When will the next "lewd" tape recording be released?

I'm just a financial advisor, and I have to carefully examine all facets of a situation before I make a move.

I don't have the luxury of just spitting out shallow slogans like some drunk guy at a bar saying "If I were King, I'd....."

I know that there are always multiple sides to a ry, and I'm humble enough to realize I don't know it all. So I have to carefully and patiently collect, digest, and analyze information before drawing a conclusion.

I can't just listen to the radio to be told what to think, I have to be responsible.
You should really consider getting into politics. I suspect you could make a lot more money there than as a financial adviser. You could model your campaign after those of Bill Clinton. You know? Believe in nothing and never espouse a strong conviction about anything.
Well, as I've said, I'm more than happy to provide my specific ideas and plans on any topic you'd like, from income taxes to health care to immigration, you name it.

Just start a thread and invite me, I'll be there.

Go ahead, looking forward to it.

Or you can just keep buzzing around, making vague insults. Whatever.
You have been here a LONG time...28k posts...and other than your comments on political correctness, you have successfully straddled the fence expertly.
Ready whenever you are.

I think you guys would rather just complain.
This is the political board. What, exactly do you expect on a political debate board?
I don't expect anything. I just look around for the few opportunities at interesting conversation.

It does require some effort, but I can stumble into it now and then.
When is the next debate? Btw, anyone thinking "Fox News" is in the bag for Trump are stupid. Yes, all left wingers are stupid. That is a fact as we all know.

The funny thing is when they released that horrible thing Trump said 12 years ago, that all men and women say (especially women) just before the last debate, it was suppose to be the kill shot.....again. By Monday he was suppose to bow out and Pence take over. CNN had their orders, to TAKE HIM OUT, and damn they tried. Didn't they?

Of course the sheep fall right in line. The little lambs, just falling for all of the transparent political games. They are adorable aren't they? Especially when they portray themselves as being soooo intelligent and morally superior. Sigh.....

Anyway, the scary thing is if sure fire tactics don't work the way they worked on Cain or Allen West, is they will go to more extreme measures. That is my prediction. In order to protect their secrets? The notion that Trump might open an investigation into hillary? Oh, that is their worst nightmare.

What, you don't think that has the potential of putting EVERYONE IN JAIL? Including republicans and everyone else who dip their beaks into God knows what?

If he is a real threat to win it and if he is not taken out by the normal methods, they will go to other EXTREMES.

Either way, as I predicted, no way does he survive the political establishment machine.


In Politics your personal life and past words are fair game and if you hate the way the left has been acting, well then maybe Trump should have been a little nicer during the damn Primaries when it came to Ted Cruz and Ted Cruz family.

I know, I know, I know how dare I point to recent past comments by your beloved hero Donald Trump where he called Ted Cruz " Canadian Anchor Baby " while accusing Ted Cruz father being part of JFK death or pushed the Birther nonsense on your Republican Rival like Trump did.

Now you will write what does that have to do with anything you wrote?

Simple, you're crying about the releasing of Trump past words ( 11 years ago and not 12 because if you subtract 5 from 16 you get 11 ) and how mean the left has been and how the media has focused on your boy wonder and all I have to say is Boo fucking Hoo!

Play dirty then expect to get bitch slapped like the silly boy whore that he is!

Politics baby Politics and it is fucking dirty!
5 paragraphs of bullshit from a hypocritical little lamb on the left.

Tell all of us how offended you are by Trump again.

I need to laugh a little.

You fucking loser.
So, you are going to be here on Nov 9th to call us "fucking loser"?

The idiot believe I am on the left because I do not scream " Trump grab my crotch without my permission and talk shit about me "...

Calling me a hypocrite is like calling the OP'er social Conservative while they defend and cry like a little bitch over how they believe Trump is mistreated!

The pathetic little asshole ( OP'er ) will not be here and will hide for a week and then come out and write about how the dead and Illegals stole the election. then in 2020 they will deny they ever voted for Trump and then claim Trump was too Liberal and a Shill for Clinton.

It is amazing how fucking stupid Partisan whores can be!
One can't ride the fence and appear above it all, if one clearly outlines their positions.
My side of the "fence" is laid out in my sig.

I made it as simple as I could.
and that IS riding the fence.
I realize that's how partisans think. "If you're not this, you must be that".

Simple, binary, safe.

No problem.
Is this statement considered partisan in your mind?

"Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice... and moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue."
Since when has the Right done anything in the "defense of liberty"? Drumpf wants to muzzle the press...he's said so. He wants to jail his political opponent...he's said so. He wants to the government to ignore Freedom of Religion...he's said so.
The funny thing is you really think Hillary won't do those same things.
When is the next debate? Btw, anyone thinking "Fox News" is in the bag for Trump are stupid. Yes, all left wingers are stupid. That is a fact as we all know.

The funny thing is when they released that horrible thing Trump said 12 years ago, that all men and women say (especially women) just before the last debate, it was suppose to be the kill shot.....again. By Monday he was suppose to bow out and Pence take over. CNN had their orders, to TAKE HIM OUT, and damn they tried. Didn't they?

Of course the sheep fall right in line. The little lambs, just falling for all of the transparent political games. They are adorable aren't they? Especially when they portray themselves as being soooo intelligent and morally superior. Sigh.....

Anyway, the scary thing is if sure fire tactics don't work the way they worked on Cain or Allen West, is they will go to more extreme measures. That is my prediction. In order to protect their secrets? The notion that Trump might open an investigation into hillary? Oh, that is their worst nightmare.

What, you don't think that has the potential of putting EVERYONE IN JAIL? Including republicans and everyone else who dip their beaks into God knows what?

If he is a real threat to win it and if he is not taken out by the normal methods, they will go to other EXTREMES.

Either way, as I predicted, no way does he survive the political establishment machine.


In Politics your personal life and past words are fair game and if you hate the way the left has been acting, well then maybe Trump should have been a little nicer during the damn Primaries when it came to Ted Cruz and Ted Cruz family.

I know, I know, I know how dare I point to recent past comments by your beloved hero Donald Trump where he called Ted Cruz " Canadian Anchor Baby " while accusing Ted Cruz father being part of JFK death or pushed the Birther nonsense on your Republican Rival like Trump did.

Now you will write what does that have to do with anything you wrote?

Simple, you're crying about the releasing of Trump past words ( 11 years ago and not 12 because if you subtract 5 from 16 you get 11 ) and how mean the left has been and how the media has focused on your boy wonder and all I have to say is Boo fucking Hoo!

Play dirty then expect to get bitch slapped like the silly boy whore that he is!

Politics baby Politics and it is fucking dirty!
5 paragraphs of bullshit from a hypocritical little lamb on the left.

Tell all of us how offended you are by Trump again.

I need to laugh a little.

You fucking loser.
So, you are going to be here on Nov 9th to call us "fucking loser"?

The idiot believe I am on the left because I do not scream " Trump grab my crotch without my permission and talk shit about me "...

Calling me a hypocrite is like calling the OP'er social Conservative while they defend and cry like a little bitch over how they believe Trump is mistreated!

The pathetic little asshole ( OP'er ) will not be here and will hide for a week and then come out and write about how the dead and Illegals stole the election. then in 2020 they will deny they ever voted for Trump and then claim Trump was too Liberal and a Shill for Clinton.

It is amazing how fucking stupid Partisan whores can be!
The archives will show different, won't they?
He has said there may be more tapes out there. He is admitting he has talked like this before
But they had better not release any more tapes about how Trump's mind works because, if they do, he will continue to talk about Hillary Clinton's husband.
Donald Trump warns he'll step up Bill Clinton attacks if more inappropriate footage released as Paul Ryan deserts him
American political debate has hit rock bottom.
My side of the "fence" is laid out in my sig.

I made it as simple as I could.
and that IS riding the fence.
I realize that's how partisans think. "If you're not this, you must be that".

Simple, binary, safe.

No problem.
Is this statement considered partisan in your mind?

"Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice... and moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue."
Since when has the Right done anything in the "defense of liberty"? Drumpf wants to muzzle the press...he's said so. He wants to jail his political opponent...he's said so. He wants to the government to ignore Freedom of Religion...he's said so.
The funny thing is you really think Hillary won't do those same things.
So you agree that Drumpf would do those things. Now....show us where Clinton has said she will muzzle the press, jail her political opponent, or ignore Freedom of Religion............like the Orange Messiah has said.
When is the next debate? Btw, anyone thinking "Fox News" is in the bag for Trump are stupid. Yes, all left wingers are stupid. That is a fact as we all know.

The funny thing is when they released that horrible thing Trump said 12 years ago, that all men and women say (especially women) just before the last debate, it was suppose to be the kill shot.....again. By Monday he was suppose to bow out and Pence take over. CNN had their orders, to TAKE HIM OUT, and damn they tried. Didn't they?

Of course the sheep fall right in line. The little lambs, just falling for all of the transparent political games. They are adorable aren't they? Especially when they portray themselves as being soooo intelligent and morally superior. Sigh.....

Anyway, the scary thing is if sure fire tactics don't work the way they worked on Cain or Allen West, is they will go to more extreme measures. That is my prediction. In order to protect their secrets? The notion that Trump might open an investigation into hillary? Oh, that is their worst nightmare.

What, you don't think that has the potential of putting EVERYONE IN JAIL? Including republicans and everyone else who dip their beaks into God knows what?

If he is a real threat to win it and if he is not taken out by the normal methods, they will go to other EXTREMES.

Either way, as I predicted, no way does he survive the political establishment machine.


In Politics your personal life and past words are fair game and if you hate the way the left has been acting, well then maybe Trump should have been a little nicer during the damn Primaries when it came to Ted Cruz and Ted Cruz family.

I know, I know, I know how dare I point to recent past comments by your beloved hero Donald Trump where he called Ted Cruz " Canadian Anchor Baby " while accusing Ted Cruz father being part of JFK death or pushed the Birther nonsense on your Republican Rival like Trump did.

Now you will write what does that have to do with anything you wrote?

Simple, you're crying about the releasing of Trump past words ( 11 years ago and not 12 because if you subtract 5 from 16 you get 11 ) and how mean the left has been and how the media has focused on your boy wonder and all I have to say is Boo fucking Hoo!

Play dirty then expect to get bitch slapped like the silly boy whore that he is!

Politics baby Politics and it is fucking dirty!
5 paragraphs of bullshit from a hypocritical little lamb on the left.

Tell all of us how offended you are by Trump again.

I need to laugh a little.

You fucking loser.
So, you are going to be here on Nov 9th to call us "fucking loser"?

The idiot believe I am on the left because I do not scream " Trump grab my crotch without my permission and talk shit about me "...

Calling me a hypocrite is like calling the OP'er social Conservative while they defend and cry like a little bitch over how they believe Trump is mistreated!

The pathetic little asshole ( OP'er ) will not be here and will hide for a week and then come out and write about how the dead and Illegals stole the election. then in 2020 they will deny they ever voted for Trump and then claim Trump was too Liberal and a Shill for Clinton.

It is amazing how fucking stupid Partisan whores can be!
The archives will show different, won't they?

Nah, they will then claim you're playing gotcha and how dare you bring up their past!
and that IS riding the fence.
I realize that's how partisans think. "If you're not this, you must be that".

Simple, binary, safe.

No problem.
Is this statement considered partisan in your mind?

"Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice... and moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue."
Since when has the Right done anything in the "defense of liberty"? Drumpf wants to muzzle the press...he's said so. He wants to jail his political opponent...he's said so. He wants to the government to ignore Freedom of Religion...he's said so.
The funny thing is you really think Hillary won't do those same things.
So you agree that Drumpf would do those things. Now....show us where Clinton has said she will muzzle the press, jail her political opponent, or ignore Freedom of Religion............like the Orange Messiah has said.
Yeah...Cankles is wonderful. She is so honest and fair minded.

You are the epitome of a dupe.
He has said there may be more tapes out there. He is admitting he has talked like this before
But they had better not release any more tapes about how Trump's mind works because, if they do, he will continue to talk about Hillary Clinton's husband.
Donald Trump warns he'll step up Bill Clinton attacks if more inappropriate footage released as Paul Ryan deserts him
American political debate has hit rock bottom.
And others will keep bringing up complimentary comments Drumpf has made about the Clintons and UNcomplimentary comments he has made about Clinton's accusers in the past.

In Politics your personal life and past words are fair game and if you hate the way the left has been acting, well then maybe Trump should have been a little nicer during the damn Primaries when it came to Ted Cruz and Ted Cruz family.

I know, I know, I know how dare I point to recent past comments by your beloved hero Donald Trump where he called Ted Cruz " Canadian Anchor Baby " while accusing Ted Cruz father being part of JFK death or pushed the Birther nonsense on your Republican Rival like Trump did.

Now you will write what does that have to do with anything you wrote?

Simple, you're crying about the releasing of Trump past words ( 11 years ago and not 12 because if you subtract 5 from 16 you get 11 ) and how mean the left has been and how the media has focused on your boy wonder and all I have to say is Boo fucking Hoo!

Play dirty then expect to get bitch slapped like the silly boy whore that he is!

Politics baby Politics and it is fucking dirty!
5 paragraphs of bullshit from a hypocritical little lamb on the left.

Tell all of us how offended you are by Trump again.

I need to laugh a little.

You fucking loser.
So, you are going to be here on Nov 9th to call us "fucking loser"?

The idiot believe I am on the left because I do not scream " Trump grab my crotch without my permission and talk shit about me "...

Calling me a hypocrite is like calling the OP'er social Conservative while they defend and cry like a little bitch over how they believe Trump is mistreated!

The pathetic little asshole ( OP'er ) will not be here and will hide for a week and then come out and write about how the dead and Illegals stole the election. then in 2020 they will deny they ever voted for Trump and then claim Trump was too Liberal and a Shill for Clinton.

It is amazing how fucking stupid Partisan whores can be!
The archives will show different, won't they?

Nah, they will then claim you're playing gotcha and how dare you bring up their past!
Well, it has already been established that they consider it unfair to bring up one's own past words.
I realize that's how partisans think. "If you're not this, you must be that".

Simple, binary, safe.

No problem.
Is this statement considered partisan in your mind?

"Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice... and moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue."
Since when has the Right done anything in the "defense of liberty"? Drumpf wants to muzzle the press...he's said so. He wants to jail his political opponent...he's said so. He wants to the government to ignore Freedom of Religion...he's said so.
The funny thing is you really think Hillary won't do those same things.
So you agree that Drumpf would do those things. Now....show us where Clinton has said she will muzzle the press, jail her political opponent, or ignore Freedom of Religion............like the Orange Messiah has said.
Yeah...Cankles is wonderful. She is so honest and fair minded.

You are the epitome of a dupe.
Interesting, your binary think. I have not said that Clinton is wonderful. Nor have I ever said she was "so honest and fair-minded". However, she IS better than Drumpf by a long shot and she has not flat out said, like he has, that she will ignore Constitutional rights.
Trump is a major threat to the DC establishment. The party will be over for the rich running the country - Democrats AND Republicans.
You should really consider getting into politics. I suspect you could make a lot more money there than as a financial adviser. You could model your campaign after those of Bill Clinton. You know? Believe in nothing and never espouse a strong conviction about anything.
Well, as I've said, I'm more than happy to provide my specific ideas and plans on any topic you'd like, from income taxes to health care to immigration, you name it.

Just start a thread and invite me, I'll be there.

Go ahead, looking forward to it.

Or you can just keep buzzing around, making vague insults. Whatever.
You have been here a LONG time...28k posts...and other than your comments on political correctness, you have successfully straddled the fence expertly.
Ready whenever you are.

I think you guys would rather just complain.
This is the political board. What, exactly do you expect on a political debate board?
I don't expect anything. I just look around for the few opportunities at interesting conversation.

It does require some effort, but I can stumble into it now and then.
Do you deny politicians use the victimology strategy for political expediency (especially the democrats) and do you deny there was an all out effort to destroy Trump with the leaking of that tape on the weekend before the debate? Do you think CNN was out to flat out destroy Trump? Or, are they just soooo overtly biased by mistake?

Since this is a political site and since this is the topic of this thread, do you deny those things?
Trump is a major threat to the DC establishment. The party will be over for the rich running the country - Democrats AND Republicans.
You mean Trump has very little money? How did I miss that?
Well, as I've said, I'm more than happy to provide my specific ideas and plans on any topic you'd like, from income taxes to health care to immigration, you name it.

Just start a thread and invite me, I'll be there.

Go ahead, looking forward to it.

Or you can just keep buzzing around, making vague insults. Whatever.
You have been here a LONG time...28k posts...and other than your comments on political correctness, you have successfully straddled the fence expertly.
Ready whenever you are.

I think you guys would rather just complain.
This is the political board. What, exactly do you expect on a political debate board?
I don't expect anything. I just look around for the few opportunities at interesting conversation.

It does require some effort, but I can stumble into it now and then.
Do you deny politicians use the victimology strategy for political expediency (especially the democrats) and do you deny there was an all out effort to destroy Trump with the leaking of that tape on the weekend before the debate? Do you think CNN was out to flat out destroy Trump? Or, are they just soooo overtly biased by mistake?

Since this is a political site and since this is the topic of this thread, do you deny those things?
Of course. Politicians just aren't honest, and they'll leverage any opportunity they can for advantage. Period. Bullshit victimology works great.

And yes, the press is clearly biased, just as it was during the 18 years I was in it.

The worst offense was that week or so in which many of the cable networks were all in comfy agreement that Trump is so horrific that there is literally no way to cover him objectively. It was an insult not only to us, but to themselves and their profession.
Last edited:
When is the next debate? Btw, anyone thinking "Fox News" is in the bag for Trump are stupid. Yes, all left wingers are stupid. That is a fact as we all know.

The funny thing is when they released that horrible thing Trump said 12 years ago, that all men and women say (especially women) just before the last debate, it was suppose to be the kill shot.....again. By Monday he was suppose to bow out and Pence take over. CNN had their orders, to TAKE HIM OUT, and damn they tried. Didn't they?

Of course the sheep fall right in line. The little lambs, just falling for all of the transparent political games. They are adorable aren't they? Especially when they portray themselves as being soooo intelligent and morally superior. Sigh.....

Anyway, the scary thing is if sure fire tactics don't work the way they worked on Cain or Allen West, is they will go to more extreme measures. That is my prediction. In order to protect their secrets? The notion that Trump might open an investigation into hillary? Oh, that is their worst nightmare.

What, you don't think that has the potential of putting EVERYONE IN JAIL? Including republicans and everyone else who dip their beaks into God knows what?

If he is a real threat to win it and if he is not taken out by the normal methods, they will go to other EXTREMES.

Either way, as I predicted, no way does he survive the political establishment machine.


In Politics your personal life and past words are fair game and if you hate the way the left has been acting, well then maybe Trump should have been a little nicer during the damn Primaries when it came to Ted Cruz and Ted Cruz family.

I know, I know, I know how dare I point to recent past comments by your beloved hero Donald Trump where he called Ted Cruz " Canadian Anchor Baby " while accusing Ted Cruz father being part of JFK death or pushed the Birther nonsense on your Republican Rival like Trump did.

Now you will write what does that have to do with anything you wrote?

Simple, you're crying about the releasing of Trump past words ( 11 years ago and not 12 because if you subtract 5 from 16 you get 11 ) and how mean the left has been and how the media has focused on your boy wonder and all I have to say is Boo fucking Hoo!

Play dirty then expect to get bitch slapped like the silly boy whore that he is!

Politics baby Politics and it is fucking dirty!
5 paragraphs of bullshit from a hypocritical little lamb on the left.

Tell all of us how offended you are by Trump again.

I need to laugh a little.

You fucking loser.
The losers my friend are you and trump. He has zero chance of winning, and your support of him has been meaningless.
All you have managed to do is make a mockery of the election process.
Trump is a major threat to the DC establishment. The party will be over for the rich running the country - Democrats AND Republicans.
You mean Trump has very little money? How did I miss that?

Trump is not a DC insider. He's running on a platform to put an end to the bullshit. Have you not been paying attention? Hey, if you like the DC insiders running everything then vote for Hillary.
When is the next debate? Btw, anyone thinking "Fox News" is in the bag for Trump are stupid. Yes, all left wingers are stupid. That is a fact as we all know.

The funny thing is when they released that horrible thing Trump said 12 years ago, that all men and women say (especially women) just before the last debate, it was suppose to be the kill shot.....again. By Monday he was suppose to bow out and Pence take over. CNN had their orders, to TAKE HIM OUT, and damn they tried. Didn't they?

Of course the sheep fall right in line. The little lambs, just falling for all of the transparent political games. They are adorable aren't they? Especially when they portray themselves as being soooo intelligent and morally superior. Sigh.....

Anyway, the scary thing is if sure fire tactics don't work the way they worked on Cain or Allen West, is they will go to more extreme measures. That is my prediction. In order to protect their secrets? The notion that Trump might open an investigation into hillary? Oh, that is their worst nightmare.

What, you don't think that has the potential of putting EVERYONE IN JAIL? Including republicans and everyone else who dip their beaks into God knows what?

If he is a real threat to win it and if he is not taken out by the normal methods, they will go to other EXTREMES.

Either way, as I predicted, no way does he survive the political establishment machine.


In Politics your personal life and past words are fair game and if you hate the way the left has been acting, well then maybe Trump should have been a little nicer during the damn Primaries when it came to Ted Cruz and Ted Cruz family.

I know, I know, I know how dare I point to recent past comments by your beloved hero Donald Trump where he called Ted Cruz " Canadian Anchor Baby " while accusing Ted Cruz father being part of JFK death or pushed the Birther nonsense on your Republican Rival like Trump did.

Now you will write what does that have to do with anything you wrote?

Simple, you're crying about the releasing of Trump past words ( 11 years ago and not 12 because if you subtract 5 from 16 you get 11 ) and how mean the left has been and how the media has focused on your boy wonder and all I have to say is Boo fucking Hoo!

Play dirty then expect to get bitch slapped like the silly boy whore that he is!

Politics baby Politics and it is fucking dirty!
5 paragraphs of bullshit from a hypocritical little lamb on the left.

Tell all of us how offended you are by Trump again.

I need to laugh a little.

You fucking loser.
The losers my friend are you and trump. He has zero chance of winning, and your support of him has been meaningless.
All you have managed to do is make a mockery of the election process.
Says the loser voting for hillary.

He has said there may be more tapes out there. He is admitting he has talked like this before
But they had better not release any more tapes about how Trump's mind works because, if they do, he will continue to talk about Hillary Clinton's husband.
Donald Trump warns he'll step up Bill Clinton attacks if more inappropriate footage released as Paul Ryan deserts him
American political debate has hit rock bottom.
Trump will release them no matter what Clinton does and blame everyone else for his doing it.
When is the next debate? Btw, anyone thinking "Fox News" is in the bag for Trump are stupid. Yes, all left wingers are stupid. That is a fact as we all know.

The funny thing is when they released that horrible thing Trump said 12 years ago, that all men and women say (especially women) just before the last debate, it was suppose to be the kill shot.....again. By Monday he was suppose to bow out and Pence take over. CNN had their orders, to TAKE HIM OUT, and damn they tried. Didn't they?

Of course the sheep fall right in line. The little lambs, just falling for all of the transparent political games. They are adorable aren't they? Especially when they portray themselves as being soooo intelligent and morally superior. Sigh.....

Anyway, the scary thing is if sure fire tactics don't work the way they worked on Cain or Allen West, is they will go to more extreme measures. That is my prediction. In order to protect their secrets? The notion that Trump might open an investigation into hillary? Oh, that is their worst nightmare.

What, you don't think that has the potential of putting EVERYONE IN JAIL? Including republicans and everyone else who dip their beaks into God knows what?

If he is a real threat to win it and if he is not taken out by the normal methods, they will go to other EXTREMES.

Either way, as I predicted, no way does he survive the political establishment machine.


In Politics your personal life and past words are fair game and if you hate the way the left has been acting, well then maybe Trump should have been a little nicer during the damn Primaries when it came to Ted Cruz and Ted Cruz family.

I know, I know, I know how dare I point to recent past comments by your beloved hero Donald Trump where he called Ted Cruz " Canadian Anchor Baby " while accusing Ted Cruz father being part of JFK death or pushed the Birther nonsense on your Republican Rival like Trump did.

Now you will write what does that have to do with anything you wrote?

Simple, you're crying about the releasing of Trump past words ( 11 years ago and not 12 because if you subtract 5 from 16 you get 11 ) and how mean the left has been and how the media has focused on your boy wonder and all I have to say is Boo fucking Hoo!

Play dirty then expect to get bitch slapped like the silly boy whore that he is!

Politics baby Politics and it is fucking dirty!
5 paragraphs of bullshit from a hypocritical little lamb on the left.

Tell all of us how offended you are by Trump again.

I need to laugh a little.

You fucking loser.
The losers my friend are you and trump. He has zero chance of winning, and your support of him has been meaningless.
All you have managed to do is make a mockery of the election process.
Says the loser voting for hillary.

You seem to have no problem with Trump lies, almost ever time he opens his mouth? Hows that self funding of his campaign going?

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