When will China be held accountable

For killing over five million people world wide. Is Biden going to give them a pass? Why???
It's past time to stop all US pharmaceuticals from being manufactured in China for the purposes of slave labor. Voters need to back Senator Cotton's bill to do exactly that...at least a good start in the right direction. A couple of other reps have tried to pass legislation, a lot of words being stated mostly. Sen. Cotton, Rep. Gallagher Aim To End US Dependence on China-Made Drugs with New Bill

Big Pharma can recoup their loss by reducing their advertising. Big Pharma would still try to pass on the need for major price increases to US consumers, it would be part of their "Oh, we can't reduce our profits any more that what we've done" (trying to keep their billions of dollars in adverts at the same level along with their ludicrous outright bribing of congressional reps for votes to the tune of 6 billion over the last 20 years). FDA has a bogus claim of needing to manufacture their meds in China-greedy bastages doing that exact thing to increase profits running sweatshops.

"Out of all the individual companies in the industry, Pfizer spent $1.4 billion on advertising. Eli Lilly, the company behind the erectile dysfunction medication Cialis, spent $272 promoting that drug alone."

That is a 2014 cost analysis printed in 2021. Must be a lot involved to get the numbers.

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What do you have in mind?
Not sure. But Biden should be rallying support world wide to take China to task. Their refusal to cooperate with the investigation is the last straw. I'm not saying it was deliberately released - but it happened on their watch, and they could have contained it if they weren't more worried about politics and silencing critics than they are about public health.
Not sure. But Biden should be rallying support world wide to take China to task. Their refusal to cooperate with the investigation is the last straw. I'm not saying it was deliberately released - but it happened on their watch, and they could have contained it if they weren't more worried about politics and silencing critics than they are about public health.
Hard to effectively hold people accountable for being stupid and nothing on the planet will ever make them more forthcoming and open when their people have done something stupid.
Xiden will give them a pass, because he and the dnc are owned by the CCP
I've seen no compelling evidence of that - outside the conspiracy loons. But it does seem that he's reluctant to hold them accountable.
From my reading, it's my understanding that it's Trump's fault that millions are dead.
Yeah. This is closer to what's going on. The Democrats have invested, deeply, in a story that makes Trump the culprit. It's apparently more important for them to maintain that narrative, than to hold China accountable for the deaths they have caused.
For killing over five million people world wide. Is Biden going to give them a pass? Why???

Never. They have bought the majority of the worlds leaders.
Hard to effectively hold people accountable for being stupid and nothing on the planet will ever make them more forthcoming and open when their people have done something stupid.
RIght. But their fixation on saving face and never admitting fault turned an outbreak into worldwide pandemic. And, you're right, they're unlikely to change - but they're a growing threat on the international stage and we shouldn't let them get away with it.

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