When will repubs admit ObamaCare has not become the wreck they were hoping for?

Alas, there's that word again: "enrolled." You aren't enrolled unless you pay up. Moreover, Billy, people didn't drop their plans because Obamacare had better plans, they were kicked off of them. That's why 74% of them were previously insured. They didn't take Obamacare because they liked it, they were left with little other alternative. You're such a liar.

More than 6.2 million people got 'skrewed' by Obamacare. It's absolutely foolish to say otherwise. In fact, Nevada is facing 90,000 more cancellations because of Obamacare. As for your quote, shall I quote the CBO? Oh yeah, that's where Forbes got that from.

Over time, CBO expects, the penalty will be borne primarily by workers in the form of reduced wages or other compensation...

A second and more durable constraint is that businesses generally cannot reduce workers’ wages below the statutory minimum wage. As a result, some employers will
respond to the penalty by hiring fewer people at or just above the minimum wage—an effect that would be similar to the impact of raising the minimum wage for those
companies’ employees. Over time, as worker productivity rises and inflation erodes the value of the minimum wage, that effect is projected to decline because wages for
fewer jobs will be constrained by the minimum wage.The effect will not disappear completely over the next 10 years, however, because some wages are still projected
to be constrained (that is, wages for some jobs will be at or just above the minimum wage).
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Yep, this isn't the same as what was packaged and sold to the American people.
IMO, I really don't think it was ever intended to do what it was supposed to do.
I feel it was a push for a government take over of a private industry for more control
over its minions.
My opinion comes from the fact that we were lied to and how Obama touts it as a success when the main objective has been a disastrous failure.

I agree with all that, but you have these people still praising this fascist pos called, obamascamcare
it just sends me into a feeling of total hopelessness for our country

Yet somehow, the architecht of Obamacare got your full support on 11/12 with your vote.

Yet somehow, you have people praising Vladamir Putin--obvious communist--and you're just fine with that.

If you felt hopeless when some wanted to ensure that All Americans had access to healthcare, it says quite a bit about your priorities.

Actually Romney isn't the architect of Obummercare, you've been lied to.
There are a lot of differences between the two the main difference is the ideology between the two, Candy. You need to read more than leftwing talking points.

You suggesting the right praises Putin might be the stupidest thing you have ever posted.
They might think that Putin "owns" Obama, but that's not praising Putin, that's showing how weak Obama is on the global stage.

Yet, very few who didn't have insurance prior to this debacle have insurance...it has nothing to do with priorities as much as reality.
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Alas, there's that word again: "enrolled." You aren't enrolled unless you pay up. Moreover, Billy people didn't drop their plans because Obamacare had better plans, they were kicked off of them. That's why 74% of them were previously insured. They didn't take Obamacare because they liked it, they were left with little other alternative. You're such a liar.

More than 6.2 million people got 'skrewed' by Obamacare. It's absolutely foolish to say otherwise. In fact, Nevada is facing 90,000 more cancellations because of Obamacare. As for your quote, shall I quote the CBO? Oh yeah, that's where Forbes got that from.

Over time, CBO expects, the penalty will be borne primarily by workers in the form of reduced wages or other compensation...

A second and more durable constraint is that businesses generally cannot reduce workers’ wages below the statutory minimum wage. As a result, some employers will
respond to the penalty by hiring fewer people at or just above the minimum wage—an effect that would be similar to the impact of raising the minimum wage for those
companies’ employees. Over time, as worker productivity rises and inflation erodes the value of the minimum wage, that effect is projected to decline because wages for
fewer jobs will be constrained by the minimum wage.The effect will not disappear completely over the next 10 years, however, because some wages are still projected
to be constrained (that is, wages for some jobs will be at or just above the minimum wage).

TK you are so dense. The point being we should raise the miminum wage is what Obama tried to do lol. You always crack me up dude.

And you are wrong. Less than a million workers is the stat lost their insurance against their wishes.

Seriously man READ
What is with you and your bullshit republican sources? Notice how it doesn't say how many people are actually doing this? Why wouldn't they just say how many have if it is such an epidemic?

Nice dodge asswipe. That fact that it is going on AT ALL is simply more reason for you to accept your fearless leader bent you over and had his way with you.

Need more...it's all over the place.....

How Well Is Obamacare Covering The Uninsured? A Glass Half Empty Moment - Forbes

And 31 still won't be insured.


It just keeps getting better....

Obamacare Employer Mandate WillHurt Low-Wage Workers | The Daily Caller

Now, who was supposed to admit what ?

Forbes always cracks me up lol. All that article did was break down the enrollment numbers as if that would somehow mean enrollment has been poor lol. Yes a total of 5 million people had enrolled into the exchanges. Some of the previous enrolled were already enrolled and others under their parents. Those people left because the exchanges offered better rates. That is the success of ObamaCare. Those people left those plans because ObamaCare had better plans.

And yes, less than a million people got skrewed by ObamaCare. While that is unfortunate, it is only a very small group of people by comparison to the larger number.

Lol here is a snip from your article about low wage workers:

"But the federal government expects to gain billions in penalty payments from companies that choose not to obey the mandate in the end. These costs “are likely to be passed back to the workers in the form of reduced wages,” particularly low-wage employees."

I am sure you've got something to back this up.
Every time an Obummercare defender hits the board with one of his or her sptiballs, it gets knocked out of the stadium.

Billy00000.00000 has pretty much been slaughtered on this one. The usual cast of players is here helping him to realize that hurt in his backside isn't the Taco's he had last week.

Should we obtain guesses from everyone on when he starts the next one ?

Once his hemeroids attenuate.
Alas, there's that word again: "enrolled." You aren't enrolled unless you pay up. Moreover, Billy people didn't drop their plans because Obamacare had better plans, they were kicked off of them. That's why 74% of them were previously insured. They didn't take Obamacare because they liked it, they were left with little other alternative. You're such a liar.

More than 6.2 million people got 'skrewed' by Obamacare. It's absolutely foolish to say otherwise. In fact, Nevada is facing 90,000 more cancellations because of Obamacare. As for your quote, shall I quote the CBO? Oh yeah, that's where Forbes got that from.

Over time, CBO expects, the penalty will be borne primarily by workers in the form of reduced wages or other compensation...

A second and more durable constraint is that businesses generally cannot reduce workers’ wages below the statutory minimum wage. As a result, some employers will
respond to the penalty by hiring fewer people at or just above the minimum wage—an effect that would be similar to the impact of raising the minimum wage for those
companies’ employees. Over time, as worker productivity rises and inflation erodes the value of the minimum wage, that effect is projected to decline because wages for
fewer jobs will be constrained by the minimum wage.The effect will not disappear completely over the next 10 years, however, because some wages are still projected
to be constrained (that is, wages for some jobs will be at or just above the minimum wage).

TK you are so dense. The point being we should raise the miminum wage is what Obama tried to do lol. You always crack me up dude.

And you are wrong. Less than a million workers is the stat lost their insurance against their wishes.

Seriously man READ

No. You need to read. Seriously. Raising the minimum wage doesn't mean much when the value of the money it's based on is being depreciated by inflation AND Obamacare now does it? Learn basic economic theory before you lecture me. The ACA will have a detrimental impact on hiring, and will take a chunk out of paychecks. Funny, that doesn't look like a wage increase to me.

And it is not I who is dense. You are simply ignorant. No, I don't say that as a put down, I say it because you are. Over 6 million people lost their insurance against their will. It was... let me see... all under the guise of "your existing plan is substandard, you'll need to find a better one!"

Absolutely pathetic.
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Nice dodge asswipe. That fact that it is going on AT ALL is simply more reason for you to accept your fearless leader bent you over and had his way with you.

Need more...it's all over the place.....

How Well Is Obamacare Covering The Uninsured? A Glass Half Empty Moment - Forbes

And 31 still won't be insured.


It just keeps getting better....

Obamacare Employer Mandate WillHurt Low-Wage Workers | The Daily Caller

Now, who was supposed to admit what ?

Forbes always cracks me up lol. All that article did was break down the enrollment numbers as if that would somehow mean enrollment has been poor lol. Yes a total of 5 million people had enrolled into the exchanges. Some of the previous enrolled were already enrolled and others under their parents. Those people left because the exchanges offered better rates. That is the success of ObamaCare. Those people left those plans because ObamaCare had better plans.

And yes, less than a million people got skrewed by ObamaCare. While that is unfortunate, it is only a very small group of people by comparison to the larger number.

Lol here is a snip from your article about low wage workers:

"But the federal government expects to gain billions in penalty payments from companies that choose not to obey the mandate in the end. These costs “are likely to be passed back to the workers in the form of reduced wages,” particularly low-wage employees."

I am sure you've got something to back this up.

No he doesn't. He's simply running his mouth.
The High Costs of Obamacare

By Jack Kelly - March 16, 2014

Obamacare will reduce the earnings of its 300,000 members by up to $5 an hour by requiring them to buy health insurance, according to a report by Unite Here, a union which represents chiefly lower-wage workers in service industries. The union said it “threatens the middle class with higher premiums, loss of hours and a shift to part-time work and less comprehensive coverage.”

The report quoted Earl Baskerville, 50, a food service worker at the University of Hartford in Connecticut: “Obamacare would cost me $4,855.20 a year more, or a $2.33 an hour pay cut.” And Angela Portillo, a maid at the Mandalay Bay Resort in Las Vegas: “The Obamacare website says (my husband and I) would have to pay $8,057.04 a year more to keep the great insurance we have now. That’s a $3.87 per hour pay cut.”

Americans who says they’ve been hurt by Obamacare outnumber those who say they’ve benefited from it by more than 2 to 1, according to recent polls by both Rasmussen and Gallup.

The number of beneficiaries will plummet if the Supreme Court rules in June that Obamacare subsidies can be paid only to those who buy health insurance through state exchanges.

The Kaiser Family Foundation estimates that, through February, only about 15 percent of the 17.2 million people eligible for Obamacare had enrolled.

“The long-time underwriting rule calls for at least 70 percent of an eligible group to participate in order to get enough healthy people to pay for the sick who will always show up first for coverage,” wrote insurance industry consultant Robert Laszewski at The Health Care Blog.

Americans aged 18 to 34 account for just 27 percent of signups. To subsidize premiums for those older and sicker, at least 39 percent in the risk pool must be “young invincibles,” the Department of Health and Human Services has calculated.

Young people also are more likely to put off paying their first month’s premium — a prerequisite for actually having insurance — so things are worse than the HHS numbers indicate.

If a disproportionate number of Obamacare signups come from the 4.2 percent of 18-to-34-year-olds who describe their health as “fair” or “poor,” a huge problem will morph into catastrophe.

Administration officials hold out hope for a rush of signups before the March 31 deadline. I hold out hope my retirement will be financed by the arrival of a caravan of unicorns laden with baskets of gold dust.

* * * *
-- The High Costs of Obamacare | RealClearPolitics
USMB Rightwingers always use cartoons in the place of actual arguments when they have none.


Then how do you explain the war on gun owners?
Alas, there's that word again: "enrolled." You aren't enrolled unless you pay up. Moreover, Billy people didn't drop their plans because Obamacare had better plans, they were kicked off of them. That's why 74% of them were previously insured. They didn't take Obamacare because they liked it, they were left with little other alternative. You're such a liar.

More than 6.2 million people got 'skrewed' by Obamacare. It's absolutely foolish to say otherwise. In fact, Nevada is facing 90,000 more cancellations because of Obamacare. As for your quote, shall I quote the CBO? Oh yeah, that's where Forbes got that from.


TK you are so dense. The point being we should raise the miminum wage is what Obama tried to do lol. You always crack me up dude.

And you are wrong. Less than a million workers is the stat lost their insurance against their wishes.

Seriously man READ

No. You need to read. Seriously. Raising the minimum wage doesn't mean much when the value of the money it's based on is being depreciated by inflation AND Obamacare now does it? Learn basic economic theory before you lecture me. The ACA will have a detrimental impact on hiring, and will take a chunk out of paychecks. Funny, that doesn't look like a wage increase to me.

And it is not I who is dense. You are simply ignorant. No, I don't say that as a put down, I say it because you are. Over 6 million people lost their insurance against their will. It was... let me see... all under the guise of "your existing plan is substandard, you'll need to find a better one!"

Absolutely pathetic.

TK good god. Show me the actual stat that says 6 million people lost their insurance against their wishes. It doesn't exist. Pull your head out of your ass.

And yes, higher wages means more money to pay for things. How do you not understand that? Lol oh boy. This forum I tell you.
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What does the post mean? The left admits the ironically named "affordable health care act" is a wreck but not as bad a wreck as it seems? WTF?
1) Only less than 1 million people have lost their insurance because of ObamaCare.

2) Insurers have reported 80%-95% of people enrolled have been paying their premiums.

3) 8.1 million people have enrolled in the exchanges.

All of the republican talking points have failed to come true.

When will the people of this board admit it?

ONLY one million, what a liberal thing to say. One million now but I an a whole bunch more are not looking forward to 2015. Not surprisingly after the mid-terms.

You should have said only 8 million have enrolled. That is far from the lie of Obama's that there were 46 million without health care insurance.

How many of the 80-90 percent who enrolled don't pay or are heavily subsidized by those whose rates have skyrocketed?
1) Only less than 1 million people have lost their insurance because of ObamaCare.

2) Insurers have reported 80%-95% of people enrolled have been paying their premiums.

3) 8.1 million people have enrolled in the exchanges.

All of the republican talking points have failed to come true.

When will the people of this board admit it?

You miss the point, Gertrude ...Obabble HAS become the wreck we expected. Obabble care is just the pimple on the U S ass.

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