When was the last time the left blamed the actual guy that killed 17 people?

funny just like your post was your opinion. see how that works on a message board? I'm still laughing.
No, his post wasn't just an opinion, it was a fact. You made the comment about him not having a "working brain", without anything to back that up. If he was a vegetable on life supports and you made that same comment, then it would be a fact. Since it wasn't, it's just your opinion.
huh? so his fact was what?
Maybe. There are already Court rulings that make that unlikely however. We shall see.
Is it legal for you to buy a grenade? How about a tank? Do you think you should own an M-1 tank, if you wanted to? How about an F-16? Should you be able to purchase one of those? I mean, how far do you want to take this?

Civilians with assault rifles are a threat to others. It is the governments job to deal with threats.
no it isn't illegal. post up the law that says one can't buy any of that.
You're seriously "Livin' the dream", shit for brains.

Yeah, you're effing "living it." :itsok:

There was a time when coke was legal. Not any more.

"Is a dream a lie when it don't come true, or is it something worse"
- The River, Bruce Springsteen​
I buy coke a cola and pepsi all the time
You have no plan to keep guns from shooters from getting guns other than the magic pass a law and pretend it will work like conservatives do with drugs.

Sure I do. Ban the sale of guns. Confiscate the guns that are out there.

That's a great plan. It already works fine in most of the rest of the world.

I'll tell you what. You stick to your forte, picking out tapestry for your loft while you drink white wine spritzers. Leave guns to people who aren't hysterical sissies like you by day and Rambo by night as you whack off to fantasies about guns at night

again- 11 years in the army and got out as a Staff Sergeant... you are to laugh at..

You're a truly sick fuck that you think a gun is a Friday night date. What do you do since you're afraid of guns? Instead of a blow up woman, do you have a blow up AK-15?

Naw, a sick fuck is the guy who fantasizes about shooting people all day, and wants bigger and bigger guns for that to compensate for his... shortcomings.
Sure I do. Ban the sale of guns. Confiscate the guns that are out there.

That's a great plan. It already works fine in most of the rest of the world.

you love that so much move there leave and leave us alone with our constitution thanks for letting us know how much you hate the USA.
Yep. They were banned but had a sunset clause. The crime rate stayed the same whether they were legal or not, and the whole original argument for their control was found to be false. That's why the ban was allowed to expire.
Country's with gun control have lower homicide rates.
I don't know, how many jews died without guns under Hitler's rage? DOH!
I'll tell you what. You stick to your forte, picking out tapestry for your loft while you drink white wine spritzers. Leave guns to people who aren't hysterical sissies like you by day and Rambo by night as you whack off to fantasies about guns at night

again- 11 years in the army and got out as a Staff Sergeant... you are to laugh at..

Right, which is how you know guns are useless for self defense.

You'd cry if you ever touched a gun. Then you'd go whack off, nut job
I going to venture a guess that you don't have the foggiest idea how much (illegal alien) voter fraud occurs.

I'll also guess that it occurs enough to swing electoral votes in some states (including California, with 55 electoral votes)

That's because every time it's 'investigated', they actually can't find any evidence of it.
sure they do. are you on drugs?

New Report Exposes Thousands of Illegal Votes in 2016 Election

"The Government Accountability Institute concluded in its report that thousands of votes in the 2016 election were illegal duplicate votes.

The Institute points out that the quality of the voter registration data in some states is very poor, with missing and obviously incorrect information.

We have serious, substantive problems in our voter registration system across the country and that voter fraud is, without a doubt, real."
You have no plan to keep guns from shooters from getting guns other than the magic pass a law and pretend it will work like conservatives do with drugs.

Sure I do. Ban the sale of guns. Confiscate the guns that are out there.

That's a great plan. It already works fine in most of the rest of the world.

I'll tell you what. You stick to your forte, picking out tapestry for your loft while you drink white wine spritzers. Leave guns to people who aren't hysterical sissies like you by day and Rambo by night as you whack off to fantasies about guns at night

again- 11 years in the army and got out as a Staff Sergeant... you are to laugh at..

You're a truly sick fuck that you think a gun is a Friday night date. What do you do since you're afraid of guns? Instead of a blow up woman, do you have a blow up AK-15?

Naw, a sick fuck is the guy who fantasizes about shooting people all day, and wants bigger and bigger guns for that to compensate for his... shortcomings.
Sure I do. Ban the sale of guns. Confiscate the guns that are out there.

That's a great plan. It already works fine in most of the rest of the world.

you love that so much move there leave and leave us alone with our constitution thanks for letting us know how much you hate the USA.

Parasites don't leave their host
Yep. They were banned but had a sunset clause. The crime rate stayed the same whether they were legal or not, and the whole original argument for their control was found to be false. That's why the ban was allowed to expire.
Country's with gun control have lower homicide rates.

Only because they don't have violent third world aliens flooding their countries, as we do. Now, with the influx of refugee's, their crime rates are exploding. Especially their violent crime rates with guns. Don't forget they are already illegal, yet the criminals seem to have no problem getting them. Put another way, 2% of the counties in the USA account for 54% of the gun crimes. Why? Those counties are already gifted with the sort of gun control you love.

Why aren't the gun laws preventing gun crimes?
The gun was left there in a paper bag, he took the bag and by accident dropped the paper bag on to a rocky jetty area or dropped the gun that he found in the bag or something like that at the beach where he had walked to, and the gun that he found in the bag went off when it hit the rocky area, that set the gun off and ultimately killed the girl.....if this is the same case I had read about, a couple of months ago???

That is a physical impossibility. There are multiple mechanical interlocks that can only allow the gun to fire when the trigger is pulled. You could place a punch on the firing pin and hit it with a hammer without effect. Without the trigger lifting a transfer bar into place there is no possible way for the firing pin to contact the primer of the cartridge.
Just saying....that was the perp.'s defense and the prosecutor could not or did not, prove otherwise....thus the jury's verdict, of not guilty.

By definition, his own defense admitted it was still a crime. A confession is obviously not the defense failing to make it's case. It was jury nullification
Bullshit. How about we ban all those rifles that those ignorant Democrats are using to murder helpless animals? You know who I'm talking about: The "Blue Dog" moderate Democrats who say "I believe in the Second Amendment but people shouldn't be allowed to have weapons of war"

Those are the same sick retards who derive some sort of sick pleasure out of watching defenseless animals suffer and die. They are psychos and mass murderers in waiting, because they go out into the woods and murder some poor, defenseless animals every hunting season, year after year.

Meanwhile, my AR-15 and AK-47 has never killed anything. Ever.

Let me remind you, that their bolt-action high-powered hunting rifles were the state of the art weapons of war at one time too. And they can kill a person from more than a mile away. Why the hell do they need a rifle that can kill a person from more than a mile away??

Maybe those Elmer Fudds need to have their high-powered hunting rifles banned and confiscated, because they don't need a high-powered death gun to feed their family. They can used bows and arrows instead.

Or better yet, why do they need to hunt? Can't they just go buy food from a store like everyone else? What kind of a psychopath likes killing things with a high-powered death machine hunting rifle? Besides, those Blue Dog moderate Democrats who own those high-powered death machine hunting rifles are sickos. Why would anyone want to own the same high power murder weapons that killed Kennedy and MLK?
On the one hand, I share your disdain for blue dog Democrats; on the other, why should civilians own weapons of war? A rifle can be used to hunt for food. A weapon of war, is designed for mass killing of people. And since no citizen can legally start a war, there is no reason to have a weapon of one.
so are you saying people don't go over 70 miles and hour? everyone drives at or under that speed. Really, you're gonna tell the class how no one does now right?
All I'm saying, is that it is illegal to drive over 70mph anywhere in the country. If you go over 70mph, you're breaking the law. And soon, if you own an assault rifle and you are a civilian, you will be breaking the law as well.
I already did

What? Are you just making shit up as you go along? I asked you a question with 2 possible answers, none of which was the irrelevant gibberish you posted in your response.

Does a talking point start a conversation, or ends one? Saying there is no conversation, is not an answer to the question.

So no, you didn't answer the question.
well I wrote that because basically I don't get responses. I will update that from now on and state if he responds it will be nonsense and not directed at the question asked. Either way, you still didn't answer my question. maybe you can extend this thread with more nonsense with avoidance.
I answered your question in post #161.

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