When will the Democratic Party move on from Trump?

One of the reasons I voted for Trump in 2016 was the rhetoric. Suddenly if you voted for the man you were deemed racist. In fact after he won, Van Jones called it a "white lash". It was like some strange people were telling Independent voters and tax payers how to vote and why they should be ashamed not to vote Democrat.

Now, I frankly didn't pay much attention to politics until then but my kids were in school as they were 6 and 8 and I for the first time in my life noticed how far left many people are and how triggered they were. That prompted me to pay more attention and I did like Trump's policies on immigration, military and America First in terms of manufacturing and such. I also liked that he addressed corporate inversions.

After he won, an interesting benefit was how much he triggered leftists. After he lost in 2020, it was disheartening because the far left had won the culture war. Now we have to agree that gender is a social construct, that whites are racist, that America is systemically racist, that police officers are bad people and if you say anything contrary to that publicly you have the threat of cancel culture.

However, even though Trump lost, he continued to be top of mind to Democrats and to leftists around the country and here on USMB. It is almost as if the Democratic Party needs their villain to hide the problems they themselves have. So Trump continues to trigger leftists even though he is no longer President and has been banned from Twitter. So at what point does the Democratic Party move on from Trump?

One of the reasons I voted for Trump in 2016 was the rhetoric. Suddenly if you voted for the man you were deemed racist. In fact after he won, Van Jones called it a "white lash". It was like some strange people were telling Independent voters and tax payers how to vote and why they should be ashamed not to vote Democrat.

Now, I frankly didn't pay much attention to politics until then but my kids were in school as they were 6 and 8 and I for the first time in my life noticed how far left many people are and how triggered they were. That prompted me to pay more attention and I did like Trump's policies on immigration, military and America First in terms of manufacturing and such. I also liked that he addressed corporate inversions.

After he won, an interesting benefit was how much he triggered leftists. After he lost in 2020, it was disheartening because the far left had won the culture war. Now we have to agree that gender is a social construct, that whites are racist, that America is systemically racist, that police officers are bad people and if you say anything contrary to that publicly you have the threat of cancel culture.

However, even though Trump lost, he continued to be top of mind to Democrats and to leftists around the country and here on USMB. It is almost as if the Democratic Party needs their villain to hide the problems they themselves have. So Trump continues to trigger leftists even though he is no longer President and has been banned from Twitter. So at what point does the Democratic Party move on from Trump?

Democrats have moved on. It's Republicans that haven't..or more rightfully..can't. And as someone who would like to see the Republican party dismembered, I look forward to Trump and the rest of his sycophants doing what no group of Democrats could ever hope to accomplish. Split the party in two. Right now, to me and probably to Democrats, he is a more useful idiot now than he was when he was President. He'll never be touched for what he stoked at the Capitol on January 6th. But I don't care. The damage is done. He's done. All he can do now is take the Republican party down with him for the third count.
Take your one party socialist state shove it up your backside. Hope you choke on Thief in Chief Biden.

Biden is a centrist. A moderate. And you righties keep throwing out the "ist" and "ism" terms to try and scare people.
Hint..you've stated them so many times people aren't scared of them anymore.
Till it bites them in the ass which it will.
They never will. They're still having night terrors of a 30 foot orange nutsack smothering them in their sleep, and there's no one there to hear their screams.

Imagine you've stolen an election and you're counting on THIS awkward fucktard to keep you from guzzling liquid plumber:

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The idiots on the left continue to whine and piss and moan about Trump in an effort to deflect attention away from the fact that Biden hasn't done a single worthwhile thing since he's been in office...

You're not going to learn anything watching OAN or FOX. For them to report Biden's successes, one being undoing the crap Trump did by executive order, would show the failures of the Trump/republican administration and you're not going to hear that in rightwing media, i.e., to show Biden's successes is to highlight the republicans failures.

And having just now thought of that, it's no wonder y'all bitch and whine about the Mainstream media that reports empirical facts and science and not the shit that is manufactured in Trumps or Hannity's ass that y'all regularly digest.

Just to say my rightwing friends be aware of ALTERNATIVE FACTS.

Reality has a had habit of biting those who believe them in the ass.

That's how you lose the WH.

And the House.


Need I go on?
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When? Probably some time after GOP shitheads like Nikki Haley stop kissing his ass
Look. My last post because I find this place nothing more than personality bashing and I am retiring as of Today and plan to play golf, take my boat out and enjoy my grandchildren and my wife of 35+ years

So Enjoy.

1) Those left of center may have not wanted a border wall. Those right of center did. He promised the wall and he built it. I know, I know, Mexico didn't pay for it. But it was built.
2) Those left of center may have wanted to stay ion the Paris accord. Those right of center didn't.. Trump promised to withdraw and he did.
3) Those on the left wanted to stay in the Iran deal. Those on the right didn't. He promised he would withdraw and he did.
4) Those on the left didn't want the Keystone. Those on the right did. He promised to approve it and he did.
5) Those on the left were all for Jerusalem but their elected presidents didn't deliver. Those on the right wanted it and Trump did deliver as promised
6) Trump promised a dramatic decrease in unemployment and a dramatic increase in manufacturing. His predecessor said he needed a magic wand to do it. He did it without a wand.
7) The economy tanked when covid hit. It is what it is. Trump didnt cause COVID.......let go of that talking point....it makes you look silly and uneducated.
8) Trump promised a vaccine before Christmas. The left siad he was a pipe dreamer. A vaccine was developed before Christmas....but of course, the left says it had nothing to do with Trump....maybe not....but he didnt say "I will have a vaccine by December"...he said there will be one by December
9) Trump said no more wars. He did not oversee any new war.

So do all the Trump bashing you want. He is, in my eyes, the only President who met over 90% of his promises in 4 years when most couldn't meet 50% of their promises over 8 years.

And before you latch onto the old "Mexico didn't pay for the wall" talking point......just remember this....people were not able to keep their doctor or policy.

Just remember....elections have consequences. Someone on the right is voted in, policies will be hated by the left....and visa versa.

Its the way it is.

Adios amigos.

You people are quite entertaining
A trump is that floater that hangs around after you flush. Hopefully the second impeachment was that second flush.
Right but it is the Democrats who are keeping his name alive. These are all recent threads on these boards started by Leftists. Why not let sleeping dogs lie?

I don’t disagree, but I do hope he goes away now.
I guess you miss the issue. Dems need a talking pt to keep the "flow" going. Until Dems find a "hero" from their side or they find another "villain", they have nothing to talk about.
Here's a real time example.

Biden, right now, is on live talking to our European allies about working together to answer the common problems affecting everybody. Global warming. Authoritarianism. Advancing democracy. Terrorism.

Fox news is trying to explain away two decades of republican administrative policies that allowed the an energy producing wonder state like Texas to freeze. And cover Cancun Cruz's ass.

And just now heard the Fox anchor say should we be paying such attention to those Texans in distress with no water no heat and dwindling food supplies.

I shit you not.

As long as Trump is the smelly piece of decaying trash in our politics he must be fumigated whenever and wherever his stench appears.
The idiots on the left continue to whine and piss and moan about Trump in an effort to deflect attention away from the fact that Biden hasn't done a single worthwhile thing since he's been in office...

You're not going to learn anything watching OAN or FOX. For them to report Biden's successes, one being undoing the crap Trump did by executive order, would show the failures of the Trump/republican administration and you're not going to hear that in rightwing media, i.e., to show Biden's successes is to highlight the republicans failures.

And having just now thought of that, it's no wonder y'all bitch and whine about the Mainstream media that reports empirical facts and science and not the shit that is manufactured in Trumps or Hannity's ass that y'all regularly digest.

Just to say my rightwing friends be aware of ALTERNATIVE FACTS.

Reality has a had habit of biting those who believe them in the ass.

That's how you lose the WH.

And the House.


Need I go on?


See, I don't watch Fox News. I hardly watch television at all. But leave it to a liberal retard to make such an ignorant assumption.

Biden has done nothing worthwhile. Even democrats are starting to get worried...
Trump (and far more importantly, Trumpism) represents a historic moment in this nation's history. Not only is it is an absolutely fascinating psychological / historical / sociological / anthropological study, it's a terribly important cautionary tale.

The intense adoration and devotion to this troubled, damaged man must be analyzed carefully and thoroughly. We thought the world had learned from such destructive relationships in the past, but clearly we were wrong there. We must learn here.

So, to all the Trumpsters who constantly whine and moan about how much attention is being paid to this topic: Too bad. You sold your soul to this awful man, and we're going to examine and comment on it for a long time. You'll just have to live with it.
Democrat communists keep Trump hate going because that is what they are using to explain away their massive election fraud.
Here's a real time example.

Biden, right now, is on live talking to our European allies about working together to answer the common problems affecting everybody. Global warming. Authoritarianism. Advancing democracy. Terrorism.

Fox news is trying to explain away two decades of republican administrative policies that allowed the an energy producing wonder state like Texas to freeze. And cover Cancun Cruz's ass.

And just now heard the Fox anchor say should we be paying such attention to those Texans in distress with no water no heat and dwindling food supplies.

I shit you not.

That is not the point of the thread. Why are you hijacking it?
When will.democrats move on from Trump?

When they can no longer scare their voters with him. Then they will invent another crisis to scare their voters with. They're trying out the Q thingy right now but I dont think that is going to work. Globull Warming will make a big come back along with the standard Wascism.
One of the reasons I voted for Trump in 2016 was the rhetoric. Suddenly if you voted for the man you were deemed racist. In fact after he won, Van Jones called it a "white lash". It was like some strange people were telling Independent voters and tax payers how to vote and why they should be ashamed not to vote Democrat.

Now, I frankly didn't pay much attention to politics until then but my kids were in school as they were 6 and 8 and I for the first time in my life noticed how far left many people are and how triggered they were. That prompted me to pay more attention and I did like Trump's policies on immigration, military and America First in terms of manufacturing and such. I also liked that he addressed corporate inversions.

After he won, an interesting benefit was how much he triggered leftists. After he lost in 2020, it was disheartening because the far left had won the culture war. Now we have to agree that gender is a social construct, that whites are racist, that America is systemically racist, that police officers are bad people and if you say anything contrary to that publicly you have the threat of cancel culture.

However, even though Trump lost, he continued to be top of mind to Democrats and to leftists around the country and here on USMB. It is almost as if the Democratic Party needs their villain to hide the problems they themselves have. So Trump continues to trigger leftists even though he is no longer President and has been banned from Twitter. So at what point does the Democratic Party move on from Trump?

Democrats have moved on. It's Republicans that haven't..or more rightfully..can't. And as someone who would like to see the Republican party dismembered, I look forward to Trump and the rest of his sycophants doing what no group of Democrats could ever hope to accomplish. Split the party in two. Right now, to me and probably to Democrats, he is a more useful idiot now than he was when he was President. He'll never be touched for what he stoked at the Capitol on January 6th. But I don't care. The damage is done. He's done. All he can do now is take the Republican party down with him for the third count.

What a joke. They haven't moved on. All you hear about is Trump.

Trump is no longer POTUS so why aren't we hearing about Biden??

I can guess its because Biden is doing some stupid shit that will cost we taxpayers up the ass.

You Dem idiots will always go back to Trump as your target and scapegoat. I'd bet he's LHAO at you idiots. I know I sure am.
When? Probably some time after GOP shitheads like Nikki Haley stop kissing his ass
Look. My last post because I find this place nothing more than personality bashing and I am retiring as of Today and plan to play golf, take my boat out and enjoy my grandchildren and my wife of 35+ years

So Enjoy.

1) Those left of center may have not wanted a border wall. Those right of center did. He promised the wall and he built it. I know, I know, Mexico didn't pay for it. But it was built.
2) Those left of center may have wanted to stay ion the Paris accord. Those right of center didn't.. Trump promised to withdraw and he did.
3) Those on the left wanted to stay in the Iran deal. Those on the right didn't. He promised he would withdraw and he did.
4) Those on the left didn't want the Keystone. Those on the right did. He promised to approve it and he did.
5) Those on the left were all for Jerusalem but their elected presidents didn't deliver. Those on the right wanted it and Trump did deliver as promised
6) Trump promised a dramatic decrease in unemployment and a dramatic increase in manufacturing. His predecessor said he needed a magic wand to do it. He did it without a wand.
7) The economy tanked when covid hit. It is what it is. Trump didnt cause COVID.......let go of that talking point....it makes you look silly and uneducated.
8) Trump promised a vaccine before Christmas. The left siad he was a pipe dreamer. A vaccine was developed before Christmas....but of course, the left says it had nothing to do with Trump....maybe not....but he didnt say "I will have a vaccine by December"...he said there will be one by December
9) Trump said no more wars. He did not oversee any new war.

So do all the Trump bashing you want. He is, in my eyes, the only President who met over 90% of his promises in 4 years when most couldn't meet 50% of their promises over 8 years.

And before you latch onto the old "Mexico didn't pay for the wall" talking point......just remember this....people were not able to keep their doctor or policy.

Just remember....elections have consequences. Someone on the right is voted in, policies will be hated by the left....and visa versa.

Its the way it is.

Adios amigos.

You people are quite entertaining

OK. We get it. You're a Trump supporter. The guy can do no wrong. Bottom line is that he was a lousy President. Otherwise he would have been re-elected...easily.
Hit em long and straight. :)
When? Probably some time after GOP shitheads like Nikki Haley stop kissing his ass
Look. My last post because I find this place nothing more than personality bashing and I am retiring as of Today and plan to play golf, take my boat out and enjoy my grandchildren and my wife of 35+ years

So Enjoy.

1) Those left of center may have not wanted a border wall. Those right of center did. He promised the wall and he built it. I know, I know, Mexico didn't pay for it. But it was built.
2) Those left of center may have wanted to stay ion the Paris accord. Those right of center didn't.. Trump promised to withdraw and he did.
3) Those on the left wanted to stay in the Iran deal. Those on the right didn't. He promised he would withdraw and he did.
4) Those on the left didn't want the Keystone. Those on the right did. He promised to approve it and he did.
5) Those on the left were all for Jerusalem but their elected presidents didn't deliver. Those on the right wanted it and Trump did deliver as promised
6) Trump promised a dramatic decrease in unemployment and a dramatic increase in manufacturing. His predecessor said he needed a magic wand to do it. He did it without a wand.
7) The economy tanked when covid hit. It is what it is. Trump didnt cause COVID.......let go of that talking point....it makes you look silly and uneducated.
8) Trump promised a vaccine before Christmas. The left siad he was a pipe dreamer. A vaccine was developed before Christmas....but of course, the left says it had nothing to do with Trump....maybe not....but he didnt say "I will have a vaccine by December"...he said there will be one by December
9) Trump said no more wars. He did not oversee any new war.

So do all the Trump bashing you want. He is, in my eyes, the only President who met over 90% of his promises in 4 years when most couldn't meet 50% of their promises over 8 years.

And before you latch onto the old "Mexico didn't pay for the wall" talking point......just remember this....people were not able to keep their doctor or policy.

Just remember....elections have consequences. Someone on the right is voted in, policies will be hated by the left....and visa versa.

Its the way it is.

Adios amigos.

You people are quite entertaining

OK. We get it. You're a Trump supporter. The guy can do no wrong. Bottom line is that he was a lousy President. Otherwise he would have been re-elected...easily.
Hit em long and straight. :)
If not for COVID he wins.
They should use Trumpybear like the Catholic Church uses the Devil himself.

The GOP had it's Brutus moment, and for better or for worse they sided with their Emperor. I think he still has a majority in the GOP ranks.
Trump (and far more importantly, Trumpism) represents a historic moment in this nation's history. Not only is it is an absolutely fascinating psychological / historical / sociological / anthropological study, it's a terribly important cautionary tale.

The intense adoration and devotion to this troubled, damaged man must be analyzed carefully and thoroughly. We thought the world had learned from such destructive relationships in the past, but clearly we were wrong there. We must learn here.

So, to all the Trumpsters who constantly whine and moan about how much attention is being paid to this topic: Too bad. You sold your soul to this awful man, and we're going to examine and comment on it for a long time. You'll just have to live with it.
So TDS is alive and well. Case in point this post. Thank you.

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