When will we outlaw murderous abortion system?!

How many more babies will we continue to slaughter with Abortion.! This genocide must stop.!? When will it end.? Your thoughts.
Let me ask you this. Are you "pro life or just anti abortion" ? I ask because some studies have shown that up to 75% of abortions are performed because the parent or parents feel that they cannor afford another child or a child at all. With that in mind, please answer the following:

Do you support a livable minimum wage ?
Do you support policies that would narrow the income and wealth desparities that plague this country?
Do you support universal health care coverage?
Do you support nutritional assitace programs like food stamps?
Do you support housing assitance programs?
Do you support free or subsidised day care and early childhood education.?

I am pro choice but can respect those who are TRUELY pro life and not just pro fetus. But, if you do not havethe same regard and concern for children after they born, as you do before they are born, I have no use for you.
PS: One more thing, not related to the reasonswhy women have abortions, but certainly a test of ones pro life stance: Do yopu support common sense gun controll?
How many more babies will we continue to slaughter with Abortion.! This genocide must stop.!? When will it end.? Your thoughts.
It has been legal for 50 years
Isnt going to change

Sure, but the question is whether it will be REGULATED and TAXED, in order to prevent atrocities like those committed by Gosnell.

Abortion is highly regulated.

No it isn't. Gosnell's Abortion Mill was never visited by regulators. The Commonwealth of PA doesn't even inflict a tax on Abortion. My idea, to have regular inspectors come in on a weekly basis, make sure all of the staff has special training , licenses, license fees, etc. would really make Evil Abortionists like Gosnell think twice before committing abominations.

Sure, it would make Abortion a lot more expensive, but its worth it if we can save a single life.
Gosnell is in prison
Sounds regulated to me

Gosnell committed his atrocities over an extended period of time. Proper Taxation and Regulation would have stopped him decades previously.

Further, considering his crimes, Gosnell should have been hung, not just hanging out in the yard with the other cons at the Huntingdon Pen.
How many more babies will we continue to slaughter with Abortion.! This genocide must stop.!? When will it end.? Your thoughts.

Start giving pregnant women an alternative to abortion and maybe I will take you seriously

Pay for maternal care, lost wages, childcare, medical care. Do you support free birth control?
How many more babies will we continue to slaughter with Abortion.! This genocide must stop.!? When will it end.? Your thoughts.
It has been legal for 50 years
Isnt going to change

Sure, but the question is whether it will be REGULATED and TAXED, in order to prevent atrocities like those committed by Gosnell.

Abortion is highly regulated.

No it isn't. Gosnell's Abortion Mill was never visited by regulators. The Commonwealth of PA doesn't even inflict a tax on Abortion. My idea, to have regular inspectors come in on a weekly basis, make sure all of the staff has special training , licenses, license fees, etc. would really make Evil Abortionists like Gosnell think twice before committing abominations.

Sure, it would make Abortion a lot more expensive, but its worth it if we can save a single life.
Gosnell is in prison
Sounds regulated to me

Gosnell committed his atrocities over an extended period of time. Proper Taxation and Regulation would have stopped him decades previously.

Further, considering his crimes, Gosnell should have been hung, not just hanging out in the yard with the other cons at the Huntingdon Pen.
The correct term is "hanged"
How many more babies will we continue to slaughter with Abortion.! This genocide must stop.!? When will it end.? Your thoughts.
It has been legal for 50 years
Isnt going to change

Sure, but the question is whether it will be REGULATED and TAXED, in order to prevent atrocities like those committed by Gosnell.

Abortion is highly regulated.

No it isn't. Gosnell's Abortion Mill was never visited by regulators. The Commonwealth of PA doesn't even inflict a tax on Abortion. My idea, to have regular inspectors come in on a weekly basis, make sure all of the staff has special training , licenses, license fees, etc. would really make Evil Abortionists like Gosnell think twice before committing abominations.

Sure, it would make Abortion a lot more expensive, but its worth it if we can save a single life.
Gosnell is in prison
Sounds regulated to me
You obviously have no idea the story of Gosnell

Gosnell first got his hands slapped by the state for not being up to code in the 1970's. But intead of making him comply with health standards, or closing him down altogether, they simply decide to stop coming round. They felt that abortion was a political football and any attempt to limit abortion was unacceptable. Turn the clock forward some 30 years later when the FBI crossed paths with Gosnell regarding an investigation into narcotic issues. Local law enforcement joined the FBI in investigating the issue with Dr. Gosnell caught in the web, but to make a long story short, the investigation conducted by the FBI did not implicate Gosnell, so they moved on. However, local law enforcement entered the abortion clinic and were appalled at the conditions. They even spoke to the FBI about it but the FBI was not interested. I reckon they were too busy chasing Russian spies to give a damn. So local law enforcement then decide to conduct their own investigations. Along the way, they were warned time and again not to mess with an abortion doctor if they valued their jobs and/or political future. However, they were so appalled by the conditions within the clinic they felt that they had a duty to put an end to it. So in this clinic they found that Gosnell was routinely murdering infants who were full term, and even killed a few women along the way. Additionally, Dr. Gosnell made sure he gave women of color subpar care so as to cut costs as many either suffered or died from the subpar care. Conversely, white women were treated much better. Why? Because he felt he could abuse the poor folk more easily than the more well to do folk. Shrug, he was right. This crap went on for some 30 years. Imagine all the infants and women he murdered within that time frame that we will never know about.

So when it was proven how he mistreated black women and not white women, where was the NAACP? Where were all the democrats who supposedly care about black folk? They were no where to be found, that's where. Then when the case went to court they expected a media circus due to the horrific nature of the abortion clinic and the mass murder that must have gone on there, making him Americans number one mass murderer of all time. But instead, not one member of the media showed up to cover the trial. They were astounded. And after the trial as they threw him in prison for life, no one in Hollywood wanted to produce the film about Gosnell. Independent film producers managed to make a film, but very few movie theatres wanted to show the film. In fact, I bet most here have never even heard of him.

How many of these abortion doctors are running round doing this? My guess is a lot. Gosnell became very wealthy doing this to people, and with very little effort. Having this come to light was a fluke. It never should have.
How many more babies will we continue to slaughter with Abortion.! This genocide must stop.!? When will it end.? Your thoughts.

Start giving pregnant women an alternative to abortion and maybe I will take you seriously

Pay for maternal care, lost wages, childcare, medical care. Do you support free birth control?
Yes! I will add all of that to my list. I'm willing to bet that 52nd St. is just a lugubrious, whiny sad sack who does not have the intelecual capacity to understand the broader issues here.


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CC (1) 52ndStreet | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
How many more babies will we continue to slaughter with Abortion.! This genocide must stop.!? When will it end.? Your thoughts.

Start giving pregnant women an alternative to abortion and maybe I will take you seriously

Pay for maternal care, lost wages, childcare, medical care. Do you support free birth control?

An alternative that I would suggest is to bring the baby's daddy on to the Maury program, do the DNA test and make him man up.

The Taxpayers aren't the ones who knocked up the broad, let he who committed the atrocity pony up to take care of the spawn.
If and it's a big if, Roe v Wade is overturned, it goes back to state law. Plenty of States will not outlaw the procedure.
If and it's a big if, Roe v Wade is overturned, it goes back to state law. Plenty of States will not outlaw the procedure.

Maybe, maybe not.

Until we see what the basis is used for the overturning, its impossible to say what will happen. If they determine that the unborn babies are entitled to human rights, the Atrocity could be outlawed in all 50 states.
If and it's a big if, Roe v Wade is overturned, it goes back to state law. Plenty of States will not outlaw the procedure.
Roe vs. Wade did not address the issue of personhood when it comes to the unborn. Instead, they focused on privacy rights.

To me that is criminal. It's like trying to address the slavery issue without addressing the personhood of slaves. Instead, they focus on the privacy of the plantation owners.
If and it's a big if, Roe v Wade is overturned, it goes back to state law. Plenty of States will not outlaw the procedure.

Maybe, maybe not.

Until we see what the basis is used for the overturning, its impossible to say what will happen. If they determine that the unborn babies are entitled to human rights, the Atrocity could be outlawed in all 50 states.

That would take a new federal law.
If and it's a big if, Roe v Wade is overturned, it goes back to state law. Plenty of States will not outlaw the procedure.
So why the big deal? Federal money is the big deal. They certainly care about anyone's life.
If and it's a big if, Roe v Wade is overturned, it goes back to state law. Plenty of States will not outlaw the procedure.

Maybe, maybe not.

Until we see what the basis is used for the overturning, its impossible to say what will happen. If they determine that the unborn babies are entitled to human rights, the Atrocity could be outlawed in all 50 states.

That would take a new federal law.

Not necessarily. If the Supreme Court determines that unborn babies are covered by the 14th Amendment, then its already in the Constitution.
If and it's a big if, Roe v Wade is overturned, it goes back to state law. Plenty of States will not outlaw the procedure.

Maybe, maybe not.

Until we see what the basis is used for the overturning, its impossible to say what will happen. If they determine that the unborn babies are entitled to human rights, the Atrocity could be outlawed in all 50 states.

That would take a new federal law.

Not necessarily. If the Supreme Court determines that unborn babies are covered by the 14th Amendment, then its already in the Constitution.
They won’t
If and it's a big if, Roe v Wade is overturned, it goes back to state law. Plenty of States will not outlaw the procedure.
Roe vs. Wade did not address the issue of personhood when it comes to the unborn. Instead, they focused on privacy rights.

To me that is criminal. It's like trying to address the slavery issue without addressing the personhood of slaves. Instead, they focus on the privacy of the plantation owners.

There was no federal law that it overturned. Back to the existing State Laws.
If and it's a big if, Roe v Wade is overturned, it goes back to state law. Plenty of States will not outlaw the procedure.

Maybe, maybe not.

Until we see what the basis is used for the overturning, its impossible to say what will happen. If they determine that the unborn babies are entitled to human rights, the Atrocity could be outlawed in all 50 states.

That would take a new federal law.

Not necessarily. If the Supreme Court determines that unborn babies are covered by the 14th Amendment, then its already in the Constitution.
The core issue is that Progressives and globalists are consumed with population control. They think that there are too many people on the planet and too few natural resources. Originally, Planned Parenthood was intended to reduce the black population. Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, was an ardent racist.

In a letter to Dr. Clarence Gamble in December, 19, 1939, Sanger exposited her vision for the “Negro Project,” a freshly launched collaboration between the American Birth Control League and Sanger’s Birth Control Clinical Research Bureau. The letter echoes the eugenic ideologies still visible within the corporate vein of Planned Parenthood today.

It seems to me from my experience…that while the colored Negroes have great respect for white doctors they can get closer to their own members and more or less lay their cards on the table which means their ignorance, superstitions and doubts.
We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal.

We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.

Even today, about 86% of abortion clinics are strategically located in black neighborhoods, and in New York City there have been more black abortions than births.

But again, the core issue today is population control as the US federal government throws all kinds of money at abortion rights all over the globe. I think this is also why the promote homosexual conduct and gender confusion. The fewer that reproduce the better.
If and it's a big if, Roe v Wade is overturned, it goes back to state law. Plenty of States will not outlaw the procedure.

Maybe, maybe not.

Until we see what the basis is used for the overturning, its impossible to say what will happen. If they determine that the unborn babies are entitled to human rights, the Atrocity could be outlawed in all 50 states.

That would take a new federal law.

Not necessarily. If the Supreme Court determines that unborn babies are covered by the 14th Amendment, then its already in the Constitution.

"All persons born...."
Abortion pits bodily autonomy against fetal viability.

The only way to protect both was to establish trimesters.

The 1st gives way to the former while the 2nd and 3rd are geared to the latter.

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