When was the last time the left blamed the actual guy that killed 17 people?

so are you saying people don't go over 70 miles and hour? everyone drives at or under that speed. Really, you're gonna tell the class how no one does now right?
All I'm saying, is that it is illegal to drive over 70mph anywhere in the country. If you go over 70mph, you're breaking the law. And soon, if you own an assault rifle and you are a civilian, you will be breaking the law as well.
all I'm saying is that doesn't mean a gd damn thing if there isn't a cop around. Much like a gun.
Many times it's unsafe to do the speed limit because so many others are exceeding it
and where is that government resource to ticket them all? If you need an analogy, this is it. government can't be everywhere and hardly anywhere during the execution of a crime. I'm just saying to think government can protect anyone is laughable.
When all these morons marching to have their right to bear arms taken away find this out it will be a rude awakening
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so are you saying people don't go over 70 miles and hour? everyone drives at or under that speed. Really, you're gonna tell the class how no one does now right?
All I'm saying, is that it is illegal to drive over 70mph anywhere in the country. If you go over 70mph, you're breaking the law. And soon, if you own an assault rifle and you are a civilian, you will be breaking the law as well.
all I'm saying is that doesn't mean a gd damn thing if there isn't a cop around. Much like a gun.
Many times it's unsafe to do the speed limit because so many others are exceeding it
and where is that government resource to ticket them all? If you need an analogy, this is it. government can't be everywhere and hardly anywhere during the execution of a crime. I'm just saying to think government can protect anyone is laughable.
heck, some times they can't protect themselves. No fault of their own, just saying cops get killed in the execution of their duties.
Kurt Schlichter in his new Column calls those teenagers the Teen Titans of Tyranny. Kinda catchy, and accurate....
so are you saying people don't go over 70 miles and hour? everyone drives at or under that speed. Really, you're gonna tell the class how no one does now right?
All I'm saying, is that it is illegal to drive over 70mph anywhere in the country. If you go over 70mph, you're breaking the law. And soon, if you own an assault rifle and you are a civilian, you will be breaking the law as well.
all I'm saying is that doesn't mean a gd damn thing if there isn't a cop around. Much like a gun.
Many times it's unsafe to do the speed limit because so many others are exceeding it
and where is that government resource to ticket them all? If you need an analogy, this is it. government can't be everywhere and hardly anywhere during the execution of a crime. I'm just saying to think government can protect anyone is laughable.

Says it all...
17 Dead at Parkland
56 Dead in Las Vegas
49 Dead at Pulse Night Club
26 Dead at Sandy Hook.
43 Dead at VA Tech

I could go on...


But you conveniently forget to include in that SAME period of time*......

11,800 Dead children killed by parents in Democrat Cities due to fucked up liberal policies that encourage broken homes and domestic violence, protecting criminals
16,000 Dead due to bleeding heart liberal judges releasing criminals early
24,000 Dead due to liberals lax laws on texting and driving
7,300 Dead soldiers due to restrictive liberal military policies putting soldiers in the way of harm
36,000 Dead due to liberal judges going soft on drunk drivers
12,700 Dead due to liberal drug policies that invite drug addiction, drug dealing, violent crime
23,000 Dead due to gang violence as the Left shields "Victim Illegals" and" underprivileged" youth
6,000,000 Dead babies killed by liberal abortion policies

And I could go on and on....Don't give me your weak fascist bullshit about guns, prick.


*approximate figures based on quick Googling and extrapolation. the POINT being the people killed by guns is infinitely small compared to deaths caused by democrat/liberal policies. And don't beg ME to do YOUR research. Educate yourself.

Lawn mowers kill more people every single year than mass shooters do, except for 2017. Bees and Wasps kill more people every single year than mass shooters do....cars kill more people than guns do every single year....knives kill more people than rifles do, and in particular, more than AR-15 rifles do......

A muslim terrorist with a rental car murdered more people than the worst mass shooting here in the states.....Vegas shooting....58 people. Nice, France with a rental truck....86.

Knives kill more people every single year than all mass shootings in 35 years, 1982-2017.....

Mass shootings over 35 years..... 795.

Knives kill each year? Over 1,600.

They don't actually care about people being killed.....they care that people own and carry guns, legally, and that drive people like joe insane.....er.....more insane....
Kurt Schlichter in his new Column calls those teenagers the Teen Titans of Tyranny. Kinda catchy, and accurate....
when someone makes comments that the group was trained well, tells you all you need to know about education in our schools. It is the left driving a position through the younger generation.

The enemy within.
Yep. They were banned but had a sunset clause. The crime rate stayed the same whether they were legal or not, and the whole original argument for their control was found to be false. That's why the ban was allowed to expire.
Country's with gun control have lower homicide rates.

And it has more to do with other variables than guns

Did you know that 70% of all the murders in this country are concentrated in distinct and small areas of just 5% of all counties?
Did you know that those 70% of murders are mostly young urban minorities killing other young urban minorities ?
Did you know that in those same counties there are large areas with virtually no murders?
Did you know that 54% of all counties in the US have a murder rate of virtually zero?

We do not have a gun problem or a murder problem in this country

We have an urban violence problem

Get a handle on that and the murder will drop to a rate comparable to any country.

Why don't we do it?

We don't give a shit if urban minorities kill each other that's why.

We also have a democrats letting violent gun criminals out of jail so they can kill again problem.......why doesn't anyone ask every democrat politician why they keep supporting letting violent gun criminals out of jail?
Yep. They were banned but had a sunset clause. The crime rate stayed the same whether they were legal or not, and the whole original argument for their control was found to be false. That's why the ban was allowed to expire.
Country's with gun control have lower homicide rates.

And it has more to do with other variables than guns

Did you know that 70% of all the murders in this country are concentrated in distinct and small areas of just 5% of all counties?
Did you know that those 70% of murders are mostly young urban minorities killing other young urban minorities ?
Did you know that in those same counties there are large areas with virtually no murders?
Did you know that 54% of all counties in the US have a murder rate of virtually zero?

We do not have a gun problem or a murder problem in this country

We have an urban violence problem

Get a handle on that and the murder will drop to a rate comparable to any country.

Why don't we do it?

We don't give a shit if urban minorities kill each other that's why.

We also have a democrats letting violent gun criminals out of jail so they can kill again problem.......why doesn't anyone ask every democrat politician why they keep supporting letting violent gun criminals out of jail?
again, back to the Mayor of Oakland telling killers the cops are coming. folks the pattern is setting or settling. What is the right going to do about it? I see no organized effort to take this slime down.
When was the last time the left blamed the actual guy that killed 17 people?

Why do Republicans blame liberals? And not the crazies who do the killings? Only Republicans want to arm crazies.
When was the last time the left blamed the actual guy that killed 17 people?

Why do Republicans blame liberals? And not the crazies who do the killings? Only Republicans want to arm crazies.

Why do Democrats blame the weapon, instead of the person pulling the trigger?
When was the last time the left blamed the actual guy that killed 17 people?

Why do Republicans blame liberals? And not the crazies who do the killings? Only Republicans want to arm crazies.

Why do Democrats blame the weapon, instead of the person pulling the trigger?
Because they cant blame themselves. It isn't conservatives(Right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness) who are going out and doing post birth abortions on those kids...
When was the last time the left blamed the actual guy that killed 17 people?

Why do Republicans blame liberals? And not the crazies who do the killings? Only Republicans want to arm crazies.

Because it was liberal policies that let this guy get the gun....you wanted background checks....we gave you background checks, then, obama pushed his Promise Program in that school district, which meant the school and police would not arrest violent students...this shooter was a violent student who also brought bullets and knives to school...arrestable offenses........and had he been arrested, he would not have passed the very background check you guys wanted for gun purchases....that is directly on obama.....

Then, at every turn, democrats are lowering the sentences on violent criminals, they are lowering the sentences for criminals convicted of gun crimes, possession and trafficking......and they are releasing violent gun offenders caught with illegal guns back on the streets.....that is why we blame liberals for the actual gun violence...

Do you understand that straight line connection to democrats?
Dismissing his post and claiming immigration is a "made up issue" isn't an argument.
That is correct.

His argument was gun control doesn't necessarily result in fewer gun deaths and inferred that the majority of gun deaths were committed by people here illegally.

That article doesn't say anything about who committed the crimes. It was only about where the crimes occurred.

And on that subject, if you compare the number of gun related deaths between the US (with no gun control) and Canada (with gun control), his point, doesn't hold water. If you compare one year (2012), you will find...

According to a StatsCan report from 2012 – the most recent year available – the U.S. suffered a total of 8,813 murders involving the use of firearms that year. Canada, in the same year, recorded just 172 firearms-related homicides.
And when you look at Canada's gun laws...

Presently, Canadian law classifies firearms into three categories: prohibited, restricted, and non-restricted. Prohibited firearms include military-grade assault weapons such as AK-47s and sawn-off rifles or shotguns. Handguns are generally classified as restricted weapons, while rifles and shotguns are usually non-restricted. The AR-15 rifles used by the San Bernardino suspects is classified as restricted.
Now when you look at the raw data on violent crime since 9/11/2001 to December 2016...

"...from Sept. 12, 2001, to Dec. 31, 2016 — there have been 85 attacks in the country by violent extremists resulting in 225 deaths. GAO reported citing data from the U.S. Extremist Crime Database."

Of those 225 deaths:

• 106 individuals were killed by far-right violent extremists in 62 separate incidents;

• 119 individuals were killed by radical Islamist violent extremists in 23 separate incidents;
And when you take into account differing ideologies...

"...the number of deaths caused by individuals of different ideologies: 95 by jihadist, 68 by far-right, and eight by black separatist/national/supremacist..."
Now here's the kicker...

"Of 418 individuals tracked by New America who are accused of jihadist terrorism related crimes in the United States since 9/11, 85 percent of them were either U.S. citizens or U.S. legal residents, and about half were born American citizens..."
So where's the big goddamn criminal immigrants pouring into the country? People don't come to this country to commit crimes, they come to get away from crimes committed in their countries or simply for a better life.
No, it's not. You watch, as the refugees continue to arrive in Europe their violent crime rate is going to continue to skyrocket. It's not a black/white issue, it is a cultural issue. Third world country's don't value life as first world countries do. That is a simple fact. When they come here they bring their culture with them. The good parts, and the bad.
You are so full of shit. Don't talk to me about the value of human life. Our value of human life can be measured in the number of Iraqi dead. We invaded Iraq for the same reason a dog licks' its balls and over a million people lost their lives as a result. And here in this country, there are a lot of Americans who view Iraq as a mistake, not a crime against humanity, which it was.

We don't give a shit about human life. That collateral murder video showed us for who we really are. So are all these little NRA bitches running around blaming everyone but themselves. Americans do not believe in empathy. We believe in domination at the end of a gun. So don't blame others for using our playbook, as though everything occurred in a vacuum.
The Romanian Revolution was begun with .22 target pistols. Your memory is either really short, or you ignore the fact that marksmen killed the guys controlling the tanks and then they had the tanks. Just imagine how many fewer people would have died had they been better armed from the beginning.
Tell that to Randy Weaver. Or the children who died at Waco.
And it has more to do with other variables than guns

Did you know that 70% of all the murders in this country are concentrated in distinct and small areas of just 5% of all counties?
Did you know that those 70% of murders are mostly young urban minorities killing other young urban minorities ?
Did you know that in those same counties there are large areas with virtually no murders?
Did you know that 54% of all counties in the US have a murder rate of virtually zero?

We do not have a gun problem or a murder problem in this country

We have an urban violence problem

Get a handle on that and the murder will drop to a rate comparable to any country.

Why don't we do it?

We don't give a shit if urban minorities kill each other that's why.
If you take out the Orlando shooting, the majority of deaths, are committed by right wing extremists.

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