When will Trump eliminate the national debt - like he promised?

That is coming right after we get the $2500 a year in reduced health care cost that Obama promised us.
Democrats never did, and it was fine with you. You didn't care. So why all the concern now?

That's not really the point here, is it?

The point is he said he'd do something and didn't do it, won't do it, doesn't care.

And yet you people will find excuses for that.
Sounds exactly like your Messiah, yet you love and adore him and hate Trump. Confused much?


It's nothing like me, as I am my Messiah.

But if you're talking about other politicians because you're confused, then there isn't much difference, they all lie, in fact the system FORCES them to lie.

You have two political parties and they're trying to gain as much support as possible, you can only do this by giving everyone what they want, which means you have to lie.

I prefer PR.
And for the record, you're not fooling anyone.
Democrats never did, and it was fine with you. You didn't care. So why all the concern now?
This fails as a red herring fallacy.

But your failed attempt to deflect is understandable.
Nah, calling out my so called "deflection" without making a case for your own argument is a deflection.

Now if you will excuse me.
That is coming right after we get the $2500 a year in reduced health care cost that Obama promised us.

Or that the ACA will be replaced the first day Rump takes office. And it will be much cheaper and better and more beautiful and everyone will be covered. You mean like that?
Democrats never did, and it was fine with you. You didn't care. So why all the concern now?

Moron.......Where and when did a democrat candidate "promise" what Trump did about the debt???

Look up (or ask a grown up to do it for you) the meaning of DEMAGOGUERY.
He never promised to eliminate the national debt.
Notice how the Right, who always make up phony quotes, always deny the real quotes Tramp says.

Transcript: Donald Trump interview with Bob Woodward and Robert Costa

DT: We’re not a rich country. We’re a debtor nation. We’ve got to get rid of — I talked about bubble. We’ve got to get rid of the $19 trillion in debt.

BW: How long would that take?

DT: I think I could do it fairly quickly, because of the fact the numbers . . . .

BW: What’s fairly quickly?

DT: Well, I would say over a period of eight years. And I’ll tell you why.

You do realize that there isn't any kind of promise there at all right? You can read at a level at LEAST high enough to see that right?
Yeah, I know, everything Tramp says is as binding as his wedding vows.
He never promised to eliminate the national debt.
Notice how the Right, who always make up phony quotes, always deny the real quotes Tramp says.

Transcript: Donald Trump interview with Bob Woodward and Robert Costa

DT: We’re not a rich country. We’re a debtor nation. We’ve got to get rid of — I talked about bubble. We’ve got to get rid of the $19 trillion in debt.

BW: How long would that take?

DT: I think I could do it fairly quickly, because of the fact the numbers . . . .

BW: What’s fairly quickly?

DT: Well, I would say over a period of eight years. And I’ll tell you why.

You do realize that there isn't any kind of promise there at all right? You can read at a level at LEAST high enough to see that right?
Yeah, I know, everything Tramp says is as binding as his wedding vows.

Desperate attempt to deflect from the facts noted.
Trump has added close to $2 trillion to our debt

Where are all those rightwing fiscal conservatives who complained for eight years under Obama?
Cheeesus H Chryst.

He doesn't understand the difference between the debt, deficit spending, and trade deficits. He can't even remember what it was he was he started talking about in the first place, so give him a break. How do you expect him to remember what he said years ago?
Cheeesus H Chryst.

He doesn't understand the difference between the debt, deficit spending, and trade deficits. He can't even remember what it was he was he started talking about in the first place, so give him a break. How do you expect him to remember what he said years ago?
He says what he thinks people want to hear

He has no intention of ever meeting his promises
Cheeesus H Chryst.

He doesn't understand the difference between the debt, deficit spending, and trade deficits. He can't even remember what it was he was he started talking about in the first place, so give him a break. How do you expect him to remember what he said years ago?
He says what he thinks people want to hear

He has no intention of ever meeting his promises
Well, it got him the electoral college.
He said he would. So, when will he start? It ain't looking good so far...

Trump Promised to Eliminate National Debt in Eight Years.

Right after Mexico pays for the wall.
He said he would. So, when will he start? It ain't looking good so far...

Trump Promised to Eliminate National Debt in Eight Years.


Well, he'll just expect his supporters to ignore that.
Like they ignore his other lies.
LOL Clayton. How many of Obama's lies did you ignore? Everybody is willing to look the other way when it's their guy sitting behind the Resolute Desk.

Please don't.
Trump lies 5.5 times per day. Every day. All documented. No other president has even come close.
That is coming right after we get the $2500 a year in reduced health care cost that Obama promised us.
Typical deplorable bullshit. Can’t EVER hold this failed president accountable and run right to Obama.. or Hillary.
You dopes need a new schtick.

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