When Were Universities Granted the Authority to Become a Judical Branch in Criminal Cases?

Yeah, but when she woke up he wasn't nearly as cute as she thought the night before, so he should go to prison and be branded with the Scarlet Letter, it's the leftist way.

Face facts, if you are white and male, democrats want you dead. If they can't kill you outright, they will do ANYTHING to put you in prison and destroy your life.

Again, if you can't drive a car when you are drunk, and you can't make a contract when you are drunk, you can't give meaningful consent to sex when you are drunk.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is the utter stupidity of the Marxists. If ANYONE ever considers sympathy to your vile cause, read the above, You Stalinist fucks want to get into American's bedroom and criminalize sex. You are maggots with no redeeming qualities.
So, then women are not equal, no? And therein lies the rub, Cocksucker Joe.

Uh, no, Cocksucker Dale... we actually ALL need protection from people who would abuse us. Rape is just one area of abuse.

You Stalinists don't care about rape and would openly support the rape of women in public if you thought it would help you achieve the totalitarian dictatorship you desire.

RAPE, real rape, is a violent act. It is the forcible act of sexual assault, not the consensual sex you Marxists seek to regulate.

But this isn't about rape, it never was. It is about the desire of you Stalinists to regulate what people do in their bedrooms. You want the party to monitor sex. You want the party to decide when proles can or cannot engage in sex,

You don't grasp WHY the party want's to be the bedroom police, but you are a Brown Shirt and ask no questions about the orders you are given.

But those who oppose you thugs DO know;

"There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What's there in that for anyone? But just pass the kinds of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced nor objectively interpreted—and you create a nation of lawbreakers—and then you cash in on guilt. Now that's the system, Mr. Rearden, that's the game, and once you understand it, you'll be much easier to deal with." - Ayn Rand
So, then women are not equal, no? And therein lies the rub, Cocksucker Joe.

Uh, no, Cocksucker Dale... we actually ALL need protection from people who would abuse us. Rape is just one area of abuse.

You Stalinists don't care about rape and would openly support the rape of women in public if you thought it would help you achieve the totalitarian dictatorship you desire.

RAPE, real rape, is a violent act. It is the forcible act of sexual assault, not the consensual sex you Marxists seek to regulate.

But this isn't about rape, it never was. It is about the desire of you Stalinists to regulate what people do in their bedrooms. You want the party to monitor sex. You want the party to decide when proles can or cannot engage in sex,

You don't grasp WHY the party want's to be the bedroom police, but you are a Brown Shirt and ask no questions about the orders you are given.

But those who oppose you thugs DO know;

"There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What's there in that for anyone? But just pass the kinds of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced nor objectively interpreted—and you create a nation of lawbreakers—and then you cash in on guilt. Now that's the system, Mr. Rearden, that's the game, and once you understand it, you'll be much easier to deal with." - Ayn Rand
The really crazy thing about this is that Snowflakes believe this to be a winning issue. They believe millions of moms and dads out there are eager to have their sons accused of rape and expelled from their universities.

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
This is the utter stupidity of the Marxists. If ANYONE ever considers sympathy to your vile cause, read the above, You Stalinist fucks want to get into American's bedroom and criminalize sex. You are maggots with no redeeming qualities.

So you really couldn't answer the point, could you?

The really crazy thing about this is that Snowflakes believe this to be a winning issue. They believe millions of moms and dads out there are eager to have their sons accused of rape and expelled from their universities.

I think millions of moms and dads are more worried that they are sending their daughters off to be sexually assaulted on campus. I think they worry more about that then their sons being falsely accused.

Now, here's the thing. I really don't expect 18-20 year olds to show good judgement when they are away from home for the first time, lacking experience and such. I really, really do expect that universities should be setting boundaries and when boundaries are crossed, there are consequences.
This is the utter stupidity of the Marxists. If ANYONE ever considers sympathy to your vile cause, read the above, You Stalinist fucks want to get into American's bedroom and criminalize sex. You are maggots with no redeeming qualities.

So you really couldn't answer the point, could you?

The really crazy thing about this is that Snowflakes believe this to be a winning issue. They believe millions of moms and dads out there are eager to have their sons accused of rape and expelled from their universities.

I think millions of moms and dads are more worried that they are sending their daughters off to be sexually assaulted on campus. I think they worry more about that then their sons being falsely accused.

Now, here's the thing. I really don't expect 18-20 year olds to show good judgement when they are away from home for the first time, lacking experience and such. I really, really do expect that universities should be setting boundaries and when boundaries are crossed, there are consequences.

You really think young women are helpless little daisies, huh? Dude, in college, those girls are as cold-blooded as they come. They have almost every advantage over the boys. It's not until our thirties that men begin to finally turn it around, and that's just because we finally have something they want (the other half of the baby recipe) .
This is the utter stupidity of the Marxists. If ANYONE ever considers sympathy to your vile cause, read the above, You Stalinist fucks want to get into American's bedroom and criminalize sex. You are maggots with no redeeming qualities.

So you really couldn't answer the point, could you?

The really crazy thing about this is that Snowflakes believe this to be a winning issue. They believe millions of moms and dads out there are eager to have their sons accused of rape and expelled from their universities.

I think millions of moms and dads are more worried that they are sending their daughters off to be sexually assaulted on campus. I think they worry more about that then their sons being falsely accused.

Now, here's the thing. I really don't expect 18-20 year olds to show good judgement when they are away from home for the first time, lacking experience and such. I really, really do expect that universities should be setting boundaries and when boundaries are crossed, there are consequences.
"Boundaries" are where the university destroys someone's life because some slut regrets a decision she made when she was drunk.
You really think young women are helpless little daisies, huh? Dude, in college, those girls are as cold-blooded as they come. They have almost every advantage over the boys. It's not until our thirties that men begin to finally turn it around, and that's just because we finally have something they want (the other half of the baby recipe) .

Yup the misogynists are out in full force.
"Boundaries" are where the university destroys someone's life because some slut regrets a decision she made when she was drunk.

again, not seeing how someone's life is "destroyed" because they get thrown off a campus for being a lout.

Lesson learned, enroll somewhere else. Problem solved.
You really think young women are helpless little daisies, huh? Dude, in college, those girls are as cold-blooded as they come. They have almost every advantage over the boys. It's not until our thirties that men begin to finally turn it around, and that's just because we finally have something they want (the other half of the baby recipe) .

Yup the misogynists are out in full force.

Don't think you know what that word means.
Don't think you know what that word means.

Um, yeah, I kind of do. Honestly, you sound like a guy who is bitter he got shot down too many times in college.

Not at all. I'm a big fan of women. I just don't act like they exist on some higher plane and that they should never be criticized. You infantilize them with your bullshit. I treat them as imperfect people who need to be held accountable. Who's the real misogynist here?
Don't think you know what that word means.

Um, yeah, I kind of do. Honestly, you sound like a guy who is bitter he got shot down too many times in college.
It goes on his permanent record, moron, and when he applies at another university they are going to see that. Unless he wants to start over from scratch, in which case he's out all the money and time he has invested in his education.
Not at all. I'm a big fan of women. I just don't act like they exist on some higher plane and that they should never be criticized. You infantilize them with your bullshit. I treat them as imperfect people who need to be held accountable. Who's the real misogynist here?

I would say the guy who sees relationships as a power game.

I'm sorry, saying that universities need to protect them from louts is hardly infantilizing them.

One out of five women will experience a sexual assault in college. This is what really needs to change, and the days of universities sweeping these things under the carpet are done.
It goes on his permanent record, moron, and when he applies at another university they are going to see that. Unless he wants to start over from scratch, in which case he's out all the money and time he has invested in his education.

Then he should have thought twice before he got a total stranger drunk and had sex with her.
Not at all. I'm a big fan of women. I just don't act like they exist on some higher plane and that they should never be criticized. You infantilize them with your bullshit. I treat them as imperfect people who need to be held accountable. Who's the real misogynist here?

I would say the guy who sees relationships as a power game.

I'm sorry, saying that universities need to protect them from louts is hardly infantilizing them.

One out of five women will experience a sexual assault in college. This is what really needs to change, and the days of universities sweeping these things under the carpet are done.

You're citing bad statistics from misleading research methodology. Go find me those studies. Hint; they count pretty much everything under the sun as sexual assault, and when asked a lot of the girls who were counted as being sexually assaulted in the studies say they don't believe they were assaulted.

I could see how someone who doesn't know this would think there's a rape epidemic on college campuses, though.
It goes on his permanent record, moron, and when he applies at another university they are going to see that. Unless he wants to start over from scratch, in which case he's out all the money and time he has invested in his education.

Then he should have thought twice before he got a total stranger drunk and had sex with her.

Bill Clinton?
Not at all. I'm a big fan of women. I just don't act like they exist on some higher plane and that they should never be criticized. You infantilize them with your bullshit. I treat them as imperfect people who need to be held accountable. Who's the real misogynist here?

I would say the guy who sees relationships as a power game.

I'm sorry, saying that universities need to protect them from louts is hardly infantilizing them.

One out of five women will experience a sexual assault in college. This is what really needs to change, and the days of universities sweeping these things under the carpet are done.

Relationships are a power game. That's not a knock against women. That's just what they are. Other things too, but power is a big part of every relationship, romantic or otherwise.
You're citing bad statistics from misleading research methodology. Go find me those studies. Hint; they count pretty much everything under the sun as sexual assault, and when asked a lot of the girls who were counted as being sexually assaulted in the studies say they don't believe they were assaulted.

Actually, I posted a link to the studies earlier in this thread. Do try to keep up. The thing is, there have been SEVERAL studies, and they all come up with about the same numbers.
Relationships are a power game. That's not a knock against women. That's just what they are. Other things too, but power is a big part of every relationship, romantic or otherwise.

What an awful world you must live in.

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