When will the next "lewd" tape recording be released?

5 paragraphs of bullshit from a hypocritical little lamb on the left.

Tell all of us how offended you are by Trump again.

I need to laugh a little.

You fucking loser.
So, you are going to be here on Nov 9th to call us "fucking loser"?

The idiot believe I am on the left because I do not scream " Trump grab my crotch without my permission and talk shit about me "...

Calling me a hypocrite is like calling the OP'er social Conservative while they defend and cry like a little bitch over how they believe Trump is mistreated!

The pathetic little asshole ( OP'er ) will not be here and will hide for a week and then come out and write about how the dead and Illegals stole the election. then in 2020 they will deny they ever voted for Trump and then claim Trump was too Liberal and a Shill for Clinton.

It is amazing how fucking stupid Partisan whores can be!
The archives will show different, won't they?

Nah, they will then claim you're playing gotcha and how dare you bring up their past!
Well, it has already been established that they consider it unfair to bring up one's own past words.

And yet they love doing it!

Poor Donald and his voters and how the election will be rigged, MSM was out to get him, and third party voters wasted their votes and did not save America from it downfall that was suppose to happen in 1992, 1996, 2008, 2012 and now it will happen in 2016 and if not 2020, 2024 and so on!

So remember if Trump loses you are not allow to remind them that they voted for the Donald in 2020... :)
When is the next debate? Btw, anyone thinking "Fox News" is in the bag for Trump are stupid. Yes, all left wingers are stupid. That is a fact as we all know.

The funny thing is when they released that horrible thing Trump said 12 years ago, that all men and women say (especially women) just before the last debate, it was suppose to be the kill shot.....again. By Monday he was suppose to bow out and Pence take over. CNN had their orders, to TAKE HIM OUT, and damn they tried. Didn't they?

Of course the sheep fall right in line. The little lambs, just falling for all of the transparent political games. They are adorable aren't they? Especially when they portray themselves as being soooo intelligent and morally superior. Sigh.....

Anyway, the scary thing is if sure fire tactics don't work the way they worked on Cain or Allen West, is they will go to more extreme measures. That is my prediction. In order to protect their secrets? The notion that Trump might open an investigation into hillary? Oh, that is their worst nightmare.

What, you don't think that has the potential of putting EVERYONE IN JAIL? Including republicans and everyone else who dip their beaks into God knows what?

If he is a real threat to win it and if he is not taken out by the normal methods, they will go to other EXTREMES.

Either way, as I predicted, no way does he survive the political establishment machine.


In Politics your personal life and past words are fair game and if you hate the way the left has been acting, well then maybe Trump should have been a little nicer during the damn Primaries when it came to Ted Cruz and Ted Cruz family.

I know, I know, I know how dare I point to recent past comments by your beloved hero Donald Trump where he called Ted Cruz " Canadian Anchor Baby " while accusing Ted Cruz father being part of JFK death or pushed the Birther nonsense on your Republican Rival like Trump did.

Now you will write what does that have to do with anything you wrote?

Simple, you're crying about the releasing of Trump past words ( 11 years ago and not 12 because if you subtract 5 from 16 you get 11 ) and how mean the left has been and how the media has focused on your boy wonder and all I have to say is Boo fucking Hoo!

Play dirty then expect to get bitch slapped like the silly boy whore that he is!

Politics baby Politics and it is fucking dirty!
5 paragraphs of bullshit from a hypocritical little lamb on the left.

Tell all of us how offended you are by Trump again.

I need to laugh a little.

You fucking loser.
The losers my friend are you and trump. He has zero chance of winning, and your support of him has been meaningless.
All you have managed to do is make a mockery of the election process.
Says the loser voting for hillary.

13 minutes is far from her record.

Remember this, from William Safire:

"Americans of all political persuasions are coming to the sad realization that our First Lady -- a woman of undoubted talents who was a role model for many in her generation -- is a congenital liar.

Drip by drip, like Whitewater torture, the case is being made that she is compelled to mislead, and to ensnare her subordinates and friends in a web of deceit.

1. Remember the story she told about studying The Wall Street Journal to explain her 10,000 percent profit in 1979 commodity trading? We now know that was a lie told to turn aside accusations that as the Governor's wife she profited corruptly, her account being run by a lawyer for state poultry interests through a disreputable broker.

She lied for good reason: To admit otherwise would be to confess taking, and paying taxes on, what some think amounted to a $100,000 bribe."
Oh damn...stop. I am laughing too hard. Please stop.

You really missed your calling. You should be a liberal politician.
I'm just a financial advisor, and I have to carefully examine all facets of a situation before I make a move.

I don't have the luxury of just spitting out shallow slogans like some drunk guy at a bar saying "If I were King, I'd....."

I know that there are always multiple sides to a ry, and I'm humble enough to realize I don't know it all. So I have to carefully and patiently collect, digest, and analyze information before drawing a conclusion.

I can't just listen to the radio to be told what to think, I have to be responsible.
You should really consider getting into politics. I suspect you could make a lot more money there than as a financial adviser. You could model your campaign after those of Bill Clinton. You know? Believe in nothing and never espouse a strong conviction about anything.
Well, as I've said, I'm more than happy to provide my specific ideas and plans on any topic you'd like, from income taxes to health care to immigration, you name it.

Just start a thread and invite me, I'll be there.

Go ahead, looking forward to it.

Or you can just keep buzzing around, making vague insults. Whatever.
You have been here a LONG time...28k posts...and other than your comments on political correctness, you have successfully straddled the fence expertly.
Ready whenever you are.

I think you guys would rather just complain.

It's just easier to bitch nonstop 24/7 about the awful media/establishment/liberals.

Right-wing media has gotten rich over decades off grievances. They have no interest in getting anyone elected. It hurts their bottom line.
Last edited:
I'm just a financial advisor, and I have to carefully examine all facets of a situation before I make a move.

I don't have the luxury of just spitting out shallow slogans like some drunk guy at a bar saying "If I were King, I'd....."

I know that there are always multiple sides to a ry, and I'm humble enough to realize I don't know it all. So I have to carefully and patiently collect, digest, and analyze information before drawing a conclusion.

I can't just listen to the radio to be told what to think, I have to be responsible.
You should really consider getting into politics. I suspect you could make a lot more money there than as a financial adviser. You could model your campaign after those of Bill Clinton. You know? Believe in nothing and never espouse a strong conviction about anything.
Well, as I've said, I'm more than happy to provide my specific ideas and plans on any topic you'd like, from income taxes to health care to immigration, you name it.

Just start a thread and invite me, I'll be there.

Go ahead, looking forward to it.

Or you can just keep buzzing around, making vague insults. Whatever.
You have been here a LONG time...28k posts...and other than your comments on political correctness, you have successfully straddled the fence expertly.
Ready whenever you are.

I think you guys would rather just complain.

It's just easier to bitch nonstop 24/7 about the awful media/establishment/liberals.

Right-wing media has gotten rich over decades off grievances. They have no interest in getting anyone elected. It hurts their bottom line.
The affect of left wing bias by the media can't be understated. It has enormous affect on the voting public. The MSM is working with the Clinton camp. They coordinate and manage everything together. This will translate into millions of votes for Cankles. Millions of Americans get duped every four years.
I'm just a financial advisor, and I have to carefully examine all facets of a situation before I make a move.

I don't have the luxury of just spitting out shallow slogans like some drunk guy at a bar saying "If I were King, I'd....."

I know that there are always multiple sides to a ry, and I'm humble enough to realize I don't know it all. So I have to carefully and patiently collect, digest, and analyze information before drawing a conclusion.

I can't just listen to the radio to be told what to think, I have to be responsible.
You should really consider getting into politics. I suspect you could make a lot more money there than as a financial adviser. You could model your campaign after those of Bill Clinton. You know? Believe in nothing and never espouse a strong conviction about anything.
Well, as I've said, I'm more than happy to provide my specific ideas and plans on any topic you'd like, from income taxes to health care to immigration, you name it.

Just start a thread and invite me, I'll be there.

Go ahead, looking forward to it.

Or you can just keep buzzing around, making vague insults. Whatever.
You have been here a LONG time...28k posts...and other than your comments on political correctness, you have successfully straddled the fence expertly.
Ready whenever you are.

I think you guys would rather just complain.

It's just easier to bitch nonstop 24/7 about the awful media/establishment/liberals.

Right-wing media has gotten rich over decades off grievances. They have no interest in getting anyone elected. It hurts their bottom line.
Oh the fucking irony. Piece of brainwashed shit.
When's the last time this campaign had a substantive, civil and detailed conversation on the issues that affect this country?

What a fucking embarrassment.

Abbie Hoffman once said that a conservative debating a liberal is what drove him to drop acid. I hope I never hear another "substantive debate".....I want one candidate to walk across the stage, grab the other one, and see what happens. Watching Trump standing behind Hillary the other night, I thought I caught him catching himself and not punching her in the back of the head. We need more of that. When algore walked over to Dubya and Dubya not only didn't flinch but sized him up with a nod, that's when I decided Dubya would get my vote. Too many candy-asses...Trump would beat the living shit out of Willy Jeff Clinton...it'd be a massacre.
You should really consider getting into politics. I suspect you could make a lot more money there than as a financial adviser. You could model your campaign after those of Bill Clinton. You know? Believe in nothing and never espouse a strong conviction about anything.
Well, as I've said, I'm more than happy to provide my specific ideas and plans on any topic you'd like, from income taxes to health care to immigration, you name it.

Just start a thread and invite me, I'll be there.

Go ahead, looking forward to it.

Or you can just keep buzzing around, making vague insults. Whatever.
You have been here a LONG time...28k posts...and other than your comments on political correctness, you have successfully straddled the fence expertly.
Ready whenever you are.

I think you guys would rather just complain.

It's just easier to bitch nonstop 24/7 about the awful media/establishment/liberals.

Right-wing media has gotten rich over decades off grievances. They have no interest in getting anyone elected. It hurts their bottom line.
The affect of left wing bias by the media can't be understated. It has enormous affect on the voting public. The MSM is working with the Clinton camp. They coordinate and manage everything together. This will translate into millions of votes for Cankles. Millions of Americans get duped every four years.
Is that why Trump brags about getting billions of free publicity from the media.
Well, as I've said, I'm more than happy to provide my specific ideas and plans on any topic you'd like, from income taxes to health care to immigration, you name it.

Just start a thread and invite me, I'll be there.

Go ahead, looking forward to it.

Or you can just keep buzzing around, making vague insults. Whatever.
You have been here a LONG time...28k posts...and other than your comments on political correctness, you have successfully straddled the fence expertly.
Ready whenever you are.

I think you guys would rather just complain.

It's just easier to bitch nonstop 24/7 about the awful media/establishment/liberals.

Right-wing media has gotten rich over decades off grievances. They have no interest in getting anyone elected. It hurts their bottom line.
The affect of left wing bias by the media can't be understated. It has enormous affect on the voting public. The MSM is working with the Clinton camp. They coordinate and manage everything together. This will translate into millions of votes for Cankles. Millions of Americans get duped every four years.
Is that why Trump brags about getting billions of free publicity from the media.
Much of it was bad publicity.

If you think the MSM is unbiased, you need to get your head examined.
You have been here a LONG time...28k posts...and other than your comments on political correctness, you have successfully straddled the fence expertly.
Ready whenever you are.

I think you guys would rather just complain.

It's just easier to bitch nonstop 24/7 about the awful media/establishment/liberals.

Right-wing media has gotten rich over decades off grievances. They have no interest in getting anyone elected. It hurts their bottom line.
The affect of left wing bias by the media can't be understated. It has enormous affect on the voting public. The MSM is working with the Clinton camp. They coordinate and manage everything together. This will translate into millions of votes for Cankles. Millions of Americans get duped every four years.
Is that why Trump brags about getting billions of free publicity from the media.
Much of it was bad publicity.

If you think the MSM is unbiased, you need to get your head examined.
Wrong, Trump gleefully told us about all the free publicity he was receiving, an excuse not to self fund his campaign that he lied about
How'd those last midterms turn out for ya, old timer?

You mean the ones where we had the lowest voter turnout since WWII? Why do you think that matters to anyone? If you don't have the presidency, you don't have shit.

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