When was the last time the left blamed the actual guy that killed 17 people?

That's a fair question. When I watched parts of the rallies on Saturday, I never heard one word about Nikolas Cruz, about the repeated failures of the local police, about the several failures of the FBI, about the cowardice of the policeman at the school, about the local program that discouraged the police from arresting Cruz for his numerous infractions, about the failure of the legal guardian. Nope. It was just guns, guns, and guns.
why? cause you say so? LOL. why do they make a motor car that can go 160 miles and hour and the speed limits are all under 80? Oh, and some can go two hundred miles an hour if you spend the money.
We made it a law you can't drive over 70mph and we're gonna make it a law you can't own an AR-15.

Maybe. There are already Court rulings that make that unlikely however. We shall see.
didn't clinton ban them, semi automatic rifles, once before for 10 yrs.... and under bush2 let it expire?
why? cause you say so? LOL. why do they make a motor car that can go 160 miles and hour and the speed limits are all under 80? Oh, and some can go two hundred miles an hour if you spend the money.
We made it a law you can't drive over 70mph and we're gonna make it a law you can't own an AR-15.

Maybe. There are already Court rulings that make that unlikely however. We shall see.
didn't clinton ban them, semi automatic rifles, once before for 10 yrs.... and under bush2 let it expire?

Yep. They were banned but had a sunset clause. The crime rate stayed the same whether they were legal or not, and the whole original argument for their control was found to be false. That's why the ban was allowed to expire.
Corporations have nothing to do with anything.
Corporations are the biggest reason we can't get any legislation passed on behalf of the majority of Americans. One in particular, the NRA, has a lot to do with something.

Most of those "assault rifles" I listed were made in other countries, as far back as the 1940's. All easily available and for the same price as a high-end AR-15.

We've been importing them into this country for decades, and you can find any of them at most gun shows or gun shops. You can even buy them online from the gunbroker or other online auction sites, provided that you do the legal BATFE transfer, which costs about 20-30 bucks.

The left seems to be morbidly-fixated on the AR-15 for some strange reason, but there are far more other semi-auto rifles out there. Millions and millions and millions of them
Okay, have it your way. We need to ban all assault rifles. Period.
Yep. They were banned but had a sunset clause. The crime rate stayed the same whether they were legal or not, and the whole original argument for their control was found to be false. That's why the ban was allowed to expire.
Country's with gun control have lower homicide rates.
Corporations have nothing to do with anything.
Corporations are the biggest reason we can't get any legislation passed on behalf of the majority of Americans. One in particular, the NRA, has a lot to do with something.

Most of those "assault rifles" I listed were made in other countries, as far back as the 1940's. All easily available and for the same price as a high-end AR-15.

We've been importing them into this country for decades, and you can find any of them at most gun shows or gun shops. You can even buy them online from the gunbroker or other online auction sites, provided that you do the legal BATFE transfer, which costs about 20-30 bucks.

The left seems to be morbidly-fixated on the AR-15 for some strange reason, but there are far more other semi-auto rifles out there. Millions and millions and millions of them
Okay, have it your way. We need to ban all assault rifles. Period.

Bullshit. How about we ban all those rifles that those ignorant Democrats are using to murder helpless animals? You know who I'm talking about: The "Blue Dog" moderate Democrats who say "I believe in the Second Amendment but people shouldn't be allowed to have weapons of war"

Those are the same sick retards who derive some sort of sick pleasure out of watching defenseless animals suffer and die. They are psychos and mass murderers in waiting, because they go out into the woods and murder some poor, defenseless animals every hunting season, year after year.

Meanwhile, my AR-15 and AK-47 has never killed anything. Ever.

Let me remind you, that their bolt-action high-powered hunting rifles were the state of the art weapons of war at one time too. And they can kill a person from more than a mile away. Why the hell do they need a rifle that can kill a person from more than a mile away??

Maybe those Elmer Fudds need to have their high-powered hunting rifles banned and confiscated, because they don't need a high-powered death gun to feed their family. They can used bows and arrows instead.

Or better yet, why do they need to hunt? Can't they just go buy food from a store like everyone else? What kind of a psychopath likes killing things with a high-powered death machine hunting rifle? Besides, those Blue Dog moderate Democrats who own those high-powered death machine hunting rifles are sickos. Why would anyone want to own the same high power murder weapons that killed Kennedy and MLK?
That being said, don't look for any serious firearms legislation to happen soon. Anything that does get passed will only be a "feel-good" measure. There are more than 10 million AR-15s in this country right now. Even a higher number of AK-47s, M1 Garands and carbines, Ruger Mini-14s, Russian Dragunovs, SKS's, FN FAL's, Egyptian Hakim rifles, H&K G3's, MAS 49's, M-14s, Norinco SVD's, Tokarev SVT-38's, German Gewehr 43's, and about 20 other semi-automatic rifles I can't think or right now, that take high-capacity magazines. Millions and millions of them in this country and most all owned by legal gun owners.

You seriously have no clue of how your idiotic idea of a "ban" sounds.

Actually, whenever you have one of these mass shooting incidents, the nutter in question bought his guns in the weeks leading up to the incident. So a ban on NEW weapons of this type would have an effect.

Confiscating the millions that are out there, that is going to be a challenge. But since we are only talking about 3% of the population that has these weapons, not that much of an issue.
That's a fair question. When I watched parts of the rallies on Saturday, I never heard one word about Nikolas Cruz, about the repeated failures of the local police, about the several failures of the FBI, about the cowardice of the policeman at the school, about the local program that discouraged the police from arresting Cruz for his numerous infractions, about the failure of the legal guardian. Nope. It was just guns, guns, and guns.

Yes, his ability to get a high powered rifle is the issue here.

Not whether they should have thrown him in jail for hitting a teacher because white kids never get thrown in jail for that.
why? cause you say so? LOL. why do they make a motor car that can go 160 miles and hour and the speed limits are all under 80? Oh, and some can go two hundred miles an hour if you spend the money.
We made it a law you can't drive over 70mph and we're gonna make it a law you can't own an AR-15.

Maybe. There are already Court rulings that make that unlikely however. We shall see.
didn't clinton ban them, semi automatic rifles, once before for 10 yrs.... and under bush2 let it expire?

Yep. They were banned but had a sunset clause. The crime rate stayed the same whether they were legal or not, and the whole original argument for their control was found to be false. That's why the ban was allowed to expire.
the mass shootings were reduced from the 10 years before the ban and the 10 years after the ban was pulled back, vs the ban period....

Klarevas examined incidents before, during and after the assault weapons ban when six or more people were shot and killed.

• 1984 to 1994: 19 incidents

• 1994 to 2004 (ban is in effect): 12 incidents

• 2004 to 2014: 34 incidents

That shows a 183 percent increase of incidents in the decade after the ban, compared to the years during the ban.

But, other variables could be involved and not simply, "the ban" as a reason.
why? cause you say so? LOL. why do they make a motor car that can go 160 miles and hour and the speed limits are all under 80? Oh, and some can go two hundred miles an hour if you spend the money.
We made it a law you can't drive over 70mph and we're gonna make it a law you can't own an AR-15.
so are you saying people don't go over 70 miles and hour? everyone drives at or under that speed. Really, you're gonna tell the class how no one does now right?
Yep. They were banned but had a sunset clause. The crime rate stayed the same whether they were legal or not, and the whole original argument for their control was found to be false. That's why the ban was allowed to expire.
Country's with gun control have lower homicide rates.
but they don't have a 2nd amendment. go live there and exercise your idiocy there.
That's a fair question. When I watched parts of the rallies on Saturday, I never heard one word about Nikolas Cruz, about the repeated failures of the local police, about the several failures of the FBI, about the cowardice of the policeman at the school, about the local program that discouraged the police from arresting Cruz for his numerous infractions, about the failure of the legal guardian. Nope. It was just guns, guns, and guns.
nor did you hear from someone not attached to the planned parenthood agenda. Meadow's brother was denied the opportunity to talk. They wanted him to provide his speech first. hahahaahahahahaaha one sided propaganda event that failed. Nice Cuban flag on the one parkland kid. where was the american flag? if you don't see the agenda, then you're about to lose your rights, your first amendment right. They will control the flow of information. just remember this is about control, not save the schools. Why was no teacher or representative from any school there? why Miley Cyrus stupid ass? the same old same old barking pukes barking and barking and saying absolutely nothing.
you didn't answer my question. all you did was say something stupid. It is a response however, so you got me. it was nonsense and made no sense, but hey. you responded. ouch.
I answered the question in a response to another poster. You know what is stupid? Making comments that are not based on anything, like "...bet he won't respond..."

Because if it was based on something, like my prior history on this board, you'd see I don't dodge jack shit. You ask me a direct question and I give you a direct answer.
well I wrote that because basically I don't get responses. I will update that from now on and state if he responds it will be nonsense and not directed at the question asked. Either way, you still didn't answer my question. maybe you can extend this thread with more nonsense with avoidance.
There is no conversation. Are you serious? You think there is a conversation about rsheridiot saying anything he disagrees with is an NRA talking point? What sort of discussion is possible there
I asked you a question. You going to answer it? Yes or no?
look at the fool demanding an answer and doesn't do it himself. are you a hypocrite? yes you are.
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so curious, because it hasn't happened at your house, it hasn't happened? is that what you're going with?

LOL. can't make this shit up. Shit dude, a guy took a box knife onto a plane and flew the plane into a building. in fact, that happened three times in the same day!.
Because they were sick of us bombing the shit out of their neighborhoods and giving unconditional support to Israel. You need to start the clock in the right spot.
huh? more nonsense I see. wtf was that rant about? :21::21::777::777::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
I have several of them. Do I need a "reason"?

No I don't need a reason. I own them because I can and well, because fuck you.
Well, soon you're not going to own them, or be in violation of the law.

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