When Were Universities Granted the Authority to Become a Judical Branch in Criminal Cases?

That would make you a terrible parent.

Not at all. You are there to learn. YOu are not there to go to parties. You are not there to hook up.

I didn't go to parties when i was at college. I worked two minimum wage jobs, was a member of the IL National Guard, and had to deal with both parents having terminal illnesses.

So if you got drunk, hooked up with a girl you never met before, and she turned out to be batshit crazy and complained to the university about you, YOU HAVE NO ONE TO BLAME BUT YOURSELF.
According to your "logic," if you are raped you also have no one to blame but yourself. Apparently, whether you are a victim depends on your sex. That's the leftwing conception of justice.

And, oh yeah, women are 100% equal to men.
None of this justifies over-reacting and treating drunken hookups as assault.

Uh, yeah, it does. When you are paying out Six and Seven figure settlements to women, that shit costs money. More money than Biff will ever get for being thrown out for being a lout.

I got a link of my own.

Nowhere in there does it say that Biff's mom (I'm just calling all these guys "Biff" now for simplicity) won a seven figure judgement. In fact,t he only ruling mentioned in your article is that Biff couldn't be moved out of his dorm and off campus.

Again- good business sense is to throw Biff off campus because he won't win as much money as a girl who he raped.

What a fucking Puritan you are. You can actually do both if you are a bit controlled.

But that's the point. Biff isn't controlling himself if one out of four girls on college campuses say they've been sexually assaulted.

And of course it goes back to poor poor little Joe Blow, and his terrible past, and his feeeeewings.

You really are a pathetic loser.

Um, no, the point of that story was that you really can overcome hardships. I'm sorry you missed that. now, here's the thing, college has become so expensive now that most kids today couldn't do what I did. But part of that expense is because Biff can't keep it in his pants and the universities are shelling out big bucks to settle the cases.

And your last line shows you don't care about process, just hurting people you don't like because in your tiny addled head it's "revenge" for all the misery in your own past.

I have no sympathy for the stupid. If Biff is stupid enough to hook up with a drunken girl he met at a party, he deserves whatever he gets, whether it be an expulsion or chlamydia
According to your "logic," if you are raped you also have no one to blame but yourself. Apparently, whether you are a victim depends on your sex. That's the leftwing conception of justice.

And, oh yeah, women are 100% equal to men.

They certainly are. And they still need to be protected from sexual assault and abuse. Thank GOd for Title IX and the universities actually doing something about it.
None of this justifies over-reacting and treating drunken hookups as assault.

Uh, yeah, it does. When you are paying out Six and Seven figure settlements to women, that shit costs money. More money than Biff will ever get for being thrown out for being a lout.

I got a link of my own.

Nowhere in there does it say that Biff's mom (I'm just calling all these guys "Biff" now for simplicity) won a seven figure judgement. In fact,t he only ruling mentioned in your article is that Biff couldn't be moved out of his dorm and off campus.

Again- good business sense is to throw Biff off campus because he won't win as much money as a girl who he raped.

What a fucking Puritan you are. You can actually do both if you are a bit controlled.

But that's the point. Biff isn't controlling himself if one out of four girls on college campuses say they've been sexually assaulted.

And of course it goes back to poor poor little Joe Blow, and his terrible past, and his feeeeewings.

You really are a pathetic loser.

Um, no, the point of that story was that you really can overcome hardships. I'm sorry you missed that. now, here's the thing, college has become so expensive now that most kids today couldn't do what I did. But part of that expense is because Biff can't keep it in his pants and the universities are shelling out big bucks to settle the cases.

And your last line shows you don't care about process, just hurting people you don't like because in your tiny addled head it's "revenge" for all the misery in your own past.

I have no sympathy for the stupid. If Biff is stupid enough to hook up with a drunken girl he met at a party, he deserves whatever he gets, whether it be an expulsion or chlamydia

Actually they are probably getting paid just as much, but the lawsuits are mostly still in progress, or settled without disclosure. When you promise due process and don't give it, it's easy to win against the schools.

The issue is THESE WOMEN WERE NOT RAPED. They had sex that they regretted and accused these guys falsely.

Again, Not rape, and again, you are just a miserable old fart who blames everyone else for your own terrible life.
According to your "logic," if you are raped you also have no one to blame but yourself. Apparently, whether you are a victim depends on your sex. That's the leftwing conception of justice.

And, oh yeah, women are 100% equal to men.

They certainly are. And they still need to be protected from sexual assault and abuse. Thank GOd for Title IX and the universities actually doing something about it.

Actually the guys are also suing the schools for Title X violations because they are denying them due process because they are men, and applying differing standards to men and women, which under Title X is illegal.
According to your "logic," if you are raped you also have no one to blame but yourself. Apparently, whether you are a victim depends on your sex. That's the leftwing conception of justice.

And, oh yeah, women are 100% equal to men.

They certainly are. And they still need to be protected from sexual assault and abuse. Thank GOd for Title IX and the universities actually doing something about it.

Those are crimes. If a crime happened let the criminal justice system handle it. a drunken hookup is not sexual assault or abuse.
Actually they are probably getting paid just as much, but the lawsuits are mostly still in progress, or settled without disclosure. When you promise due process and don't give it, it's easy to win against the schools.

again, it would be nice if you provided actual figures as proof of that. Because mostly, we hear about "Undisclosed settlements', which usually means, "We paid off your lawyer to make you go away!"

The issue is THESE WOMEN WERE NOT RAPED. They had sex that they regretted and accused these guys falsely.

Again, Not rape, and again, you are just a miserable old fart who blames everyone else for your own terrible life.

Where did I blame anyone else? These guys did something stupid, and they paid a consequence. Sucks to be them, I guess, but it all started when they did something stupid.

Are the universities over-reacting? Maybe. But after you pay out a seven figure settlement because of a Biff who you were warned about on previous occassions, probably best to nip these things in the bud.

Actually the guys are also suing the schools for Title X violations because they are denying them due process because they are men, and applying differing standards to men and women, which under Title X is illegal.

I'm sure some slick shakedown artists are trying that, but they'll mostly fail.

Those are crimes. If a crime happened let the criminal justice system handle it. a drunken hookup is not sexual assault or abuse.

When the criminal Justice system does better than it's current 97% FAIL rate, then we can trust it to handle these things.
Actually they are probably getting paid just as much, but the lawsuits are mostly still in progress, or settled without disclosure. When you promise due process and don't give it, it's easy to win against the schools.

again, it would be nice if you provided actual figures as proof of that. Because mostly, we hear about "Undisclosed settlements', which usually means, "We paid off your lawyer to make you go away!"

The issue is THESE WOMEN WERE NOT RAPED. They had sex that they regretted and accused these guys falsely.

Again, Not rape, and again, you are just a miserable old fart who blames everyone else for your own terrible life.

Where did I blame anyone else? These guys did something stupid, and they paid a consequence. Sucks to be them, I guess, but it all started when they did something stupid.

Are the universities over-reacting? Maybe. But after you pay out a seven figure settlement because of a Biff who you were warned about on previous occassions, probably best to nip these things in the bud.

Actually the guys are also suing the schools for Title X violations because they are denying them due process because they are men, and applying differing standards to men and women, which under Title X is illegal.

I'm sure some slick shakedown artists are trying that, but they'll mostly fail.

Those are crimes. If a crime happened let the criminal justice system handle it. a drunken hookup is not sexual assault or abuse.

When the criminal Justice system does better than it's current 97% FAIL rate, then we can trust it to handle these things.

Nothing but assumptions on your part, which is mostly your schtick.

If the guy did something stupid, then the women did something stupid as well. Why aren't both being punished?

So now they get to pay out 7 figure settlements to biff.

Your 97% fail rate is bullshit, same as any of your other "statistics"
We were talking about sexual assault. *cough* speaking of moving goal posts...

And now you're trying to spin it - remember what you said: innocent until proven guilty? How's that working?

You lied that Clinton was a poor victim and not found guilty.

Hey, you're a leftist, it's just what you do...

Now I know you've lost the argument :lmao:

Never said he was a "victim".

All I said was - what you did: "innocent until proven guilty".

Are you admitting that isn't so? :lol:

First off, the "innocent until proven guilty" bullshit is a straw man you erected. You naturally cannot point to any post of mine saying that. Secondly, you DID whine that Clinton was not declared "innocent" despite his losing his law license due to his guilt.

Then you try and pretend that a direct supervisor engaging in sex with a subordinate is not an issue.

You are a partisan hack, nothing more, there is nothing even approaching rationality involved.
We were talking about sexual assault. *cough* speaking of moving goal posts...

And now you're trying to spin it - remember what you said: innocent until proven guilty? How's that working?

You lied that Clinton was a poor victim and not found guilty.

Hey, you're a leftist, it's just what you do...

Now I know you've lost the argument :lmao:

Never said he was a "victim".

All I said was - what you did: "innocent until proven guilty".

Are you admitting that isn't so? :lol:

First off, the "innocent until proven guilty" bullshit is a straw man you erected. You naturally cannot point to any post of mine saying that. Secondly, you DID whine that Clinton was not declared "innocent" despite his losing his law license due to his guilt.

Then you try and pretend that a direct supervisor engaging in sex with a subordinate is not an issue.

You are a partisan hack, nothing more, there is nothing even approaching rationality involved.
Post 62, where you reversed the words to make a point about Trump and his sexual behavior.

Secondly, where did I say about Clinton and his law license and what does that have to do with sexual assault and "guilty until proven innocent"?

Your should stop digging, it's just making your rather obvious hypocrisy look...obvious.

Post 62 is where I pointed out your propensity for declaring "guilty until proven innocent."

You whined that Clinton was not guilty, I pointed out that he was. Then you whined "but not of sexual assault" then I pointed that boinking the help when you alone hold power over them is in fact legally assault.

You should quit digging while you so far down...
The only thing you pointed was your total partisan hypocrisy, which you accuse others of when it comes to Clinton and Trump and then around moving goal posts when you got shot down.

Innocent until proven guilty ( your argument)...
Clinton is uilty of sexual assault because he was found guilty of perjury.
Clinton is guilty because he paid to settle a harrassment suit.
Clinton is guilty of sexual assault because he had consentual sex with an employee. ( id like to see the actual language in the bill for that)

BUT Trump is not guilty...
Even though he settled an harrassment suit.

Among those accusing him of unwanted sexual assaults or conduct were women for whom he was the boss.

But you still think there is a diffetence :dunno:
Nothing but assumptions on your part, which is mostly your schtick.

Yup. Point is, the settlements to Rape victims are matters of public record, and they are ugly. the Biff's never brag about how much they won.

If the guy did something stupid, then the women did something stupid as well. Why aren't both being punished?

She did get punished. She got raped.

So now they get to pay out 7 figure settlements to biff.

Ain't gonna happen. Yes, I know you weep a little bit when White Male Privilege is rolled back, but Biff just has to learn how to behave himself.

Your 97% fail rate is bullshit, same as any of your other "statistics"

Only 3% of rapists go to jail.

Where in the VAW bill does it say consentual sex between employer and employee is sexual assault?
Nothing but assumptions on your part, which is mostly your schtick.

Yup. Point is, the settlements to Rape victims are matters of public record, and they are ugly. the Biff's never brag about how much they won.

If the guy did something stupid, then the women did something stupid as well. Why aren't both being punished?

She did get punished. She got raped.

So now they get to pay out 7 figure settlements to biff.

Ain't gonna happen. Yes, I know you weep a little bit when White Male Privilege is rolled back, but Biff just has to learn how to behave himself.

Your 97% fail rate is bullshit, same as any of your other "statistics"

Only 3% of rapists go to jail.


Again you lump rape and drunken hookups.

No, in a lot of these cases she did not. she got drunk and had sex with a guy who was drunk.

Some of these cases involved non-white guys, you do know right?

Again, you confuse actual rape with drunken hookups, and this graph probably lumps both together as well.
Again you lump rape and drunken hookups.

No, in a lot of these cases she did not. she got drunk and had sex with a guy who was drunk.

Some of these cases involved non-white guys, you do know right?

Again, you confuse actual rape with drunken hookups, and this graph probably lumps both together as well.

If you are too drunk to drive, you are too drunk to consent. That seems like a pretty fair standard, don't you think?

We wouldn't honor a contract that was concluded when someone was drunk out of his mind. Why would we assume that an agreement to have sex would be valid?

Oh, dark days when entitled white boys can't use alcohol to get into a girl's panties.
wow, how sharp is the razor you use to split that hair?

and he was still the Pres and his security could have kept her away.

goddamn your fucking dumb.

well, they tried their best, that was the point. In a lot of ways, the President is a prisoner of his staff, that's the point.

But you guys keep pretending that this sexual active girl with a long history of fucking older men was this doe-eyed victim. That's what's hilarious.
you just said she was an intern, easily fired, but now you claim she's staff.

his historical use and abuse of women wherever he goes, makes your argument even more foolish.

he is a degenerate, and you worship him.
WOW! How sexist of you, Joe Blow......women are in combat now, they can bring home the bacon and then fry it up in the pan. The bra burning Feminist movement would call you a chauvinistic sack of shit.

I think most of the feminist movement (do they still make feminists?) would agree that women need protection from sexual predators, Cocksucker Dale.

Oh, since you brought up the military...

Sexual assault reports in U.S. military reach record high, Pentagon says

Um, yeah. Lot's of work that still needs to be done there, too. But you'll probably claim it's a Trilateralist Plot to steal your mojo or something.

BTW, did you write that society is misogynist with a straight face because it didn't select the Hildebeast? I recall you claiming with a bit of ennui that even though the Hildebeast was not the best of candidates that she would still win with relative ease????

She won by 3 million votes, and the system stole the election from her because a lot of electors said, "Meh, we know Trump is a crazy person with impulse control issues, but let's elect him anyway."

So, then women are not equal, no? And therein lies the rub, Cocksucker Joe.

By bringing up sexual assaults in the military does that not prove that the social engineering of introducing women into it was a horrifically bad idea? Just like allowing queers and trans-gendered freaks to "serve" out in the open?

You see, leftards and their social engineering and lame attempts at marginalizing anyone that doesn't see things their way has been proven to be an utter failure.

BTW, the Hildebeast won 14 of the meager 20 states she allegedly won that had no voter ID laws and we know from the revelations of Project Veritas that a massive voter fraud campaign was already in place. Trump won 30 states and most by a huge number even when you take into account the massive voter fraud. Trump is "crazy"? Because he doesn't buy into the fabian socialist agenda and wants to secure the borders? Because he killed TPP, the unfair trade agreement that the jug-eared mulatto commie tried to fast track? Perhaps it is you that needs a "sanity check", Cocksucker Joe........
Nothing but assumptions on your part, which is mostly your schtick.

Yup. Point is, the settlements to Rape victims are matters of public record, and they are ugly. the Biff's never brag about how much they won.

If the guy did something stupid, then the women did something stupid as well. Why aren't both being punished?

She did get punished. She got raped.

So now they get to pay out 7 figure settlements to biff.

Ain't gonna happen. Yes, I know you weep a little bit when White Male Privilege is rolled back, but Biff just has to learn how to behave himself.

Your 97% fail rate is bullshit, same as any of your other "statistics"

Only 3% of rapists go to jail.


Say Stalin, don't you claim that ALL sex is rape and all males are rapists who should be locked up, provided they are the hated whites, that is?

Yeah, we all know you do.
Nothing but assumptions on your part, which is mostly your schtick.

Yup. Point is, the settlements to Rape victims are matters of public record, and they are ugly. the Biff's never brag about how much they won.

If the guy did something stupid, then the women did something stupid as well. Why aren't both being punished?

She did get punished. She got raped.

So now they get to pay out 7 figure settlements to biff.

Ain't gonna happen. Yes, I know you weep a little bit when White Male Privilege is rolled back, but Biff just has to learn how to behave himself.

Your 97% fail rate is bullshit, same as any of your other "statistics"

Only 3% of rapists go to jail.


Again you lump rape and drunken hookups.

No, in a lot of these cases she did not. she got drunk and had sex with a guy who was drunk.

Some of these cases involved non-white guys, you do know right?

Again, you confuse actual rape with drunken hookups, and this graph probably lumps both together as well.

Yeah, but when she woke up he wasn't nearly as cute as she thought the night before, so he should go to prison and be branded with the Scarlet Letter, it's the leftist way.

Face facts, if you are white and male, democrats want you dead. If they can't kill you outright, they will do ANYTHING to put you in prison and destroy your life.
you just said she was an intern, easily fired, but now you claim she's staff.

No, I didn't. Go back and read what I said, and then have someone explain the big words to you.

his historical use and abuse of women wherever he goes, makes your argument even more foolish.

You mean all these women who were largely proven to be liars, or had their words distorted. Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars investigating his sex life, and came up with nothing.

Again, this would be the same Ken Starr who ignored hundreds of cases of sexual assault when he ran Baylor University.

he is a degenerate, and you worship him.

So a dude who likes women is a "degenerate"? Really?

I don't really worship Clinton. I do wish we had his economy back. The one where you could send out a resume and get a shitload of job offers.

But if the worst thing you had to worry about in the 1990's was "Oh my God, the President got a blow job!", then your life is pretty good.
Yeah, but when she woke up he wasn't nearly as cute as she thought the night before, so he should go to prison and be branded with the Scarlet Letter, it's the leftist way.

Face facts, if you are white and male, democrats want you dead. If they can't kill you outright, they will do ANYTHING to put you in prison and destroy your life.

Again, if you can't drive a car when you are drunk, and you can't make a contract when you are drunk, you can't give meaningful consent to sex when you are drunk.
So, then women are not equal, no? And therein lies the rub, Cocksucker Joe.

Uh, no, Cocksucker Dale... we actually ALL need protection from people who would abuse us. Rape is just one area of abuse.

By bringing up sexual assaults in the military does that not prove that the social engineering of introducing women into it was a horrifically bad idea? Just like allowing queers and trans-gendered freaks to "serve" out in the open?

Uh, no, it proves that we have people in the military who don't belong there because they are criminally inclined. Unfortunately, when you fight a war for 16 years against an emotional state, you really do end up scraping the bottom of the barrel.

You see, leftards and their social engineering and lame attempts at marginalizing anyone that doesn't see things their way has been proven to be an utter failure.

I think that racists, misogynists and homophobes pretty much marginalize themselves. I guess 'electing" (not really) Trump is kind of your last hurrah.

Trump won 30 states and most by a huge number even when you take into account the massive voter fraud. Trump is "crazy"? Because he doesn't buy into the fabian socialist agenda and wants to secure the borders? Because he killed TPP, the unfair trade agreement that the jug-eared mulatto commie tried to fast track? Perhaps it is you that needs a "sanity check", ......

TPP was approved by both parties, until it became a political issue.

The reality is, we live in a GLOBAL economy. Protectionism is not going to save inefficient American businesses. (In fact, most manufacturing jobs have been lost to automation, not trade). Nor is stopping immigration going to help all that much.

You want to see a country that stops immigration, you need to look at Japan. They are in a demographic death spiral because people are dying faster than they are being replaced.

But Trump has managed to tap into the resentment of stupid white people who don't live as well as their fathers, but don't understand why their fathers lived so well.

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