WHEN was the last time YOU......

The next four don't apply and because the only thing that could be considered an electrical hazard for a child would be called in right away.
I actually got followed for several miles by another driver who wanted to "notify" me of my brake light out. I didn't appreciate it as it
was late at night, I knew he was following me, and I was pissed that now he would know where I live.

Well, NO, electrical hazards AREN'T called in right away. I've called in dozens of them, at the base of street lights, where the wiring access metal cover is missing, where metal covers are missing from junction boxes and a large door laying down exposing a 440 volt terminal three feet from the public sidewalk. I was walking on that sidewalk and noticed the door laying down on the concrete base. I called the city immediately and they sent someone to secure it immediately. The other one was improperly "fixed"and I raised cane with them about the schlocky job.
Now if you are afraid of someone "knowing where you live," you are really a frightened little flower.
You can't stand up for yourself? You can't man up? Come on.

1. Nobody wants to come in and harm you.
2. BUT IF THEY DO, you should be exercising, you should be fit and be ready to put their lights out instantly. The world is full of cowards who won't even come to the aid of a woman or man being assaulted. I've seen it on films too many times.

Since this is a positive thread, I'll abstain from posting anything negative. Being cautious isn't a sign of being a frightened little flower. I always follow the maxim of "you never know who you're dealing with". Especially someone that follows your every turn late at night. We'll leave it at that.
Whenever we're at a stop light and they're sitting next to me, I motion for them to roll their window down and then I say "No Hillary supporter helped you out!"
It's not normal to be that butthurt about the political opposition 24/7.

When I help out, it never occurs to me to use it as an opportunity to slag the opposition. That would be a crappy thing to do.
Anybody with a trump or maga hat on or trump sign in their window is dismissed instantly by me as I cannot consider anything they have to say as viable information.
- Picked up litter, a beer bottle, empty cigarette pack, nail, screw, or broken glass from the street, parking lot, sidewalk or park where you were walking
- Called SCE about a street light that was on in broad daylight and needs to be repaired to save taxpayer money and poor, pitiful polar bears
- Called your city about park lights or school lights burning in broad daylight, wasting money and killing Mother Gaia
- Called your local water department about a leaking irrigation valve
- Called your city about an electrical hazard which might be fatal to a small child
- Notified another driver about one of their brake lights that is burned out, usually the center one goes first
- Notified a business about wastefulness or a problem they need to address to serve their customers better and more profitably

Now, how often, if ever, have you done these things in the past five years? Ponder that even if you choose not to answer for the most obvious reason.

I have done all those things in your first line. When we walk, camp, or go places, we try to leave it better than when we arrived.

As for the street lights, they seem to work well around here. On at dusk (or close) and off around daylight.

If I see water leaks, I report them. I do it at work and when I am not at work.

If I see a dangerous electrical hazard, not only do I report it, I stay there until someone from the power company comes out. It is called being a responsible member of society.
Anybody with a trump or maga hat on or trump sign in their window is dismissed instantly by me as I cannot consider anything they have to say as viable information.

Spoken like a true Marxist. OBEY!

You can't spell OBAMAGATE without MAGA.
And aren't your fellow Leftists in Minnesota doing some nice looting and burning.
Be proud of your soulmates. Very proud.



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Next step up: When was the last time you gentlemen stopped your car to change the flat tire for a woman stranded on the side of the freeway or highway? How many times have you done so?

Denise Huber would be alive today IF:

1. Some decent citizen had picked up the nail or screw which gave her a flat tire, OR
2. Some decent man had stopped that fateful night in Costa Mesa when she pulled over with that flat tire. BUT NONE DID, and she suffered a horrible death, and her parents suffered for three years not knowing her fate or whereabouts.

Imagine that is YOUR loved one stranded and you'll know what to do.

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