When Will Loser Trump Drop Out?

OP is trolling for the rat bag old hag power-hungry incompetent lying piece of shit HiLIARy. President Trump ain't going nowhere but the oval office.
Spoken with the kind of eloquence one expects from Trump followers......the same dummies who are making Hilary President.
You Dems are gonna have to do a lot better than this, based on his speeches the last two nights. I worry about him becoming President, and I really didn't worry TOO much until this week when Donald actually started addressing us in his "nice guy" tone. I'm actually a pretty good bellweather--a life long Independent who doesn't know or care much about either party's platform, and who strongly disapproves of both candidates this year. He was so much more palatable last night than I have ever heard him, if I weren't so strongly opposed to his stance on immigration and refugees, and so convinced he won't take good advice from people who know more than him, I might consider voting for him.
WATCH OUT!!!! This change of tone, this "pivot" of his, is going to suck in Independents and Hillary haters. You've GOT to bring the old girl out and she's got to put the gloves on. The only way to hit him back now is to zero in on his policies. The personality thing? It's so yesterday.
This old stuff? Not enough anymore.

I gotta disagree. A couple of decent speeches where he didn't insult people too bad won't make up for the months of ill will he has worked so hard to produce with so many groups. Blacks, Hispanics, Women, and every other group he has degraded aren't going to say "he didn't degrade me quite as bad this time, so I'll just forget all that from before". Just because he hired someone to give him a script that isn't quite so insulting doesn't make him presidential material. Nobody is going to forget his claims about making Mexico build a wall, or his birtherism nonsense.
No, he never was. And the dummies who followed him better have a back up plan, because Trump won't be a candidate in November.
He's a legit candidate. Why else is he on all the ballots?

As for not being a candidate in November, why do you think so? I would bet against him bailing out at this point. No one like a quitter. If he sticks around and loses, he'll be free to be a thorn in Hillary's side for the next four years. That's where I think he's headed.
No doubt Trump will say something sane and reasonable so he can appeal to a majority of voters.....any day now.
No doubt Trump will say something sane and reasonable so he can appeal to a majority of voters.....any day now.
That doesn't answer the question on why you think he won't be a candidate in November.

Are you from the Ministry of Truth ala' your signature?

"War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength"
When you or Michael Moore get a job and move out of you mom and dad's house. GEt a fucking job you fucking losertard
No doubt Trump will say something sane and reasonable so he can appeal to a majority of voters.....any day now.
That doesn't answer the question on why you think he won't be a candidate in November.

Are you from the Ministry of Truth ala' your signature?

"War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength"
I wonder if it could be more obvious that Trump is trying to blow up his own campaign?
OP is trolling for the rat bag old hag power-hungry incompetent lying piece of shit HiLIARy. President Trump ain't going nowhere but the oval office.
Spoken with the kind of eloquence one expects from Trump followers......the same dummies who are making Hilary President.
You Dems are gonna have to do a lot better than this, based on his speeches the last two nights. I worry about him becoming President, and I really didn't worry TOO much until this week when Donald actually started addressing us in his "nice guy" tone. I'm actually a pretty good bellweather--a life long Independent who doesn't know or care much about either party's platform, and who strongly disapproves of both candidates this year. He was so much more palatable last night than I have ever heard him, if I weren't so strongly opposed to his stance on immigration and refugees, and so convinced he won't take good advice from people who know more than him, I might consider voting for him.
WATCH OUT!!!! This change of tone, this "pivot" of his, is going to suck in Independents and Hillary haters. You've GOT to bring the old girl out and she's got to put the gloves on. The only way to hit him back now is to zero in on his policies. The personality thing? It's so yesterday.
This old stuff? Not enough anymore.

I gotta disagree. A couple of decent speeches where he didn't insult people too bad won't make up for the months of ill will he has worked so hard to produce with so many groups. Blacks, Hispanics, Women, and every other group he has degraded aren't going to say "he didn't degrade me quite as bad this time, so I'll just forget all that from before". Just because he hired someone to give him a script that isn't quite so insulting doesn't make him presidential material. Nobody is going to forget his claims about making Mexico build a wall, or his birtherism nonsense.

He actually hasn't degraded anyone other than your precious lord.
I wonder if it could be more obvious that Trump is trying to blow up his own campaign?
What does that have to do with the fact you think he will bail out now or not be a candidate in November?

FWIW, I've posted for months that I doubt a billionaire wants to be President. He's used to his freedom and getting his way. Why toss all that away for 4 years chained to an office when he spend the next four years touring the country bitching about the Hillary administration? Of course, if he quits, that's all gone, but if he loses in a close election, he's going to achieve exactly what he seems to want.
OP is trolling for the rat bag old hag power-hungry incompetent lying piece of shit HiLIARy. President Trump ain't going nowhere but the oval office.
Spoken with the kind of eloquence one expects from Trump followers......the same dummies who are making Hilary President.
You Dems are gonna have to do a lot better than this, based on his speeches the last two nights. I worry about him becoming President, and I really didn't worry TOO much until this week when Donald actually started addressing us in his "nice guy" tone. I'm actually a pretty good bellweather--a life long Independent who doesn't know or care much about either party's platform, and who strongly disapproves of both candidates this year. He was so much more palatable last night than I have ever heard him, if I weren't so strongly opposed to his stance on immigration and refugees, and so convinced he won't take good advice from people who know more than him, I might consider voting for him.
WATCH OUT!!!! This change of tone, this "pivot" of his, is going to suck in Independents and Hillary haters. You've GOT to bring the old girl out and she's got to put the gloves on. The only way to hit him back now is to zero in on his policies. The personality thing? It's so yesterday.
This old stuff? Not enough anymore.

I gotta disagree. A couple of decent speeches where he didn't insult people too bad won't make up for the months of ill will he has worked so hard to produce with so many groups. Blacks, Hispanics, Women, and every other group he has degraded aren't going to say "he didn't degrade me quite as bad this time, so I'll just forget all that from before". Just because he hired someone to give him a script that isn't quite so insulting doesn't make him presidential material. Nobody is going to forget his claims about making Mexico build a wall, or his birtherism nonsense.

He actually hasn't degraded anyone other than your precious lord.

If you actually believe all the insulting things he says, it probably wouldn't seem like degrading remarks. That's the problem with having a feeling of superiority. You think everybody else is scum, and they should just accept that.
OP is trolling for the rat bag old hag power-hungry incompetent lying piece of shit HiLIARy. President Trump ain't going nowhere but the oval office.
Spoken with the kind of eloquence one expects from Trump followers......the same dummies who are making Hilary President.
You Dems are gonna have to do a lot better than this, based on his speeches the last two nights. I worry about him becoming President, and I really didn't worry TOO much until this week when Donald actually started addressing us in his "nice guy" tone. I'm actually a pretty good bellweather--a life long Independent who doesn't know or care much about either party's platform, and who strongly disapproves of both candidates this year. He was so much more palatable last night than I have ever heard him, if I weren't so strongly opposed to his stance on immigration and refugees, and so convinced he won't take good advice from people who know more than him, I might consider voting for him.
WATCH OUT!!!! This change of tone, this "pivot" of his, is going to suck in Independents and Hillary haters. You've GOT to bring the old girl out and she's got to put the gloves on. The only way to hit him back now is to zero in on his policies. The personality thing? It's so yesterday.
This old stuff? Not enough anymore.

I gotta disagree. A couple of decent speeches where he didn't insult people too bad won't make up for the months of ill will he has worked so hard to produce with so many groups. Blacks, Hispanics, Women, and every other group he has degraded aren't going to say "he didn't degrade me quite as bad this time, so I'll just forget all that from before". Just because he hired someone to give him a script that isn't quite so insulting doesn't make him presidential material. Nobody is going to forget his claims about making Mexico build a wall, or his birtherism nonsense.

He actually hasn't degraded anyone other than your precious lord.
Trump degrades this country every time he opens his mouth.

Brianna is hot! Not just because she's good looking, but because she's smart and cool under fire.

She looked good and Cohen looked like a fucking lawyer....and a human owl. What a douche bag.

Breitbart reporter Ben Shapiro's earlier comment about a Turd Tornado is an instant classic.

CNN Anchor Wins Internet Sympathy for Smooth Handling of 'Turd Tornado' and 'Human Owl' Interviews on Trump
As you probably know, I think Donald Trump's a turd tornado, but I also understand that he has no capacity whatsoever to control himself and be this staid politician that everyone wants him to be," Shapiro said. "Telling him to double down is not necessarily terrible strategy. If he's gonna go down, he's gonna go down being Trump."

"A what tornado?" Keilar asked.

"A turd tornado."

"What is that?"

"Like a sharknado, except with poop."
OP is trolling for the rat bag old hag power-hungry incompetent lying piece of shit HiLIARy. President Trump ain't going nowhere but the oval office.
Spoken with the kind of eloquence one expects from Trump followers......the same dummies who are making Hilary President.
You Dems are gonna have to do a lot better than this, based on his speeches the last two nights. I worry about him becoming President, and I really didn't worry TOO much until this week when Donald actually started addressing us in his "nice guy" tone. I'm actually a pretty good bellweather--a life long Independent who doesn't know or care much about either party's platform, and who strongly disapproves of both candidates this year. He was so much more palatable last night than I have ever heard him, if I weren't so strongly opposed to his stance on immigration and refugees, and so convinced he won't take good advice from people who know more than him, I might consider voting for him.
WATCH OUT!!!! This change of tone, this "pivot" of his, is going to suck in Independents and Hillary haters. You've GOT to bring the old girl out and she's got to put the gloves on. The only way to hit him back now is to zero in on his policies. The personality thing? It's so yesterday.
This old stuff? Not enough anymore.

I gotta disagree. A couple of decent speeches where he didn't insult people too bad won't make up for the months of ill will he has worked so hard to produce with so many groups. Blacks, Hispanics, Women, and every other group he has degraded aren't going to say "he didn't degrade me quite as bad this time, so I'll just forget all that from before". Just because he hired someone to give him a script that isn't quite so insulting doesn't make him presidential material. Nobody is going to forget his claims about making Mexico build a wall, or his birtherism nonsense.

He actually hasn't degraded anyone other than your precious lord.
Trump degrades this country every time he opens his mouth.
That's President Trump to you.

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