When will Obama stop his exaggerating?"mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries"


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
The president continued, suggesting that the country has to act to prevent gun violence.
"Now is the time for mourning and for healing, but let's be clear at some point, we as a country, we have to reckon with the fact that this mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries,"
Obama said. "It doesn't happen in other places with this kind of frequency. It is in our power to do something about it."
President Obama on Charleston Shooting I ve Had to Make Statements Like This Too Many Times - NationalJournal.com
5 countries with MORE restrictive firearm regulations have more rampage shootings then USA.


If You Look at This Chart of Top 10 Nations in the World for Mass Shootings One Thing Jumps Out
Obama thinks making exaggerations of the facts is acceptable because he has been so successful at fooling people.
Remember Obama told us all before he was elected he was going to trick us... use tactics to fools us!
He never misses an opportunity (no matter how tragic) to push his agenda to disarm the citizens and chip away at our Constitutional rights.
Somebody else does it so its okay that the US does it.

Is that the best you can do?

Oh well, at least the US is in the top 6 of SOMETHING!
The moonbats messiah will stop lying just as soon as he stops talking.
ever watch nfl games or the nba and the chest pumping? That would be a good place to start
When will healthmyths and S. J. stop exaggerating their silly agendas.

There is no "exaggerating" when it comes to Obama being the most grandiose, audacious LIAR President we've ever had!
YOU tell me what happened to THESE exaggerations???

LIE: "I pledge we’ll lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year…..
We’ll do it by the end of my first term as President of the United States.
LIE: If you like your health care plan, you can keep it. If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor, too."
LIE:“I don’t have to explain to you that nearly 46 million Americans don’t have health insurance coverage today."
So AFTER he LIED to get ACA passed Hussein admits 10 million counted as uninsured were not citizens!
He further lies about the 36 million "uninsured" when BEFORE ACA due to Hussein's administration ineptness 14 million were eligible for Medicaid!
But the worst lie was telling us the 18 million people that make over $50,000 and are under 34 WANTED health insurance! THEY DON"T! But Hussein used that number of people that DON"T want insurance and that was a LIE!

LIE:"Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition"...
A f...king lie BECAUSE that would mean 155 million (half of 310 million) couldn't get insurance..... yet 266 million have some type of health insurance!
Why would he LIE about something that affected less the 1.5 million!
To PASS ACA ! He counted on the "Stupidity of American Voters'!
healthmyths and S. J. exaggerate; that's waht they do. When you are honest with the numbers and what they mean, you will be treated as adults. Until then . . . who gives a shit?
Somebody else does it so its okay that the US does it.

Is that the best you can do?

Oh well, at least the US is in the top 6 of SOMETHING!

THE POINT that went WAY WAY OVER your little dim brain.....
The president continued, suggesting that the country has to act to prevent gun violence.
"Now is the time for mourning and for healing, but let's be clear at some point, we as a country, we have to reckon with the fact
that this mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries,"
Obama said. "It doesn't happen in other places with this kind of frequency. It is in our power to do something about it."

WANT the chart again to see what f...king LYING idiot this president???
"It doesn't happen in other places????? What f...k is Norway, Finland,etc....
healthmyths has never played honest with the numbers and their meanings, so I don't expect him to start now.
healthmyths has never played honest with the numbers and their meanings, so I don't expect him to start now.

So you not only are calling ME a liar but

Security Magazine commented on the data findings:

Between January 1, 2009, and December 31, 2013,there were 413 fatalities from mass shootings in the 34 member states of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
From the five-year period of 2008-2012, there were 373 total spree shooting fatalities.

According to the OECD’s latest version of the Rampage Shooting Index, a pair of deadly shootings in Switzerland in early 2013 pushed the U.S. out of the top five OECD nations for the most per capita fatalities,
but the U.S. continues to have the most rampage shooting deaths (one reason could be its size – The U.S. population accounts for 25 percent of the OECD total).
However, the U.S. saw a drop in mass shooting deaths from 93 in 2012 to 68 in 2013.

If You Look at This Chart of Top 10 Nations in the World for Mass Shootings One Thing Jumps Out
But of PEA SIZED brains like STARKEY can't comprehend that the USA has 310 million people.
While Norway at 5.03 million..
Finland at 5.4 million
Slovakia @ 5.44
Israel @ 7.9 million
Switzerland @ 8 million a total of 31 million or 1/10th of the USA...
Your numbers have always been illegitimate in how you have analyzed them. You have been outed many times, so we are not going there.

You are simply not credible, hm. I am only pointing it out, not debating the fact of it.
The clown is a liar, like so many on the left. He intentionally lies which is pretty creepy.
HM is spot on. I've got another thread going on this. Obama is flat out lying that other developed countries don't have mass murders.

Hells' bells I have a quote from him LAST year when the son of a bitch lying mother trucker was saying there was a mass killing a week with one day reporting.
Of course they have mass murders, just not mearly to the extent we do, so you guys are lying. We will keep outing the mutherphkers on the far right. The Obama Derangement Syndrome that affects the far right's ability to reason continues to astound the normal person.

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