When were Republican's not Rino's?

There have been many threads about liberals, progressives, ect, and what it all means, so I decided to look at the other side of the aisle. I'm a republican, and I think it is safe to say that most republicans think that stands for smaller government, fiscal responsibility, strong defense and family values. Obviously, most of that has not happened, and republican's feel betrayed by their representatives. I think the strong military is the only part they have gotten right. I believe the big spending republican's are labeled as rinos. The thing that confuses me is that everyone thinks a rino is something new. It is the republican progressive. I'm having trouble believing that because I remember Bush 'no new taxes' SR, and W who expanded medicaid. Now we have the Tea Party, who say all the right things, but I don't trust a thing they say. Is Cruz supposed to be a Tea Party guy? I see him as a typical lifer and a part of the uniparty. To be honest, I wonder what Pence would do if he ran for president. I can't really see him fighting for a balanced budget. Isn't a big buddy of Paul Ryan? It seems rinos have been around a long time, and I don't trust the Tea Party.

Seems like the trump party has taken over so to all you followers YOU ARE RINO'S, because trump is no republican.

If he's no Republican, then what is he? Everything he's done since his election has reflected strong conservative values. Are you trying to say that Republicans don't support strong conservative values?

Or is there a contingent of Republicans who have sided up with the liberal democrats?

I don't know what the fuck he really is but you and others who voted for him consider him a Republican, true Republican's don't act like you and your kind.

Trump is not a mere "Republican." He is the Great God Kek who was sent here from above to banish you trolls to the nether-lands from whence ye shall never return.

Begone now and make haste, ugly troll woman.
The American people voted for what Republicans said and the Republicans never did it. We gave them the House, Senate and White House several times and they failed.
So we gave them to Trump.
If it were not for the dems holding the military hostage after Obama's neglect, Trump would be the most conservative president in my lifetime. That is sad considering he used to be a democrat. I know the left hates him, but at least he is not another lifer bureaucrat. He had a life outside of pimping himself for votes.
Please expound on this.

I believe you're suggesting that President Obama neglected the military.

If so, please expound and detail how this was done.


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