When will Trump testify under oath? Polygraph tests?

A very good source tells me President Trump has agreed to a polygraph test within one hour after ex-"president" Obama has finished his.

Now there's a test of your leverage with Your (once) New Messiah! Twist his arm; forcefully grasp his little paw and tell him to set the date!
That's why Trump cleared the room before he talked to Comey. He figured if he had to testify under oath no one could refute what he says. So his bullshit claim today to go under oath is just a stunt. He'll have absolutely no problem lying under oath.
None at all.
Comey has testified under oath - so why shouldn't Trump? Also, I would like them both to undergo credible and thorough polygraph tests - even though they may not be admissible in court.

Didn't Trump say today he'd testify under oath?

He's an accomplished liar and has done so most of his life, he could pass a polygraph.
Is that why you and Lakhota haven't asked for Hillary to take one?

You righties don't read and comprehend very good, do you? Where did I call for Trump to take a polygraph? I said he did he'd pass because he's an accomplished liar. I don't care if he or Hillary take one. DF
That's why Trump cleared the room before he talked to Comey. He figured if he had to testify under oath no one could refute what he says. So his bullshit claim today to go under oath is just a stunt. He'll have absolutely no problem lying under oath.
None at all.
Unless there's a tape.
Comey has testified under oath - so why shouldn't Trump? Also, I would like them both to undergo credible and thorough polygraph tests - even though they may not be admissible in court.

Didn't Trump say today he'd testify under oath?

He's an accomplished liar and has done so most of his life, he could pass a polygraph.
Is that why you and Lakhota haven't asked for Hillary to take one?

You righties don't read and comprehend very good, do you? Where did I call for Trump to take a polygraph? I said he did he'd pass because he's an accomplished liar. I don't care if he or Hillary take one. DF
You really aren't too smucking fart.
Barry Hussein's IRS chief didn't have to testify about alleged crimes and misdemeanors authorized by the administration because Barry got away with invoking "executive privilege" to prevent it and there was little outrage in what passes for the media at the time. Barry's A.G. refused to testify and was held in contempt of congress and resigned over his authorization of "Operation Fast and Furious" which involved the shipping of 3,000 illegal weapons to drug cartels in Mexico. Barry and the gang could have been held responsible for manslaughter for supplying the weapon that killed a U.S. Border Patrol Officer but the criminal conspiracy in the media downplayed the issue. You almost gotta laugh that the radical left today demands that the President testify about a laughable issue that nobody including the former FBI director ever took seriously.
Barry's A.G. refused to testify and was held in contempt of congress and resigned over his authorization of "Operation Fast and Furious" which involved the shipping of 3,000 illegal weapons to drug cartels in Mexico.
It appears Barry was a big Reagan fan!
The desperation isn't on my part. Trump makes the job easy. So easy.

You Progressives are going out of control. Instead of what you had prayed for, you got confirmation that President Trump told the truth and now Comey is now known for being one of the leakers of at least nine stories.

Desperation is oozing from your every pore.

Which 9 stories? Links for them all.

Trump should agree to testify under oath...then plead the 5th just to make the left's heads explode :laugh::laugh::laugh:
Trump will likely never testify under oath - unless directed by SCOTUS.
Unless there's a tape.

It's taking Trump longer than expected to edit out the parts Trump claimed didn't happen.
LOL. Doubtful, but funny. More likely he's full of shit about there being recordings. Again, a good example of Trump having foot-in-mouth disease with his Twitter account. He set himself up to lose either way; if there are recordings, he'll have to provide them. If there aren't, then he's just proven himself to be a bullshitting bully....again.
Comey has testified under oath - so why shouldn't Trump? Also, I would like them both to undergo credible and thorough polygraph tests - even though they may not be admissible in court.

No you don't want Trump to take a polygraph test- because he would pass it. He is a pathological liar. A person who believes what he is actually saying. When he said he knew more than our Generals do--it's because he believes it.

When most people lie --they are conscience of the lie they just told. A pathological liar has no conscience of the lie--but actually believes what they lie about.
Truth About Deception
the definition of pathological liar
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