When was the last time the left blamed the actual guy that killed 17 people?

You know how the fucked up and twisted mind of a Lefty works...bad people are NEVER, EVER perpetrators....they’re always victims. Something or someone always MADE the perpetrator do it. The Left hates nothing more than accountability. The AR-15 held it’s own barrel to the head of Nikolas Cruz and made him do it...ask a LefTard.
Fuck you, racist. The AR-15 should be outlawed.
I own one too. Does that make me a racist.
26 straight kills on rockchucks without a miss.
We also have a democrats letting violent gun criminals out of jail so they can kill again problem.......why doesn't anyone ask every democrat politician why they keep supporting letting violent gun criminals out of jail?
They should be letting out all the drug offenders who are not violent criminals.
The Romanian Revolution was begun with .22 target pistols. Your memory is either really short, or you ignore the fact that marksmen killed the guys controlling the tanks and then they had the tanks. Just imagine how many fewer people would have died had they been better armed from the beginning.
Tell that to Randy Weaver. Or the children who died at Waco.
I don't get the connection to Randy Weaver?
And it has more to do with other variables than guns

Did you know that 70% of all the murders in this country are concentrated in distinct and small areas of just 5% of all counties?
Did you know that those 70% of murders are mostly young urban minorities killing other young urban minorities ?
Did you know that in those same counties there are large areas with virtually no murders?
Did you know that 54% of all counties in the US have a murder rate of virtually zero?

We do not have a gun problem or a murder problem in this country

We have an urban violence problem

Get a handle on that and the murder will drop to a rate comparable to any country.

Why don't we do it?

We don't give a shit if urban minorities kill each other that's why.
If you take out the Orlando shooting, the majority of deaths, are committed by right wing extremists.

If you take out a pizza, the majority of chinese restaraunts will see a drop in sales to left wing moonbats.
I don't get the connection to Randy Weaver?
His point was a gun protects you more from governmental tyranny, than someone without a gun. Randy Weaver had a gun; the government killed him and took his gun. The group at Waco had a lot of guns, the government killed them and took all their guns.

So when it comes down to a fight between a well-armed militia and seal team 6, I'll put my money on seal team 6.
I don't get the connection to Randy Weaver?
His point was a gun protects you more from governmental tyranny, than someone without a gun. Randy Weaver had a gun; the government killed him and took his gun. The group at Waco had a lot of guns, the government killed them and took all their guns.

So when it comes down to a fight between a well-armed militia and seal team 6, I'll put my money on seal team 6.
During Vietnam we just called it superior fire power.
No, it's not. You watch, as the refugees continue to arrive in Europe their violent crime rate is going to continue to skyrocket. It's not a black/white issue, it is a cultural issue. Third world country's don't value life as first world countries do. That is a simple fact. When they come here they bring their culture with them. The good parts, and the bad.
You are so full of shit. Don't talk to me about the value of human life. Our value of human life can be measured in the number of Iraqi dead. We invaded Iraq for the same reason a dog licks' its balls and over a million people lost their lives as a result. And here in this country, there are a lot of Americans who view Iraq as a mistake, not a crime against humanity, which it was.

We don't give a shit about human life. That collateral murder video showed us for who we really are. So are all these little NRA bitches running around blaming everyone but themselves. Americans do not believe in empathy. We believe in domination at the end of a gun. So don't blame others for using our playbook, as though everything occurred in a vacuum.

Oh piss off you silly twit. Saddam was murdering his people at the rate of 35,000 PER YEAR. We saved hundreds of thousands of lives you imbecile.
And it has more to do with other variables than guns

Did you know that 70% of all the murders in this country are concentrated in distinct and small areas of just 5% of all counties?
Did you know that those 70% of murders are mostly young urban minorities killing other young urban minorities ?
Did you know that in those same counties there are large areas with virtually no murders?
Did you know that 54% of all counties in the US have a murder rate of virtually zero?

We do not have a gun problem or a murder problem in this country

We have an urban violence problem

Get a handle on that and the murder will drop to a rate comparable to any country.

Why don't we do it?

We don't give a shit if urban minorities kill each other that's why.
If you take out the Orlando shooting, the majority of deaths, are committed by right wing extremists.

Unlike you I don't care what the political affiliation of a piece of shit murderer is
I already did

What? Are you just making shit up as you go along? I asked you a question with 2 possible answers, none of which was the irrelevant gibberish you posted in your response.

Does a talking point start a conversation, or ends one? Saying there is no conversation, is not an answer to the question.

So no, you didn't answer the question.

I responded to a talking point. Why don't you ask your leftie fuck buddy who started the conversation with a talking point that question?
The gun was left there in a paper bag, he took the bag and by accident dropped the paper bag on to a rocky jetty area or dropped the gun that he found in the bag or something like that at the beach where he had walked to, and the gun that he found in the bag went off when it hit the rocky area, that set the gun off and ultimately killed the girl.....if this is the same case I had read about, a couple of months ago???

That is a physical impossibility. There are multiple mechanical interlocks that can only allow the gun to fire when the trigger is pulled. You could place a punch on the firing pin and hit it with a hammer without effect. Without the trigger lifting a transfer bar into place there is no possible way for the firing pin to contact the primer of the cartridge.
Just saying....that was the perp.'s defense and the prosecutor could not or did not, prove otherwise....thus the jury's verdict, of not guilty.

By definition, his own defense admitted it was still a crime. A confession is obviously not the defense failing to make it's case. It was jury nullification
dude, all it took was one gun expert to show how impossible it is for a gun to go off by dropping it and the probability of where the barrel would end up.

There would have had to been a bullet in the chamber and the hammer fully cocked. in that supposed bag. qualify the odds on that. where's the cop that left it there?

I agree, but I have no idea why you asked me that
I guess it's fine to politicize it from the outside. but I lost friends and colleges there so I perhaps see it different from the inside.
I wasn't really that far outside. The anxiety going through high school, knowing when you graduate, you have to register for the draft. They ended registration the year I turned 18. Vietnam was the most talked about issue with me and my peers. And Nam Vets have a special place in my heart because of what they went through. Especially, when they had to wait 20+ years before they were considered hero's.

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