When will repubs admit ObamaCare has not become the wreck they were hoping for?

Romneycare is a disaster. The state just abandoned their website. Exploding costs, rationed care. The usual thing that goes on when gov't tries to help.

The state abandoned their ObamaCare web site, dufus.

RomneyCare was functioning before ObamaCare. And 75% wanted to keep it around. Sorry!

Sounds like you're saying Romney got it right and Obama didn't.

Nope. Don't be so stupid as to mistake a web site for comprehensive health care reform.

RomneyCare and ObamaCare are siblings.

RomneyCare survived all the assaults on it, and so will ObamaCare. RomneyCare became widely accepted by a supermajority, and so will ObamaCare.

The GOP needs to accept they lost this one and shape its strategy going forward around this fact.
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1) Only less than 1 million people have lost their insurance because of ObamaCare.

2) Insurers have reported 80%-95% of people enrolled have been paying their premiums.

3) 8.1 million people have enrolled in the exchanges.

All of the republican talking points have failed to come true.

When will the people of this board admit it?

What honest conservatives will admit might as not as bad as stated, but it's still bad.

4.7 million lost insurance
What to Do If Your Health Insurance Policy Is Cancelled Under Obamacare

20% of enrollees not making payments
Insurers say 80 percent of ObamaCare enrollees have paid premiums | TheHill

Therefore - 6,480,000 have signed up. Take away the 4.7 mil (they previously had insurance) and you are at 1.78 million obtain insurance when they didn't before.

So there are still at best (if you believe the numbers), 45 - 46 million Americans without insurance down from 48 million before Obamacare.

I thought the whole point of Obamacare was to have not 1 more American uninsured!

So the results are nothing to brag about leftardss.

The you take into account that deductibles, premiums and co-pays have skyrocketed as a DIRECT RESULT OF OBAMINATIONCARE. Case in point, my co-pay went to $30. Ever since I paid my own insurance in 2000 my co-pay has always been $20. It went up this year. Combine that with the fact that the Obaminationcare plans BLOW. They are extremely expensive, few doctors accept them and if you are in the bronze or silver plan your deductible is thousands of dollars. Esp with the bronze plan the deductible is $4K per individual and $12K family and you could pay a very high premium for that plan. In honesty it's just a plan to avoid the penalty. It's not truly coverage. You would have to pay $4K before you insurance co paid a dollar and after that point they only pay 80%. The plans suck balls!

Then everyone who isn't on Obaminationcare we are seeing our premiums skyrocket and they aren't getting subsidizes.

It is a failure, just not as bad as stated. But a shit sandwich is still a shit sandwich it doesn't matter if it has cheese on it!
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Oh.. One more thing. We don't want no part of any "comprehensive alternative". We liked it the way it was

This is the willful blindness of which I frequently speak.

Tens of millions were uninsured, and premiums have been outpacing inflation for decades, pricing more and more people out of the market. You are a stone cold idiot if you liked it the way it was.

When the GOP had all the power, what did they do?


Even though the Democrats were telegraphing exactly what they would do given half a chance, the GOP did NOTHING.

You were sold down the river into bondage by the GOP, kiddo.

You arent the biggest liar here only because competiton is steep. Over 90% of people were satisfied with their health care plan. Premiums have gone up faster under Obamacare. There were not tens of millions of people uninsured. There were like 4M. ANd that could easily have been dealt with with a small scale program of some kinds, perhaps handled by the states.
Oh.. One more thing. We don't want no part of any "comprehensive alternative". We liked it the way it was

This is the willful blindness of which I frequently speak.

Tens of millions were uninsured, and premiums have been outpacing inflation for decades, pricing more and more people out of the market. You are a stone cold idiot if you liked it the way it was.

When the GOP had all the power, what did they do?


Even though the Democrats were telegraphing exactly what they would do given half a chance, the GOP did NOTHING.

You were sold down the river into bondage by the GOP, kiddo.

You arent the biggest liar here only because competiton is steep. Over 90% of people were satisfied with their health care plan. Premiums have gone up faster under Obamacare. There were not tens of millions of people uninsured. There were like 4M. ANd that could easily have been dealt with with a small scale program of some kinds, perhaps handled by the states.

There were around 25 to 30 million Americans without insurance at any given time. However, many of those who were uninsured one day were not the same people who were uninsured another day six months down the road. These were people in between jobs.

I find it amusing that those who try to minimize the number of uninsured like to discount those who were eligible for Medicaid or other government programs but were not enrolled. And yet those same people would like to cut Medicaid, and are even denying the Medicaid expansion to the uninsured.

I have outlined many times on this board what I feel would be the best comprehensive solutions. For example, eliminate employer-sponsored health care. Also, you should be buying your health insurance the same way you buy your fire, home, and life insurance.
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ran across...so the IRS is in the insurance business now?

IRS Urged To Broaden Preventive Coverage In High-Deductible Plans

By Julie Appleby

May 9th, 2014, 8:59 AM

High deductible health plans paired with tax-free savings accounts — increasingly common in job-based insurance and long a staple for those who buy their own coverage – pose financial difficulties for people with chronic health problems. That’s because they have to pay the annual deductible, which could be $1,250 or more, before most of their medications and other treatments are covered.

In a white paper released Thursday, researchers at the University of Michigan say such plans would be more attractive if the IRS broadened the kinds of preventive care insurers were allowed to cover before the patient paid the deductible. Currently, only a limited set of preventive care benefits is included.

“I want the deductibles removed on those things I beg my patients to do,” such as getting annual eye exams if they are diabetic, says author A. Mark Fendrick, a professor of medicine and director of the University of Michigan Center for Value-Based Insurance Design.

If insurers were allowed to offer high-deductible plans that covered “secondary prevention,” such as eye exams, or insulin for diabetics, they would attract 5 million buyers on the individual market, the report projects. Many consumers would see the policies as an improvement over more “bare-bones” coverage, even if the premiums were higher, said co-author Steve Parente, a professor of finance at the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota. At least 10 million in job-based insurance might also switch, some of them from more expensive plans that have limited networks of doctors and hospitals, Parente said. Such plans would be most attractive to those with chronic conditions such as diabetes, asthma or high blood pressure.

ALL of it here
IRS Urged To Broaden Preventive Coverage In High-Deductible Plans ? Capsules - The KHN Blog
I can tear down ObamaCare with the best of them, and I have.

What the GOP has not figured out yet is that ObamaCare is here to stay. They are on the losing side, and the longer they take to adjust their strategy to the realities on the ground, the more ground they will continue to lose.

No amount of Benghazi misdirection is going to save them from their own stupidity.
Remind me again why they put off the employer mandate for another year? That's right, to get past the election before most working people get dumped on.
It doesn't look like it's doing to well in Hawaii.

KPUA.net - KPUA Hawaii News - Insurance CEO: Shut down Hawaii health exchange

Insurance CEO: Shut down Hawaii health exchange

By Associated Press

HONOLULU (AP) The chief executive of Hawaii's largest health insurance company is calling on Hawaii to shut down its beleaguered health insurance exchange, which was set up as part of President Barack Obama's signature health care law.
This is the willful blindness of which I frequently speak.

Tens of millions were uninsured, and premiums have been outpacing inflation for decades, pricing more and more people out of the market. You are a stone cold idiot if you liked it the way it was.

When the GOP had all the power, what did they do?


Even though the Democrats were telegraphing exactly what they would do given half a chance, the GOP did NOTHING.

You were sold down the river into bondage by the GOP, kiddo.

You arent the biggest liar here only because competiton is steep. Over 90% of people were satisfied with their health care plan. Premiums have gone up faster under Obamacare. There were not tens of millions of people uninsured. There were like 4M. ANd that could easily have been dealt with with a small scale program of some kinds, perhaps handled by the states.

There were around 25 to 30 million Americans without insurance at any given time. However, many of those who were uninsured one day were not the same people who were uninsured another day six months down the road. These were people in between jobs.

I find it amusing that those who try to minimize the number of uninsured like to discount those who were eligible for Medicaid or other government programs but were not enrolled. And yet those same people would like to cut Medicaid, and are even denying the Medicaid expansion to the uninsured.

I have outlined many times on this board what I feel would be the best comprehensive solutions. For example, eliminate employer-sponsored health care. Also, you should be buying your health insurance the same way you buy your fire, home, and life insurance.

|I agree wth your last paragraph. Health insurance is fundamentally no different from fire, auto etc. Why it should get special tax treatment for employers and be subject to state regs controlling interstate commerce is beyond me.
Oh.. One more thing. We don't want no part of any "comprehensive alternative". We liked it the way it was

This is the willful blindness of which I frequently speak.

Tens of millions were uninsured, and premiums have been outpacing inflation for decades, pricing more and more people out of the market. You are a stone cold idiot if you liked it the way it was.

When the GOP had all the power, what did they do?


Even though the Democrats were telegraphing exactly what they would do given half a chance, the GOP did NOTHING.

You were sold down the river into bondage by the GOP, kiddo.

You arent the biggest liar here only because competiton is steep. Over 90% of people were satisfied with their health care plan. Premiums have gone up faster under Obamacare. There were not tens of millions of people uninsured. There were like 4M. ANd that could easily have been dealt with with a small scale program of some kinds, perhaps handled by the states.

A few leaks in the building...Statist solution? Tear down the building instead of fixing the leaks.
I mean really folks, how can something this BIG be a wreak? we all know how well this government runs the post office, Amtrak, now it's YOUR HEALTH CARE...we should all be cheering, no? what fools some of you are

Remind me again why they put off the employer mandate for another year? That's right, to get past the election before most working people get dumped on.

The Employer mandate isn't major. Most big companies offer insurance plans "anyway" right now. The amount of businesses it would affect is very small.

But the mandate might not be needed, in it's current form. A better path would be to make voucher plans possible and a tier system where mid-size companies don't have to cover as much as big companies.
when will left-wing nutjobs admit RECORD WELFARE AND FOOD STAMPS isnt "forward progress"?

for that matter when will LWNJs admit they're in charge?

idiots and hypocrites
Remind me again why they put off the employer mandate for another year? That's right, to get past the election before most working people get dumped on.

The Employer mandate isn't major. Most big companies offer insurance plans "anyway" right now. The amount of businesses it would affect is very small.

But the mandate might not be needed, in it's current form. A better path would be to make voucher plans possible and a tier system where mid-size companies don't have to cover as much as big companies.


because so many employers offer coverage that is why it IS a huge deal

and it is also why obama himself delayed the employer mandate for YEARS
Remind me again why they put off the employer mandate for another year? That's right, to get past the election before most working people get dumped on.

The Employer mandate isn't major. Most big companies offer insurance plans "anyway" right now. The amount of businesses it would affect is very small.

But the mandate might not be needed, in it's current form. A better path would be to make voucher plans possible and a tier system where mid-size companies don't have to cover as much as big companies.

Another ignorant lefty.
1) Most people get insurance through work.
2) The rules for providing insurance are arcane and complex.
3) The new rules will raise insurance premiums to very high levels
4) Companies will respond rationally by ceasing to offer insurance and throwing their employees on the exchange.
5) There will be MORE uninsured people than before.

That is why Obama illegally delayed the mandate. He knew the results would be horrific and cost the Democrats politically. OTherwise why bother?
Remind me again why they put off the employer mandate for another year? That's right, to get past the election before most working people get dumped on.

The Employer mandate isn't major. Most big companies offer insurance plans "anyway" right now. The amount of businesses it would affect is very small.

But the mandate might not be needed, in it's current form. A better path would be to make voucher plans possible and a tier system where mid-size companies don't have to cover as much as big companies.

Another ignorant lefty.
1) Most people get insurance through work.
2) The rules for providing insurance are arcane and complex.
3) The new rules will raise insurance premiums to very high levels
4) Companies will respond rationally by ceasing to offer insurance and throwing their employees on the exchange.
5) There will be MORE uninsured people than before.

That is why Obama illegally delayed the mandate. He knew the results would be horrific and cost the Democrats politically. OTherwise why bother?

I actually like the idea of employers no longer insuring their employees. Employers don't insure their employees' cars or their houses, they should not be insuring their health care. This is actually bending the cost curve of health care up in America.

The closer we get to the individual buying an individual plan in which they decide which options they want and which options they do not want, the better off our health care system and its costs will be, and the more bargaining power and control the consumer of health care will have.

However, I detest the idea of the government being made the gatekeeper to accessing health care as it does under ObamaCare. This is completely antithetical to the American way of life.

This also creates a whole new channel to massive corruption. When politicians are given more power over our lives, greater corruption inevitably follows.

And in true idiot fashion, a few years from now left wingers are going to be grinding and gnashing their teeth over the amount of money channeled to politicians to corrupt the health care system they handed to those very same politicians. They will be whining about the symptom of excess campaign finances given to their new health care government overlords and it will never penetrate their skulls they are the ones who created the incentive for such.

These idiots never learn.
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It's all in the name. I saw a report that more than 60% of those in Kentucky felt Obamacare should be repealed and only 20% liked it.

But when asked about "Kynect", the majority liked it and felt it was a "success". Over 400,000 are now covered.

they are the SAME thing. They just changed the name from Obamacare to Kynect because all those white people hate Obama.

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