When will the Democratic Party move on from Trump?

One of the reasons I voted for Trump in 2016 was the rhetoric. Suddenly if you voted for the man you were deemed racist. In fact after he won, Van Jones called it a "white lash". It was like some strange people were telling Independent voters and tax payers how to vote and why they should be ashamed not to vote Democrat.

Now, I frankly didn't pay much attention to politics until then but my kids were in school as they were 6 and 8 and I for the first time in my life noticed how far left many people are and how triggered they were. That prompted me to pay more attention and I did like Trump's policies on immigration, military and America First in terms of manufacturing and such. I also liked that he addressed corporate inversions.

After he won, an interesting benefit was how much he triggered leftists. After he lost in 2020, it was disheartening because the far left had won the culture war. Now we have to agree that gender is a social construct, that whites are racist, that America is systemically racist, that police officers are bad people and if you say anything contrary to that publicly you have the threat of cancel culture.

However, even though Trump lost, he continued to be top of mind to Democrats and to leftists around the country and here on USMB. It is almost as if the Democratic Party needs their villain to hide the problems they themselves have. So Trump continues to trigger leftists even though he is no longer President and has been banned from Twitter. So at what point does the Democratic Party move on from Trump?

Democrats have moved on. It's Republicans that haven't..or more rightfully..can't. And as someone who would like to see the Republican party dismembered, I look forward to Trump and the rest of his sycophants doing what no group of Democrats could ever hope to accomplish. Split the party in two. Right now, to me and probably to Democrats, he is a more useful idiot now than he was when he was President. He'll never be touched for what he stoked at the Capitol on January 6th. But I don't care. The damage is done. He's done. All he can do now is take the Republican party down with him for the third count.
How have they moved on? They are working on a resolution, right now, that nothing can be named for Trump. You can't help lying, can you?

I wouldn't want anything named after Trump either...well, maybe a toilet or a urinal.
I could care less about Trump. But I want him to keep splitting the Republican party in half.
Any Trump news right now is money for Democrats.
One of the reasons I voted for Trump in 2016 was the rhetoric. Suddenly if you voted for the man you were deemed racist. In fact after he won, Van Jones called it a "white lash". It was like some strange people were telling Independent voters and tax payers how to vote and why they should be ashamed not to vote Democrat.

Now, I frankly didn't pay much attention to politics until then but my kids were in school as they were 6 and 8 and I for the first time in my life noticed how far left many people are and how triggered they were. That prompted me to pay more attention and I did like Trump's policies on immigration, military and America First in terms of manufacturing and such. I also liked that he addressed corporate inversions.

After he won, an interesting benefit was how much he triggered leftists. After he lost in 2020, it was disheartening because the far left had won the culture war. Now we have to agree that gender is a social construct, that whites are racist, that America is systemically racist, that police officers are bad people and if you say anything contrary to that publicly you have the threat of cancel culture.

However, even though Trump lost, he continued to be top of mind to Democrats and to leftists around the country and here on USMB. It is almost as if the Democratic Party needs their villain to hide the problems they themselves have. So Trump continues to trigger leftists even though he is no longer President and has been banned from Twitter. So at what point does the Democratic Party move on from Trump?

Democrats have moved on. It's Republicans that haven't..or more rightfully..can't. And as someone who would like to see the Republican party dismembered, I look forward to Trump and the rest of his sycophants doing what no group of Democrats could ever hope to accomplish. Split the party in two. Right now, to me and probably to Democrats, he is a more useful idiot now than he was when he was President. He'll never be touched for what he stoked at the Capitol on January 6th. But I don't care. The damage is done. He's done. All he can do now is take the Republican party down with him for the third count.
Lol, no you haven't, you start multiple threads daily on him.

LOL. Like slinging BS huh? I've started ZERO threads on Trump. He's gone. But he's serving a purpose now. And that purpose is to insure Democrats
rule for the next decade. :)
Purpose is ratings. Why can you not just admit that. Thank you for further admitting that you prefer one party rule.

Republicans have had four decades to prove they can govern. And they repeatedly fell flat on their faces. Even though the Reagan years were rife with the beginnings of bad management, supply side econ and deficit spending, the country still managed to get by. Then came Newt and his Republican Revolution and that was the beginning of the end. So yeah, I'm quite content to give Democrats a long runway. Let's see what they can do over the next 8 years or so. We've seen enough of this present iteration of "conservatism".
Don't you agree that both parties govern? Presidency is just one branch? I believe we need checks and balances.

Both parties should govern. One attempts to (and admittedly falls short sometimes). The other does not. It doesn't even try. It's so fractured, divided, and hopelessly locked into putting forth policy ideas that have failed for decades. In short, nothing new.
We should have checks and balances. But there is no balance with Republicans. They need a reboot.
One of the reasons I voted for Trump in 2016 was the rhetoric. Suddenly if you voted for the man you were deemed racist. In fact after he won, Van Jones called it a "white lash". It was like some strange people were telling Independent voters and tax payers how to vote and why they should be ashamed not to vote Democrat.

Now, I frankly didn't pay much attention to politics until then but my kids were in school as they were 6 and 8 and I for the first time in my life noticed how far left many people are and how triggered they were. That prompted me to pay more attention and I did like Trump's policies on immigration, military and America First in terms of manufacturing and such. I also liked that he addressed corporate inversions.

After he won, an interesting benefit was how much he triggered leftists. After he lost in 2020, it was disheartening because the far left had won the culture war. Now we have to agree that gender is a social construct, that whites are racist, that America is systemically racist, that police officers are bad people and if you say anything contrary to that publicly you have the threat of cancel culture.

However, even though Trump lost, he continued to be top of mind to Democrats and to leftists around the country and here on USMB. It is almost as if the Democratic Party needs their villain to hide the problems they themselves have. So Trump continues to trigger leftists even though he is no longer President and has been banned from Twitter. So at what point does the Democratic Party move on from Trump?

Democrats have moved on. It's Republicans that haven't..or more rightfully..can't. And as someone who would like to see the Republican party dismembered, I look forward to Trump and the rest of his sycophants doing what no group of Democrats could ever hope to accomplish. Split the party in two. Right now, to me and probably to Democrats, he is a more useful idiot now than he was when he was President. He'll never be touched for what he stoked at the Capitol on January 6th. But I don't care. The damage is done. He's done. All he can do now is take the Republican party down with him for the third count.
Lol, no you haven't, you start multiple threads daily on him.

LOL. Like slinging BS huh? I've started ZERO threads on Trump. He's gone. But he's serving a purpose now. And that purpose is to insure Democrats
rule for the next decade. :)
Purpose is ratings. Why can you not just admit that. Thank you for further admitting that you prefer one party rule.

Republicans have had four decades to prove they can govern. And they repeatedly fell flat on their faces. Even though the Reagan years were rife with the beginnings of bad management, supply side econ and deficit spending, the country still managed to get by. Then came Newt and his Republican Revolution and that was the beginning of the end. So yeah, I'm quite content to give Democrats a long runway. Let's see what they can do over the next 8 years or so. We've seen enough of this present iteration of "conservatism".
Don't you agree that both parties govern? Presidency is just one branch? I believe we need checks and balances.

Both parties should govern. One attempts to (and admittedly falls short sometimes). The other does not. It doesn't even try. It's so fractured, divided, and hopelessly locked into putting forth policy ideas that have failed for decades. In short, nothing new.
We should have checks and balances. But there is no balance with Republicans. They need a reboot.

That's rich :badgrin: The Left has NOE solution for EVERYTHING, take someone else's money and give it away.
That's it.
It seems they might have moved on to Ted Cruz.
XponentialChaos care to give it a try?
"Cool, you're happy...and your feelings no longer hurt.....BUT can you tell us how his policies are working out for you and Americans as a whole?"
(we know he's killing it for Mexico, you can leave that out)

Seems like they’re going fine to me.

You’ll have to specify your question related to some specific policy that you’re getting at.
One of the reasons I voted for Trump in 2016 was the rhetoric. Suddenly if you voted for the man you were deemed racist. In fact after he won, Van Jones called it a "white lash". It was like some strange people were telling Independent voters and tax payers how to vote and why they should be ashamed not to vote Democrat.

Now, I frankly didn't pay much attention to politics until then but my kids were in school as they were 6 and 8 and I for the first time in my life noticed how far left many people are and how triggered they were. That prompted me to pay more attention and I did like Trump's policies on immigration, military and America First in terms of manufacturing and such. I also liked that he addressed corporate inversions.

After he won, an interesting benefit was how much he triggered leftists. After he lost in 2020, it was disheartening because the far left had won the culture war. Now we have to agree that gender is a social construct, that whites are racist, that America is systemically racist, that police officers are bad people and if you say anything contrary to that publicly you have the threat of cancel culture.

However, even though Trump lost, he continued to be top of mind to Democrats and to leftists around the country and here on USMB. It is almost as if the Democratic Party needs their villain to hide the problems they themselves have. So Trump continues to trigger leftists even though he is no longer President and has been banned from Twitter. So at what point does the Democratic Party move on from Trump?

Democrats have moved on. It's Republicans that haven't..or more rightfully..can't. And as someone who would like to see the Republican party dismembered, I look forward to Trump and the rest of his sycophants doing what no group of Democrats could ever hope to accomplish. Split the party in two. Right now, to me and probably to Democrats, he is a more useful idiot now than he was when he was President. He'll never be touched for what he stoked at the Capitol on January 6th. But I don't care. The damage is done. He's done. All he can do now is take the Republican party down with him for the third count.
Lol, no you haven't, you start multiple threads daily on him.

LOL. Like slinging BS huh? I've started ZERO threads on Trump. He's gone. But he's serving a purpose now. And that purpose is to insure Democrats
rule for the next decade. :)
Purpose is ratings. Why can you not just admit that. Thank you for further admitting that you prefer one party rule.

Republicans have had four decades to prove they can govern. And they repeatedly fell flat on their faces. Even though the Reagan years were rife with the beginnings of bad management, supply side econ and deficit spending, the country still managed to get by. Then came Newt and his Republican Revolution and that was the beginning of the end. So yeah, I'm quite content to give Democrats a long runway. Let's see what they can do over the next 8 years or so. We've seen enough of this present iteration of "conservatism".
Don't you agree that both parties govern? Presidency is just one branch? I believe we need checks and balances.

Both parties should govern. One attempts to (and admittedly falls short sometimes). The other does not. It doesn't even try. It's so fractured, divided, and hopelessly locked into putting forth policy ideas that have failed for decades. In short, nothing new.
We should have checks and balances. But there is no balance with Republicans. They need a reboot.

That's rich :badgrin: The Left has NOE solution for EVERYTHING, take someone else's money and give it away.
That's it.

Democrats have offered more solutions than Republicans have. I know a Democrat is going to tax me and then spend the money. At least they're being up front about it. I know what's coming. As opposed to a Republican, who is going to spend like a drunken sailor and then offer generous tax cuts to their wealthy donors and the corporations who keep their campaign coffers stuffed. All while letting the average worker twist in the wind, try to take away their healthcare, remove environmental and labor regulations to put those worker's lives at risk, and toss money after military programs and weapons that would have nothing to do with defending our national security...all while ignoring the soldiers who serve this country.
One of the reasons I voted for Trump in 2016 was the rhetoric. Suddenly if you voted for the man you were deemed racist. In fact after he won, Van Jones called it a "white lash". It was like some strange people were telling Independent voters and tax payers how to vote and why they should be ashamed not to vote Democrat.

Now, I frankly didn't pay much attention to politics until then but my kids were in school as they were 6 and 8 and I for the first time in my life noticed how far left many people are and how triggered they were. That prompted me to pay more attention and I did like Trump's policies on immigration, military and America First in terms of manufacturing and such. I also liked that he addressed corporate inversions.

After he won, an interesting benefit was how much he triggered leftists. After he lost in 2020, it was disheartening because the far left had won the culture war. Now we have to agree that gender is a social construct, that whites are racist, that America is systemically racist, that police officers are bad people and if you say anything contrary to that publicly you have the threat of cancel culture.

However, even though Trump lost, he continued to be top of mind to Democrats and to leftists around the country and here on USMB. It is almost as if the Democratic Party needs their villain to hide the problems they themselves have. So Trump continues to trigger leftists even though he is no longer President and has been banned from Twitter. So at what point does the Democratic Party move on from Trump?

When the Republicans stop spreading and campaigning on Trumpism, most likely. Trump is poison. Keeping his name right next to his bootlickers at all times is just smart political strategy, like it or not.
They should use Trumpybear like the Catholic Church uses the Devil himself.

The GOP had it's Brutus moment, and for better or for worse they sided with their Emperor. I think he still has a majority in the GOP ranks.
You do realize that the Devil is a fictional character do you not? Trump is real. I know you don't understand the difference but maybe just maybe try to follow along.

Tell that to the Catholic Church. Satan has been the best recruiter the Church has ever had. That evil piece of shit Trumpybear could do the same for the Democrats. I think the Dems would rather move on however, which is why they offered the GOP the knife to stab Trumpism to death with. The GOP stuck with Caesar. The dem's have no choice but to fight what's in front of them.
But the Dems control 90% of all media and Trump garners ratings so....there is quite the tug and pull. You compared Trump to Satan...funny.

But they don't. Faux News and the Right Wing alterative have much more than a 10% share of the American audience.
Nope...about what 8mil viewers? That is less than 10%

That's only the TV viewers. I'd say 30 to maybe 35 % of the public rely on the alt right media for their news.
Link please....and Fox isn’t Alt Right.
One of the reasons I voted for Trump in 2016 was the rhetoric. Suddenly if you voted for the man you were deemed racist. In fact after he won, Van Jones called it a "white lash". It was like some strange people were telling Independent voters and tax payers how to vote and why they should be ashamed not to vote Democrat.

Now, I frankly didn't pay much attention to politics until then but my kids were in school as they were 6 and 8 and I for the first time in my life noticed how far left many people are and how triggered they were. That prompted me to pay more attention and I did like Trump's policies on immigration, military and America First in terms of manufacturing and such. I also liked that he addressed corporate inversions.

After he won, an interesting benefit was how much he triggered leftists. After he lost in 2020, it was disheartening because the far left had won the culture war. Now we have to agree that gender is a social construct, that whites are racist, that America is systemically racist, that police officers are bad people and if you say anything contrary to that publicly you have the threat of cancel culture.

However, even though Trump lost, he continued to be top of mind to Democrats and to leftists around the country and here on USMB. It is almost as if the Democratic Party needs their villain to hide the problems they themselves have. So Trump continues to trigger leftists even though he is no longer President and has been banned from Twitter. So at what point does the Democratic Party move on from Trump?

When will the Democratic Party move on from Trump?

They can't put down the Trump crack pipe...they're hooked to the nth degree.
Look no further than Mac1958 bizarre addiction for proof.
Yep! As I've said, Trump (and far more importantly, Trumpism) represents a historic moment in this nation's history. Not only is it is an absolutely fascinating psychological / historical / sociological / anthropological study, it's a terribly important cautionary tale.

The intense adoration and devotion to this troubled, damaged man must be analyzed carefully and thoroughly. We thought the world had learned from such destructive relationships in the past, but clearly we were wrong there. We must learn here.

So, to all the Trumpsters who constantly whine and moan about how much attention is being paid to this topic: Too bad. You sold your soul to this awful man, and we're going to examine and comment on it for a long time. You'll just have to live with it.
You do realize that you’re not a psychologist unless you’re pretending to be one now. So your opinion of him is just that. Your opinion. What is fascinating is you leftists trying to sound all noble and intelligent but coming off as pompous asses.
One of the reasons I voted for Trump in 2016 was the rhetoric. Suddenly if you voted for the man you were deemed racist. In fact after he won, Van Jones called it a "white lash". It was like some strange people were telling Independent voters and tax payers how to vote and why they should be ashamed not to vote Democrat.

Now, I frankly didn't pay much attention to politics until then but my kids were in school as they were 6 and 8 and I for the first time in my life noticed how far left many people are and how triggered they were. That prompted me to pay more attention and I did like Trump's policies on immigration, military and America First in terms of manufacturing and such. I also liked that he addressed corporate inversions.

After he won, an interesting benefit was how much he triggered leftists. After he lost in 2020, it was disheartening because the far left had won the culture war. Now we have to agree that gender is a social construct, that whites are racist, that America is systemically racist, that police officers are bad people and if you say anything contrary to that publicly you have the threat of cancel culture.

However, even though Trump lost, he continued to be top of mind to Democrats and to leftists around the country and here on USMB. It is almost as if the Democratic Party needs their villain to hide the problems they themselves have. So Trump continues to trigger leftists even though he is no longer President and has been banned from Twitter. So at what point does the Democratic Party move on from Trump?

When the Republicans stop spreading and campaigning on Trumpism, most likely. Trump is poison. Keeping his name right next to his bootlickers at all times is just smart political strategy, like it or not.
Leftist media covers stories on him nonstop. You didn’t read the op.
One of the reasons I voted for Trump in 2016 was the rhetoric. Suddenly if you voted for the man you were deemed racist. In fact after he won, Van Jones called it a "white lash". It was like some strange people were telling Independent voters and tax payers how to vote and why they should be ashamed not to vote Democrat.

Now, I frankly didn't pay much attention to politics until then but my kids were in school as they were 6 and 8 and I for the first time in my life noticed how far left many people are and how triggered they were. That prompted me to pay more attention and I did like Trump's policies on immigration, military and America First in terms of manufacturing and such. I also liked that he addressed corporate inversions.

After he won, an interesting benefit was how much he triggered leftists. After he lost in 2020, it was disheartening because the far left had won the culture war. Now we have to agree that gender is a social construct, that whites are racist, that America is systemically racist, that police officers are bad people and if you say anything contrary to that publicly you have the threat of cancel culture.

However, even though Trump lost, he continued to be top of mind to Democrats and to leftists around the country and here on USMB. It is almost as if the Democratic Party needs their villain to hide the problems they themselves have. So Trump continues to trigger leftists even though he is no longer President and has been banned from Twitter. So at what point does the Democratic Party move on from Trump?

When will the Democratic Party move on from Trump?

They can't put down the Trump crack pipe...they're hooked to the nth degree.
Look no further than Mac1958 bizarre addiction for proof.
Yep! As I've said, Trump (and far more importantly, Trumpism) represents a historic moment in this nation's history. Not only is it is an absolutely fascinating psychological / historical / sociological / anthropological study, it's a terribly important cautionary tale.

The intense adoration and devotion to this troubled, damaged man must be analyzed carefully and thoroughly. We thought the world had learned from such destructive relationships in the past, but clearly we were wrong there. We must learn here.

So, to all the Trumpsters who constantly whine and moan about how much attention is being paid to this topic: Too bad. You sold your soul to this awful man, and we're going to examine and comment on it for a long time. You'll just have to live with it.
You do realize that you’re not a psychologist unless you’re pretending to be one now. So your opinion of him is just that. Your opinion. What is fascinating is you leftists trying to sound all noble and intelligent but coming off as pompous asses.
Well, yes. I'm certainly not a psychologist. But unlike those whose intellectual curiosity has calcified due to their TDS -- this would include you, obviously -- I maintain a healthy intellectual curiosity about people, societies and their behaviors.

See, what you clearly don't understand is that I consider people like you to be little more than a small, wet, wormy thing, wiggling around in my mental Petri Dish™ -- poke, observe, poke, observe. Flush.

That's your value to me. A curiosity. So, all your daily attempts to attack me and put me on the defensive merely serve to make me more and more curious about the emotional fragility that motivates you to engage in such behavior.

So, while you try so desperately to punch, I merely observe. It's always fascinating, and I do appreciate the free material you provide.
One of the reasons I voted for Trump in 2016 was the rhetoric. Suddenly if you voted for the man you were deemed racist. In fact after he won, Van Jones called it a "white lash". It was like some strange people were telling Independent voters and tax payers how to vote and why they should be ashamed not to vote Democrat.

Now, I frankly didn't pay much attention to politics until then but my kids were in school as they were 6 and 8 and I for the first time in my life noticed how far left many people are and how triggered they were. That prompted me to pay more attention and I did like Trump's policies on immigration, military and America First in terms of manufacturing and such. I also liked that he addressed corporate inversions.

After he won, an interesting benefit was how much he triggered leftists. After he lost in 2020, it was disheartening because the far left had won the culture war. Now we have to agree that gender is a social construct, that whites are racist, that America is systemically racist, that police officers are bad people and if you say anything contrary to that publicly you have the threat of cancel culture.

However, even though Trump lost, he continued to be top of mind to Democrats and to leftists around the country and here on USMB. It is almost as if the Democratic Party needs their villain to hide the problems they themselves have. So Trump continues to trigger leftists even though he is no longer President and has been banned from Twitter. So at what point does the Democratic Party move on from Trump?

When will the Democratic Party move on from Trump?

They can't put down the Trump crack pipe...they're hooked to the nth degree.
Look no further than Mac1958 bizarre addiction for proof.
Yep! As I've said, Trump (and far more importantly, Trumpism) represents a historic moment in this nation's history. Not only is it is an absolutely fascinating psychological / historical / sociological / anthropological study, it's a terribly important cautionary tale.

The intense adoration and devotion to this troubled, damaged man must be analyzed carefully and thoroughly. We thought the world had learned from such destructive relationships in the past, but clearly we were wrong there. We must learn here.

So, to all the Trumpsters who constantly whine and moan about how much attention is being paid to this topic: Too bad. You sold your soul to this awful man, and we're going to examine and comment on it for a long time. You'll just have to live with it.
You do realize that you’re not a psychologist unless you’re pretending to be one now. So your opinion of him is just that. Your opinion. What is fascinating is you leftists trying to sound all noble and intelligent but coming off as pompous asses.
Well, yes. I'm certainly not a psychologist. But unlike those whose intellectual curiosity has calcified due to their TDS -- this would include you, obviously -- I maintain a healthy intellectual curiosity about people, societies and their behaviors.

See, what you clearly don't understand is that I consider people like you to be little more than a small, wet, wormy thing, wiggling around in my mental Petri Dish™ -- poke, observe, poke, observe. Flush.

That's your value to me. A curiosity. So, all your daily attempts to attack me and put me on the defensive merely serve to make me more and more curious about the emotional fragility that motivates you to engage in such behavior.

So, while you try so desperately to punch, I merely observe. It's always fascinating, and I do appreciate the free material you provide.
You are so easily triggered. Doers do. You’re just a passenger. Keep watching.
One of the reasons I voted for Trump in 2016 was the rhetoric. Suddenly if you voted for the man you were deemed racist. In fact after he won, Van Jones called it a "white lash". It was like some strange people were telling Independent voters and tax payers how to vote and why they should be ashamed not to vote Democrat.

Now, I frankly didn't pay much attention to politics until then but my kids were in school as they were 6 and 8 and I for the first time in my life noticed how far left many people are and how triggered they were. That prompted me to pay more attention and I did like Trump's policies on immigration, military and America First in terms of manufacturing and such. I also liked that he addressed corporate inversions.

After he won, an interesting benefit was how much he triggered leftists. After he lost in 2020, it was disheartening because the far left had won the culture war. Now we have to agree that gender is a social construct, that whites are racist, that America is systemically racist, that police officers are bad people and if you say anything contrary to that publicly you have the threat of cancel culture.

However, even though Trump lost, he continued to be top of mind to Democrats and to leftists around the country and here on USMB. It is almost as if the Democratic Party needs their villain to hide the problems they themselves have. So Trump continues to trigger leftists even though he is no longer President and has been banned from Twitter. So at what point does the Democratic Party move on from Trump?

Democrats have moved on. It's Republicans that haven't..or more rightfully..can't. And as someone who would like to see the Republican party dismembered, I look forward to Trump and the rest of his sycophants doing what no group of Democrats could ever hope to accomplish. Split the party in two. Right now, to me and probably to Democrats, he is a more useful idiot now than he was when he was President. He'll never be touched for what he stoked at the Capitol on January 6th. But I don't care. The damage is done. He's done. All he can do now is take the Republican party down with him for the third count.
you are still very delusional..demonRATS will never move on from TRUMP. .. xiden, nor pig-lousy will never be touched for what they stoked at the Capitol on January 6th.
demonRATS---afraid of TRUMP, the non-politician, who exposed the corrupt demonRATs, and you , dumb fuck, are blind as blind can be.
One of the reasons I voted for Trump in 2016 was the rhetoric. Suddenly if you voted for the man you were deemed racist. In fact after he won, Van Jones called it a "white lash". It was like some strange people were telling Independent voters and tax payers how to vote and why they should be ashamed not to vote Democrat.

Now, I frankly didn't pay much attention to politics until then but my kids were in school as they were 6 and 8 and I for the first time in my life noticed how far left many people are and how triggered they were. That prompted me to pay more attention and I did like Trump's policies on immigration, military and America First in terms of manufacturing and such. I also liked that he addressed corporate inversions.

After he won, an interesting benefit was how much he triggered leftists. After he lost in 2020, it was disheartening because the far left had won the culture war. Now we have to agree that gender is a social construct, that whites are racist, that America is systemically racist, that police officers are bad people and if you say anything contrary to that publicly you have the threat of cancel culture.

However, even though Trump lost, he continued to be top of mind to Democrats and to leftists around the country and here on USMB. It is almost as if the Democratic Party needs their villain to hide the problems they themselves have. So Trump continues to trigger leftists even though he is no longer President and has been banned from Twitter. So at what point does the Democratic Party move on from Trump?

When will the Democratic Party move on from Trump?

They can't put down the Trump crack pipe...they're hooked to the nth degree.
Look no further than Mac1958 bizarre addiction for proof.
Yep! As I've said, Trump (and far more importantly, Trumpism) represents a historic moment in this nation's history. Not only is it is an absolutely fascinating psychological / historical / sociological / anthropological study, it's a terribly important cautionary tale.

The intense adoration and devotion to this troubled, damaged man must be analyzed carefully and thoroughly. We thought the world had learned from such destructive relationships in the past, but clearly we were wrong there. We must learn here.

So, to all the Trumpsters who constantly whine and moan about how much attention is being paid to this topic: Too bad. You sold your soul to this awful man, and we're going to examine and comment on it for a long time. You'll just have to live with it.
You do realize that you’re not a psychologist unless you’re pretending to be one now. So your opinion of him is just that. Your opinion. What is fascinating is you leftists trying to sound all noble and intelligent but coming off as pompous asses.
Well, yes. I'm certainly not a psychologist. But unlike those whose intellectual curiosity has calcified due to their TDS -- this would include you, obviously -- I maintain a healthy intellectual curiosity about people, societies and their behaviors.

See, what you clearly don't understand is that I consider people like you to be little more than a small, wet, wormy thing, wiggling around in my mental Petri Dish™ -- poke, observe, poke, observe. Flush.

That's your value to me. A curiosity. So, all your daily attempts to attack me and put me on the defensive merely serve to make me more and more curious about the emotional fragility that motivates you to engage in such behavior.

So, while you try so desperately to punch, I merely observe. It's always fascinating, and I do appreciate the free material you provide.
well, retard, you couldnt get out of a wet paper bag. thanx for all the laughs, thus far. good luck locating a brain
Your title says, "Democratic party". So i responded in that context.

Leftist media covers stories on him nonstop
All media does. He just incited an insurrection as a sitting President and got impeached, all within the last 6 weeks. That's historical, international news. Now the story is what prosecutions of Trump are coming down the pike. Again, international news.
Why are Republicans still going to Florida to kiss the ring?

Because ultimately, Trump controls the Republican party. He has a 90% approval rating among Republican voters. So Mitch and his crew can try to "ignore" Trump all they want. It's too late. The damage has been done. They are trying to extend the olive branch and try to get him to sign on to putting the party's interests ahead of his own. That won't be successful. He sees any Republican opposing him as an enemy. Someone to be destroyed. And in doing so, he's going to fracture the party.

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