When Will Marijuana be made illegal again?

Hopefully never.

The problem isn't with marijuana itself, it's with modern day culture surrounding it that is the problem.

Wayyyyyyy too many people, especially younger people, have this weed culture that is just awful. They want to stream while getting high, act as if you "being high" is a lifestyle, they can't even dress or speak like they have any pride of self worth, their life revolves around weed, and basically it robs them of their ambition to the point of just being shitty people that have no value at all.

That isn't every case, but it is the majority of weed smokers. If we smokers overall treated it like alcohol then it wouldn't be an issue.

Besides, most younger people today are already weak, lazy, dumb, selfish, soft and useless. Weed will only exacerbate those things in them further. Weed being legalized in our current societies state won't do anything but make us even weaker as a society.
Illegal? It already is in many states ... yet at the federal level, nationwide .. but .. if you do something fucked up, like being a man who thinks he is a women .. it's totally legal.
Of course it is, we aren't a nation completely taken over by cruel halfwits, yet.
I grew up with marijuana being illegal and I never thought II would like to see it widely legal in the U.S. ]]Will marijuana ever be illegal again? If so when?
When I was 18 the greatest crime perpetrated by our government was the enslavement of people who enjoyed pot. It remains a significant grievance and always has been even after I switched gears joined the army and became a loyal bullet sponge/mechanic. I even started to view people who continued to get high and never increased their standard of living or sought advancement in life negatively.

I like that things are so much more relaxed, but the federal beast clings to it's food source.
Prohibition of alcohol gave us the mafia, increased drinking and NASCAR.
As well as a neo-liberal NKVD that turned rouge.
We all know the deal, right? MJ is illegal under FEDERAL law, but legal or sort-of legal under the laws of many States.

The Federal Department of Justice will generally not prosecute people for violating the Federal law if they are in compliance with the applicable State law, UNLESS there are other things going on (mobster stuff) that the Feds find offensive.

The question posed in the OP makes no sense. MJ is both legal and illegal right now. The Feds are THINKING ABOUT removing it from a schedule of harmful drugs, but there is no great push to get that done. The only real problem caused by the conflict between Federal and State law is that national banks won't give accounts to people who are violating Federal law, even if the State is OK with it, so those businesses are forced to deal in cash-only, which is a hazard.
Hopefully never.

The problem isn't with marijuana itself, it's with modern day culture surrounding it that is the problem.

Wayyyyyyy too many people, especially younger people, have this weed culture that is just awful. They want to stream while getting high, act as if you "being high" is a lifestyle, they can't even dress or speak like they have any pride of self worth, their life revolves around weed, and basically it robs them of their ambition to the point of just being shitty people that have no value at all.

That isn't every case, but it is the majority of weed smokers. If we smokers overall treated it like alcohol then it wouldn't be an issue.

Besides, most younger people today are already weak, lazy, dumb, selfish, soft and useless. Weed will only exacerbate those things in them further. Weed being legalized in our current societies state won't do anything but make us even weaker as a society.

Its a fucking FLOWER that grows in a ditch, FFS.

You are both right.


Just as you can't mandate or legislate morality and human ethics, as much as libertarians and socialists would like to try. . . you likewise cannot mandate and legislate human behavior, it starts at home, in the family, our communities, and how we organize and structure our society. It comes with the values we teach.

You can't force people to be decent human beings, or live a good life. They/we must do this on their own.
Hopefully never.

The problem isn't with marijuana itself, it's with modern day culture surrounding it that is the problem.

Wayyyyyyy too many people, especially younger people, have this weed culture that is just awful. They want to stream while getting high, act as if you "being high" is a lifestyle, they can't even dress or speak like they have any pride of self worth, their life revolves around weed, and basically it robs them of their ambition to the point of just being shitty people that have no value at all.

That isn't every case, but it is the majority of weed smokers. If we smokers overall treated it like alcohol then it wouldn't be an issue.

Besides, most younger people today are already weak, lazy, dumb, selfish, soft and useless. Weed will only exacerbate those things in them further. Weed being legalized in our current societies state won't do anything but make us even weaker as a society.
Haha, yes, I'm sure you have your finger RIGHT ON THE PULSE of young people everywhere.

You can't put the genie back in the bottle. Get used to a generation of Cheech and Chong.
I grew up with marijuana being illegal and I never thought II would like to see it widely legal in the U.S. ]]Will marijuana ever be illegal again? If so when?
It's only still completely illegal in 4 US states, those being SC ( Lindsey Graham s home )
Idaho, Wyoming and of course Kansas .. ( isn't Pence from there ?) .

The bingo generation is dying off. When DC figures out how to tax it like alcohol it will be decriminalized.
It's only still completely illegal in 4 US states, those being SC ( Lindsey Graham s home )
Idaho, Wyoming and of course Kansas .. ( isn't Pence from there ?) .

The bingo generation is dying off. When DC figures out how to tax it like alcohol it will be decriminalized.
No, Pence is from Indiana.

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