When will the GOP recognize the MSM is the enemy and the MSM favors Democrats?

And what is the GOP supposed to do after it recognizes the MSM is the 'enemy'?

I've always said that ANY GOP person interviewed by a MSM person should start of with a statement similar to this:
"Please report these exact words. I am not confident that this media person is an objective unbiased journalist. Therefore any comments put into direct quotes
by this media person must be cleared by my staff before being shared with the public. If any of my comments are used without my permission there will be legal
consequences. Thank you". "You may proceed."

This would prevent such biased reporting as was seen in the 2012 election when Romney's comments about the 47% were taken totally out of context especially
by the MSM.
Here is what Romney said:
at a private fundraiser, Romney spoke to supporters and contributors and observed that 47 percent of Americans do not pay any income tax, and thus his call for not raising taxes (though he wants to eliminate some familiar deductions, which is the functional equivalent of raising some folks' taxes) will not resonate with the voters in that group. Then he went on to say that this is roughly the same 47 percent who are dependent upon the government for part or all of their subsistence; and to that subsistence of food, shelter, education and clothing, the feds have now added health care. Then he referred to those dependent upon the government as "victims" (his word). Then, among my leftish colleagues in the press, all hell broke loose.
A Defense of Romney's "47 Percent" Comment
What did the MSM do with the above direct quote?
View attachment 53499
I don't understand why my stating direct quotes from experts declaring tax dollars used to promote biased news program is wrong.
For once why can't people be honest and recognize the simple fact the MSM has supported liberal/democrat agenda directly with their donations:
In 2008 85% of media donated money to Democrats!
1,160 (85%) of the 1,353 of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters

That their output presents a positive story line for Democrats and negative for GOP!
Study of 130,213 stories shows Obama bias in 2012 election BY PAUL BEDARD | MARCH 16, 2015 | 10:49 AM
Smooch: Study of 130,213 stories shows Obama bias in 2012 election

And you honestly contend there is no liberal bias in the MSM???
Hey I admit conservative talk show commentators like Rush have a bias! NO question! But his is a commentary position.
Journalists are suppose to be objective. Not biased. Present all sides of the story with equal facts and NO opinion.

So you think that any analysis that doesn't put the right wing in a good light is biased? Do you expect reporters to have a referee to keep score and make sure there are equal numbers of good reports for each side, no matter what the subject of those reports are? I thought the right was against demanding equal outcome. I suggest that if the right doesn't like having their poor behavior exposed, that they quit behaving poorly.

Rush / Hannity they tell you they are biased! ABC/CBS/NBC piously pretend they are "journalists" yet donate millions to the Democrat and when comes
to protect their donations... they as the 130,213 researched stories show... a favorable bias towards Obama and negative for Romney.
Those are the facts.
So it is the job of conservatives like me to educate those people in the middle that consider themselves "objective" and let them know the pious biased position
of the evening news/ NYT etc. are giving them news with a specific slant.
That's why today Partisanship and race probably influence the MSM’s “slobbering love affair” with Obama.
MSM denizens are overwhelmingly left-wing Democrats, which this site’s readers know very well.
Left-wing Democrats in the MSM likely accept the belief that racism motivates any criticism of Obama.
Since they are loath to express any sentiment that could be so construed, they sing his praises and refuse to report anything that could be considered critical of him. (Expect the MSM to laud Obama’s deal with Iran.)

Given the MSM’s infatuation with Obama and the fact that many Americans still rely on the MSM for the news, is there any wonder that polls show public approval of his job performance, and especially that perceptions of him as a person, remain higher than they might otherwise be?
Articles: Why So Many People Regard Obama Positively

You really think a direct quote with a video of it being said is biased? That's just nuts.
I get it. You only believe fox. Enjoy your bubble.

What are you saying? You make NO sense!
I showed you proof MSM donated money and then backed up 130,213 stories supporting Obama and bashing Romney and you call that a bubble?
Did I not show MSM gave 85% to Democrats and wrote more positive stories?
What do you need to prove the MSM gushes over Democrats/Obama and despise GOP.
Tonite's debate PERFECT example of the MSM bias!

The facts were in Obama's favor. It's not MSN's fault that Romney did a lot of stupid shit. Again, you're demanding equal outcome. Are you saying a reporter isn't allowed to donate his money to who ever he wants? If you want more supporting stories written about you, do more good stuff. It's that simple.

A "reporter" is to be objective and NOT hedge his bet by writing negative stories about GOP and positive about Democrats which is what the FACTS have shown happen.

How many people knew as evidently the MSM didn't that Obama told us he was a liar?
Obama told us in his book "Dreams from My Father"...published July 18,1995
would say and do anything to get elected...even blaming a lousy video for HIS INCOMPETENCY!
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time

Where has the MSM been in showing such hypocrisy and admission of being a liar.
NOT ONE MSM has been honest and journalistic professional and have failed to show that as in "The Emperor's New Clothes" Obama has no substance.
You defenders of Obama/MSM are part of the people that Obama loves to insult as shown by hiring a guy who characterized people like you as representing
"The stupidity of the American voter"!
I don't understand why Republicans are so in to Fox. Look at who owns it:


Neither was born here and one of them hates this country. Guess which one?


And now Republicans hate government. So far, it's working.
Our leftwing lamestream medias is WORSE than Pravda. they get on National Television and show their ass for all to see.

Its time to start pushing back. And not just for the candidates but the voters who are Republican. this media has become an enemy to you
I totally agree about the MSM but what is the cause?

I think the left is easier to please because it is inclusive, limiting their bias to being simply against the right. I'm just making that judgment based on how often I hear charge of somebody being a DINO as compared to RINO.
I don't understand why Republicans are so in to Fox. Look at who owns it:


Neither was born here and one of them hates this country. Guess which one?


And now Republicans hate government. So far, it's working.

JUST GOES TO SHOW YOU JUST HOW MORONIC idiots on the Left really are.
imagine if a Republican said what moron rdean just did about something being owned by Muslims?
he would be the first one crying how bigoted right-wingers are.

so what's wrong with a saudi owning a piece of Fox LEFT-WING IDIOT?

ANYWAY YOU'RE WRONG EVEN ABOUT THAT. that guy only owns a small piece of fox

and IF THAT ISNT ENOUGH TO DEMONSTRATE WHAT AN IDIOT YOU ARE; consider the fact that it is you left-wing douchebags that are always accusing Republicans of being anti-muslim ANYWAY.
so then, IDIOT, how can you imbeciles accuse Fox of bigotry when they have the balls to go after their "owners"???

you simplistic left-wing idiots and your false narratives. Too bad you're collectively too stupid to see none of your talking points hold up to scrutiny

idiots and hypocrites
ABC, NBC, CNN, CNBC, CBS, MSNBC all shills for the dems. It was out on display for all to see once again last night.
that's the reason they've attacked Fox news so much. they haven't been able to get control over them and it's the Number one news station for the American people. So they try to tear it down like they do anyone who is Republican. It's time the people in this country opened their eyes to it .
that pesky fact checking media sabotaging the republicans with their facts and reality...its just awful...OH the Humanity...

Fantasy football questions? This country is coming apart from debt, record numbers on welfare, millions looking for jobs etc and we have dunces asking questions like that. Whoever takes the wh is in for one massive cleanup job over the past 8 years.
And what is the GOP supposed to do after it recognizes the MSM is the 'enemy'?

I've always said that ANY GOP person interviewed by a MSM person should start of with a statement similar to this:
"Please report these exact words. I am not confident that this media person is an objective unbiased journalist. Therefore any comments put into direct quotes
by this media person must be cleared by my staff before being shared with the public. If any of my comments are used without my permission there will be legal
consequences. Thank you". "You may proceed."


So conservatives should act like jackass victimologists every time they go before the media?

lol yeah that'll work...
Here are 6 basic facts that shows the MSM left bias.
These facts are exact quotes made by Democrats and NOT reported by the biased MSM that IF a Conservative said them, the MSM would be blasting the statements
as ANTI-American, traitors...

Starting back in 1995 Obama told Americans he would be a liar. He would use tricks to fool people.
And so from Obama's book "Dreams from My Father"...published July 18,1995 we KNEW these liar
would say and do anything to get elected...even blaming a lousy video for HIS INCOMPETENCY!
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time
So where was the MSM in asking Obama why he thought he had to use LIES?

Then as a Senator Obama said:
That's exactly how Americans and American troops see these statements:
Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"
So where was the MSM when Obama told the bad guys that the American troops were the bad guys as the whole military daily air-raids villages, killing daily civilians"
Why didn't the MSM attack Obama on such an anti-American diatribe?

Then these three traitors WERE never taken to task by the MSM for encouraging the killing of more American troops?

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "War is lost", (Wouldn't the insurgent barbarians find this statement helpful in recruiting?"Hey we have USA on the Run"!!!)
U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,” (A barbarian says "SEE even their politicians admit USA are cold blooded killers"!
Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children." Kerry calling our troops TERRORISTS!!!
The above "Cheerleaders" speaking from the home team's field were CHEERING on the other team while claiming their team were the bad guys!

So the MSM gave these democrats a pass. Not one MSM ever criticized Obama and the above people about their statements that as the Harvard study showed
encouraged the enemy to prolong the Iraq conflict!

Finally we have a perfect example of the MSM covering up for Obama's out right deceptions.
How many times have we heard Obama tell Americans
I pledge we’ll lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year….. We’ll do it by the end of my first term as President of the United States.
If you like your health care plan, you can keep it. If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor, too."

HAS any MSM taken Obama to task about this gigantic PLEDGE that Obama has BROKEN???
Screen Shot 2015-10-29 at 8.38.30 AM.png

ObamaCare Insurance Premiums
And what is the GOP supposed to do after it recognizes the MSM is the 'enemy'?

I've always said that ANY GOP person interviewed by a MSM person should start of with a statement similar to this:
"Please report these exact words. I am not confident that this media person is an objective unbiased journalist. Therefore any comments put into direct quotes
by this media person must be cleared by my staff before being shared with the public. If any of my comments are used without my permission there will be legal
consequences. Thank you". "You may proceed."

This would prevent such biased reporting as was seen in the 2012 election when Romney's comments about the 47% were taken totally out of context especially
by the MSM.
Here is what Romney said:
at a private fundraiser, Romney spoke to supporters and contributors and observed that 47 percent of Americans do not pay any income tax, and thus his call for not raising taxes (though he wants to eliminate some familiar deductions, which is the functional equivalent of raising some folks' taxes) will not resonate with the voters in that group. Then he went on to say that this is roughly the same 47 percent who are dependent upon the government for part or all of their subsistence; and to that subsistence of food, shelter, education and clothing, the feds have now added health care. Then he referred to those dependent upon the government as "victims" (his word). Then, among my leftish colleagues in the press, all hell broke loose.
A Defense of Romney's "47 Percent" Comment
What did the MSM do with the above direct quote?
View attachment 53499
So you think that any analysis that doesn't put the right wing in a good light is biased? Do you expect reporters to have a referee to keep score and make sure there are equal numbers of good reports for each side, no matter what the subject of those reports are? I thought the right was against demanding equal outcome. I suggest that if the right doesn't like having their poor behavior exposed, that they quit behaving poorly.

Rush / Hannity they tell you they are biased! ABC/CBS/NBC piously pretend they are "journalists" yet donate millions to the Democrat and when comes
to protect their donations... they as the 130,213 researched stories show... a favorable bias towards Obama and negative for Romney.
Those are the facts.
So it is the job of conservatives like me to educate those people in the middle that consider themselves "objective" and let them know the pious biased position
of the evening news/ NYT etc. are giving them news with a specific slant.
That's why today Partisanship and race probably influence the MSM’s “slobbering love affair” with Obama.
MSM denizens are overwhelmingly left-wing Democrats, which this site’s readers know very well.
Left-wing Democrats in the MSM likely accept the belief that racism motivates any criticism of Obama.
Since they are loath to express any sentiment that could be so construed, they sing his praises and refuse to report anything that could be considered critical of him. (Expect the MSM to laud Obama’s deal with Iran.)

Given the MSM’s infatuation with Obama and the fact that many Americans still rely on the MSM for the news, is there any wonder that polls show public approval of his job performance, and especially that perceptions of him as a person, remain higher than they might otherwise be?
Articles: Why So Many People Regard Obama Positively

You really think a direct quote with a video of it being said is biased? That's just nuts.
I get it. You only believe fox. Enjoy your bubble.

What are you saying? You make NO sense!
I showed you proof MSM donated money and then backed up 130,213 stories supporting Obama and bashing Romney and you call that a bubble?
Did I not show MSM gave 85% to Democrats and wrote more positive stories?
What do you need to prove the MSM gushes over Democrats/Obama and despise GOP.
Tonite's debate PERFECT example of the MSM bias!

The facts were in Obama's favor. It's not MSN's fault that Romney did a lot of stupid shit. Again, you're demanding equal outcome. Are you saying a reporter isn't allowed to donate his money to who ever he wants? If you want more supporting stories written about you, do more good stuff. It's that simple.

A "reporter" is to be objective and NOT hedge his bet by writing negative stories about GOP and positive about Democrats which is what the FACTS have shown happen.

How many people knew as evidently the MSM didn't that Obama told us he was a liar?
Obama told us in his book "Dreams from My Father"...published July 18,1995
would say and do anything to get elected...even blaming a lousy video for HIS INCOMPETENCY!
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time

Where has the MSM been in showing such hypocrisy and admission of being a liar.
NOT ONE MSM has been honest and journalistic professional and have failed to show that as in "The Emperor's New Clothes" Obama has no substance.
You defenders of Obama/MSM are part of the people that Obama loves to insult as shown by hiring a guy who characterized people like you as representing
"The stupidity of the American voter"!

You're wanting them to hedge about the republicans to make them sound better. Nobody can force them to like the GOP. You've got to be likable yourself for that to happen.
I've always said that ANY GOP person interviewed by a MSM person should start of with a statement similar to this:
"Please report these exact words. I am not confident that this media person is an objective unbiased journalist. Therefore any comments put into direct quotes
by this media person must be cleared by my staff before being shared with the public. If any of my comments are used without my permission there will be legal
consequences. Thank you". "You may proceed."

This would prevent such biased reporting as was seen in the 2012 election when Romney's comments about the 47% were taken totally out of context especially
by the MSM.
Here is what Romney said:
at a private fundraiser, Romney spoke to supporters and contributors and observed that 47 percent of Americans do not pay any income tax, and thus his call for not raising taxes (though he wants to eliminate some familiar deductions, which is the functional equivalent of raising some folks' taxes) will not resonate with the voters in that group. Then he went on to say that this is roughly the same 47 percent who are dependent upon the government for part or all of their subsistence; and to that subsistence of food, shelter, education and clothing, the feds have now added health care. Then he referred to those dependent upon the government as "victims" (his word). Then, among my leftish colleagues in the press, all hell broke loose.
A Defense of Romney's "47 Percent" Comment
What did the MSM do with the above direct quote?
View attachment 53499
Rush / Hannity they tell you they are biased! ABC/CBS/NBC piously pretend they are "journalists" yet donate millions to the Democrat and when comes
to protect their donations... they as the 130,213 researched stories show... a favorable bias towards Obama and negative for Romney.
Those are the facts.
So it is the job of conservatives like me to educate those people in the middle that consider themselves "objective" and let them know the pious biased position
of the evening news/ NYT etc. are giving them news with a specific slant.
That's why today Partisanship and race probably influence the MSM’s “slobbering love affair” with Obama.
MSM denizens are overwhelmingly left-wing Democrats, which this site’s readers know very well.
Left-wing Democrats in the MSM likely accept the belief that racism motivates any criticism of Obama.
Since they are loath to express any sentiment that could be so construed, they sing his praises and refuse to report anything that could be considered critical of him. (Expect the MSM to laud Obama’s deal with Iran.)

Given the MSM’s infatuation with Obama and the fact that many Americans still rely on the MSM for the news, is there any wonder that polls show public approval of his job performance, and especially that perceptions of him as a person, remain higher than they might otherwise be?
Articles: Why So Many People Regard Obama Positively

You really think a direct quote with a video of it being said is biased? That's just nuts.
I get it. You only believe fox. Enjoy your bubble.

What are you saying? You make NO sense!
I showed you proof MSM donated money and then backed up 130,213 stories supporting Obama and bashing Romney and you call that a bubble?
Did I not show MSM gave 85% to Democrats and wrote more positive stories?
What do you need to prove the MSM gushes over Democrats/Obama and despise GOP.
Tonite's debate PERFECT example of the MSM bias!

The facts were in Obama's favor. It's not MSN's fault that Romney did a lot of stupid shit. Again, you're demanding equal outcome. Are you saying a reporter isn't allowed to donate his money to who ever he wants? If you want more supporting stories written about you, do more good stuff. It's that simple.

A "reporter" is to be objective and NOT hedge his bet by writing negative stories about GOP and positive about Democrats which is what the FACTS have shown happen.

How many people knew as evidently the MSM didn't that Obama told us he was a liar?
Obama told us in his book "Dreams from My Father"...published July 18,1995
would say and do anything to get elected...even blaming a lousy video for HIS INCOMPETENCY!
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time

Where has the MSM been in showing such hypocrisy and admission of being a liar.
NOT ONE MSM has been honest and journalistic professional and have failed to show that as in "The Emperor's New Clothes" Obama has no substance.
You defenders of Obama/MSM are part of the people that Obama loves to insult as shown by hiring a guy who characterized people like you as representing
"The stupidity of the American voter"!

You're wanting them to hedge about the republicans to make them sound better. Nobody can force them to like the GOP. You've got to be likable yourself for that to happen.

The MSM totally ignored the "Mein Kampf" book Obama where he TOLD people like YOU he was going to LIE to you!
Yet you ignored it because YOU and the MSM and people like you are so intellectually DISHONEST and concerned that you'd be perceived as "racist" by not voting
or supporting a black man. Obama had NOT one year of executive experience. And Obama told you he was going to lie to you and you ignored it!
The MSM voted with their pocketbook and biased stories for Democrats and today fortunately the MSM is losing their credibility with the majority of people.
So when you consider your ally the MSM is losing credibility the only hope you have is to buy poor people votes. Fortunately the poor people are recognizing
their hope and change vote just added more pain and anguish to their lives.
Fortunately there are fewer and fewer FOOLS for Obama (FFO) as more and more people are recognizing that Obama played them.
Are you really happy being told by the guy Obama hired and obviously Obama agreed with him who told you that because of your stupidity they were able to pass
Obamacare! Because if they told the truth Obamacare would never pass.
Starting with the huge lie there were 46 million people that wanted and needed health insurance, 155 million that had pre-existing conditions, that the average family would see $2,500 in savings, that you like your plan you can keep it, and other gigantic lies... remember when Obama said the family doctor preferred cutting off a diabetic's leg because the doctor would make $50,000! Gigantic LIEs that FFO like you and the MSM never questioned!
Here are 6 basic facts that shows the MSM left bias.
These facts are exact quotes made by Democrats and NOT reported by the biased MSM that IF a Conservative said them, the MSM would be blasting the statements
as ANTI-American, traitors...

Starting back in 1995 Obama told Americans he would be a liar. He would use tricks to fool people.
And so from Obama's book "Dreams from My Father"...published July 18,1995 we KNEW these liar
would say and do anything to get elected...even blaming a lousy video for HIS INCOMPETENCY!
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time
So where was the MSM in asking Obama why he thought he had to use LIES?

Then as a Senator Obama said:
That's exactly how Americans and American troops see these statements:
Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"
So where was the MSM when Obama told the bad guys that the American troops were the bad guys as the whole military daily air-raids villages, killing daily civilians"
Why didn't the MSM attack Obama on such an anti-American diatribe?

Then these three traitors WERE never taken to task by the MSM for encouraging the killing of more American troops?

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "War is lost", (Wouldn't the insurgent barbarians find this statement helpful in recruiting?"Hey we have USA on the Run"!!!)
U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,” (A barbarian says "SEE even their politicians admit USA are cold blooded killers"!
Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children." Kerry calling our troops TERRORISTS!!!
The above "Cheerleaders" speaking from the home team's field were CHEERING on the other team while claiming their team were the bad guys!

So the MSM gave these democrats a pass. Not one MSM ever criticized Obama and the above people about their statements that as the Harvard study showed
encouraged the enemy to prolong the Iraq conflict!

Finally we have a perfect example of the MSM covering up for Obama's out right deceptions.
How many times have we heard Obama tell Americans
I pledge we’ll lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year….. We’ll do it by the end of my first term as President of the United States.
If you like your health care plan, you can keep it. If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor, too."

HAS any MSM taken Obama to task about this gigantic PLEDGE that Obama has BROKEN???
View attachment 53546
ObamaCare Insurance Premiums
You do know that 13% to 19% is a lot more than 19% to 21% don't you?
I don't understand why Republicans are so in to Fox. Look at who owns it:


Neither was born here and one of them hates this country. Guess which one?


And now Republicans hate government. So far, it's working.

JUST GOES TO SHOW YOU JUST HOW MORONIC idiots on the Left really are.
imagine if a Republican said what moron rdean just did about something being owned by Muslims?
he would be the first one crying how bigoted right-wingers are.

so what's wrong with a saudi owning a piece of Fox LEFT-WING IDIOT?

ANYWAY YOU'RE WRONG EVEN ABOUT THAT. that guy only owns a small piece of fox

and IF THAT ISNT ENOUGH TO DEMONSTRATE WHAT AN IDIOT YOU ARE; consider the fact that it is you left-wing douchebags that are always accusing Republicans of being anti-muslim ANYWAY.
so then, IDIOT, how can you imbeciles accuse Fox of bigotry when they have the balls to go after their "owners"???

you simplistic left-wing idiots and your false narratives. Too bad you're collectively too stupid to see none of your talking points hold up to scrutiny

idiots and hypocrites

How may times did you used the words "idiot, moronic and stupid"? And not a single link to back up anything you said.

Scandal Rocks Fox News Over Saudi Terror Link

But Alwaleed is much more than just an investor in Murdoch’s companies. He is also a personal friend of Murdoch’s who boasted in 2005 that a phone call to Murdoch resulted in the Fox News Channel altering its coverage of Muslim riots in France, in order to eliminate references to the religious affiliation of the Muslim extremists.

“I picked up the phone and called Murdoch and said that I was speaking not as a shareholder, but as a viewer of Fox. I said that these are not Muslim riots, they are riots,” Alwaleed reportedly said. “He [Murdoch] investigated the matter and called Fox and within half an hour it was changed from ‘Muslim riots’ to ‘civil riots.’”

I asked Murdoch about this at the 2006 annual meeting of News Corporation. Heconfirmed that a call from Alwaleed had resulted in the change
You really think a direct quote with a video of it being said is biased? That's just nuts.
I get it. You only believe fox. Enjoy your bubble.

What are you saying? You make NO sense!
I showed you proof MSM donated money and then backed up 130,213 stories supporting Obama and bashing Romney and you call that a bubble?
Did I not show MSM gave 85% to Democrats and wrote more positive stories?
What do you need to prove the MSM gushes over Democrats/Obama and despise GOP.
Tonite's debate PERFECT example of the MSM bias!

The facts were in Obama's favor. It's not MSN's fault that Romney did a lot of stupid shit. Again, you're demanding equal outcome. Are you saying a reporter isn't allowed to donate his money to who ever he wants? If you want more supporting stories written about you, do more good stuff. It's that simple.

A "reporter" is to be objective and NOT hedge his bet by writing negative stories about GOP and positive about Democrats which is what the FACTS have shown happen.

How many people knew as evidently the MSM didn't that Obama told us he was a liar?
Obama told us in his book "Dreams from My Father"...published July 18,1995
would say and do anything to get elected...even blaming a lousy video for HIS INCOMPETENCY!
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time

Where has the MSM been in showing such hypocrisy and admission of being a liar.
NOT ONE MSM has been honest and journalistic professional and have failed to show that as in "The Emperor's New Clothes" Obama has no substance.
You defenders of Obama/MSM are part of the people that Obama loves to insult as shown by hiring a guy who characterized people like you as representing
"The stupidity of the American voter"!

You're wanting them to hedge about the republicans to make them sound better. Nobody can force them to like the GOP. You've got to be likable yourself for that to happen.

The MSM totally ignored the "Mein Kampf" book Obama where he TOLD people like YOU he was going to LIE to you!
Yet you ignored it because YOU and the MSM and people like you are so intellectually DISHONEST and concerned that you'd be perceived as "racist" by not voting
or supporting a black man. Obama had NOT one year of executive experience. And Obama told you he was going to lie to you and you ignored it!
The MSM voted with their pocketbook and biased stories for Democrats and today fortunately the MSM is losing their credibility with the majority of people.
So when you consider your ally the MSM is losing credibility the only hope you have is to buy poor people votes. Fortunately the poor people are recognizing
their hope and change vote just added more pain and anguish to their lives.
Fortunately there are fewer and fewer FOOLS for Obama (FFO) as more and more people are recognizing that Obama played them.
Are you really happy being told by the guy Obama hired and obviously Obama agreed with him who told you that because of your stupidity they were able to pass
Obamacare! Because if they told the truth Obamacare would never pass.
Starting with the huge lie there were 46 million people that wanted and needed health insurance, 155 million that had pre-existing conditions, that the average family would see $2,500 in savings, that you like your plan you can keep it, and other gigantic lies... remember when Obama said the family doctor preferred cutting off a diabetic's leg because the doctor would make $50,000! Gigantic LIEs that FFO like you and the MSM never questioned!

You must live in an alternate reality. I never knew Obama wrote "Mein Kamph", and I certainly wasn't aware that he said he was going to lie to me. I voted for him because the republican candidate only cared about the rich. Frankly, during his first election, his color was a drawback for him from my point of view. Thankfully, I've been able to drop most of my racist background. since then.
The battle over healthcare is over and you lost.I don;t care about rehashing your complaints.
If you want the media to be more agreeable to the right, then quit being such an ass.

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