When will repubs admit ObamaCare has not become the wreck they were hoping for?

When will repubs admit obamacare has not become the wreck they were hoping for?

When we have had enough of our brains lobotomized to make us believe such nonsense.
When will repubs admit obamacare has not become the wreck they were hoping for?

When we have had enough of our brains lobotomized to make us believe such nonsense.

the dem followers don't even need that...their masters speak, they bow and regurgitate what they say

man we are in trouble with these types of voters
This is the willful blindness of which I frequently speak.

Tens of millions were uninsured, and premiums have been outpacing inflation for decades, pricing more and more people out of the market. You are a stone cold idiot if you liked it the way it was.

When the GOP had all the power, what did they do?


Even though the Democrats were telegraphing exactly what they would do given half a chance, the GOP did NOTHING.

You were sold down the river into bondage by the GOP, kiddo.

You arent the biggest liar here only because competiton is steep. Over 90% of people were satisfied with their health care plan. Premiums have gone up faster under Obamacare. There were not tens of millions of people uninsured. There were like 4M. ANd that could easily have been dealt with with a small scale program of some kinds, perhaps handled by the states.

There were around 25 to 30 million Americans without insurance at any given time. However, many of those who were uninsured one day were not the same people who were uninsured another day six months down the road. These were people in between jobs.

I find it amusing that those who try to minimize the number of uninsured like to discount those who were eligible for Medicaid or other government programs but were not enrolled. And yet those same people would like to cut Medicaid, and are even denying the Medicaid expansion to the uninsured.

I have outlined many times on this board what I feel would be the best comprehensive solutions. For example, eliminate employer-sponsored health care. Also, you should be buying your health insurance the same way you buy your fire, home, and life insurance.

No, there were 48 mil before Obaminationcare, now there is at best 45 mil. Leftards ares shooting for ground level with this win
In politics, success and failure are not the same thing as good and bad.

In politics, any program which survives an onslaught of opposition is a raging success. By that defintion, ObamaCare is a raging success.

In my opinion, ObamaCare is a very bad thing, but it is undeniably succeeding. You can call it a wreck, you can call it a mess, you can call it socialism, you can call it a disaster, you can call it evil. But it is a success.

The GOP is taking far, far too long to realize they need to adjust their strategy to that reality.
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1.5 TRILLION TO set up this NEW government monster agency (YOU get to pay for until YOU DIE) and only signed up, 8 million people

THEY, our dictators in this administration took upon THEMSELVES to change it, delay it and add to it all over without your Representation in CONGRESS

that's called, UNDENIABLY succeeding...

we are so SCREWED
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When we collectively consume enough illicit drugs to cause whatever permanent brain damage you bed wetters have inflicted upon yourself to allow being completely delusional and vapid.
The economy has recovered and Obamacare is working.

That is why Republicans have stopped talking about it.
Why are lefties and democrats so happy to allow the government to tell them how to live? The gov forcing them to sacrifice liberty under the threat of sacrificing property. Why?
Why are lefties and democrats so happy to allow the government to tell them how to live? The gov forcing them to sacrifice liberty under the threat of sacrificing property. Why?

according to them that only happens under Republican
this a new entitlement so they are all happy and most of them are now probably being subsidized by, TAXPAYERS so they don't care about giving up a few freedoms over to, the MASTERS master's like Obama and his comrades who will be running it

did you know the economy as recovered?

millions of people out of work, so I guess they're pumping billions into the economy

you now have another GUBERMENT agency to pay for, so that has to be saving you money in your wallets TO put into the economy

How many TAXES has Obama raised so far? that is helping you isn't it put money into the economy, isn't it?

1000's of new regulations put on businesses, guess who gets to PAY FOR THOSE and get's left out of the economy?

gawd help us if this what they call a recovery
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The economy has recovered and Obamacare is working.

That is why Republicans have stopped talking about it.

92+ MILLION out of work, REAL UNEMPLOYMENT over 11%, yup, Obumacare is working! Working driving people into FOOD STAMPS, Disability, and DISPARE!

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When we collectively consume enough illicit drugs to cause whatever permanent brain damage you bed wetters have inflicted upon yourself to allow being completely delusional and vapid.

In one sentence you change perspective from "we" to "you" and YOU are talking about drug consumption?


did you know the economy as recovered?

millions of people out of work, so I guess they're pumping billions into the economy

you now have another GUBERMENT agency to pay for, so that has to be saving you money in your wallets TO put into the economy

How many TAXES has Obama raised so far? that is helping you isn't it put money into the economy, isn't it?

1000's of new regulations put on businesses, guess who gets to PAY FOR THOSE and get's left out of the economy?

gawd help us if this what they call a recovery

The number of private sector jobs lost during the Bush administration were regained during the Obama administration..

US finally regains the jobs lost in the recession
NYS Economy Regains All Private Sector Jobs Lost During Recession

So..what's your beef?

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