in San Francisco shot ONE person and it was by accident. But you Righties sure ran with it .

The ILLEGAL ALIEN didn't shoot Kate Steinle by accident, he intentionally pulled the trigger. Only simple minded people can even begin to think that. We all agree that the kid shouldn't have been allowed to buy a gun. YOUR government FAILED to do their duty and by THEIR inaction, he was able to buy a gun, and murder people.

Government failure? CHECK.

Sorry but you say the illegal alien intentionally pulled the trigger. But this issue went to case. And the jury decided the incident was an accidental shooting. So, we can believe you or the jury. You, me boy, loose.

Do we all believe that this clown should not have been in the us, yes.
Do we all believe that he have not have had a handgun. Yes.

Sorry, me boy, but saying a jury was unanimously simple minded is stupid.

And, he did not murder people, he stupidly shot a pistol by mistake. So the jury said.
Terrible thing. Kate should be alive. But in this country in 2013
we had nearly 34,000 deaths by firearm. Get that number, me boy. 34,000!!!!!!!
And many were by guns acquired illegally. And you are trying to make a case of one accidental killing bing a murder, because you want it to be a murder.
You look, to me, just plain stupid.

All the verdict proved was that the DA was a moron, and the "expert" they chose for the case was either ignored or likewise a moron. The illegal alien placed his finger on the trigger, he then pulled it. That requires an act of volition. That makes the firing of the pistol INTENTIONAL.

No, it means having his finger on the trigger was intentional, me boy. If you ever fired a gun, you would have a clue. One of the worst mistakes those new to guns like you, is that they put too much unintended pressure on the trigger. That means, me ignorant con tool, that the gun often goes boom. Often by mistake. Look, it is WAY to hard to understand, and does not meet the con description. Truth is of no interest to you, because you are a tool. And you will never believe a jury.
Back to your bat shit crazy con web sites, and NRA talking points. Trials are for people that can think. Which leaves you out.
truly Ironic post there bubba.
The gun was left there in a paper bag, he took the bag and by accident dropped the paper bag on to a rocky jetty area or dropped the gun that he found in the bag or something like that at the beach where he had walked to, and the gun that he found in the bag went off when it hit the rocky area, that set the gun off and ultimately killed the girl.....if this is the same case I had read about, a couple of months ago???

That is a physical impossibility. There are multiple mechanical interlocks that can only allow the gun to fire when the trigger is pulled. You could place a punch on the firing pin and hit it with a hammer without effect. Without the trigger lifting a transfer bar into place there is no possible way for the firing pin to contact the primer of the cartridge.

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