When was the last time the left blamed the actual guy that killed 17 people?

funny just like your post was your opinion. see how that works on a message board? I'm still laughing.
No, his post wasn't just an opinion, it was a fact. You made the comment about him not having a "working brain", without anything to back that up. If he was a vegetable on life supports and you made that same comment, then it would be a fact. Since it wasn't, it's just your opinion.
Seriously, does anyone even know? That commie propaganda march on Saturday did not have one sign blaming the actual guy or the failure of those government agencies that ignored at least 47 warnings.

Anyone else think that was deliberate? It was the fbi that ignored it right? We know for a fact what they are about. We also know the left love it when a tragedy happens where they can take full advantage.

Why is it so far fetched that that was deliberate? Well, when was the last time you saw anyone on the left blame the actual guy?

No ask why.
They guy who pulled the trigger is the murderer.

The NRA and their ilk are accomplices to the 12,000+ gun homicides each year.

There. All better.

Quit being a dumbass. Most of the idiots walking around and holding their stupid signs aren't even old enough to vote. The ones who are old enough are Democrats anyway.

The point is, the tide is turning for reps and dems. Millennial's don't play your game.
I going to venture a guess that you don't have the foggiest idea how much (illegal alien) voter fraud occurs.

I'll also guess that it occurs enough to swing electoral votes in some states (including California, with 55 electoral votes)
If you're in the country illegally, the last thing you're going to do, is vote. People here illegally want to keep their interaction with the government down to the absolute minimum. The more they come in contact with any form of government, the more chance they'll have of getting caught.
Rsherman: You're regurgitating an NRA talking point

kaz: The irony you're regurgitating an anti-NRA talking point

Billo_Really, OMG ... kaz ... that's just a talking point!


You're too stupid to have a discussion with. Let's just look at some boobies
Are talking points supposed to start a discussion? Or end one?

There is no conversation. Are you serious? You think there is a conversation about rsheridiot saying anything he disagrees with is an NRA talking point? What sort of discussion is possible there
Maybe. There are already Court rulings that make that unlikely however. We shall see.
Is it legal for you to buy a grenade? How about a tank? Do you think you should own an M-1 tank, if you wanted to? How about an F-16? Should you be able to purchase one of those? I mean, how far do you want to take this?

Civilians with assault rifles are a threat to others. It is the governments job to deal with threats.
I have several of them. Do I need a "reason"?

No I don't need a reason. I own them because I can and well, because fuck you.
Well, soon you're not going to own them, or be in violation of the law.

You're seriously "Livin' the dream", shit for brains.

Yeah, you're effing "living it." :itsok:

Maybe. There are already Court rulings that make that unlikely however. We shall see.
Is it legal for you to buy a grenade? How about a tank? Do you think you should own an M-1 tank, if you wanted to? How about an F-16? Should you be able to purchase one of those? I mean, how far do you want to take this?

Civilians with assault rifles are a threat to others. It is the governments job to deal with threats.

You're an idiot. Yes, I can legally purchase a hand grenade if I want to pay the current market price and pay Uncle Sam the $200 tax stamp for a destructive device.

Quit orally defecating all over the place. You're making yourself look very stupid and you're stinking up the place.
There is no conversation. Are you serious? You think there is a conversation about rsheridiot saying anything he disagrees with is an NRA talking point? What sort of discussion is possible there
I asked you a question. You going to answer it? Yes or no?
You're an idiot. Yes, I can legally purchase a hand grenade if I want to pay the current market price and pay Uncle Sam the $200 tax stamp for a destructive device.

Quit orally defecating all over the place. You're making yourself look very stupid and you're stinking up the place.
What do you think will happen to you if you strap a bunch of grenades to your belt and go out in public?

You know what being an idiot is? It's someone who thinks banning one type of weapon is = to banning all of them.
You're an idiot. Yes, I can legally purchase a hand grenade if I want to pay the current market price and pay Uncle Sam the $200 tax stamp for a destructive device.

Quit orally defecating all over the place. You're making yourself look very stupid and you're stinking up the place.
What do you think will happen to you if you strap a bunch of grenades to your belt and go out in public?

You know what being an idiot is? It's someone who thinks banning one type of weapon is = to banning all of them.

The problem is that there aren't a bunch of legal and registerable hand grenades in existence. You can find them but they're very expensive. Even then, all you have to do is go through the background checks, pay the $200 tax stamp for a destructive device, purchase the device, and you're the proud owner of a hand grenade.

That being said, don't look for any serious firearms legislation to happen soon. Anything that does get passed will only be a "feel-good" measure. There are more than 10 million AR-15s in this country right now. Even a higher number of AK-47s, M1 Garands and carbines, Ruger Mini-14s, Russian Dragunovs, SKS's, FN FAL's, Egyptian Hakim rifles, H&K G3's, MAS 49's, M-14s, Norinco SVD's, Tokarev SVT-38's, German Gewehr 43's, and about 20 other semi-automatic rifles I can't think or right now, that take high-capacity magazines. Millions and millions of them in this country and most all owned by legal gun owners.

You seriously have no clue of how your idiotic idea of a "ban" sounds.
Ever hear of “Kate’s Law”?

Spare me this bullshit where you righties imply you don’t blame the individual solely and not use an incident to further political issues .

Apples and oranges. The guy who killed Kate Steinle never should have been in this country.

And the guy who killed 17 at a high school shouldn’t have been able to buy a gun.

That dude in San Francisco shot ONE person and it was by accident. But you Righties sure ran with it .
And whose fault was that? And you retards want to out our defense solely in their hands?
THINK you morons!
The problem is that there aren't a bunch of legal and registerable hand grenades in existence. You can find them but they're very expensive. Even then, all you have to do is go through the background checks, pay the $200 tax stamp for a destructive device, purchase the device, and you're the proud owner of a hand grenade.

That being said, don't look for any serious firearms legislation to happen soon. Anything that does get passed will only be a "feel-good" measure. There are more than 10 million AR-15s in this country right now. Even a higher number of AK-47s, M1 Garands and carbines, Ruger Mini-14s, Russian Dragunovs, SKS's, FN FAL's, Egyptian Hakim rifles, H&K G3's, MAS 49's, M-14s, Norinco SVD's, Tokarev SVT-38's, German Gewehr 43's, and about 20 other semi-automatic rifles I can't think or right now, that take high-capacity magazines. Millions and millions of them in this country and most all owned by legal gun owners.

You seriously have no clue of how your idiotic idea of a "ban" sounds.
Well, the government gave civil rights to something that only exists on paper (the corporation). That's pretty idiotic to think a corporation has the same rights as a living, breathing, human being. But it happened. And there is nothing idiotic by making it illegal for gun manufacturers to sell these items.
The problem is that there aren't a bunch of legal and registerable hand grenades in existence. You can find them but they're very expensive. Even then, all you have to do is go through the background checks, pay the $200 tax stamp for a destructive device, purchase the device, and you're the proud owner of a hand grenade.

That being said, don't look for any serious firearms legislation to happen soon. Anything that does get passed will only be a "feel-good" measure. There are more than 10 million AR-15s in this country right now. Even a higher number of AK-47s, M1 Garands and carbines, Ruger Mini-14s, Russian Dragunovs, SKS's, FN FAL's, Egyptian Hakim rifles, H&K G3's, MAS 49's, M-14s, Norinco SVD's, Tokarev SVT-38's, German Gewehr 43's, and about 20 other semi-automatic rifles I can't think or right now, that take high-capacity magazines. Millions and millions of them in this country and most all owned by legal gun owners.

You seriously have no clue of how your idiotic idea of a "ban" sounds.
Well, the government gave civil rights to something that only exists on paper (the corporation). That's pretty idiotic to think a corporation has the same rights as a living, breathing, human being. But it happened. And there is nothing idiotic by making it illegal for gun manufacturers to sell these items.

Corporations have nothing to do with anything. Most of those "assault rifles" I listed were made in other countries, as far back as the 1940's. All easily available and for the same price as a high-end AR-15.

We've been importing them into this country for decades, and you can find any of them at most gun shows or gun shops. You can even buy them online from the gunbroker or other online auction sites, provided that you do the legal BATFE transfer, which costs about 20-30 bucks.

The left seems to be morbidly-fixated on the AR-15 for some strange reason, but there are far more other semi-auto rifles out there. Millions and millions and millions of them
The problem is that there aren't a bunch of legal and registerable hand grenades in existence. You can find them but they're very expensive. Even then, all you have to do is go through the background checks, pay the $200 tax stamp for a destructive device, purchase the device, and you're the proud owner of a hand grenade.

That being said, don't look for any serious firearms legislation to happen soon. Anything that does get passed will only be a "feel-good" measure. There are more than 10 million AR-15s in this country right now. Even a higher number of AK-47s, M1 Garands and carbines, Ruger Mini-14s, Russian Dragunovs, SKS's, FN FAL's, Egyptian Hakim rifles, H&K G3's, MAS 49's, M-14s, Norinco SVD's, Tokarev SVT-38's, German Gewehr 43's, and about 20 other semi-automatic rifles I can't think or right now, that take high-capacity magazines. Millions and millions of them in this country and most all owned by legal gun owners.

You seriously have no clue of how your idiotic idea of a "ban" sounds.
Well, the government gave civil rights to something that only exists on paper (the corporation). That's pretty idiotic to think a corporation has the same rights as a living, breathing, human being. But it happened. And there is nothing idiotic by making it illegal for gun manufacturers to sell these items.

Indeed it is. And just think, the same billionaires who got that abomination passed, now want to disarm you. And you would let them.
You have no plan to keep guns from shooters from getting guns other than the magic pass a law and pretend it will work like conservatives do with drugs.

Sure I do. Ban the sale of guns. Confiscate the guns that are out there.

That's a great plan. It already works fine in most of the rest of the world.

I'll tell you what. You stick to your forte, picking out tapestry for your loft while you drink white wine spritzers. Leave guns to people who aren't hysterical sissies like you by day and Rambo by night as you whack off to fantasies about guns at night

again- 11 years in the army and got out as a Staff Sergeant... you are to laugh at..

You're a truly sick fuck that you think a gun is a Friday night date. What do you do since you're afraid of guns? Instead of a blow up woman, do you have a blow up AK-15?

Naw, a sick fuck is the guy who fantasizes about shooting people all day, and wants bigger and bigger guns for that to compensate for his... shortcomings.

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