When will we outlaw murderous abortion system?!

How many more babies will we continue to slaughter with Abortion.! This genocide must stop.!? When will it end.? Your thoughts.
It has been legal for 50 years
Isnt going to change

Sure, but the question is whether it will be REGULATED and TAXED, in order to prevent atrocities like those committed by Gosnell.
If abortion were illegal, there would be a whole lot more Gosnells

Prove it, because I KNOW even someone as delusional as you are can't believe that anyone here respects you enough to trust your word that the sky is blue.
Cut the crap! Are you playing stupid or are you really just that stupid?. Do you know nothing of the history of back ally abortions?. Do you really think that making abortion illegal is going to end abortion?

Making abortion illegal won't END abortion, but it will certainly reduce abortion dramatically.

And guys like Gosnell won't be able to masquerade for years like they are pillars of the community
There is no such thing as "the abortion industry" or "abortuaries." Abortion should not be singled out for unique regulation or taxation. This idea is an absurdity. All states supposedly inspect medical facilities of every kind on a regular basis, as they do with restaurants. If gosnell was not caught for a long time, it was due to the apparent fact that Pennsylvania health inspectors failed to do their jobs. I wonder what other medical facilities they failed to inspect.

No regulations or taxation on the Abortion Racket is why Gosnell was able to get away for so many years.

Of course, the liberals in state government weren't interested in investigating Big Abortion. Do you know how much money Planned Parenthood gives to the Democrat Party?

The "Abortion Racket"? "Big Abortion"? Talk about a drama queen! Explain what evidence existed that would indicate that an investigation specifically of abortion providers was warranted. I haven't heard that PP facilities flunk state inspections. Moreover, you can't make too much mileage out of one specific case that did not involve PP, where Gosnell was charged, convicted, and is serving his sentence.

I don't know how much PP donates to the "Democrat Party" (even your grammar and spelling are poor), if it donates any at all, but this matter is irrelevant. You are aware that it is the republicans who are trying to destroy PP, for reasons known only to them, and that Democrats don't do this, aren't you?

Clinics that provide abortion services are subject to the same regulations and taxation as are other clinics.

PP doesn't go out into the street and drag people in. People walk in of their own accord and are asked what services they are there for. Clients are charged on a sliding scale according to what they can afford. PP is a nonprofit.

BTW: PP played a pivotal role in preventing pregnancies at the university I went to that otherwise might have occurred, so I can imagine that it prevented many abortions.

PP does worse, they go into the school to sell their services to children. And they establish their offices in the worst sections of the worst failed cities, seeking the dimmest customer base.
Imagine educating people about Birth Control

Un American

Would you say the same about teaching people about firearms and firearm safety?

I'm for mandatory classes for ALL children from kindergarten through the penitentiary levels.
I have no problem with firearm safety
I think it should be mandatory for all gun owners

How about for NON gun owners, students in school that are looking forward to owning their own arsenals when they turn 18?
We'll need to better fund our foster care system ... what?, about 800,000 unwanted children per year? ... sure, let the government raise children, bigger is always better ...

How about we outlaw extra-marital sex ... imprison both mommy and daddy ... government needs to be in our bedrooms watching ...

Why do you assume that people's behavior will remain completely static and unchanged regardless of changes in incentives?

Because they will ... duh ... if it's twenty years prison if a doctor performs an abortion ... doctors will stop performing abortions ...

Bubba didn't finish Middle School ...
We'll need to better fund our foster care system ... what?, about 800,000 unwanted children per year? ... sure, let the government raise children, bigger is always better ...

How about we outlaw extra-marital sex ... imprison both mommy and daddy ... government needs to be in our bedrooms watching ...

Why do you assume that people's behavior will remain completely static and unchanged regardless of changes in incentives?

Because they will ... duh ... if it's twenty years prison if a doctor performs an abortion ... doctors will stop performing abortions ...

Bubba didn't finish Middle School ...

The behavior I'm talking about - duh - would be women casually fucking around and getting themselves pregnant.

Gomer didn't go to school, obviously.

By the way, if you're going to try to play at "Oh, you're so stupid for not agreeing with me", you might want to produce a grammatically coherent post. I said, "Why do you assume people's behavior will stay the same?" and your answer was, "Because they will", which means you're telling me they won't change anything they do if abortion is outlawed, even though the rest of your post is presumably telling me what WILL change.

Way to show me how much "smarter" you are. Bravo! :clap:
We'll need to better fund our foster care system ... what?, about 800,000 unwanted children per year? ... sure, let the government raise children, bigger is always better ...

How about we outlaw extra-marital sex ... imprison both mommy and daddy ... government needs to be in our bedrooms watching ...

Why do you assume that people's behavior will remain completely static and unchanged regardless of changes in incentives?

Because they will ... duh ... if it's twenty years prison if a doctor performs an abortion ... doctors will stop performing abortions ...

Bubba didn't finish Middle School ...

The behavior I'm talking about - duh - would be women casually fucking around and getting themselves pregnant.

Gomer didn't go to school, obviously.

By the way, if you're going to try to play at "Oh, you're so stupid for not agreeing with me", you might want to produce a grammatically coherent post. I said, "Why do you assume people's behavior will stay the same?" and your answer was, "Because they will", which means you're telling me they won't change anything they do if abortion is outlawed, even though the rest of your post is presumably telling me what WILL change.

Way to show me how much "smarter" you are. Bravo! :clap:

ONLY WOMEN ??? ... my Lord, did you even make it to Middle School ... every baby has a father who is legally obligated to pay for half the support of raising that baby to adulthood ...

I'm the first to admit my Englishing skills are piss poor ... but at least I know it's not the Stork who brings us babies ... way to show me how much smarter I am than you ...

The Bible prescribes the death sentence for adulterers ... just saying ...

To be fair both the State of California and my mother presented me with proper Englishing instruction ... it is I who failed to learn it ... God bless spelt-check ...
We'll need to better fund our foster care system ... what?, about 800,000 unwanted children per year? ... sure, let the government raise children, bigger is always better ...

How about we outlaw extra-marital sex ... imprison both mommy and daddy ... government needs to be in our bedrooms watching ...

Why do you assume that people's behavior will remain completely static and unchanged regardless of changes in incentives?

Because they will ... duh ... if it's twenty years prison if a doctor performs an abortion ... doctors will stop performing abortions ...

Bubba didn't finish Middle School ...

The behavior I'm talking about - duh - would be women casually fucking around and getting themselves pregnant.

Gomer didn't go to school, obviously.

By the way, if you're going to try to play at "Oh, you're so stupid for not agreeing with me", you might want to produce a grammatically coherent post. I said, "Why do you assume people's behavior will stay the same?" and your answer was, "Because they will", which means you're telling me they won't change anything they do if abortion is outlawed, even though the rest of your post is presumably telling me what WILL change.

Way to show me how much "smarter" you are. Bravo! :clap:

ONLY WOMEN ??? ... my Lord, did you even make it to Middle School ... every baby has a father who is legally obligated to pay for half the support of raising that baby to adulthood ...

I'm the first to admit my Englishing skills are piss poor ... but at least I know it's not the Stork who brings us babies ... way to show me how much smarter I am than you ...

The Bible prescribes the death sentence for adulterers ... just saying ...

To be fair both the State of California and my mother presented me with proper Englishing instruction ... it is I who failed to learn it ... God bless spelt-check ...

My Lord, you got expelled on the first day of kindergarten for not being worth the effort, didn't you? And no, you aren't the first to admit that you're an illiterate dumbass, because I already did that.

Look, I get you need to make this into "Don't blame ME for being a slut, it's all MEN'S fault for not being sterile when I take them home from the bar." Nevertheless, it IS women's behavior that will primarily change if abortion is not available on demand, because they are the ones whose incentives will have changed. And no amount of deflection toward your favorite hobby horse of, "No, MEEEEENNN!!!" is going to change that fact or change the topic of this argument. Men have always tried to get women to engage in casual sex, and they will always continue to do so. Their success rate will change, but their attempts won't change at all.

But please, don't let me stop you from beclowning yourself with your continued inability to understand or communicate in English.
We'll need to better fund our foster care system ... what?, about 800,000 unwanted children per year? ... sure, let the government raise children, bigger is always better ...

How about we outlaw extra-marital sex ... imprison both mommy and daddy ... government needs to be in our bedrooms watching ...

Why do you assume that people's behavior will remain completely static and unchanged regardless of changes in incentives?

Because they will ... duh ... if it's twenty years prison if a doctor performs an abortion ... doctors will stop performing abortions ...

Bubba didn't finish Middle School ...

The behavior I'm talking about - duh - would be women casually fucking around and getting themselves pregnant.

Gomer didn't go to school, obviously.

By the way, if you're going to try to play at "Oh, you're so stupid for not agreeing with me", you might want to produce a grammatically coherent post. I said, "Why do you assume people's behavior will stay the same?" and your answer was, "Because they will", which means you're telling me they won't change anything they do if abortion is outlawed, even though the rest of your post is presumably telling me what WILL change.

Way to show me how much "smarter" you are. Bravo! :clap:

ONLY WOMEN ??? ... my Lord, did you even make it to Middle School ... every baby has a father who is legally obligated to pay for half the support of raising that baby to adulthood ...

I'm the first to admit my Englishing skills are piss poor ... but at least I know it's not the Stork who brings us babies ... way to show me how much smarter I am than you ...

The Bible prescribes the death sentence for adulterers ... just saying ...

To be fair both the State of California and my mother presented me with proper Englishing instruction ... it is I who failed to learn it ... God bless spelt-check ...

My Lord, you got expelled on the first day of kindergarten for not being worth the effort, didn't you? And no, you aren't the first to admit that you're an illiterate dumbass, because I already did that.

Look, I get you need to make this into "Don't blame ME for being a slut, it's all MEN'S fault for not being sterile when I take them home from the bar." Nevertheless, it IS women's behavior that will primarily change if abortion is not available on demand, because they are the ones whose incentives will have changed. And no amount of deflection toward your favorite hobby horse of, "No, MEEEEENNN!!!" is going to change that fact or change the topic of this argument. Men have always tried to get women to engage in casual sex, and they will always continue to do so. Their success rate will change, but their attempts won't change at all.

But please, don't let me stop you from beclowning yourself with your continued inability to understand or communicate in English.

Just how far behind are you on child support? ... that sucks ... well, I hope you've stop following your dog's example when it comes to breeding ...

You never did say what we should do with these extra 800,000 unwanted children every year ...
Greetings. Do citizens believe human life should be created out of love between a man and a woman who are committed to raising a perfectly healthy newborn, maturing into a reasonably responsible, well-adjusted teen and adult citizen caring about their own well-being as well as their neighbor's well-being?

Do citizens believe a woman becoming pregnant after engaging in casual sex, *should be forced to create a new life,* even if she has no desire to become the primary child caregiver for a child she did not want in the first place?

When a woman decides she is not prepared to become a mother and chooses to safely terminate an unwanted pregnancy, how does her decision impact your life, as well as American Society at Large?


Greetings. Do you know how to present a question that doesn't try to force your worldview onto people as objective reality? If so, please do so next time, because you didn't this time.

Ideally, children should be born of a loving, committed relationship between a man and a woman, yes. Do we live in an ideal world? No. Are children who are created in less-than-ideal circumstances therefore worthless? Again, no.

A woman who has become pregnant after engaging in casual sex isn't being "forced" into anything. She has ALREADY created new life, and her part in it was, by definition, voluntary. To say she's being "forced to create new life" after she's already pregnant is to sound either ignorant or dishonest about the realities of human reproduction. If she has no desire to become a primary childcare-giver, she should A) refrain from engaging in a behavior that creates children, or B) put the child up for adoption after she behaves in a stupid and reckless fashion.

Are you really asking us how it impacts our lives if women decide they aren't prepared to be mothers after they have already made themselves mothers and choose to kill the child? Is that REALLY your question? No, of course it isn't, because you want to demand that we all view unborn children as warts or tumors because you prefer the safety of that biological ignorance.

The next time you want to ask a question, actually ASK it, rather than coyly pretending to ask it as a means of asserting your own opinions as fact. Better yet, try listening to the answers once in a while, instead of substituting your "knowing" what we think for hearing what we think. Then you won't need to ask the question at all.

Hello, Cecilie. Thank you for taking the time to reply, sharing your opinion.

Please have a great safe summer.


I disagree. It has the right to fight for it's survival like any other living being in Nature. The two components separately do not have the will to survive. Science has given women a choice, a safe choice, when to reproduce.
Does this mean its moral to kill anything that can't fight back hard enough?
I didn't mention morals at all.
Rights are inherently moral. If they aren't moral, they're worthless because they can be ignored for the purpose of laws.
I remember when Abortionist Kermit Gosnell was pinched for the commission of Atrocities in Philadelphia a number of years ago.

I thought that we could get real abortion industry regulation with this, passed on a bipartisan basis. But the libs really didn't give a shit.

Why would they? Black genocide is the primary goal of the abortion industry (and always has been , see Sanger). Killers like Gosnell were doing exactly what the DemoKKKrats want done.
How many more babies will we continue to slaughter with Abortion.! This genocide must stop.!? When will it end.? Your thoughts.
The thread premise is a lie.

Abortion is not ‘murder.’

‘Babies’ are not being ‘slaughtered.’

The reprehensible, authoritarian right will likely have its way before too long.
Please prove the fetus isn't a human child with human rights.
I'll offer this: the child is a human from the moment the sperm meets the egg. After that point, there is no definable point of moral change. I sincerely hope you aren't considering birth to be that change.
How many more babies will we continue to slaughter with Abortion.! This genocide must stop.!? When will it end.? Your thoughts.
The thread premise is a lie.

Abortion is not ‘murder.’

‘Babies’ are not being ‘slaughtered.’

The reprehensible, authoritarian right will likely have its way before too long.
Please prove the fetus isn't a human child with human rights.
I'll offer this: the child is a human from the moment the sperm meets the egg. After that point, there is no definable point of moral change. I sincerely hope you aren't considering birth to be that change.

Along with many other pseudo-science and voodoo beliefs the left holds, one of the stranger ones is their crazy insistence that life begins at birth rather than conception, something that has been refuted by science for thousands of years, but the lefty nutters still insist on it, since they believe it gives them the right to kill children.
We'll need to better fund our foster care system ... what?, about 800,000 unwanted children per year? ... sure, let the government raise children, bigger is always better ...

How about we outlaw extra-marital sex ... imprison both mommy and daddy ... government needs to be in our bedrooms watching ...

Why do you assume that people's behavior will remain completely static and unchanged regardless of changes in incentives?

Because they will ... duh ... if it's twenty years prison if a doctor performs an abortion ... doctors will stop performing abortions ...

Bubba didn't finish Middle School ...

The behavior I'm talking about - duh - would be women casually fucking around and getting themselves pregnant.

Gomer didn't go to school, obviously.

By the way, if you're going to try to play at "Oh, you're so stupid for not agreeing with me", you might want to produce a grammatically coherent post. I said, "Why do you assume people's behavior will stay the same?" and your answer was, "Because they will", which means you're telling me they won't change anything they do if abortion is outlawed, even though the rest of your post is presumably telling me what WILL change.

Way to show me how much "smarter" you are. Bravo! :clap:

ONLY WOMEN ??? ... my Lord, did you even make it to Middle School ... every baby has a father who is legally obligated to pay for half the support of raising that baby to adulthood ...

I'm the first to admit my Englishing skills are piss poor ... but at least I know it's not the Stork who brings us babies ... way to show me how much smarter I am than you ...

The Bible prescribes the death sentence for adulterers ... just saying ...

To be fair both the State of California and my mother presented me with proper Englishing instruction ... it is I who failed to learn it ... God bless spelt-check ...

My Lord, you got expelled on the first day of kindergarten for not being worth the effort, didn't you? And no, you aren't the first to admit that you're an illiterate dumbass, because I already did that.

Look, I get you need to make this into "Don't blame ME for being a slut, it's all MEN'S fault for not being sterile when I take them home from the bar." Nevertheless, it IS women's behavior that will primarily change if abortion is not available on demand, because they are the ones whose incentives will have changed. And no amount of deflection toward your favorite hobby horse of, "No, MEEEEENNN!!!" is going to change that fact or change the topic of this argument. Men have always tried to get women to engage in casual sex, and they will always continue to do so. Their success rate will change, but their attempts won't change at all.

But please, don't let me stop you from beclowning yourself with your continued inability to understand or communicate in English.

Just how far behind are you on child support? ... that sucks ... well, I hope you've stop following your dog's example when it comes to breeding ...

You never did say what we should do with these extra 800,000 unwanted children every year ...

Unlike you, I take care of my children, rather than cutting them up and throwing them in the biowaste container. So don't even try to take on any sort of self-righteous "I care about children and you don't" tone with ME while you're cheerleading for infanticide.

Furthermore, given that YOU are the one who is insisting that everyone will and must fuck around like animals in heat, and are outraged by the very idea that women can, will, and should change their behavior if the incentives change, I think you've already established which one of us is the slut.

You never did say why I should accept your debate parameter of "There will be 800,000 unwanted children every year, because people will continue to fuck around just as though abortion is still legal", so this sad little attempt to circle back and pretend that my rejection of your asserted reality never happened won't work.

I never did say what will happen if your open-to-anyone-who-buys-the-drinks worldview is reality because YOU never earned the right to be taken seriously. Get busy on proving your question deserves an answer, trash. I'm not a man, and it's not closing time at your favorite bar, so all you're doing is wasting my time.
Greetings. Do citizens believe human life should be created out of love between a man and a woman who are committed to raising a perfectly healthy newborn, maturing into a reasonably responsible, well-adjusted teen and adult citizen caring about their own well-being as well as their neighbor's well-being?

Do citizens believe a woman becoming pregnant after engaging in casual sex, *should be forced to create a new life,* even if she has no desire to become the primary child caregiver for a child she did not want in the first place?

When a woman decides she is not prepared to become a mother and chooses to safely terminate an unwanted pregnancy, how does her decision impact your life, as well as American Society at Large?


Greetings. Do you know how to present a question that doesn't try to force your worldview onto people as objective reality? If so, please do so next time, because you didn't this time.

Ideally, children should be born of a loving, committed relationship between a man and a woman, yes. Do we live in an ideal world? No. Are children who are created in less-than-ideal circumstances therefore worthless? Again, no.

A woman who has become pregnant after engaging in casual sex isn't being "forced" into anything. She has ALREADY created new life, and her part in it was, by definition, voluntary. To say she's being "forced to create new life" after she's already pregnant is to sound either ignorant or dishonest about the realities of human reproduction. If she has no desire to become a primary childcare-giver, she should A) refrain from engaging in a behavior that creates children, or B) put the child up for adoption after she behaves in a stupid and reckless fashion.

Are you really asking us how it impacts our lives if women decide they aren't prepared to be mothers after they have already made themselves mothers and choose to kill the child? Is that REALLY your question? No, of course it isn't, because you want to demand that we all view unborn children as warts or tumors because you prefer the safety of that biological ignorance.

The next time you want to ask a question, actually ASK it, rather than coyly pretending to ask it as a means of asserting your own opinions as fact. Better yet, try listening to the answers once in a while, instead of substituting your "knowing" what we think for hearing what we think. Then you won't need to ask the question at all.

Hello, Cecilie. Thank you for taking the time to reply, sharing your opinion.

Please have a great safe summer.


Hello, Avery. Thank you for clarifying early in the process that you're just here to listen to your own voice making speeches, and to run like a bitch the instant you're challenged, while lamely trying to pretend that your blatant cowardice is really "high-minded". I wish everyone was self-aware enough to announce themselves as an utter waste of time, so that I could immediately ignore them as such the way I'm about to do to you.

Please enjoy your echo chamber, safe from ever having to hear dissenting opinions or actually think.

Only brave people have true peace. Poltroons like you only have quiet slavery.
We'll need to better fund our foster care system ... what?, about 800,000 unwanted children per year? ... sure, let the government raise children, bigger is always better ...

How about we outlaw extra-marital sex ... imprison both mommy and daddy ... government needs to be in our bedrooms watching ...

Why do you assume that people's behavior will remain completely static and unchanged regardless of changes in incentives?

Because they will ... duh ... if it's twenty years prison if a doctor performs an abortion ... doctors will stop performing abortions ...

Bubba didn't finish Middle School ...

The behavior I'm talking about - duh - would be women casually fucking around and getting themselves pregnant.

Gomer didn't go to school, obviously.

By the way, if you're going to try to play at "Oh, you're so stupid for not agreeing with me", you might want to produce a grammatically coherent post. I said, "Why do you assume people's behavior will stay the same?" and your answer was, "Because they will", which means you're telling me they won't change anything they do if abortion is outlawed, even though the rest of your post is presumably telling me what WILL change.

Way to show me how much "smarter" you are. Bravo! :clap:

ONLY WOMEN ??? ... my Lord, did you even make it to Middle School ... every baby has a father who is legally obligated to pay for half the support of raising that baby to adulthood ...

I'm the first to admit my Englishing skills are piss poor ... but at least I know it's not the Stork who brings us babies ... way to show me how much smarter I am than you ...

The Bible prescribes the death sentence for adulterers ... just saying ...

To be fair both the State of California and my mother presented me with proper Englishing instruction ... it is I who failed to learn it ... God bless spelt-check ...

My Lord, you got expelled on the first day of kindergarten for not being worth the effort, didn't you? And no, you aren't the first to admit that you're an illiterate dumbass, because I already did that.

Look, I get you need to make this into "Don't blame ME for being a slut, it's all MEN'S fault for not being sterile when I take them home from the bar." Nevertheless, it IS women's behavior that will primarily change if abortion is not available on demand, because they are the ones whose incentives will have changed. And no amount of deflection toward your favorite hobby horse of, "No, MEEEEENNN!!!" is going to change that fact or change the topic of this argument. Men have always tried to get women to engage in casual sex, and they will always continue to do so. Their success rate will change, but their attempts won't change at all.

But please, don't let me stop you from beclowning yourself with your continued inability to understand or communicate in English.

Just how far behind are you on child support? ... that sucks ... well, I hope you've stop following your dog's example when it comes to breeding ...

You never did say what we should do with these extra 800,000 unwanted children every year ...

Unlike you, I take care of my children, rather than cutting them up and throwing them in the biowaste container. So don't even try to take on any sort of self-righteous "I care about children and you don't" tone with ME while you're cheerleading for infanticide.

Furthermore, given that YOU are the one who is insisting that everyone will and must fuck around like animals in heat, and are outraged by the very idea that women can, will, and should change their behavior if the incentives change, I think you've already established which one of us is the slut.

You never did say why I should accept your debate parameter of "There will be 800,000 unwanted children every year, because people will continue to fuck around just as though abortion is still legal", so this sad little attempt to circle back and pretend that my rejection of your asserted reality never happened won't work.

I never did say what will happen if your open-to-anyone-who-buys-the-drinks worldview is reality because YOU never earned the right to be taken seriously. Get busy on proving your question deserves an answer, trash. I'm not a man, and it's not closing time at your favorite bar, so all you're doing is wasting my time.

You never did say why I should accept your debate parameter of "There will be 800,000 unwanted children every year, because people will continue to fuck around just as though abortion is still legal", so this sad little attempt to circle back and pretend that my rejection of your asserted reality never happened won't work.

Those weren't debate parameters ... they're children unwanted by either parent ... raise taxes, expand government and let the foster care system take care of them? ...

No answer because you have no solution ... just throwing women in prison for murder ... raising taxes, expanding government ...

Condemning abortion is easy ... I condemn adultery, much more difficult ... keeps couples from getting pregnant in the first place, and keeps the rusty coat-hangers in the trash where they belong ...

Well I hear the whistle but I can't go
I'm gonna take her down to Mexico
She said oh no
Guadalajara won't do
Greetings. Do citizens believe human life should be created out of love between a man and a woman who are committed to raising a perfectly healthy newborn, maturing into a reasonably responsible, well-adjusted teen and adult citizen caring about their own well-being as well as their neighbor's well-being?

Do citizens believe a woman becoming pregnant after engaging in casual sex, *should be forced to create a new life,* even if she has no desire to become the primary child caregiver for a child she did not want in the first place?

When a woman decides she is not prepared to become a mother and chooses to safely terminate an unwanted pregnancy, how does her decision impact your life, as well as American Society at Large?


Greetings. Do you know how to present a question that doesn't try to force your worldview onto people as objective reality? If so, please do so next time, because you didn't this time.

Ideally, children should be born of a loving, committed relationship between a man and a woman, yes. Do we live in an ideal world? No. Are children who are created in less-than-ideal circumstances therefore worthless? Again, no.

A woman who has become pregnant after engaging in casual sex isn't being "forced" into anything. She has ALREADY created new life, and her part in it was, by definition, voluntary. To say she's being "forced to create new life" after she's already pregnant is to sound either ignorant or dishonest about the realities of human reproduction. If she has no desire to become a primary childcare-giver, she should A) refrain from engaging in a behavior that creates children, or B) put the child up for adoption after she behaves in a stupid and reckless fashion.

Are you really asking us how it impacts our lives if women decide they aren't prepared to be mothers after they have already made themselves mothers and choose to kill the child? Is that REALLY your question? No, of course it isn't, because you want to demand that we all view unborn children as warts or tumors because you prefer the safety of that biological ignorance.

The next time you want to ask a question, actually ASK it, rather than coyly pretending to ask it as a means of asserting your own opinions as fact. Better yet, try listening to the answers once in a while, instead of substituting your "knowing" what we think for hearing what we think. Then you won't need to ask the question at all.

Hello, Cecilie. Thank you for taking the time to reply, sharing your opinion.

Please have a great safe summer.


Hello, Avery. Thank you for clarifying early in the process that you're just here to listen to your own voice making speeches, and to run like a bitch the instant you're challenged, while lamely trying to pretend that your blatant cowardice is really "high-minded". I wish everyone was self-aware enough to announce themselves as an utter waste of time, so that I could immediately ignore them as such the way I'm about to do to you.

Please enjoy your echo chamber, safe from ever having to hear dissenting opinions or actually think.

Only brave people have true peace. Poltroons like you only have quiet slavery.

Hello, Cecilie.

Once again Cecilie, have a great safe summer!


Peace ♥️
We'll need to better fund our foster care system ... what?, about 800,000 unwanted children per year? ... sure, let the government raise children, bigger is always better ...

How about we outlaw extra-marital sex ... imprison both mommy and daddy ... government needs to be in our bedrooms watching ...

Why do you assume that people's behavior will remain completely static and unchanged regardless of changes in incentives?

Because they will ... duh ... if it's twenty years prison if a doctor performs an abortion ... doctors will stop performing abortions ...

Bubba didn't finish Middle School ...

The behavior I'm talking about - duh - would be women casually fucking around and getting themselves pregnant.

Gomer didn't go to school, obviously.

By the way, if you're going to try to play at "Oh, you're so stupid for not agreeing with me", you might want to produce a grammatically coherent post. I said, "Why do you assume people's behavior will stay the same?" and your answer was, "Because they will", which means you're telling me they won't change anything they do if abortion is outlawed, even though the rest of your post is presumably telling me what WILL change.

Way to show me how much "smarter" you are. Bravo! :clap:

ONLY WOMEN ??? ... my Lord, did you even make it to Middle School ... every baby has a father who is legally obligated to pay for half the support of raising that baby to adulthood ...

I'm the first to admit my Englishing skills are piss poor ... but at least I know it's not the Stork who brings us babies ... way to show me how much smarter I am than you ...

The Bible prescribes the death sentence for adulterers ... just saying ...

To be fair both the State of California and my mother presented me with proper Englishing instruction ... it is I who failed to learn it ... God bless spelt-check ...

My Lord, you got expelled on the first day of kindergarten for not being worth the effort, didn't you? And no, you aren't the first to admit that you're an illiterate dumbass, because I already did that.

Look, I get you need to make this into "Don't blame ME for being a slut, it's all MEN'S fault for not being sterile when I take them home from the bar." Nevertheless, it IS women's behavior that will primarily change if abortion is not available on demand, because they are the ones whose incentives will have changed. And no amount of deflection toward your favorite hobby horse of, "No, MEEEEENNN!!!" is going to change that fact or change the topic of this argument. Men have always tried to get women to engage in casual sex, and they will always continue to do so. Their success rate will change, but their attempts won't change at all.

But please, don't let me stop you from beclowning yourself with your continued inability to understand or communicate in English.

Just how far behind are you on child support? ... that sucks ... well, I hope you've stop following your dog's example when it comes to breeding ...

You never did say what we should do with these extra 800,000 unwanted children every year ...

Unlike you, I take care of my children, rather than cutting them up and throwing them in the biowaste container. So don't even try to take on any sort of self-righteous "I care about children and you don't" tone with ME while you're cheerleading for infanticide.

Furthermore, given that YOU are the one who is insisting that everyone will and must fuck around like animals in heat, and are outraged by the very idea that women can, will, and should change their behavior if the incentives change, I think you've already established which one of us is the slut.

You never did say why I should accept your debate parameter of "There will be 800,000 unwanted children every year, because people will continue to fuck around just as though abortion is still legal", so this sad little attempt to circle back and pretend that my rejection of your asserted reality never happened won't work.

I never did say what will happen if your open-to-anyone-who-buys-the-drinks worldview is reality because YOU never earned the right to be taken seriously. Get busy on proving your question deserves an answer, trash. I'm not a man, and it's not closing time at your favorite bar, so all you're doing is wasting my time.

You never did say why I should accept your debate parameter of "There will be 800,000 unwanted children every year, because people will continue to fuck around just as though abortion is still legal", so this sad little attempt to circle back and pretend that my rejection of your asserted reality never happened won't work.

Those weren't debate parameters ... they're children unwanted by either parent ... raise taxes, expand government and let the foster care system take care of them? ...

No answer because you have no solution ... just throwing women in prison for murder ... raising taxes, expanding government ...

Condemning abortion is easy ... I condemn adultery, much more difficult ... keeps couples from getting pregnant in the first place, and keeps the rusty coat-hangers in the trash where they belong ...

Well I hear the whistle but I can't go
I'm gonna take her down to Mexico
She said oh no
Guadalajara won't do
Outlaw abortion and most abortions won't happen, particularly if the death penalty is used (as it should be).
We don't make rape legal in order to prevent rapists form being injured or even to prevent them from murdering their victims to keep it quieter. Why is this different?
How many more babies will we continue to slaughter with Abortion.! This genocide must stop.!? When will it end.? Your thoughts.

Well ..I agree that it’s killing a human but do you want 50 more million poor Blacks and whites

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