When You See a Rich Person do you feel, anger, bitterness or jealousy?


Senior Member
Nov 14, 2012
Sometimes I do feel anger, bitterness or jealousy and sometimes I don't.

In my world I rarely 'see' rich people. Plenty of people who are seemingly doing better than I am. Generally nice people so they don't ignite my ire.

At present, I am fighting 'unkind thoughts' about a particular conservative radio talk show host. It will pass---it has passed before. There is truth --some--to what he says and even if there is 'none' he has the right to say it.

I assume one of his principles is 'God helps those who help themselves'. Religion is not a topic he features in his daily lectures--he has mentioned it and I assume that he communicates with a Higher Power. He is philanthropic--has done much good anonymously I am certain of that. Supports those who assist others, etc.

I somewhat object to the inference that if I had done as he did that I, too, would have accumulated great wealth and be enjoying 'golden years' without any regrets.

I worked 'hard and long', utilized the talents and abilities I possessed, developed said talents and abilities --clearly not as well as I could/should have.

Yesterday, his last day before the trial run on 'being retired'--I heard him say,' You are either a maker or a taker.' Makers create jobs/private sector and the Takers include--those on the government dole, anyone who works/has worked for the government and anyone receiving payments of any kind from Social Security and related assistance.

That hurts. Why was I not told this when I was in high school? At that time --the 60's women with 'careers' were rare. I chose a stereotypical female career and that seemed 'good'/good enough.

To learn at this point in my life that I did something 'very wrong' and have actually been a 'parasite' on society for my entire life --that is something that doesn't sit well with me.

Bitter, yes. Envious--somewhat. Discouraged--greatly.
Sometimes I do feel anger, bitterness or jealousy and sometimes I don't.

In my world I rarely 'see' rich people. Plenty of people who are seemingly doing better than I am. Generally nice people so they don't ignite my ire.

At present, I am fighting 'unkind thoughts' about a particular conservative radio talk show host. It will pass---it has passed before. There is truth --some--to what he says and even if there is 'none' he has the right to say it.

I assume one of his principles is 'God helps those who help themselves'. Religion is not a topic he features in his daily lectures--he has mentioned it and I assume that he communicates with a Higher Power. He is philanthropic--has done much good anonymously I am certain of that. Supports those who assist others, etc.

I somewhat object to the inference that if I had done as he did that I, too, would have accumulated great wealth and be enjoying 'golden years' without any regrets.

I worked 'hard and long', utilized the talents and abilities I possessed, developed said talents and abilities --clearly not as well as I could/should have.

Yesterday, his last day before the trial run on 'being retired'--I heard him say,' You are either a maker or a taker.' Makers create jobs/private sector and the Takers include--those on the government dole, anyone who works/has worked for the government and anyone receiving payments of any kind from Social Security and related assistance.

That hurts. Why was I not told this when I was in high school? At that time --the 60's women with 'careers' were rare. I chose a stereotypical female career and that seemed 'good'/good enough.

To learn at this point in my life that I did something 'very wrong' and have actually been a 'parasite' on society for my entire life --that is something that doesn't sit well with me.

Bitter, yes. Envious--somewhat. Discouraged--greatly.

I can't tell how much money has in their bank account by looking at them.
I can sort of tell those that have more in their bank accounts than I do.

If I were to seriously envy all of those people that would be a full time job and I don't have the time for that.

I've just 'heard enough' for the time being about 'The Private Sector/Capitalism'. Yes, I believe in free enterprise, no--I am not a Socialist. sigh--I taught public school and some are convinced that anyone who would do that is firmly committed to the destruction of the American Way of Life.

Maybe I lived in a Twilight Zone, a bizarro world--my colleagues were Conservative--some more so than others. We all signed an oath---agreeing to support the Constitution of the US government.

What has transpired in the past decades---'Change', things have changed--in some areas at least.

If you listen to talk radio you 'dig' for the kernels of truth. He/They are focusing on the Big Picture--and I don't doubt that there are serious problems in public education that require reform ASAP.

What stings more---his accumulated wealth/created by himself and for himself or the implication that I am one of the people that contributed to the 'Problem'?

At this moment--I cannot say.
I admit to getting feelings of envy.

But I don't hate them. I just either try harder or remind myself how much I already have.
The Democrat Base is Loser Central.

They have Obama as male head of household

The Government feeds them, houses them and raises their kids.

Of course they are envious of anyone who tries to better themselves.
Sometimes I do feel anger, bitterness or jealousy and sometimes I don't.

In my world I rarely 'see' rich people. Plenty of people who are seemingly doing better than I am. Generally nice people so they don't ignite my ire.

At present, I am fighting 'unkind thoughts' about a particular conservative radio talk show host. It will pass---it has passed before. There is truth --some--to what he says and even if there is 'none' he has the right to say it.

I assume one of his principles is 'God helps those who help themselves'. Religion is not a topic he features in his daily lectures--he has mentioned it and I assume that he communicates with a Higher Power. He is philanthropic--has done much good anonymously I am certain of that. Supports those who assist others, etc.

I somewhat object to the inference that if I had done as he did that I, too, would have accumulated great wealth and be enjoying 'golden years' without any regrets.

I worked 'hard and long', utilized the talents and abilities I possessed, developed said talents and abilities --clearly not as well as I could/should have.

Yesterday, his last day before the trial run on 'being retired'--I heard him say,' You are either a maker or a taker.' Makers create jobs/private sector and the Takers include--those on the government dole, anyone who works/has worked for the government and anyone receiving payments of any kind from Social Security and related assistance.

That hurts. Why was I not told this when I was in high school? At that time --the 60's women with 'careers' were rare. I chose a stereotypical female career and that seemed 'good'/good enough.

To learn at this point in my life that I did something 'very wrong' and have actually been a 'parasite' on society for my entire life --that is something that doesn't sit well with me.

Bitter, yes. Envious--somewhat. Discouraged--greatly.

All rich people aren't fucktards, don't let it get you down. Look at Rush Limbaugh, he makes his money from a bunch of idiots by a being hateful, hysterical moron. Who would really want to be like that?
Every liberal in America hates rich people unless they obtain that wealth through entertainment...then somehow because they earn a living playing the parts of make believe people - they are given great adoration and respect, and their words are revered.
Go figure.
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Sometimes I do feel anger, bitterness or jealousy and sometimes I don't.

In my world I rarely 'see' rich people. Plenty of people who are seemingly doing better than I am. Generally nice people so they don't ignite my ire.

At present, I am fighting 'unkind thoughts' about a particular conservative radio talk show host. It will pass---it has passed before. There is truth --some--to what he says and even if there is 'none' he has the right to say it.

I assume one of his principles is 'God helps those who help themselves'. Religion is not a topic he features in his daily lectures--he has mentioned it and I assume that he communicates with a Higher Power. He is philanthropic--has done much good anonymously I am certain of that. Supports those who assist others, etc.

I somewhat object to the inference that if I had done as he did that I, too, would have accumulated great wealth and be enjoying 'golden years' without any regrets.

I worked 'hard and long', utilized the talents and abilities I possessed, developed said talents and abilities --clearly not as well as I could/should have.

Yesterday, his last day before the trial run on 'being retired'--I heard him say,' You are either a maker or a taker.' Makers create jobs/private sector and the Takers include--those on the government dole, anyone who works/has worked for the government and anyone receiving payments of any kind from Social Security and related assistance.

That hurts. Why was I not told this when I was in high school? At that time --the 60's women with 'careers' were rare. I chose a stereotypical female career and that seemed 'good'/good enough.

To learn at this point in my life that I did something 'very wrong' and have actually been a 'parasite' on society for my entire life --that is something that doesn't sit well with me.

Bitter, yes. Envious--somewhat. Discouraged--greatly.

All rich people aren't fucktards, don't let it get you down. Look at Rush Limbaugh, he makes his money from a bunch of idiots by a being hateful, hysterical moron. Who would really want to be like that?

<raises hand>
Why should I be jealous or bitter?

I can be exactly where they are. Any of us can. And it's not even about the choices you make. People have made absolutely terrible decisions and some still end up dying ridiculously rich.

Wealth is not as unattainable as many are lead to believe.
That hurts. Why was I not told this when I was in high school? At that time --the 60's women with 'careers' were rare. I chose a stereotypical female career and that seemed 'good'/good enough.

To learn at this point in my life that I did something 'very wrong' and have actually been a 'parasite' on society for my entire life --that is something that doesn't sit well with me.

Bitter, yes. Envious--somewhat. Discouraged--greatly.

All rich people aren't fucktards, don't let it get you down. Look at Rush Limbaugh, he makes his money from a bunch of idiots by a being hateful, hysterical moron. Who would really want to be like that?

Yes, I know.

I am actually referencing Neal Boortz--similar to Limbaugh--speaks his own 'Truth'--who doesn't these days. Sometimes I can 'take it' and sometimes it bothers me, a lot.

I have told myself--Boortz's intended audience is those in 'higher positions'. Cox Broadcasting has long been a powerful corporate presence in Atlanta--business is integral to the survival/growth of this city. I accept that.

Now Rush Limbaugh can be found on the flagship station, too, in Atlanta. Rarely do I listen to him.

The earning of $$$--a good thing. Work, I believe in it. No problem there.

He goes on and on and on about 'what I did'/implying that we can all do what he did and some of us just can't.

Homes in Atlanta and Naples, FL--a beautiful and extremely wealthy enclave, the beach, the restaurants the absolute wonder of life in Naples. The plane, now the Boortz RV--for traveling far and wide --from sea to shining sea. Then travel excursions/cruises for his 'friends' who were able to do as he did.

It gives me a throbbing headache today.

and the advertising--'Go to XXX jewelers--buy your Queen a bauble and I will sign a picture of myself for you or give you a copy of my new book...'

swallowing Excedrin as I type. Hope his first day of vacation was great. Probably flew his plane home to Naples and relaxed on the beach before 'heading out.' grrrrrr.
The Democrat Base is Loser Central.

They have Obama as male head of household

The Government feeds them, houses them and raises their kids.

Of course they are envious of anyone who tries to better themselves.

still lying about that frankie?

then why do red states suck more money from the feds than blue states?

we'll wait...

now run and make up an answer quick
That hurts. Why was I not told this when I was in high school? At that time --the 60's women with 'careers' were rare. I chose a stereotypical female career and that seemed 'good'/good enough.

To learn at this point in my life that I did something 'very wrong' and have actually been a 'parasite' on society for my entire life --that is something that doesn't sit well with me.

Bitter, yes. Envious--somewhat. Discouraged--greatly.

All rich people aren't fucktards, don't let it get you down. Look at Rush Limbaugh, he makes his money from a bunch of idiots by a being hateful, hysterical moron. Who would really want to be like that?

Yes, I know.

I am actually referencing Neal Boortz--similar to Limbaugh--speaks his own 'Truth'--who doesn't these days. Sometimes I can 'take it' and sometimes it bothers me, a lot.

I have told myself--Boortz's intended audience is those in 'higher positions'. Cox Broadcasting has long been a powerful corporate presence in Atlanta--business is integral to the survival/growth of this city. I accept that.

Now Rush Limbaugh can be found on the flagship station, too, in Atlanta. Rarely do I listen to him.

The earning of $$$--a good thing. Work, I believe in it. No problem there.

He goes on and on and on about 'what I did'/implying that we can all do what he did and some of us just can't.

Homes in Atlanta and Naples, FL--a beautiful and extremely wealthy enclave, the beach, the restaurants the absolute wonder of life in Naples. The plane, now the Boortz RV--for traveling far and wide --from sea to shining sea. Then travel excursions/cruises for his 'friends' who were able to do as he did.

It gives me a throbbing headache today.

and the advertising--'Go to XXX jewelers--buy your Queen a bauble and I will sign a picture of myself for you or give you a copy of my new book...'

swallowing Excedrin as I type. Hope his first day of vacation was great. Probably flew his plane home to Naples and relaxed on the beach before 'heading out.' grrrrrr.

You should stop listening to them if it upsets you so much. Seriously.
Sometimes I do feel anger, bitterness or jealousy and sometimes I don't.

In my world I rarely 'see' rich people. Plenty of people who are seemingly doing better than I am. Generally nice people so they don't ignite my ire.

At present, I am fighting 'unkind thoughts' about a particular conservative radio talk show host. It will pass---it has passed before. There is truth --some--to what he says and even if there is 'none' he has the right to say it.

I assume one of his principles is 'God helps those who help themselves'. Religion is not a topic he features in his daily lectures--he has mentioned it and I assume that he communicates with a Higher Power. He is philanthropic--has done much good anonymously I am certain of that. Supports those who assist others, etc.

I somewhat object to the inference that if I had done as he did that I, too, would have accumulated great wealth and be enjoying 'golden years' without any regrets.

I worked 'hard and long', utilized the talents and abilities I possessed, developed said talents and abilities --clearly not as well as I could/should have.

Yesterday, his last day before the trial run on 'being retired'--I heard him say,' You are either a maker or a taker.' Makers create jobs/private sector and the Takers include--those on the government dole, anyone who works/has worked for the government and anyone receiving payments of any kind from Social Security and related assistance.

That hurts. Why was I not told this when I was in high school? At that time --the 60's women with 'careers' were rare. I chose a stereotypical female career and that seemed 'good'/good enough.

To learn at this point in my life that I did something 'very wrong' and have actually been a 'parasite' on society for my entire life --that is something that doesn't sit well with me.

Bitter, yes. Envious--somewhat. Discouraged--greatly.

so what you are saying is you are getting old, pissed off regretting your choices and that you didn't do better with your life now that the reality of that life is settling in.

and some advice... stop listening to rush.
The Democrat Base is Loser Central.

They have Obama as male head of household

The Government feeds them, houses them and raises their kids.

Of course they are envious of anyone who tries to better themselves.

still lying about that frankie?

then why do red states suck more money from the feds than blue states?

we'll wait...

now run and make up an answer quick

What does that have to do with anything? The Dems have build a permanent, government dependent underclass. Look at what you've done to Inner City schools! 1/3 of kids drop out of High School, of the 2/3 who "Graduate", fully 5/6 of them are fucking illiterate retards. And this is damage you've inflicted over generations!

The only thing they can succeed at is letting Dem Party Bosses vote for them
I work with rich people every day. Not people who are middle class like doctors or lawyers, but people who have homes in Paris, Monte Carlo and Toronto and who buy their children million dollars homes as wedding presents. They are some of the nicest people I know. I remember getting an offer in on a house deal located in the most expensive gated enclave in Canada and I said to the lawyer "$1.7 mill? I did a land deal for a lot on that street for $1.5 mill in 1984". The lawyer said "It's a starter home. His buddy who referred him bought a nicer place up the street for $6.5 million". Then we realized the buyer was planning to tear the house down and build another one so $1.7 that wasn't a bad price for serviced land on that street. My 1984 land deal had been for four unserviced lots so this seemed fair. Our firm doesn't normally do residential house sales except for executives and owners of our commercial clients.

Do I envy them? No. While I think that everyone would probably like to have more money, no, not really. It's a lot of work and energy to manage that amount of money. I would much rather have less, and a less stressful lifestyle, but then I'm well aware what that lifestyle takes to both achieve and maintain. I'd rather keep my own house and do my own cooking thank you very much.

Being very wealthy comes with it's own stresses and expectations, some of which I'd be up for, and some of which I'm not. Comfortable and secure, yes, by all means. Bills Gates type wealth - no way, no way in this lifetime.
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Sure, I might wish I had that car or that suit. Then I remember what I have and how gratefull I am
I grew up in a housing project so everyone outside of the parameters of that place was rich. I was not jealous, rather I wanted to know how to attain material wealth. I was ambitious and willing to go to any legal lengths to get a job done or accomplish a goal.

The funny thing is no matter how much or how little money I ever had the thing that made me a rich person was having a good attitude, great friends and a strong self image that was not measured by a dollar.

I learned some great strategies from some people who served as mentors, I learned some of strategies of what not to do from those who did not share my principals and I met a bunch of nice people along the way.

I have had boom times and bad times, sometimes I could not pay a bill and there was a period where my budget for food was only enough money for 3 bagels a day which served as my diet for the day. However, I always knew this too shall pass and it did. I made sure those who worked for me got paid before I did.

The most important aspect of my wealth is being grateful for who I am and what I have as a person; this has served me well over a lifetime.
No, I don't feel anger, bitterness or jealousy when I see a rich person. My neighbor won the lottery. I'm happy for her.

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