When will repubs admit ObamaCare has not become the wreck they were hoping for?

Hey man, you just have to LISTEN.

They've already admitted it.

When they decided a couple weeks ago to abandon the Obamacare outrage.......and dig up BEEEENGHAZI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The newest, latest, yet AGAIN outrage over Benghazi is their way of admitting their opposition to Obamacare was a failure.

How does arranging a committee to investigate Benghazi constitute Obamacare? The later will be an anchor around the neck of the Democrat party regardless of whatever else is going on in the government. When people start experiencing what it means to have a $12,000 deductible with no copays on drugs until the deductible is met, there will be hell to pay.

Obamacare is a disaster for middle class Americans.

By design. (And I mean intentional).
1) Only less than 1 million people have lost their insurance because of ObamaCare.

2) Insurers have reported 80%-95% of people enrolled have been paying their premiums.

3) 8.1 million people have enrolled in the exchanges.

All of the republican talking points have failed to come true.

When will the people of this board admit it?

Before the ACA (Obamacare) there was 42-50 million people that didn't have health insurance. (Depends upon which source you used)
The purpose of the ACA (Obamacare) was to insure all the 42-50 million without health insurance.
The government claims that 8 million new people have health insurance because of the ACA (Obamacare).
Since the implementation of the ACA (Obamacare) there is still 42-50 million people without health insurance.
End of facts.

In the grand scheme of things, the bottom line hasn't changed. We still have about the same number of uninsured people. So, I'm really unsure what the fucking success is, other than the fact that government is now paying a shit-ton more money for the exact same crappy results.
It's a train wreck waiting to happen. The White House refuses to release the numbers...that's all you really need to know.

If the numbers were good, they'd be tripping all over themselves to get it out to the public.

Have you never learned to read between the lines?


The number aren't in, it hasn't been completely implemented
and billie is shouting, "VICTORY". go figure

I'm waiting for the 2015 premium notices to come, it should be interesting.
It's going to show all of us what the administration is hiding from us.
Sounds like one helluva shell game...

I"m guessing that ObamaCare did not start out to be a Delayed-Impact Catastrophe...

But, once Obumble and his crew got in deep enough, with no turning back, they didn't have any choice but to begin to defer various elements of the program, and to mask or hide some of the negative-impact data for as long as practicable - hoping against hope that they could turn the damned thing around before it was 'outed' as a pending crash-and-burn...

It would seem that the Day of Judgment on this may be closer than they had been hoping...

What was that old line?

"The road to hell is paved with good intentions."

( and incompetent, warped-vision bureaucrats and civil-service slugs, I might add )
Obamacare has not been fully implemented yet because the administration pushed the employer mandate pass this years midterms so we won't know its full impact for sometime. As for admitting things when are Dems going to admit that Obamcare has not been to date the huge success they thought it would?

You nailed it.

Obama seems to be trying the Clinton stall technique. The more time he can put behind him the better his chances of getting people to forget:

1. The Botched website
2. Most are not seeing the 2500 savings
3. Just the opposite...most are seeing increases
4. He had to make a fix because of everyone who were getting kicked off their so called "junk" plans (even though they liked them....).
5. There are sweetheart deals being made with unions and waivers all over the place

And the best part has been delayed.

Just wait.

If it had ONLY been a trainwreck, he might be O.K.

He has just about slaughtered the entire system...train, tracks and all.

Once again, Billy000000.000000001 has missed it.

They gnu! They knew it would be unaffordable, and they therefore named it the "Affordable Care Act."

The prices have skyrocketed. Since when did they know it would actually be unaffordable, not to mention a disaster?

Just call him Boondoggle Barack. *sigh*
When will the Obumbler salad tossing liberal Democrats admit that ObumblerCare is indeed a major clusterfuck of the most slovenly inefficient government kind?
Asswipe....the employer based insurance dump has been delayed by OBAMA until after the Nov elections....why is that????:eusa_whistle:

1) Only less than 1 million people have lost their insurance because of ObamaCare.

2) Insurers have reported 80%-95% of people enrolled have been paying their premiums.

3) 8.1 million people have enrolled in the exchanges.

All of the republican talking points have failed to come true.

When will the people of this board admit it?

It's not a bust.

Politics: Californians with Obamacare are driving to Mexico for cheaper, better healthcare | Best of Cain

Californians unhappy with their forced Obamacare related healthcare packages are finding a cheaper and more efficient way to see a doctor — high tail it to Mexico.


I wonder if Zeke the dickhead Emanuel saw this coming ?

What is with you and your bullshit republican sources? Notice how it doesn't say how many people are actually doing this? Why wouldn't they just say how many have if it is such an epidemic?
Shitstain....why don't you tell why Obama has delayed numerous key parts of the law???

Start with moving the employer based insurance dump to after the elections....


It's not a bust.

Politics: Californians with Obamacare are driving to Mexico for cheaper, better healthcare | Best of Cain

Californians unhappy with their forced Obamacare related healthcare packages are finding a cheaper and more efficient way to see a doctor — high tail it to Mexico.


I wonder if Zeke the dickhead Emanuel saw this coming ?

What is with you and your bullshit republican sources? Notice how it doesn't say how many people are actually doing this? Why wouldn't they just say how many have if it is such an epidemic?
dear gawd, we are hopeless these are the voters of today.... who sees not one thing wrong with being lied to first off, costing us taxpayers, 1.5 TRILLION DOLLARS for a new government entitlement in this economy, and it's only covered, a supposed 8 million people out 365 MILLION...

We can kiss out butts and FREEDOMS goobye

Yep, this isn't the same as what was packaged and sold to the American people.
IMO, I really don't think it was ever intended to do what it was supposed to do.
I feel it was a push for a government take over of a private industry for more control
over its minions.
My opinion comes from the fact that we were lied to and how Obama touts it as a success when the main objective has been a disastrous failure.

I agree with all that, but you have these people still praising this fascist pos called, obamascamcare
it just sends me into a feeling of total hopelessness for our country

Yet somehow, the architecht of Obamacare got your full support on 11/12 with your vote.

Yet somehow, you have people praising Vladamir Putin--obvious communist--and you're just fine with that.

If you felt hopeless when some wanted to ensure that All Americans had access to healthcare, it says quite a bit about your priorities.
When will the democraps admit that they told lies about Obamacare when they were trying to sell it to the public?
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It's not a bust.

Politics: Californians with Obamacare are driving to Mexico for cheaper, better healthcare | Best of Cain

Californians unhappy with their forced Obamacare related healthcare packages are finding a cheaper and more efficient way to see a doctor — high tail it to Mexico.


I wonder if Zeke the dickhead Emanuel saw this coming ?

What is with you and your bullshit republican sources? Notice how it doesn't say how many people are actually doing this? Why wouldn't they just say how many have if it is such an epidemic?

Nice dodge asswipe. That fact that it is going on AT ALL is simply more reason for you to accept your fearless leader bent you over and had his way with you.

Need more...it's all over the place.....


And 31 still won't be insured.


It just keeps getting better....


Now, who was supposed to admit what ?
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When will the democraps admit that they told lies about Obamacare when they were trying to sell it to the public?
Obamacare is the albatross that is going to take them down this fall...they cannot escape it.

It's not a bust.

Politics: Californians with Obamacare are driving to Mexico for cheaper, better healthcare | Best of Cain

Californians unhappy with their forced Obamacare related healthcare packages are finding a cheaper and more efficient way to see a doctor — high tail it to Mexico.


I wonder if Zeke the dickhead Emanuel saw this coming ?

What is with you and your bullshit republican sources? Notice how it doesn't say how many people are actually doing this? Why wouldn't they just say how many have if it is such an epidemic?

Nice dodge asswipe. That fact that it is going on AT ALL is simply more reason for you to accept your fearless leader bent you over and had his way with you.

Need more...it's all over the place.....

How Well Is Obamacare Covering The Uninsured? A Glass Half Empty Moment - Forbes

And 31 still won't be insured.


It just keeps getting better....

Obamacare Employer Mandate WillHurt Low-Wage Workers | The Daily Caller

Now, who was supposed to admit what ?

Forbes always cracks me up lol. All that article did was break down the enrollment numbers as if that would somehow mean enrollment has been poor lol. Yes a total of 5 million people had enrolled into the exchanges. Some of the previous enrolled were already enrolled and others under their parents. Those people left because the exchanges offered better rates. That is the success of ObamaCare. Those people left those plans because ObamaCare had better plans.

And yes, less than a million people got skrewed by ObamaCare. While that is unfortunate, it is only a very small group of people by comparison to the larger number.

Lol here is a snip from your article about low wage workers:

"But the federal government expects to gain billions in penalty payments from companies that choose not to obey the mandate in the end. These costs “are likely to be passed back to the workers in the form of reduced wages,” particularly low-wage employees."
A majority are for keeping it and fixing it...and that'll only go up. Pub dupes!

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