When will we have laser battery defense

Bloom isn't a problem with beams in a train following through a hole piercing through clouds and the like

There is a first beam that will remove anything that might possibly cause thermal bloom? All the dust, moisture, and particulates?
There is a first beam that will remove anything that might possibly cause thermal bloom? All the dust, moisture, and particulates?

It's in my links above, in post #17, explains one technique. Others are being developed with tunable pulsed sytems that won't require two lasers, as well as more power to drill through any obstacles. Others will use X-ray techniques and other ways.
It's in my links above, in post #17, explains one technique. Others are being developed with tunable pulsed sytems that won't require two lasers, as well as more power to drill through any obstacles. Others will use X-ray techniques and other ways.

Which is discussing LASERs for range finding and communications, which are relatively low power applications. It does not discuss them for high power weapon grade LASERs.

They are two very different applications.
Which is discussing LASERs for range finding and communications, which are relatively low power applications. It does not discuss them for high power weapon grade LASERs.

They are two very different applications.

That wasn't the point of the post, but go ahead and pretend you're schooling us. The fact is we can find and develop ways through clouds, rain, fog, etc., and we have done so already, and I already pointed out the next obstacles, size and power, as well as costs.
That wasn't the point of the post, but go ahead and pretend you're schooling us. The fact is we can find and develop ways through clouds, rain, fog, etc., and we have done so already, and I already pointed out the next obstacles, size and power, as well as costs.

Whoop-dee-doo. That still does not alleviate the issue of thermal blooming in a weapon class LASER.

There is a reason why they are still science-fiction, other than a few prototypes and test units. Thermal Blooming is an issue that has plagued both the US and USSR-Russia since the 1980's.
Whoop-dee-doo. That still does not alleviate the issue of thermal blooming in a weapon class LASER.

There is a reason why they are still science-fiction, other than a few prototypes and test units. Thermal Blooming is an issue that has plagued both the US and USSR-Russia since the 1980's.

And I posted a way they're getting around some of it. Tough that you don't like it and think the govt. shouldn't contradict you but that's life. Maybe you should buy yourself a pony or something.
And I posted a way they're getting around some of it. Tough that you don't like it and think the govt. shouldn't contradict you but that's life. Maybe you should buy yourself a pony or something.

It discussed nothing about how they would get around it.

Do you even know what Thermal Blooming is? Are you even familiar with what causes it?

Just pointing fingers at obscure articles that do not relate to that in any way, shape or form do not show how they are "getting around it". That is known as "confusing the issue" and "trying to avoid".

This is why I often just give up in here. The uninformed that really do not know what they are talking about getting rude when you show them the emperor has no clothes on.

Have a nice day.
It discussed nothing about how they would get around it.

Do you even know what Thermal Blooming is? Are you even familiar with what causes it?

Just pointing fingers at obscure articles that do not relate to that in any way, shape or form do not show how they are "getting around it". That is known as "confusing the issue" and "trying to avoid".

This is why I often just give up in here. The uninformed that really do not know what they are talking about getting rude when you show them the emperor has no clothes on.

Have a nice day.

Oh you poor troll.
I answered everything; you just choose to pretend otherwise

*goes back and looks yet again*

Nope, still not a damned thing in there about Thermal Blooming.

A wide variety of effects comes into play when it comes to atmospheric propagation of HEL beams. The most common ones are diffraction, absorption, aerosol scattering, and atmospheric turbulence, all of which have a linear influence on the propagation of laser beams. However, as the average or peak laser power increases, other nonlinear effects become significant. Thermal blooming is probably the one with the strongest impact on High Energy Lasers (HEL) beam propagation in the atmosphere. It stems from transverse density gradients resulting from the absorption of laser energy by molecules and airborne aerosols. As more energy is absorbed, the local temperature increases causing a density depletion and hence a reduction of the refractive index. This gradient acts as a self-induced negative lens that can limit the peak irradiance delivered at long ranges. It can be especially detrimental in situations where the angular sweep of the HEL beam is limited.

Figure 1(c) was obtained by focusing the laser beam down the 2.5 km long outdoor range during a humid, weak wind day. As suggested by the figure, a transverse wind component moving from the right side of the image to the left, forced the laser energy into a crescent-shaped distribution characteristic of the presence of thermal blooming. This behavior was also reproduced using PrOP-HEL and shown in Figure 1(d).

5. Conclusion While interesting from a fundamental research perspective, the study of thermal blooming is essential for the development of operational concepts dictating the use of laser weapons. Modelling tools such as PrOP-HEL will facilitate the development of concepts of operation adapted to specific scenarios. For example, the thermal blooming impacts on the lethality will influence positioning of the weapon system on the battlefield to avoid situations where the laser beam propagates through stagnation zones. Finally, the risk of ‘target spillover’ attributed to thermal blooming can limit possible firing arcs due to increased hazards to airborne objects along the beam trajectory.

In layman's terms, this means that the particulate in the atmosphere (water vapor, dust, etc) occludes the energy and heats up. Causing distortion, a significant loss of energy, and can given distance and atmospheric conditions make such a LASER no more of a weapon as the pointer I use to play with my pets.

You see, here is the thing. I am actually aware of what Thermal Blooming is, the relationship between them and high-energy LASER weapons, and that they have yet to solve it. And have actually been reading papers on the issue for years, in addition to actually talking with people that have been working on this for years. Hence, why I specifically asked about it. Your quoting things about low energy LASER systems has not a damned thing to do with Thermal Blooming, as there is not enough energy in the beam to cause this effect. The beam is simply partially occluded without any of the heating conditions being present.

You simply threw out some random references that did not discuss it at all, In fact, it did not even discuss high energy LASERs at all. Then you simply puffed out your chest and deaired yourself the winner.

Now if you want to get serious and try to answer or even discuss it, I am more than willing to do so. But trying to pretend like you are right when you can not even answer it is just spinning in circles.

Now let me know if you are ever going to actually discuss this, or just insit you won even though what you have tried to claim had not a damned thing to do with it.
*goes back and looks yet again*

Nope, still not a damned thing in there about Thermal Blooming.

In layman's terms, this means that the particulate in the atmosphere (water vapor, dust, etc) occludes the energy and heats up. Causing distortion, a significant loss of energy, and can given distance and atmospheric conditions make such a LASER no more of a weapon as the pointer I use to play with my pets.

You see, here is the thing. I am actually aware of what Thermal Blooming is, the relationship between them and high-energy LASER weapons, and that they have yet to solve it. And have actually been reading papers on the issue for years, in addition to actually talking with people that have been working on this for years. Hence, why I specifically asked about it. Your quoting things about low energy LASER systems has not a damned thing to do with Thermal Blooming, as there is not enough energy in the beam to cause this effect. The beam is simply partially occluded without any of the heating conditions being present.

You simply threw out some random references that did not discuss it at all, In fact, it did not even discuss high energy LASERs at all. Then you simply puffed out your chest and deaired yourself the winner.

Now if you want to get serious and try to answer or even discuss it, I am more than willing to do so. But trying to pretend like you are right when you can not even answer it is just spinning in circles.

Now let me know if you are ever going to actually discuss this, or just insit you won even though what you have tried to claim had not a damned thing to do with it.
Let me know when you learn another new word to throw around when you want to fake being all technical n stuff. Sorry I linked to stuff over your head, but that happens on the innernetz, so you will just have to get over it, no need to keep sniveling and increasing the volume of strawmen you throw out trying to cover up for your ignorance.
Let me know when you learn another new word to throw around when you want to fake being all technical n stuff. Sorry I linked to stuff over your head, but that happens on the innernetz, so you will just have to get over it, no need to keep sniveling and increasing the volume of strawmen you throw out trying to cover up for your ignorance.

You are aware are you not that this was actually my job for many ears, right?

The profile pic I use, is actually of me at the White Sands Missile Range in 2007. And I spent more time there than I even like to remember between then and 2012. I keep bringing that up because that is the one single issue with high energy LASER weapons. Nothing else matters anywhere near as much when trying to use them in the atmosphere as Thermal Blooming. Oh, and it is not a problem when it comes to the low power ones like you keep bringing up. They can be obscured and diffused by particulates in the atmosphere, but do not have the problem of thermal blooming at all.

It is not my ignorance here, is yours. The only problem is that I refuse to take you seriously as you can not grasp the actual reality of such things and instead toss around insults.
You are aware are you not that this was actually my job for many ears, right?

The profile pic I use, is actually of me at the White Sands Missile Range in 2007. And I spent more time there than I even like to remember between then and 2012. I keep bringing that up because that is the one single issue with high energy LASER weapons. Nothing else matters anywhere near as much when trying to use them in the atmosphere as Thermal Blooming. Oh, and it is not a problem when it comes to the low power ones like you keep bringing up. They can be obscured and diffused by particulates in the atmosphere, but do not have the problem of thermal blooming at all.

It is not my ignorance here, is yours. The only problem is that I refuse to take you seriously as you can not grasp the actual reality of such things and instead toss around insults.

I built and tested lasers and other optical systems, including experimental military systems for many years, so I'm less than impressed with your experience towing a trailer around and running a few fiber cables. My last contract was in Singapore, building and aligning a 3D holographic safety system for key parts of their new LNG port.

So no, I'm not impressed, and you're just being your snarky whining self over being contradicted on one or two things and getting yourself all butthurt. You know shit about 'thermal blooming' experiments the last 50 years and where they wnet and are going now, you just want to throw around snarky insults, make demands, and posture, not discuss anything. I could care less what some old drunk takes seriously or doesn't. You're just here becasue you couldn't figure out and qualify for a specialty that would keep you viable enough to keep around til retirement and got sent out the door with all the other excess dead weight, so you come to these forums and try to bullshit everybody you know all kinds of useless low grade info and feed your ego, since nobody has to kiss your ass any more just because of your petty rank grade. Grow up, quit the booze.
I built and tested lasers and other optical systems, including experimental military systems for many years, so I'm less than impressed with your experience towing a trailer around and running a few fiber cables. My last contract was in Singapore, building and aligning a 3D holographic safety system for key parts of their new LNG port.

Very nice. What does that have to do with high energy LASERs?

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