When Were Universities Granted the Authority to Become a Judical Branch in Criminal Cases?

You're citing bad statistics from misleading research methodology. Go find me those studies. Hint; they count pretty much everything under the sun as sexual assault, and when asked a lot of the girls who were counted as being sexually assaulted in the studies say they don't believe they were assaulted.

Actually, I posted a link to the studies earlier in this thread. Do try to keep up. The thing is, there have been SEVERAL studies, and they all come up with about the same numbers.

Lol. Which ones? I'm not sifting through all this garbage to find them.

The real percentage is like 3%. Still too high, but nowhere near 20% like the dumbass feminists like to say. Unless you count incidents of groping and inappropriate kissing (they do), in which case I myself was sexually assaulted by women at least a dozen times in college.
So, then women are not equal, no? And therein lies the rub, Cocksucker Joe.

Uh, no, Cocksucker Dale... we actually ALL need protection from people who would abuse us. Rape is just one area of abuse.

By bringing up sexual assaults in the military does that not prove that the social engineering of introducing women into it was a horrifically bad idea? Just like allowing queers and trans-gendered freaks to "serve" out in the open?

Uh, no, it proves that we have people in the military who don't belong there because they are criminally inclined. Unfortunately, when you fight a war for 16 years against an emotional state, you really do end up scraping the bottom of the barrel.

You see, leftards and their social engineering and lame attempts at marginalizing anyone that doesn't see things their way has been proven to be an utter failure.

I think that racists, misogynists and homophobes pretty much marginalize themselves. I guess 'electing" (not really) Trump is kind of your last hurrah.

Trump won 30 states and most by a huge number even when you take into account the massive voter fraud. Trump is "crazy"? Because he doesn't buy into the fabian socialist agenda and wants to secure the borders? Because he killed TPP, the unfair trade agreement that the jug-eared mulatto commie tried to fast track? Perhaps it is you that needs a "sanity check", ......

TPP was approved by both parties, until it became a political issue.

The reality is, we live in a GLOBAL economy. Protectionism is not going to save inefficient American businesses. (In fact, most manufacturing jobs have been lost to automation, not trade). Nor is stopping immigration going to help all that much.

You want to see a country that stops immigration, you need to look at Japan. They are in a demographic death spiral because people are dying faster than they are being replaced.

But Trump has managed to tap into the resentment of stupid white people who don't live as well as their fathers, but don't understand why their fathers lived so well.

"Uh, no, it proves that we have people in the military who don't belong there because they are criminally inclined. Unfortunately, when you fight a war for 16 years against an emotional state, you really do end up scraping the bottom of the barrel."

So, how do you screen those that have yet to be convicted of a crime but as you say "are criminally inclined"?
Allowing women to serve in combat, serve in the Seals is as big of a mistake as allowing gays and trans-gendered into the military....of course if those that enlist only knew that they were simply fighting for USA.INC and all their multi-national corporations, I doubt that they would be all that gung-ho to join.

"I think that racists, misogynists and homophobes pretty much marginalize themselves. I guess 'electing" (not really) Trump is kind of your last hurrah."

Yeah, Cocksucker Joe, "we get it".....anyone thaty doesn't vote leftard or doesn't see the world through the eyes of a leftards are just racist queer bashers that hate women.....(insert eye roll here)

"TPP was approved by both parties, until it became a political issue."

Given the history of all the other unfair "free trade agreements" and the secrecy put in place to prevent the people from knowing what was in it? I would wager that TPP would have been just as big of a disaster as all the others. BTW, don't play that bullshit card of "But....but BOTH parties were for it!" as if that provides shelter for the Barrypupet because both bought and paid for political parties are equally corrupt.

"The reality is, we live in a GLOBAL economy. Protectionism is not going to save inefficient American businesses. (In fact, most manufacturing jobs have been lost to automation, not trade). Nor is stopping immigration going to help all that much."

So you think that by having American workers compete with slave labor is the way to go? Protectionism via tariffs worked just fine before the Wilson signed off on the Federal Reserve Act , did away with most tariffs and put an income tax in it's place.

As far as immigration goes and how the U.N is using the issue to tear down the nationalism and sovereignty of other countries by flooding them with people (that didn't get the memo on birth control) that have no intention of assimilating into the culture of their host countries? That was always part of the bigger plan by the globalists....soon they will have no borders, America will no longer have a constitution and the global elites will run it all....mainly the banking oligarchs. Sounds grand, doesn't it?
This is the utter stupidity of the Marxists. If ANYONE ever considers sympathy to your vile cause, read the above, You Stalinist fucks want to get into American's bedroom and criminalize sex. You are maggots with no redeeming qualities.

So you really couldn't answer the point, could you?

I did indeed answer, you Stalinists seek to invade the bedrooms of America and dictate what sex is allowed or not.

How long until you demand cameras in all bedrooms so party sex monitors can watch to make sure no one has sex not approved of by our rulers?
So, how do you screen those that have yet to be convicted of a crime but as you say "are criminally inclined"?

That's a pretty simple one. Don't lower the standards to include people with criminal records, which was done back in the mid-oughts when patriotic kids stopped signing up. That's how you get the Mannings and the Bergdahls and such.

Allowing women to serve in combat, serve in the Seals is as big of a mistake as allowing gays and trans-gendered into the military....of course if those that enlist only knew that they were simply fighting for USA.INC and all their multi-national corporations, I doubt that they would be all that gung-ho to join.

again, getting a little bored with your LIzard-man conspiracy theories, Cocksucker Dale.

we get it".....anyone thaty doesn't vote leftard or doesn't see the world through the eyes of a leftards are just racist queer bashers that hate women.....(insert eye roll here)

It does seem to be a pattern with you guys, doesn't it?

Of course, most of them aren't also crazy like you are.

So you think that by having American workers compete with slave labor is the way to go? Protectionism via tariffs worked just fine before the Wilson signed off on the Federal Reserve Act , did away with most tariffs and put an income tax in it's place.

Well, yeah, because Tarriffs didn't produce enough revenue to fund a real modern government. so there's that.

Americans don't have to compete with slave labor. Japanese and German workers do just fine because they produce quality work. NOw, for really cheap stuff, you are always going to go to the cheapest producer.

As far as immigration goes and how the U.N is using the issue to tear down the nationalism and sovereignty of other countries by flooding them with people (that didn't get the memo on birth control) that have no intention of assimilating into the culture of their host countries? That was always part of the bigger plan by the globalists....soon they will have no borders, America will no longer have a constitution and the global elites will run it all....mainly the banking oligarchs. Sounds grand, doesn't it?

I'm sure it's all part of the Jesuit Lizardman scheme to fake Sandy Hook or something, but again, only sooo much time to spend on your crazy, Cocksucker Dale.

I think this thread was about College rape policy.
I did indeed answer, you Stalinists seek to invade the bedrooms of America and dictate what sex is allowed or not.

Really. It's the right telling women they can't have abortions and gays they can't get married. All the left is saying is "don't rape them'.

The real percentage is like 3%. Still too high, but nowhere near 20% like the dumbass feminists like to say. Unless you count incidents of groping and inappropriate kissing (they do), in which case I myself was sexually assaulted by women at least a dozen times in college.

Those are also bad things, but again, I'll go with the surveys that say this really is a problem.
I did indeed answer, you Stalinists seek to invade the bedrooms of America and dictate what sex is allowed or not.

Really. It's the right telling women they can't have abortions and gays they can't get married. All the left is saying is "don't rape them'.

The real percentage is like 3%. Still too high, but nowhere near 20% like the dumbass feminists like to say. Unless you count incidents of groping and inappropriate kissing (they do), in which case I myself was sexually assaulted by women at least a dozen times in college.

Those are also bad things, but again, I'll go with the surveys that say this really is a problem.

If it was instead, 20% of college girls experience unwanted sexual attention and perhaps some unwanted touching, then sure, I could buy that. Unfortunately, the unwanted attention figures are swapped in as RAPE figures, so you get people saying 20% of college girls are RAPED. Which is just a flat-out lie.
If it was instead, 20% of college girls experience unwanted sexual attention and perhaps some unwanted touching, then sure, I could buy that. Unfortunately, the unwanted attention figures are swapped in as RAPE figures, so you get people saying 20% of college girls are RAPED. Which is just a flat-out lie.

I'm really not interested in what you "buy". The figures are the figures and every survey done comes up wiht the same numbers. 1 in 5 women in college are the subject of some kind of sexual abuse.

We need to fix this, not try to say stupid shit like "Well, it was only a groping, that's okay" or "Poor Biff is so put upon!"
If it was instead, 20% of college girls experience unwanted sexual attention and perhaps some unwanted touching, then sure, I could buy that. Unfortunately, the unwanted attention figures are swapped in as RAPE figures, so you get people saying 20% of college girls are RAPED. Which is just a flat-out lie.

I'm really not interested in what you "buy". The figures are the figures and every survey done comes up wiht the same numbers. 1 in 5 women in college are the subject of some kind of sexual abuse.

We need to fix this, not try to say stupid shit like "Well, it was only a groping, that's okay" or "Poor Biff is so put upon!"

Or maybe people just need to understand that shit like that happens. People get drunk. People act like jackasses. Some slob grabbing your boob may qualify as sexual assault in some circles, but apparently so does rape. But the two are light years apart. So stop slapping them both in the "sexual assault" category and stop misleading people into thinking 20% of college women are raped. That's all I ask; for people to tell the truth.

The bullshit, misleading, politically-motivated studies actually do a disservice to real rape victims, in a sense, because when people find out they're being lied to, they tend to go to the opposite extreme and stop taking rape seriously, because suddenly it's all "made up fake news, librul agenda".
It goes on his permanent record, moron, and when he applies at another university they are going to see that. Unless he wants to start over from scratch, in which case he's out all the money and time he has invested in his education.

Then he should have thought twice before he got a total stranger drunk and had sex with her.
Again, your attitude is that women are helpless pawns who aren't responsible for anything they do. Why should we let them vote or run for office?
If it was instead, 20% of college girls experience unwanted sexual attention and perhaps some unwanted touching, then sure, I could buy that. Unfortunately, the unwanted attention figures are swapped in as RAPE figures, so you get people saying 20% of college girls are RAPED. Which is just a flat-out lie.

I'm really not interested in what you "buy". The figures are the figures and every survey done comes up wiht the same numbers. 1 in 5 women in college are the subject of some kind of sexual abuse.

We need to fix this, not try to say stupid shit like "Well, it was only a groping, that's okay" or "Poor Biff is so put upon!"
Your "figures" are bullshit propaganda. Persecuting the innocent isn't a legitimate way to solve the problem, except in the eyes of Stalinist scum like you. Biff doesn't deserve to have his life ruined because some slut regrets a decision she made when she was drunk.
Or maybe people just need to understand that shit like that happens. People get drunk. People act like jackasses. Some slob grabbing your boob may qualify as sexual assault in some circles, but apparently so does rape. But the two are light years apart. So stop slapping them both in the "sexual assault" category and stop misleading people into thinking 20% of college women are raped. That's all I ask; for people to tell the truth.

Okay, here's the thing. If you go to work tomorrow, and you grab a tittie of one of your coworkers, YOU WILL GET FIRED.

same thing when you grab a tittie at a frat party. You WILL get thrown off campus. Or you should.

The bullshit, misleading, politically-motivated studies actually do a disservice to real rape victims, in a sense, because when people find out they're being lied to, they tend to go to the opposite extreme and stop taking rape seriously, because suddenly it's all "made up fake news, librul agenda".

The only person who would think that is a misogynist idiot to start with. I'm kind of at the point where i stopped caring about what the other side thinks.

Again, your attitude is that women are helpless pawns who aren't responsible for anything they do. Why should we let them vote or run for office?

One more time, Stupid.

When you are drunk, you aren't allowed to make contracts or drive. Why should "consent' be allowed when you are drunk?

Now, I would hold a 30 year old woman who should know better than a 19 year old girl at a frat party.
Your "figures" are bullshit propaganda. Persecuting the innocent isn't a legitimate way to solve the problem, except in the eyes of Stalinist scum like you. Biff doesn't deserve to have his life ruined because some slut regrets a decision she made when she was drunk.

Then Biff should have thought of that before he tried to get into her panties...

Now, do you have anything new to add to this subject? Because honestly, you are getting repetitive on a issue you've already lost.

Universities are going to crucify Biff because they can't afford his loutish behavior when rape victims are winning Seven Figure Settlements.
Or maybe people just need to understand that shit like that happens. People get drunk. People act like jackasses. Some slob grabbing your boob may qualify as sexual assault in some circles, but apparently so does rape. But the two are light years apart. So stop slapping them both in the "sexual assault" category and stop misleading people into thinking 20% of college women are raped. That's all I ask; for people to tell the truth.

Okay, here's the thing. If you go to work tomorrow, and you grab a tittie of one of your coworkers, YOU WILL GET FIRED.

same thing when you grab a tittie at a frat party. You WILL get thrown off campus. Or you should.

The bullshit, misleading, politically-motivated studies actually do a disservice to real rape victims, in a sense, because when people find out they're being lied to, they tend to go to the opposite extreme and stop taking rape seriously, because suddenly it's all "made up fake news, librul agenda".

The only person who would think that is a misogynist idiot to start with. I'm kind of at the point where i stopped caring about what the other side thinks.

Again, your attitude is that women are helpless pawns who aren't responsible for anything they do. Why should we let them vote or run for office?

One more time, Stupid.

When you are drunk, you aren't allowed to make contracts or drive. Why should "consent' be allowed when you are drunk?

Now, I would hold a 30 year old woman who should know better than a 19 year old girl at a frat party.

There's a law saying you aren't allowed to drive when you are drunk. There's no law saying you can't have sex when you are drunk. It takes a special kind of stupid not to know that.

If you made it illegal to have sex when you are drunk, then the human race would probably become extinct.
There's a law saying you aren't allowed to drive when you are drunk. There's no law saying you can't have sex when you are drunk. It takes a special kind of stupid not to know that.

If you made it illegal to have sex when you are drunk, then the human race would probably become extinct.

Um, yeah... most people get pregnant when they are stone cold sober... and consenting.

Then again, you'd probably have to get a woman pretty drunk before she'd think sex with you was a good idea.
Really. It's the right telling women they can't have abortions and gays they can't get married. All the left is saying is "don't rape them'.

So you Communists plan to outlaw any sex that isn't homosexual as rape?

Part of the damage that you Stalinists cause is to demean the victims of real rape. You make "he didn't call me back for a second date" equal to holding a knife to a woman's throat while brutally assaulting her.

There's a law saying you aren't allowed to drive when you are drunk. There's no law saying you can't have sex when you are drunk. It takes a special kind of stupid not to know that.

If you made it illegal to have sex when you are drunk, then the human race would probably become extinct.

The Communists seek to create that sort of law. The Stalinists seek a world where heterosexual acts must be witnessed by party monitors and limited to those the party favors. Joe B Stalin seeks to break into the bedroom of Americans and dictate what they can or cannot do.
So you Communists plan to outlaw any sex that isn't homosexual as rape?

Part of the damage that you Stalinists cause is to demean the victims of real rape. You make "he didn't call me back for a second date" equal to holding a knife to a woman's throat while brutally assaulting her.

Well, you should probably call her the next morning... that's just common courtesy.

But if you think that's the problem on campuses, you are deluded.
The Communists seek to create that sort of law. The Stalinists seek a world where heterosexual acts must be witnessed by party monitors and limited to those the party favors. Joe B Stalin seeks to break into the bedroom of Americans and dictate what they can or cannot do.

Yup, it's a sad day when Drunken Frat boys can't get into the panties of girls they slipped a roofie to....
If it was instead, 20% of college girls experience unwanted sexual attention and perhaps some unwanted touching, then sure, I could buy that. Unfortunately, the unwanted attention figures are swapped in as RAPE figures, so you get people saying 20% of college girls are RAPED. Which is just a flat-out lie.

I'm really not interested in what you "buy". The figures are the figures and every survey done comes up wiht the same numbers. 1 in 5 women in college are the subject of some kind of sexual abuse.

We need to fix this, not try to say stupid shit like "Well, it was only a groping, that's okay" or "Poor Biff is so put upon!"

No, you're "interested" in destroying the nation and establishing a Marxist dictatorship.

However, the issue is the flat out lie you are using in this case to try and accomplish your revolution.

Queen Victoria never dreamed of prudes as uptight as you Marxists pretend to be.

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