When Were Universities Granted the Authority to Become a Judical Branch in Criminal Cases?

wrong, ignorant, lie, partisan bullshit.

he was her superior and therefore he committed sexual harassment.

Well, except that she wasn't. She didn't work for him. She was on an internship, so she didn't even get paid.

sorry, man, there is no way that Lewinsky could have made a sexual harassment claim if she wanted to. IN fact, Clinton's people saw her as a stalker and wanted to keep her away from the President.
wow, how sharp is the razor you use to split that hair?

and he was still the Pres and his security could have kept her away.

goddamn your fucking dumb.
wow, how sharp is the razor you use to split that hair?

and he was still the Pres and his security could have kept her away.

goddamn your fucking dumb.

well, they tried their best, that was the point. In a lot of ways, the President is a prisoner of his staff, that's the point.

But you guys keep pretending that this sexual active girl with a long history of fucking older men was this doe-eyed victim. That's what's hilarious.
For girls who get raped the criminal justice system will handle it, if and only if the colleges start concerning themselves with RAPE, and not drunken college hookups.

There actually is no "law", it was a fucking memorandum telling colleges its better to fuck over some guys than look like "bad guys".

which it totally is. I bet you when they see Biff getting carted off campus after he gave her a beer bong with extra roofies, they'll all think twice about their behavior.

What is your issue with due process?

That when you only throw 3% of rapists in prison, it isn't doing it's job.

The universities will start to agree as they lose more and more of these lawsuits. The difference is that in the actual ignoring rape lawsuits, the crime is ignorance. In the "throw the guy under the bus to appease the mob" the crime is willful malfeasance.

No, they probably won't. Here's why.

Because they know they are going to pay a lot more money out to the girl Biff raped once she proves the university multiple complaints about him, than they would paying out Biff because his girlfriend complained about him because he was a lout.

Poor Biff. What kind of a world do we live in when Entitled White Preppies don't have privilege?

I have already said spiking someone and then screwing them when they are fucked up is rape. Stop trying to move the goalposts.

Where do you get your 3% stat? As usual you are probably using some bullshit source.

More and more of the guy's lawsuits are going forward. These are guys who did nothing but have a drunken consensual hook-up. As most progressive morons you continue to fight the wrong problem.
WOW! How sexist of you, Joe Blow......women are in combat now, they can bring home the bacon and then fry it up in the pan. The bra burning Feminist movement would call you a chauvinistic sack of shit.

I think most of the feminist movement (do they still make feminists?) would agree that women need protection from sexual predators, Cocksucker Dale.

Oh, since you brought up the military...

Sexual assault reports in U.S. military reach record high, Pentagon says

Um, yeah. Lot's of work that still needs to be done there, too. But you'll probably claim it's a Trilateralist Plot to steal your mojo or something.

BTW, did you write that society is misogynist with a straight face because it didn't select the Hildebeast? I recall you claiming with a bit of ennui that even though the Hildebeast was not the best of candidates that she would still win with relative ease????

She won by 3 million votes, and the system stole the election from her because a lot of electors said, "Meh, we know Trump is a crazy person with impulse control issues, but let's elect him anyway."
More and more of the guy's lawsuits are going forward. These are guys who did nothing but have a drunken consensual hook-up. As most progressive morons you continue to fight the wrong problem.

The problem is not the rare Biff who gets thrown out for being a lout.

The problem is that 1 out of 5 women experience a sexual assault on campus.

The Truth About Statistics of Sexual Assault in College

So are you saying that 1 in 5 Biffs are accused of sexual assault and unfairly thrown off campus.

and here's the thing. If you told me that Biff was just a lout, but throwing his entitled ass off campus would get the rest of the men on that campus to change their behavior, then SO LONG, BIFF!!! HOPE YOU ENJOY COMMUNITY COLLEGE!!!

Just like I was cool with fining the wife beater. Not going to change his behavior, but I promise you, ever other baker after that made sure they had a stock of little plastic dudes to put on top of wedding cakes.
More and more of the guy's lawsuits are going forward. These are guys who did nothing but have a drunken consensual hook-up. As most progressive morons you continue to fight the wrong problem.

The problem is not the rare Biff who gets thrown out for being a lout.

The problem is that 1 out of 5 women experience a sexual assault on campus.

The Truth About Statistics of Sexual Assault in College

So are you saying that 1 in 5 Biffs are accused of sexual assault and unfairly thrown off campus.

and here's the thing. If you told me that Biff was just a lout, but throwing his entitled ass off campus would get the rest of the men on that campus to change their behavior, then SO LONG, BIFF!!! HOPE YOU ENJOY COMMUNITY COLLEGE!!!

Just like I was cool with fining the wife beater. Not going to change his behavior, but I promise you, ever other baker after that made sure they had a stock of little plastic dudes to put on top of wedding cakes.

That 1 in 5 number is based on a limited survey. It's bunk.

I note you ignored most of my points and went on a rant that doesn't address any of the things I was discussing.

Typical Joe Blow bullshit.

You really are the biggest idiot on this board, you have now surpassed SHE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED.
That 1 in 5 number is based on a limited survey. It's bunk.

Actually, if you checked the link I provided, it cites several surveys, and they ALL came up with the 1-5 number. One even came up with a 1-4 number. You see, this is why I usually don't provide you links when you whine for them, since you don't actually read them..
...much less comprehend them...

I note you ignored most of my points and went on a rant that doesn't address any of the things I was discussing.

you keep repeating the same points over and over again, after I pretty much debunked them.

You really are the biggest idiot on this board, you have now surpassed SHE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED.

You mean there was someone else who got more of your OCD inspired rants?
That 1 in 5 number is based on a limited survey. It's bunk.

Actually, if you checked the link I provided, it cites several surveys, and they ALL came up with the 1-5 number. One even came up with a 1-4 number. You see, this is why I usually don't provide you links when you whine for them, since you don't actually read them..
...much less comprehend them...

I note you ignored most of my points and went on a rant that doesn't address any of the things I was discussing.

you keep repeating the same points over and over again, after I pretty much debunked them.

You really are the biggest idiot on this board, you have now surpassed SHE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED.

You mean there was someone else who got more of your OCD inspired rants?

Surveys are notoriously unreliable, and follow the bias of those running them.

You have debunked NOTHING.

Surveys are notoriously unreliable, and follow the bias of those running them.

So all the surveys are wrong, and Poor Biff is being put upon. Riiiight.

I linked lawsuits showing overreach by the universities and the denial of due process. More and more of these suits are coming forward.

Women are being told by terrible people that a drunk hookup is sexual assault. This gives cover to actual rapists, and people like you simply don't care because the target of the current witch hunts are people you don't like.
I linked lawsuits showing overreach by the universities and the denial of due process. More and more of these suits are coming forward.

You linked some lawsuits from some Biffs who didn't understand why they were louts. Again, not going to change anything, because campuses are paying out a lot more to girls that get raped than Biffs who get expelled.

Women are being told by terrible people that a drunk hookup is sexual assault. This gives cover to actual rapists, and people like you simply don't care because the target of the current witch hunts are people you don't like.

I think a woman is smart enough to know when she's been taken advantage of.

So if it was your (hypothetical) daughter involved in that drunken hookup, would you be so understanding? "Good going, Biff!"
I linked lawsuits showing overreach by the universities and the denial of due process. More and more of these suits are coming forward.

You linked some lawsuits from some Biffs who didn't understand why they were louts. Again, not going to change anything, because campuses are paying out a lot more to girls that get raped than Biffs who get expelled.

Women are being told by terrible people that a drunk hookup is sexual assault. This gives cover to actual rapists, and people like you simply don't care because the target of the current witch hunts are people you don't like.

I think a woman is smart enough to know when she's been taken advantage of.

So if it was your (hypothetical) daughter involved in that drunken hookup, would you be so understanding? "Good going, Biff!"

Being a lout is not sexual assault. And please show me the $$ totals to support your claim.

I would be disappointed in my daughter, but I would not seek legal sanctions. IF AND ONLY IF it was a drunk hookup ONLY. If she was passed out, forced, or drugged I would want CRIMINAL JUSTICE not some College kangaroo court.

As a turn around, would you want your son thrown out of school for a mutual hookup that the girl later said was non-consensual because she was drunk?
The president is the boss of everyone in the Executive branch, whether they are being paid or not, so she did work for him.

Um, no, he's really not. Most of them are civil servants. It's why Clinton got into so much trouble for firing the people who worked at the Travel Office.
He is their boss, by definition and by statute. They all report to him, either directly or indirectly. What your claiming is that the CEO of Exxon is not the boss of the janitor.

You're an imbecile, of course, and you will continue to maintain your idiocies because your argument falls apart without them.
Being a lout is not sexual assault. And please show me the $$ totals to support your claim.

Why, if I provide a link, you won't read it.

Northern Kentucky University settles sex assault case

The woman, identified only as Jane Doe, charged the school mishandled her case and accused NKU officials of allowing her attacker to continue to harass her even after the university found him "responsible" for a sexual assault in 2014. The assault occurred in fall 2013, during her freshman year. The student graduated in May.

The university will pay $900,000, according to Doe's lawyer, Kevin Murphy.

Settling sex assault lawsuits costs universities millions

The $2.48 million payout to end a sexual assault lawsuit against the University of Tennessee is the latest in a spate of settlements entered into by colleges and universities across the country faced with a growing number of similar legal challenges in recent years.

  • In January, Florida State University settled a lawsuit brought by a former female student over its handling of sexual assault allegations against former football player Jameis Winston for $950,000.
  • In August 2015, the University of Oregon settled a lawsuit brought by a female student who said she was gang-raped by three basketball players for $800,000.
  • In July 2014, the University of Connecticut agreed to pay $1.28 million to settle a lawsuit filed by five students who alleged the school treated their claims of sexual assault and harassment with indifference.
  • In September 2013, Occidental College agreed to a confidential settlement with 37 students and alumni over allegations the school deliberately discouraged women from reporting sexual assaults.
  • In 2007 the University of Colorado reached a $2.5 million settlement with a former female student who alleged she had been raped at a party attended by football players.
That would make you a terrible parent.

Not at all. You are there to learn. YOu are not there to go to parties. You are not there to hook up.

I didn't go to parties when i was at college. I worked two minimum wage jobs, was a member of the IL National Guard, and had to deal with both parents having terminal illnesses.

So if you got drunk, hooked up with a girl you never met before, and she turned out to be batshit crazy and complained to the university about you, YOU HAVE NO ONE TO BLAME BUT YOURSELF.
Being a lout is not sexual assault. And please show me the $$ totals to support your claim.

Why, if I provide a link, you won't read it.

Northern Kentucky University settles sex assault case

The woman, identified only as Jane Doe, charged the school mishandled her case and accused NKU officials of allowing her attacker to continue to harass her even after the university found him "responsible" for a sexual assault in 2014. The assault occurred in fall 2013, during her freshman year. The student graduated in May.

The university will pay $900,000, according to Doe's lawyer, Kevin Murphy.

Settling sex assault lawsuits costs universities millions

The $2.48 million payout to end a sexual assault lawsuit against the University of Tennessee is the latest in a spate of settlements entered into by colleges and universities across the country faced with a growing number of similar legal challenges in recent years.

  • In January, Florida State University settled a lawsuit brought by a former female student over its handling of sexual assault allegations against former football player Jameis Winston for $950,000.
  • In August 2015, the University of Oregon settled a lawsuit brought by a female student who said she was gang-raped by three basketball players for $800,000.
  • In July 2014, the University of Connecticut agreed to pay $1.28 million to settle a lawsuit filed by five students who alleged the school treated their claims of sexual assault and harassment with indifference.
  • In September 2013, Occidental College agreed to a confidential settlement with 37 students and alumni over allegations the school deliberately discouraged women from reporting sexual assaults.
  • In 2007 the University of Colorado reached a $2.5 million settlement with a former female student who alleged she had been raped at a party attended by football players.

None of this justifies over-reacting and treating drunken hookups as assault.

I got a link of my own.

‘Toxic environment’ for sons accused of campus sex offenses turns mothers into militants
That would make you a terrible parent.

Not at all. You are there to learn. YOu are not there to go to parties. You are not there to hook up.

I didn't go to parties when i was at college. I worked two minimum wage jobs, was a member of the IL National Guard, and had to deal with both parents having terminal illnesses.

So if you got drunk, hooked up with a girl you never met before, and she turned out to be batshit crazy and complained to the university about you, YOU HAVE NO ONE TO BLAME BUT YOURSELF.

What a fucking Puritan you are. You can actually do both if you are a bit controlled.

And of course it goes back to poor poor little Joe Blow, and his terrible past, and his feeeeewings.

You really are a pathetic loser.

And your last line shows you don't care about process, just hurting people you don't like because in your tiny addled head it's "revenge" for all the misery in your own past.


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