When you meet Jesus, and you ask him "Why is there so much evil in the world?" He will answer...

...with a question.

"What did you do about it?"

Thanks OK with me, if I can avoid eternity with Jerry Falwell.

As long as you are trying to help criminalize abortion?

That's a good thing.

Although I have no idea what you are trying to say, I was sure that you would turn the thread into another abortion thread within 5 posts....

Uhhmmm did you already forget that the op itself is about abortion?

My memory is fine, Chuz. Perhaps YOU forgot that The OP did not mention abortion in either the Title or the opening post, which is all I read.

They say that memory is the second thing to go.

As we can see, Blackrook (author of the OP) sets the subject for the entire thread himself in his first three posts of the thread.

Maybe reading and comprehension is just not your thing.

Golly, Chuz, I guess that you are going to have to sue me because I only read the first post of Blackrook's drivel (which had nothing to do with your obsession about abortion).... Not to put too fine a point on it, but, that is more than I usually read of Blackrook's rants.

BUT, I am prepared to exercise my powers of seeing the future, and I will predict that you will post the following topics in the next 90 days:

Abortion is evil
Abortion is against god's will
If you abort, you will go to hell
Abortion is the worst sin in the world
Abortion will make you insane from remorse.
Godwillgetcha if you abort

Having said that, I hope that you will thank me for saving you all those keystrokes!

The Great Karnak

No kidding. you guys should get a room.
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...with a question.

"What did you do about it?"

As long as you are trying to help criminalize abortion?

That's a good thing.

Although I have no idea what you are trying to say, I was sure that you would turn the thread into another abortion thread within 5 posts....

Uhhmmm did you already forget that the op itself is about abortion?

My memory is fine, Chuz. Perhaps YOU forgot that The OP did not mention abortion in either the Title or the opening post, which is all I read.

They say that memory is the second thing to go.

As we can see, Blackrook (author of the OP) sets the subject for the entire thread himself in his first three posts of the thread.

Maybe reading and comprehension is just not your thing.

Golly, Chuz, I guess that you are going to have to sue me because I only read the first post of Blackrook's drivel (which had nothing to do with your obsession about abortion).... Not to put too fine a point on it, but, that is more than I usually read of Blackrook's rants.

BUT, I am prepared to exercise my powers of seeing the future, and I will predict that you will post the following topics in the next 90 days:

Abortion is evil
Abortion is against god's will
If you abort, you will go to hell
Abortion is the worst sin in the world
Abortion will make you insane from remorse.
Godwillgetcha if you abort

Having said that, I hope that you will thank me for saving you all those keystrokes!

The Great Karnak

No kidding. you guys should get a room.

Thanks for again proving just how oblivious and retarded you really are.

The fact that you lump me in with those who use religion to fight abortion shows that you really don't have a fucking clue about my views nor what the basis for them are.
Jesus Christ, Jesus if he ever existed was an insane Jewish rabbi wannabe. In other words a DOUCHEBAG of the highest order.
Yeah, Magic, I guess so.

Presto Alakazam!

You have just been turned into a jackass by the invisible hand of a sky wizard.

The stupid things you say have absolutely nothing whatever to do with it.
Ha, yeah, hard to hit a moving target, right?

Let's just be crystal clear. You are trying your hardest to wedge some mysterious force you don't have to well-define, explain, or justify (hmm, wonder if we have a word for this... magic!) into the tiniest of gaps. This is all part of the "all evidence is subjective" canon of nonsense.

Sorry Alexander, I guess you have spent too much time on Pleasure Island and those donkey ears are there to stay. (Pinocchio 3:14)

You do have my condolences.
Oh boy, I broke Boss. Sorry, everyone.

broke Boss? lol...Awesome!


you have degenerated into the realm of paranoid grandiosity in full view of everyone here.

Nicely done Sherlock !

That hand of God that you don't believe in sure is giving you quite the spanking.
No, none of that. I was just poking fun. You, apparently, thought I really believed it. How odd. Yessir, you are, indeed, one odd individual.

yeah.right. Thats what they all say...lol
"Nexus Six with Zardoz and the incorrigibles is a special nexus for special pleading purposes."
...with a question.

"What did you do about it?"

Although I have no idea what you are trying to say, I was sure that you would turn the thread into another abortion thread within 5 posts....

Uhhmmm did you already forget that the op itself is about abortion?

My memory is fine, Chuz. Perhaps YOU forgot that The OP did not mention abortion in either the Title or the opening post, which is all I read.

They say that memory is the second thing to go.

As we can see, Blackrook (author of the OP) sets the subject for the entire thread himself in his first three posts of the thread.

Maybe reading and comprehension is just not your thing.

Golly, Chuz, I guess that you are going to have to sue me because I only read the first post of Blackrook's drivel (which had nothing to do with your obsession about abortion).... Not to put too fine a point on it, but, that is more than I usually read of Blackrook's rants.

BUT, I am prepared to exercise my powers of seeing the future, and I will predict that you will post the following topics in the next 90 days:

Abortion is evil
Abortion is against god's will
If you abort, you will go to hell
Abortion is the worst sin in the world
Abortion will make you insane from remorse.
Godwillgetcha if you abort

Having said that, I hope that you will thank me for saving you all those keystrokes!

The Great Karnak

No kidding. you guys should get a room.

Thanks for again proving just how oblivious and retarded you really are.

The fact that you lump me in with those who use religion to fight abortion shows that you really don't have a fucking clue about my views nor what the basis for them are.

...and it is frustrating, because I care so much about your views.....
...with a question.

"What did you do about it?"

Uhhmmm did you already forget that the op itself is about abortion?

My memory is fine, Chuz. Perhaps YOU forgot that The OP did not mention abortion in either the Title or the opening post, which is all I read.

They say that memory is the second thing to go.

As we can see, Blackrook (author of the OP) sets the subject for the entire thread himself in his first three posts of the thread.

Maybe reading and comprehension is just not your thing.

Golly, Chuz, I guess that you are going to have to sue me because I only read the first post of Blackrook's drivel (which had nothing to do with your obsession about abortion).... Not to put too fine a point on it, but, that is more than I usually read of Blackrook's rants.

BUT, I am prepared to exercise my powers of seeing the future, and I will predict that you will post the following topics in the next 90 days:

Abortion is evil
Abortion is against god's will
If you abort, you will go to hell
Abortion is the worst sin in the world
Abortion will make you insane from remorse.
Godwillgetcha if you abort

Having said that, I hope that you will thank me for saving you all those keystrokes!

The Great Karnak

No kidding. you guys should get a room.

Thanks for again proving just how oblivious and retarded you really are.

The fact that you lump me in with those who use religion to fight abortion shows that you really don't have a fucking clue about my views nor what the basis for them are.

...and it is frustrating, because I care so much about your views.....

How much do you care about facts and /or the truth? Or, are you only here to troll?
Last edited:
I'd ask Jesus "hey brah, what's with all the deformed babies?"
My memory is fine, Chuz. Perhaps YOU forgot that The OP did not mention abortion in either the Title or the opening post, which is all I read.

They say that memory is the second thing to go.

As we can see, Blackrook (author of the OP) sets the subject for the entire thread himself in his first three posts of the thread.

Maybe reading and comprehension is just not your thing.

Golly, Chuz, I guess that you are going to have to sue me because I only read the first post of Blackrook's drivel (which had nothing to do with your obsession about abortion).... Not to put too fine a point on it, but, that is more than I usually read of Blackrook's rants.

BUT, I am prepared to exercise my powers of seeing the future, and I will predict that you will post the following topics in the next 90 days:

Abortion is evil
Abortion is against god's will
If you abort, you will go to hell
Abortion is the worst sin in the world
Abortion will make you insane from remorse.
Godwillgetcha if you abort

Having said that, I hope that you will thank me for saving you all those keystrokes!

The Great Karnak

No kidding. you guys should get a room.

Thanks for again proving just how oblivious and retarded you really are.

The fact that you lump me in with those who use religion to fight abortion shows that you really don't have a fucking clue about my views nor what the basis for them are.

...and it is frustrating, because I care so much about your views.....

How much do you care about facts and /or the truth? Or, are you only here to troll?
How much do you care about facts and /or the truth? Or, are you only here to troll?

EarthLink - Politics

Report: Anti-abortion US rep asked girlfriend to get one

A Jan. 25 text message from Edwards said the congressman had "zero issue posting your pro-life stance all over the place when you had no issue asking me to abort our unborn child just last week when we thought that was one of the options," according to the paper.

Murphy, a member of the House Pro-Life Caucus, is among its co-sponsors.

Murphy recently acknowledged his affair with Edwards, which became public as a result of her divorce proceedings.

How much do you care about facts and /or the truth?

very little for pro-lifer's, the congressman is a typical example of their not caring in the least for anything but their own wellbeing.
As we can see, Blackrook (author of the OP) sets the subject for the entire thread himself in his first three posts of the thread.

Maybe reading and comprehension is just not your thing.

Golly, Chuz, I guess that you are going to have to sue me because I only read the first post of Blackrook's drivel (which had nothing to do with your obsession about abortion).... Not to put too fine a point on it, but, that is more than I usually read of Blackrook's rants.

BUT, I am prepared to exercise my powers of seeing the future, and I will predict that you will post the following topics in the next 90 days:

Abortion is evil
Abortion is against god's will
If you abort, you will go to hell
Abortion is the worst sin in the world
Abortion will make you insane from remorse.
Godwillgetcha if you abort

Having said that, I hope that you will thank me for saving you all those keystrokes!

The Great Karnak

No kidding. you guys should get a room.

Thanks for again proving just how oblivious and retarded you really are.

The fact that you lump me in with those who use religion to fight abortion shows that you really don't have a fucking clue about my views nor what the basis for them are.

...and it is frustrating, because I care so much about your views.....

How much do you care about facts and /or the truth? Or, are you only here to troll?
How much do you care about facts and /or the truth? Or, are you only here to troll?

EarthLink - Politics

Report: Anti-abortion US rep asked girlfriend to get one

A Jan. 25 text message from Edwards said the congressman had "zero issue posting your pro-life stance all over the place when you had no issue asking me to abort our unborn child just last week when we thought that was one of the options," according to the paper.

Murphy, a member of the House Pro-Life Caucus, is among its co-sponsors.

Murphy recently acknowledged his affair with Edwards, which became public as a result of her divorce proceedings.

How much do you care about facts and /or the truth?

very little for pro-lifer's, the congressman is a typical example of their not caring in the least for anything but their own wellbeing.


Guilt by not even a hint of association?

That's a new one.

Wtf does any of that have to do with me or with any of MY views? Or with the fucking truth for that matter?
Last edited:
Golly, Chuz, I guess that you are going to have to sue me because I only read the first post of Blackrook's drivel (which had nothing to do with your obsession about abortion).... Not to put too fine a point on it, but, that is more than I usually read of Blackrook's rants.

BUT, I am prepared to exercise my powers of seeing the future, and I will predict that you will post the following topics in the next 90 days:

Abortion is evil
Abortion is against god's will
If you abort, you will go to hell
Abortion is the worst sin in the world
Abortion will make you insane from remorse.
Godwillgetcha if you abort

Having said that, I hope that you will thank me for saving you all those keystrokes!

The Great Karnak

No kidding. you guys should get a room.

Thanks for again proving just how oblivious and retarded you really are.

The fact that you lump me in with those who use religion to fight abortion shows that you really don't have a fucking clue about my views nor what the basis for them are.

...and it is frustrating, because I care so much about your views.....

How much do you care about facts and /or the truth? Or, are you only here to troll?
How much do you care about facts and /or the truth? Or, are you only here to troll?

EarthLink - Politics

Report: Anti-abortion US rep asked girlfriend to get one

A Jan. 25 text message from Edwards said the congressman had "zero issue posting your pro-life stance all over the place when you had no issue asking me to abort our unborn child just last week when we thought that was one of the options," according to the paper.

Murphy, a member of the House Pro-Life Caucus, is among its co-sponsors.

Murphy recently acknowledged his affair with Edwards, which became public as a result of her divorce proceedings.

How much do you care about facts and /or the truth?

very little for pro-lifer's, the congressman is a typical example of their not caring in the least for anything but their own wellbeing.


Guilt by not even a hint of association?

That's a new one.

Wtf does any of that have to do with me or with any of MY views? Or with the fucking truth for that matter?
Wtf does any of that have to do with me or with any of MY views? Or with the fucking truth for that matter?

the example reflects your lack of understanding the truth your desire to control someone else same as the politician through pretense.
God has set a WONDERFUL future in front of everyone that will call on Jesus and diligently seek to learn more from and about Jesus.

I speak of a future MORE wonderful than nominal (luke warm) christians are aware of.


God let Goliath spout insults to God and God's people for 40 days before God sent a lowly shepherd boy out to shut Goliath up.

The boy didn’t look empowered … but he was.

We are now in the time period comparable to when God let Goliath spout off.

Jesus told of a king who gave servants some talents/money and went away. Later the king returned and those who

had well used the small money/talent they had been entrusted with WERE GIVEN WAY MORE MONEY-POWER.

We are now in that time period comparable to when the king was away.

I urge all to ponder the following:

“He gives power to the faint,and to those who have no might He increases strength.

30 Even the youths shall faint and be weary,and the young men shall utterly fall,

31 but those who wait upon the Lord

shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles,

they shall run and not be weary,and they shall walk and not faint” Isaiah 40

SOON Jesus will EMPOWER those/we who are waiting on Him.

Just like the day of Pentecost when those who had walked with Jesus and loved Him were EMPOWERED.

Literally empowered.

The 11 disciples and those with them became SUPER men and women.

But, of course they did NOT walk/behave the way the worldly imagine a "superman" would behave.

Thus "the last become first and the first become last" ....

Because most all the newly empowered will be people at the lower end of the world's status 'totem pole'

Often skeptics and anti-Christ post pictures of people in terrible conditions and declare “if God existed and was good,

Jesus would heal such as this” .. and criticisms of Jesus similar to that. These anti-Christ are like Goliath spouting off insults at God.


“1As Jesus passed by, He saw a man blind from birth. 2 His disciples asked Him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” 3 Jesus answered, “Neither this man nor his parents sinned. But it happened so that the works of God might be displayed”

Jesus has scads of what I call “miracles waiting to happen at the right time” scattered out all over the world. Jesus’s Holy Spirit empowered servants will be confirmed by Jesus as they bear witness to Jesus healing, rejuvenating and bringing back from the dead these ‘miracles waiting to happen’.

And the supreme final element of the WONDERFUL future God has set before the people and servants of Jesus:

To be invited to REIGN WITH CHRIST

“I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and the authority to judge was given to them. And I saw the souls of those who had been

beheaded for their witness of Jesus and for the word of God. They had not worshipped the beast or his image, and had not received

his mark on their foreheads or on their hands.

They came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.” Revelation 20:4

(ps: some may wonder “how about babies, toddlers and the like?”

Rest assured that such as that which you can see, Jesus also can see and will deal with mercifully.

Never think your sense of ‘right and wrong” is superior to Jesus’s. Cause it isn’t !
WHEN he reveals himself to you and proves he is real and then awakens you with the Holy spirit it is out of this world the best thing ever to happen to you

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