When was the last time the left blamed the actual guy that killed 17 people?

Seriously, does anyone even know? That commie propaganda march on Saturday did not have one sign blaming the actual guy or the failure of those government agencies that ignored at least 47 warnings.

Anyone else think that was deliberate? It was the fbi that ignored it right? We know for a fact what they are about. We also know the left love it when a tragedy happens where they can take full advantage.

Why is it so far fetched that that was deliberate? Well, when was the last time you saw anyone on the left blame the actual guy?

No ask why.

They don't give a fuck about the kids, as anything else but a cashcows.

Which is the same way they care about you - the purpose is to disarm Americans, so that afterwards Americans can be looted at will.
Why does the right waste all this time and energy trying to stop voter fraud when it only occurs 0.006% of the time?
I going to venture a guess that you don't have the foggiest idea how much (illegal alien) voter fraud occurs.

I'll also guess that it occurs enough to swing electoral votes in some states (including California, with 55 electoral votes)
The Police would probably be there before they got off their bikes.
Nothing could be further from the truth. The slow response time of police, is exactly the reason why an automatic rifle could be needed. Police arrive in 5 minutes at best. You may not have even 5 seconds.
Again, you are a little confused. PROMISE wasn't about disturbed white kids like Nick Cruz. It was about how minority schools are turned into a school to prison pipeline by overzealous administrators charging kids with crimes for minor infractions.

The White Kids like Cruz, Lanza, Holmes, Roof--- they never get arrested or busted, even when their own families are concerned about them.
I'm not one iota confused. The PROMISE Program stopped Cruz from being arrested for crimes he committed. If not for that, he would have had a criminal record, which would have stopped him from buying his guns.

And arresting kids for crimes isn't being "overzealous". It is protecting the other kids, and everyone in the school, which the school, with its PROMISE Program didn't do.
The gun was left there in a paper bag, he took the bag and by accident dropped the paper bag on to a rocky jetty area or dropped the gun that he found in the bag or something like that at the beach where he had walked to, and the gun that he found in the bag went off when it hit the rocky area, that set the gun off and ultimately killed the girl.....if this is the same case I had read about, a couple of months ago???

That is a physical impossibility. There are multiple mechanical interlocks that can only allow the gun to fire when the trigger is pulled. You could place a punch on the firing pin and hit it with a hammer without effect. Without the trigger lifting a transfer bar into place there is no possible way for the firing pin to contact the primer of the cartridge.
It’s amazing an adult believed that! Truly stupid people.
Says the truly stupid person.
well there isn't a bullet in the chamber that when dropped can be activated by a firing pin. some action must be taken to load the chamber.
Apparently, there WERE bullets in the chamber....do you think the cop or security guard I think they said? that left it in a bag on the pier had a carton of bullets in the paper bag as well and this undocumented immigrant loaded the gun himself?

news articles never go in to such detail when reporting, bummer.... cuz I was wondering if when they found the bag/gun as evidence in the crime, was there a package of bullets in there as well, where the guy could have taken bullets out and loaded them in to the gun or did the gun owner have it loaded already?

And what was the gun owner's excuse for leaving the gun, possibly loaded, in a paper bag, on the pier??? Was he selling the gun? Was he working a possible drug deal? Was he trading it for something? But loaded?

The whole story seems so off the wall....but almost too off the wall, to not be true....
how did they prove that? There is also evidence that even with a bullet in the chamber a half cocked hammer will not fire the weapon. So, there is nothing that would have been able to fire it unless the hammer was fully cocked. Now what do you think the odds of all that happening are? I mean, this prosecutor it's obvious had no desire to have this illegal found guilty.

BTW, I believe that would have been the only way to have had the gun go off on a drop. Bullet in chamber with a fully cocked hammer. Yeah, that's how I'd say it if it were me on trial. . Why didn't the illegal fk?
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I'm sorry to say....you swallowed a lie....

First, it is not the Promise Program, the promise program is about free college education....or something of the sort?

the Conservative Tree, who posted the document gave the link title the wrong name....?

But if you go to this document that they claim Broward County is using....

The 5th WHEREAS down says specifically the Florida State Legislature enacted it.....this is Florida Law, not Federal Law, and NOT Obama...and the Florida Legislature is REPUBLICAN lead.

but man oh man, you guys just love love love to blame Obama for everything, eh?

And in addition to this, the program has been out there and pushed since 1990 by outside expert educational groups....

Also, it is a pretty good program, and the positives coming out of it, are numerous!

Plus, the program does not recommend that there is never any police discipline....the program is basically for first or maybe even second time offenders of say, smoking pot, or being found with pot, or a schoolyard fight, so that these one or two time offender kids are not put in to the penal system, with a record that can ruin the rest of their lives....it primarily is to help black kids, who were overwhelmingly given police records for crimes that white children who committed the exact same offenses, were not given police records...

Cruz, is white as snow.... but even if he were part of this "special treatment", which it seems he could have been.... it would have been for the first or second offense at school ONLY, and not the 37 fricking times the police were called in, due to his actions.

The program is to give those juveniles being idiot juveniles.... a second chance for doing something stupid....

It is NOT for people like Cruz....other than the first or second occurrence of something stupid....and Cruz's incidences with the police, over 30 times were not minor, it was simply NEGLIGENCE on the police and school admin's part to not recognize this guy had real PROBLEMS imo....!!!! :eek:
You are a bit confused. And I'm not attacking you here, so don't get too defensive..

In any case, the PROMISE Program that MM posted about in Post # 18, and which I have posted multiple OPs about, is federal program started by Obama, and his Sect of Education, Arne Duncan. As for a "school to prison pipeline", if lid commit crimes they SHOULD go to prison, and they SHOULD have a criminal record One of the reasons for that is to alert the public >> like the gun store guy who sold Cruz his guns, with no knowledge of his criminal record, kept hidden from him by the PROMISE Program.

So if we are to talk about what has come out of the PROMISE program, the first thing to mention, is 17 dead innocent people at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School, who might still be alive if this moronic and dangerous program never existed. At the very least, we know that Cruz would have been stopped from buying his guns where he did. That's what liberals want to happen isn't it ? Gun control ? Background checks ?

Here, the background checks are deleted, and you have criminals buying guns.

PS-I see no evidence of "black kids, who were overwhelmingly given police records for crimes that white children who committed the exact same offenses, were not given police records". If anything, the situation is exactly the reverse of that,as it was in the Trayvon Martin case, in Miami-Dade.

Lastly, our statement that "it was simply NEGLIGENCE on the police and school admin's part to not recognize this guy had real PROBLEMS" is not quite accurate No, it wasn't their fault to not recognize Cruz' problems. What they were at fault with, was having the PROMISE Program, thereby letting Cruz, et al. slip through the cracks That's WHY nothing was done, when it should have been.

PROMISE Program Getting Very Little Press

Behind Cruz's Florida Rampage, Obama's School-Leniency Policy

Ingraham: 'PROMISE Program' Hailed By Obama Admin Led to Florida Schools Ignoring Violent Students

PROMISE Program Exposed by This Show - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Policy and Consequence – Broward County Sheriff Union President Notes “Promise Program” and Consequences…

Post-Parkland, Experts Ask: Did Obama's 'Promise Program' Cost 17 Victims Their Lives?

Obama’s ‘PROMISE’ Program Nixed Arresting Students in Florida School District

Progressive PROMISE Program Still at Issue in the Making of Parkland Tragedy

Parkland Kids Need To Get More Informed
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The gun was left there in a paper bag, he took the bag and by accident dropped the paper bag on to a rocky jetty area or dropped the gun that he found in the bag or something like that at the beach where he had walked to, and the gun that he found in the bag went off when it hit the rocky area, that set the gun off and ultimately killed the girl.....if this is the same case I had read about, a couple of months ago???

That is a physical impossibility. There are multiple mechanical interlocks that can only allow the gun to fire when the trigger is pulled. You could place a punch on the firing pin and hit it with a hammer without effect. Without the trigger lifting a transfer bar into place there is no possible way for the firing pin to contact the primer of the cartridge.
It’s amazing an adult believed that! Truly stupid people.
Says the truly stupid person.
well there isn't a bullet in the chamber that when dropped can be activated by a firing pin. some action must be taken to load the chamber.
Apparently, there WERE bullets in the chamber....do you think the cop or security guard I think they said? that left it in a bag on the pier had a carton of bullets in the paper bag as well and this undocumented immigrant loaded the gun himself?

news articles never go in to such detail when reporting, bummer.... cuz I was wondering if when they found the bag/gun as evidence in the crime, was there a package of bullets in there as well, where the guy could have taken bullets out and loaded them in to the gun or did the gun owner have it loaded already?

And what was the gun owner's excuse for leaving the gun, possibly loaded, in a paper bag, on the pier??? Was he selling the gun? Was he working a possible drug deal? Was he trading it for something? But loaded?

The whole story seems so off the wall....but almost too off the wall, to not be true....
BTW, it seems so far off the wall because it is. And, if they truly intended for that illegal to go to jail for the crime of murder, there were many opportunities that were obviously avoided that would have resulted in that conclusion.
The gun was left there in a paper bag, he took the bag and by accident dropped the paper bag on to a rocky jetty area or dropped the gun that he found in the bag or something like that at the beach where he had walked to, and the gun that he found in the bag went off when it hit the rocky area, that set the gun off and ultimately killed the girl.....if this is the same case I had read about, a couple of months ago???
That is indeed the case.
You are too fucking stupid to know you have been thoroughly destroyed in this thread. Then again a pile of socialist elitist shit like yourself are too fucking pathetic to get it.

It is entertaining to me, you fucking toad. Keep posting your fucking dreck you ungrateful ignorant hypocrite.

I object to your over the top name calling. It cheapens the debate when multiple personal attacks are given,

Please tone it down.
I don't object? why is it you only object if it is an opposing poster?
BTW, it seems so far off the wall because it is. And, if they truly intended for that illegal to go to jail for the crime of murder, there were many opportunities that were obviously avoided that would have resulted in that conclusion.
California libs wouldn't let go of ONE vote (even to let a killer go free)
The gun was left there in a paper bag, he took the bag and by accident dropped the paper bag on to a rocky jetty area or dropped the gun that he found in the bag or something like that at the beach where he had walked to, and the gun that he found in the bag went off when it hit the rocky area, that set the gun off and ultimately killed the girl.....if this is the same case I had read about, a couple of months ago???
That is indeed the case.
You are too fucking stupid to know you have been thoroughly destroyed in this thread. Then again a pile of socialist elitist shit like yourself are too fucking pathetic to get it.

It is entertaining to me, you fucking toad. Keep posting your fucking dreck you ungrateful ignorant hypocrite.

I object to your over the top name calling. It cheapens the debate when multiple personal attacks are given,

Please tone it down.
I don't object? why is it you only object if it is an opposing poster?

I am sure I missed others in the forum, but I am a recent member thus not many opportunities to see them.

It doesn't matter what their political, ideology position are. It is being reasonably civil is what matters in a debate that runs on persuasive arguments based on logic and facts.

Name calling especially when overt, damages debate and exposes the shallowness own argument when they abandon attacking what is written to attacking the person themselves.

Name Calling will not convince anyone that their argument is bad.
The gun was left there in a paper bag, he took the bag and by accident dropped the paper bag on to a rocky jetty area or dropped the gun that he found in the bag or something like that at the beach where he had walked to, and the gun that he found in the bag went off when it hit the rocky area, that set the gun off and ultimately killed the girl.....if this is the same case I had read about, a couple of months ago???
That is indeed the case.
You are too fucking stupid to know you have been thoroughly destroyed in this thread. Then again a pile of socialist elitist shit like yourself are too fucking pathetic to get it.

It is entertaining to me, you fucking toad. Keep posting your fucking dreck you ungrateful ignorant hypocrite.

I object to your over the top name calling. It cheapens the debate when multiple personal attacks are given,

Please tone it down.
I don't object? why is it you only object if it is an opposing poster?

I am sure I missed others in the forum, but I am a recent member thus not many opportunities to see them.

It doesn't matter what their political, ideology position are. It is being reasonably civil is what matters in a debate that runs on persuasive arguments based on logic and facts.

Name calling especially when overt, damages debate and exposes the shallowness own argument when they abandon attacking what is written to attacking the person themselves.

Name Calling will not convince anyone that their argument is bad.
you're addressing that at the leftist in here correct? You see it's them that have no idea of the basics of debate. And, they are the name callers in here. It'll become obvious to you. Ask them a question and you'll get no answer. EVAH!!!! Try it.
Ever hear of “Kate’s Law”?

Spare me this bullshit where you righties imply you don’t blame the individual solely and not use an incident to further political issues .

Apples and oranges. The guy who killed Kate Steinle never should have been in this country.

And the guy who killed 17 at a high school shouldn’t have been able to buy a gun.

That dude in San Francisco shot ONE person and it was by accident. But you Righties sure ran with it .

The ILLEGAL ALIEN didn't shoot Kate Steinle by accident, he intentionally pulled the trigger. Only simple minded people can even begin to think that. We all agree that the kid shouldn't have been allowed to buy a gun. YOUR government FAILED to do their duty and by THEIR inaction, he was able to buy a gun, and murder people.

Government failure? CHECK.

Sorry but you say the illegal alien intentionally pulled the trigger. But this issue went to case. And the jury decided the incident was an accidental shooting. So, we can believe you or the jury. You, me boy, loose.

Do we all believe that this clown should not have been in the us, yes.
Do we all believe that he have not have had a handgun. Yes.

Sorry, me boy, but saying a jury was unanimously simple minded is stupid.

And, he did not murder people, he stupidly shot a pistol by mistake. So the jury said.
Terrible thing. Kate should be alive. But in this country in 2013
we had nearly 34,000 deaths by firearm. Get that number, me boy. 34,000!!!!!!!
And many were by guns acquired illegally. And you are trying to make a case of one accidental killing bing a murder, because you want it to be a murder.
You look, to me, just plain stupid.

All the verdict proved was that the DA was a moron, and the "expert" they chose for the case was either ignored or likewise a moron. The illegal alien placed his finger on the trigger, he then pulled it. That requires an act of volition. That makes the firing of the pistol INTENTIONAL.

Dick Chaney did the same to his hunting buddy. Throw him in jail ?
Apples and oranges. The guy who killed Kate Steinle never should have been in this country.

And the guy who killed 17 at a high school shouldn’t have been able to buy a gun.

That dude in San Francisco shot ONE person and it was by accident. But you Righties sure ran with it .

The ILLEGAL ALIEN didn't shoot Kate Steinle by accident, he intentionally pulled the trigger. Only simple minded people can even begin to think that. We all agree that the kid shouldn't have been allowed to buy a gun. YOUR government FAILED to do their duty and by THEIR inaction, he was able to buy a gun, and murder people.

Government failure? CHECK.

Sorry but you say the illegal alien intentionally pulled the trigger. But this issue went to case. And the jury decided the incident was an accidental shooting. So, we can believe you or the jury. You, me boy, loose.

Do we all believe that this clown should not have been in the us, yes.
Do we all believe that he have not have had a handgun. Yes.

Sorry, me boy, but saying a jury was unanimously simple minded is stupid.

And, he did not murder people, he stupidly shot a pistol by mistake. So the jury said.
Terrible thing. Kate should be alive. But in this country in 2013
we had nearly 34,000 deaths by firearm. Get that number, me boy. 34,000!!!!!!!
And many were by guns acquired illegally. And you are trying to make a case of one accidental killing bing a murder, because you want it to be a murder.
You look, to me, just plain stupid.

All the verdict proved was that the DA was a moron, and the "expert" they chose for the case was either ignored or likewise a moron. The illegal alien placed his finger on the trigger, he then pulled it. That requires an act of volition. That makes the firing of the pistol INTENTIONAL.

Dick Chaney did the same to his hunting buddy. Throw him in jail ?

Hunting accidents can indeed be charged criminally. i am not familiar with the cheney case but if it were a case of clear negligence then absolutely he could have been tried.
Rsherman: You're regurgitating an NRA talking point

kaz: The irony you're regurgitating an anti-NRA talking point

Billo_Really, OMG ... kaz ... that's just a talking point!


You're too stupid to have a discussion with. Let's just look at some boobies
Are talking points supposed to start a discussion? Or end one?
why? cause you say so? LOL. why do they make a motor car that can go 160 miles and hour and the speed limits are all under 80? Oh, and some can go two hundred miles an hour if you spend the money.
We made it a law you can't drive over 70mph and we're gonna make it a law you can't own an AR-15.
why? cause you say so? LOL. why do they make a motor car that can go 160 miles and hour and the speed limits are all under 80? Oh, and some can go two hundred miles an hour if you spend the money.
We made it a law you can't drive over 70mph and we're gonna make it a law you can't own an AR-15.

Maybe. There are already Court rulings that make that unlikely however. We shall see.
you didn't answer my question. all you did was say something stupid. It is a response however, so you got me. it was nonsense and made no sense, but hey. you responded. ouch.
I answered the question in a response to another poster. You know what is stupid? Making comments that are not based on anything, like "...bet he won't respond..."

Because if it was based on something, like my prior history on this board, you'd see I don't dodge jack shit. You ask me a direct question and I give you a direct answer.
so curious, because it hasn't happened at your house, it hasn't happened? is that what you're going with?

LOL. can't make this shit up. Shit dude, a guy took a box knife onto a plane and flew the plane into a building. in fact, that happened three times in the same day!.
Because they were sick of us bombing the shit out of their neighborhoods and giving unconditional support to Israel. You need to start the clock in the right spot.

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