When will Trump testify under oath? Polygraph tests?

Comey has testified under oath - so why shouldn't Trump? Also, I would like them both to undergo credible and thorough polygraph tests - even though they may not be admissible in court.

No you don't want Trump to take a polygraph test- because he would pass it. He is a pathological liar. A person who believes what he is actually saying. When he said he knew more than our Generals do--it's because he believes it.

When most people lie --they are conscience of the lie they just told. A pathological liar has no conscience of the lie--but actually believes what they lie about.
Truth About Deception
the definition of pathological liar

When will Trump testify under oath? Polygraph tests?

Truly, I don't need to know when as whenever a date is chosen, it will be widely communicated.

From a political strategy standpoint, I suspect the Republican leaders of Congress are highly reticent to subpoena or invite Trump to testify before them because Trump is not an eloquent, articulate, precise, unambiguous, virtuosic, or even just thoughtful communicator, yet he has a penchant for being melodramatic. It's literally as likely that his testimony will aide or afflict himself, the individuals who are greater and lesser objects of the "Russia" investigations, and the GOP in general.

Were I among the potential inquisitors, regardless of the side of the aisle on which I sit, I'd be hard pressed to say whether querying Trump bodes to deliver anything other than more confusion, and, given the non-criminal nature of Congressional inquiries, a novel venue for Trump to make yet another "soapbox" suited plea to the jurors in the "court of public opinion," which, having the world's best bully pulpit, he does daily anyway.

Additionally, insofar as it is patently obvious that every member of the Senate Intelligence Committee considers Comey boundlessly more credible than Trump -- regardless of what they may say or not, every one of them knows they've run out of fingers and toes with which to count Trump's palterings and prevarications over the past two years alone -- thus they and their peers are well aware that the man is as likely to tell the truth as not. Thus, why bother? It makes no sense to ask someone a question one knows they won't truthfully answer, even if the answer be "I don't recall," which I suspect will comprise the overwhelming majority of Trump's answers were he to testify.

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