When Will The LGBT People Get That Nobody Cares?

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
What if there was this much commotion over being straight and happy that we're the gender that God made us to be? Oh wait, there wouldn't be because why should we believe that it's something to brag about?

How about we ALL get together under ONE flag ...

What if there was this much commotion over being straight and happy that we're the gender that God made us to be? Oh wait, there wouldn't be because why should we believe that it's something to brag about?

And yet, here you are with another thread on LGBT.

Maybe you have a secret crush on an LGBT member? Not that there is anything wrong with that...
Parents care. That's why his "Keep Groomers Out of our Classrooms" law has been such a big success

Even gay people care. If you want to be gay that's your choice but even a lot of LGBT people are like leave the kids alone.

To the OP:

Since you’re sucking away on the government teat by claiming some made up disability, why not do something useful with your time rather than belly aching about the horrors that LGBTQ people are causing?
The right seems to care a great deal. They spend a lot of time worrying about a small minority of people and coming up with new ways to make life harder for them. Meanwhile, the government is headed for another Repug shutdown and all they are worried about is LGBT people and Hunter Biden’s laptop and penis.
What if there was this much commotion over being straight and happy that we're the gender that God made us to be? Oh wait, there wouldn't be because why should we believe that it's something to brag about?

You are trying to pass laws against them so you must care a lot.

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