When will repubs admit ObamaCare has not become the wreck they were hoping for?

1) Only less than 1 million people have lost their insurance because of ObamaCare.

2) Insurers have reported 80%-95% of people enrolled have been paying their premiums.

3) 8.1 million people have enrolled in the exchanges.

All of the republican talking points have failed to come true.

When will the people of this board admit it?

How about we wait until it's fully implemented to do your crowing, There are still major exemptions and delays that haven't expired, so we won't know the full story till that happens. To say anything else is just ignorant.

Exactly. The only people that are on the exchanges for the most part are the same ones who already had insurance. Just wait until their price increases kick in.
1) Only less than 1 million people have lost their insurance because of ObamaCare.

2) Insurers have reported 80%-95% of people enrolled have been paying their premiums.

3) 8.1 million people have enrolled in the exchanges.

All of the republican talking points have failed to come true.

When will the people of this board admit it?

How about we wait until it's fully implemented to do your crowing, There are still major exemptions and delays that haven't expired, so we won't know the full story till that happens. To say anything else is just ignorant.

Exactly. The only people that are on the exchanges for the most part are the same ones who already had insurance. Just wait until their price increases kick in.

Which of course is untrue.
1) Only less than 1 million people have lost their insurance because of ObamaCare.

2) Insurers have reported 80%-95% of people enrolled have been paying their premiums.

3) 8.1 million people have enrolled in the exchanges.

All of the republican talking points have failed to come true.

When will the people of this board admit it?

Obamacare's full implementation has been delayed until after the elections because IT IS a disaster, foolish lib. Ha ha ha.
How about we wait until it's fully implemented to do your crowing, There are still major exemptions and delays that haven't expired, so we won't know the full story till that happens. To say anything else is just ignorant.

Exactly. The only people that are on the exchanges for the most part are the same ones who already had insurance. Just wait until their price increases kick in.

Which of course is untrue.

What isn't untrue with what he or they said, Sallow?
awwww, damn look what I just ran across..all them polled have to be lying according to that snake, slimy Dirty Harry Reid
the link to the poll at site

CNN Poll: Only 12% Call Obamacare a Success

by Wynton Hall 11 May 2014 67 post a comment

A new CNN poll finds that just 12% of Americans consider the Obamacare program a "success."

President Barack Obama has pressed fellow Democrats to laud and run on his signature legislative achievement. However, other polls confirm that the law, which has been in effect for over four years now, remains deeply unpopular. The latest Pew/USA Today poll finds just 41% of Americans now support Obamacare. A record 55% disapprove of the law.
The CNN poll found less support for repealing Obamacare; 49% want Congress to make changes to the law, and 12% said to keep Obamacare as is. Of those surveyed, 38% backed a full repeal.

Political analysts say the Obamacare debacle will play a major role in the Nov. 4 midterm elections. Indeed, Democrats are now in a weaker position than they were this time before the historic 2010 Republican victory that resulted in the largest defeat for a first-term president since 1922.

Voters head to the polls in 177 days.VOTE them out people:eusa_clap:

all of it here
CNN Poll: Only 12% Call Obamacare a Success
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...Voters head to the polls in 177 days.VOTE them out people...:eusa_clap:
Tick... tick... tick...

ObamaCare will be the un-doing of the Democrats in 2014, allowing Republicans to (1) retain the House, (2) re-capture the Senate, and (3) isolate the White House, as well as setting the stage for a Republican candidate to take the White House as well, in 2016.

For the life of me, I can't think whom the Republicans are going to lift-up as their Standard Bearer in 2016, to confront Billary or some other Democratic notable, but that's another conversation, for another day.

First things first.

And, I suspect, the 2014 Mid-Terms... just like the 2010 Mid-Terms... are going to yield another industrial-strength 'Shellacking' (as he put it in 2010) for Obama.

The American political system can really, really suck sometimes, but its virtues include an amazing resilience, and its ability to self-correct, when the pendulum has swung too far to one side or the other.

I suspect that we're about to see a couple of reinforcing lessons in that vein, in November 2014 and November 2016 - a 'market correction', if you will.

In any event, we're about to find out.
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1) Only less than 1 million people have lost their insurance because of ObamaCare.

2) Insurers have reported 80%-95% of people enrolled have been paying their premiums.

3) 8.1 million people have enrolled in the exchanges.

All of the republican talking points have failed to come true.

When will the people of this board admit it?

Not all Repubs were hoping for a train wreak and AHC hasn't been the smashing success some have crowed. I understand only 2mil of the signees are newly insureds and 1mil have lost their insurance as a result of AHC.
My family of four's CIGNA health care is unchanged but for 1 small item ... the deductibles have been raised significantly increasing our costs about $4000 this year for health care. Thanks.
At least I know who will be paying for all this. It's just another slight-of-hand tax increase on the middle class.
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And another question still remains will Social Security make it, or even Medicare? Seems these Democratic social programs have a pattern, the seed is planted then the idea gets some discussion and as more people seem to favor the program conservatives drag out their arguments, the program is socialistic and finally the biggie it's communism. Dire predictions are made as to what will happen to America if passed but in the debate more people seem to accept the idea and in due time it might be made into law, and then a new battle starts.
As I have pointed out many times, five years after RomneyCare was enacted, 60 percent of the people of Massachusetts said it had some parts that needed fixing. Sounds bad, right? However, 75 percent said they wanted to keep RomneyCare as law.

Massachusetts still has the highest per capita spending on health care in America.

So it will be with ObamaCare. It will be expensive, but it will also become more popular over time even though most people will agree it needs fixing.

You can play the idiot and argue over whether that is a "success" or a "failure", or you can admit a little reality into your life and know that ObamaCare is here to stay. Therefore, you better get your asses to work coming up with solutions how to make it better. Instead of cheering over its problems, and thus celebrating misery that affects real people and looking like the assholes you are, get to work coming up with solutions, dipshits.

That's the problem with the new Right today. They only know how to whine. They don't know how to solve problems any more.

"Repeal ObamaCare". That's the whine. That's all we have heard from the Right on the matter.

And then what? That's where they failed, and that is why ObamaCare won out. The new limpdick Right offered no comprehensive alternative. Zip. Zilch. Zero.

The "failure" is on their side of the court.
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You'll know the new Right has finally gone through the five stages of grief when they stop calling it ObamaCare and start calling it the ACA.

When it finally gets through their thick heads ObamaCare is here to stay, the last thing they will want to do is give credit to Obama for it.

Mark my words.
As I have pointed out many times, five years after RomneyCare was enacted, 60 percent of the people of Massachusetts said it had some parts that needed fixing. Sounds bad, right? However, 75 percent said they wanted to keep RomneyCare as law.

Massachusetts still has the highest per capita spending on health care in America.

So it will be with ObamaCare. It will be expensive, but it will also become more popular over time even though most people will agree it needs fixing.

You can play the idiot and argue over whether that is a "success" or a "failure", or you can admit a little reality into your life and know that ObamaCare is here to stay. Therefore, you better get your asses to work coming up with solutions how to make it better. Instead of cheering over its problems, and thus celebrating misery that affects real people and looking like the assholes you are, get to work coming up with solutions, dipshits.

That's the problem with the new Right today. They only know how to whine. They don't know how to solve problems any more.

"Repeal ObamaCare". That's the whine. That's all we have heard from the Right on the matter.

And then what? That's where they failed, and that is why ObamaCare won out. The new limpdick Right offered no comprehensive alternative. Zip. Zilch. Zero.

The "failure" is on their side of the court.

Romneycare is a disaster. The state just abandoned their website. Exploding costs, rationed care. The usual thing that goes on when gov't tries to help.
They won't. I was watching the debate for Senate here tonight and all 7 candidates promised to repeal obamacare....makes me scratch my head at the pointless crap they try.Gonna go tomorrow and register Democrat. Don't know if that's sad or good...personally I think its a mixture of both because most democrats don't represent me either.

What kind of ignorance is required to use the handle of White Devil and before you make up your mind on how well maobamacare works, you need to wait until it's fully implemented.
Its what I named my truck.I am all for Universal Healthcare. I don't think Obamacare goes far enough.

Right, because socialized medicine is working so well in countries with much smaller populations. :lol::lol::lol:
Look at Canada and Western Europe. Compassion before Profit. Mine as well get used to it. Its an idea whose time has come. The 99% are taking back the country from the 1%.

You can drop the 99% because you don't speak for EVERYONE in this country...and the OWS damn sure doesn't speak for me
and we don't have to just roll over and get USED to it...you can
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As I have pointed out many times, five years after RomneyCare was enacted, 60 percent of the people of Massachusetts said it had some parts that needed fixing. Sounds bad, right? However, 75 percent said they wanted to keep RomneyCare as law.

Massachusetts still has the highest per capita spending on health care in America.

So it will be with ObamaCare. It will be expensive, but it will also become more popular over time even though most people will agree it needs fixing.

You can play the idiot and argue over whether that is a "success" or a "failure", or you can admit a little reality into your life and know that ObamaCare is here to stay. Therefore, you better get your asses to work coming up with solutions how to make it better. Instead of cheering over its problems, and thus celebrating misery that affects real people and looking like the assholes you are, get to work coming up with solutions, dipshits.

That's the problem with the new Right today. They only know how to whine. They don't know how to solve problems any more.

"Repeal ObamaCare". That's the whine. That's all we have heard from the Right on the matter.

And then what? That's where they failed, and that is why ObamaCare won out. The new limpdick Right offered no comprehensive alternative. Zip. Zilch. Zero.

The "failure" is on their side of the court.

Massachusetts is uber-liberal. You can't use them as a barometer of the opinions that normal people in the other 56 States have.

Oh.. One more thing. We don't want no part of any "comprehensive alternative". We liked it the way it was and that's why you couldn't pass this if the people had the chance to vote on it.
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As I have pointed out many times, five years after RomneyCare was enacted, 60 percent of the people of Massachusetts said it had some parts that needed fixing. Sounds bad, right? However, 75 percent said they wanted to keep RomneyCare as law.

Massachusetts still has the highest per capita spending on health care in America.

So it will be with ObamaCare. It will be expensive, but it will also become more popular over time even though most people will agree it needs fixing.

You can play the idiot and argue over whether that is a "success" or a "failure", or you can admit a little reality into your life and know that ObamaCare is here to stay. Therefore, you better get your asses to work coming up with solutions how to make it better. Instead of cheering over its problems, and thus celebrating misery that affects real people and looking like the assholes you are, get to work coming up with solutions, dipshits.

That's the problem with the new Right today. They only know how to whine. They don't know how to solve problems any more.

"Repeal ObamaCare". That's the whine. That's all we have heard from the Right on the matter.

And then what? That's where they failed, and that is why ObamaCare won out. The new limpdick Right offered no comprehensive alternative. Zip. Zilch. Zero.

The "failure" is on their side of the court.

Romneycare is a disaster. The state just abandoned their website. Exploding costs, rationed care. The usual thing that goes on when gov't tries to help.

The state abandoned their ObamaCare web site, dufus.

RomneyCare was functioning before ObamaCare. And 75% wanted to keep it around. Sorry!
In a democracy legislation is often written to gain passage and that means it is imperfect maybe not even good, but over time new laws and corrections are made and eventually the program works. How many times has Social Security been changed, amended, expanded and so on since 1935, and now it seems the Republicans no longer talk repealing or even privatizing the program, and SS was passed when we had a pretty popular president.
Oh.. One more thing. We don't want no part of any "comprehensive alternative". We liked it the way it was

This is the willful blindness of which I frequently speak.

Tens of millions were uninsured, and premiums have been outpacing inflation for decades, pricing more and more people out of the market. You are a stone cold idiot if you liked it the way it was.

When the GOP had all the power, what did they do?


Even though the Democrats were telegraphing exactly what they would do given half a chance, the GOP did NOTHING.

You were sold down the river into bondage by the GOP, kiddo.
As I have pointed out many times, five years after RomneyCare was enacted, 60 percent of the people of Massachusetts said it had some parts that needed fixing. Sounds bad, right? However, 75 percent said they wanted to keep RomneyCare as law.

Massachusetts still has the highest per capita spending on health care in America.

So it will be with ObamaCare. It will be expensive, but it will also become more popular over time even though most people will agree it needs fixing.

You can play the idiot and argue over whether that is a "success" or a "failure", or you can admit a little reality into your life and know that ObamaCare is here to stay. Therefore, you better get your asses to work coming up with solutions how to make it better. Instead of cheering over its problems, and thus celebrating misery that affects real people and looking like the assholes you are, get to work coming up with solutions, dipshits.

That's the problem with the new Right today. They only know how to whine. They don't know how to solve problems any more.

"Repeal ObamaCare". That's the whine. That's all we have heard from the Right on the matter.

And then what? That's where they failed, and that is why ObamaCare won out. The new limpdick Right offered no comprehensive alternative. Zip. Zilch. Zero.

The "failure" is on their side of the court.

Romneycare is a disaster. The state just abandoned their website. Exploding costs, rationed care. The usual thing that goes on when gov't tries to help.

The state abandoned their ObamaCare web site, dufus.

RomneyCare was functioning before ObamaCare. And 75% wanted to keep it around. Sorry!

Sounds like you're saying Romney got it right and Obama didn't.

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