When You See a Rich Person do you feel, anger, bitterness or jealousy?

You mean the patient X teabagger Reagan's fictitious black woman?

No, I mean people who are either ignorant or lying about Reagan's fictitious "black woman".

Return of the 'Welfare Queen' - CNN.com

Yes, I'm quite aware of the spin. I did not read where Reagan talked about a fictitious black woman though. Of course, no one can talk about fixing welfare without being called a racist so this is nothing new.
Sometimes I do feel anger, bitterness or jealousy and sometimes I don't.

In my world I rarely 'see' rich people. Plenty of people who are seemingly doing better than I am. Generally nice people so they don't ignite my ire.

At present, I am fighting 'unkind thoughts' about a particular conservative radio talk show host. It will pass---it has passed before. There is truth --some--to what he says and even if there is 'none' he has the right to say it.

I assume one of his principles is 'God helps those who help themselves'. Religion is not a topic he features in his daily lectures--he has mentioned it and I assume that he communicates with a Higher Power. He is philanthropic--has done much good anonymously I am certain of that. Supports those who assist others, etc.

I somewhat object to the inference that if I had done as he did that I, too, would have accumulated great wealth and be enjoying 'golden years' without any regrets.

I worked 'hard and long', utilized the talents and abilities I possessed, developed said talents and abilities --clearly not as well as I could/should have.

Yesterday, his last day before the trial run on 'being retired'--I heard him say,' You are either a maker or a taker.' Makers create jobs/private sector and the Takers include--those on the government dole, anyone who works/has worked for the government and anyone receiving payments of any kind from Social Security and related assistance.

That hurts. Why was I not told this when I was in high school? At that time --the 60's women with 'careers' were rare. I chose a stereotypical female career and that seemed 'good'/good enough.

To learn at this point in my life that I did something 'very wrong' and have actually been a 'parasite' on society for my entire life --that is something that doesn't sit well with me.

Bitter, yes. Envious--somewhat. Discouraged--greatly.

I have a better question.. ..If you see a black kid in a hoodie, do you follow him, suspect that he is a criminal, then shoot him in the heart and get away with it?
Actually Republicans made that possible. But I see you complain about the government eating out your paycheck, but fail to make a case. As usual.

Make a case about what? The government eating my paycheck? Did you want my pay stub or something?

You stated that the government is eating your paycheck. Prove it. What was your effective tax you paid in 2012?

It's none of your business what my effective tax was. My willingness to share political opinions on line doesn't impose on me an obligation to release my tax returns. I would ask you (without insisting on personal information) to check your phone bill, power bill and cable bill to figure out how many taxes are being collected by the government by private companies.
Just for future reference, "proving it" doesn't usually consist of saying things on line. Just like your pathologically insistence that you are wealthy is hardly proof that you are wealthy.
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The Democrat Base is Loser Central.

They have Obama as male head of household

The Government feeds them, houses them and raises their kids.

Of course they are envious of anyone who tries to better themselves.

So let me ask you something, you ignorant prick.

Let's say, for the sake of argument, that things really are the way you envision them.

#1, Do you really believe that everyone's born with the same capacity to succeed?

and #2, on the off chance that you do actually live in reality - What in YOUR opinion should be done with the people who, as you eloquently put, "Have Obama as the male head of household?"

Make a case about what? The government eating my paycheck? Did you want my pay stub or something?

You stated that the government is eating your paycheck. Prove it. What was your effective tax you paid in 2012?

It's none of your business what my effective tax was. My willingness to share political opinions on line doesn't impose on me an obligation to release my tax returns. I would ask you (without insisting on personal information) to check your phone bill, power bill and cable bill to figure out how many taxes are being collected by the government by private companies.
Just for future reference, "proving it" doesn't usually consist of saying things on line. Just like your pathologically insistence that you are wealthy is hardly proof that you are wealthy.

So the government isn't 'eating your paycheck'. Just another lie. And then you question my claims because I discredit yours.
You stated that the government is eating your paycheck. Prove it. What was your effective tax you paid in 2012?

It's none of your business what my effective tax was. My willingness to share political opinions on line doesn't impose on me an obligation to release my tax returns. I would ask you (without insisting on personal information) to check your phone bill, power bill and cable bill to figure out how many taxes are being collected by the government by private companies.
Just for future reference, "proving it" doesn't usually consist of saying things on line. Just like your pathologically insistence that you are wealthy is hardly proof that you are wealthy.

So the government isn't 'eating your paycheck'. Just another lie. And then you question my claims because I discredit yours.

I'm unaware of any discredited claims nor did I question your claims. However, if I am having this argument with Warren Buffet then please accept my apologies.
When I see a rich person, I see a rich person. If they're cool, I feel happy for them. If they suck, I feel anger.
When I see a rich person, I see a rich person. If they're cool, I feel happy for them. If they suck, I feel anger.

Okay, Grandma. I have a got a great story for you. There is a woman - I know about - she married into a family that rejected her because they thought she had no money or education and didn't want her marrying their brother. The marriage happened and everyone ignored it except for one brother who sent a card other than that the entire family ignored the event.

The girl stayed married to the brother and the family decided to try and drive her out by humiliating her, spreading gossip and making fun of her limited education and odd personality. ( she is odd - no question ) The family became united in their rejection of this girl.

The girl went out of her way to remember their birthdays, their kids birthdays, always being a very gracious host - but the family only became worse towards her as they wanted the brother to divorce her. She wasn't worthy of the family name in their opinion. These people were highly educated elitists and their own father left them quite an inheritance.

The girl is visiting with her own mother one day and learns that her grandfathers real estate in NY sold for billions. There was a court battle shortly after his death and the money was put into safe keeping as the lawsuit dragged on - eventually was settled - and although the girls parent ( s ) are in control of it now she will one day inherit this fortune. The husbands family has no idea because the girls mother was estranged for many years from the grandfather over a dispute. They reconciled later after the daughter grew up and nothing was ever mentioned about it.

Now the girl has decided when she gets her inheritance she will leave all of that money to strangers she met along the way who need the help - those people treated her kindly and liked her for being her and nothing else. The truth is the fortune she is going to inherit will dwarf what that family made all heaped together over a lifetime!

Imagine their shock when they learn of this. Because of their decision to be cruel to someone for no reason they missed out. (At this writing their money is going fast - their companies have begun to tumble recently )

Here is the truth of the matter:

Old money never needs to impress. New money ALWAYS needs to impress. Old money can drive an old car and be happy knowing it's just a car. New Money can never be happy with an older car because new money says "I must define you - you're nothing without me"..

Old money can live without air conditioning at the beach house all summer long- new money cannot live there for 5 minutes without a/c - without calling a repairman.

So feel sorry for those miserable wretches, Granny, because they always end up losing in the end.

You cannot buy class. You've either got it or you don't. Money doesn't change people, Granny. It just reveals who they really were all along.

- Jeri
It's none of your business what my effective tax was. My willingness to share political opinions on line doesn't impose on me an obligation to release my tax returns. I would ask you (without insisting on personal information) to check your phone bill, power bill and cable bill to figure out how many taxes are being collected by the government by private companies.
Just for future reference, "proving it" doesn't usually consist of saying things on line. Just like your pathologically insistence that you are wealthy is hardly proof that you are wealthy.

So the government isn't 'eating your paycheck'. Just another lie. And then you question my claims because I discredit yours.

I'm unaware of any discredited claims nor did I question your claims. However, if I am having this argument with Warren Buffet then please accept my apologies.

Like everyone that makes a claim of 'the government is eating my paycheck' you've failed to back up your claim with fact.

Thanks for the compliment!
When I see a rich person, I see a rich person. If they're cool, I feel happy for them. If they suck, I feel anger.

Okay, Grandma. I have a got a great story for you. There is a woman - I know about - she married into a family that rejected her because they thought she had no money or education and didn't want her marrying their brother. The marriage happened and everyone ignored it except for one brother who sent a card other than that the entire family ignored the event.

The girl stayed married to the brother and the family decided to try and drive her out by humiliating her, spreading gossip and making fun of her limited education and odd personality. ( she is odd - no question ) The family became united in their rejection of this girl.

The girl went out of her way to remember their birthdays, their kids birthdays, always being a very gracious host - but the family only became worse towards her as they wanted the brother to divorce her. She wasn't worthy of the family name in their opinion. These people were highly educated elitists and their own father left them quite an inheritance.

The girl is visiting with her own mother one day and learns that her grandfathers real estate in NY sold for billions. There was a court battle shortly after his death and the money was put into safe keeping as the lawsuit dragged on - eventually was settled - and although the girls parent ( s ) are in control of it now she will one day inherit this fortune. The husbands family has no idea because the girls mother was estranged for many years from the grandfather over a dispute. They reconciled later after the daughter grew up and nothing was ever mentioned about it.

Now the girl has decided when she gets her inheritance she will leave all of that money to strangers she met along the way who need the help - those people treated her kindly and liked her for being her and nothing else. The truth is the fortune she is going to inherit will dwarf what that family made all heaped together over a lifetime!

Imagine their shock when they learn of this. Because of their decision to be cruel to someone for no reason they missed out. (At this writing their money is going fast - their companies have begun to tumble recently )

Here is the truth of the matter:

Old money never needs to impress. New money ALWAYS needs to impress. Old money can drive an old car and be happy knowing it's just a car. New Money can never be happy with an older car because new money says "I must define you - you're nothing without me"..

Old money can live without air conditioning at the beach house all summer long- new money cannot live there for 5 minutes without a/c - without calling a repairman.

So feel sorry for those miserable wretches, Granny, because they always end up losing in the end.

You cannot buy class. You've either got it or you don't. Money doesn't change people, Granny. It just reveals who they really were all along.

- Jeri

Nice story.

Old vs. new money......Old money tends to have more assets than cash. That's it.

I've been a guest in numerous homes from Beverly Hills to 'Lonk' Island to Palm Beach. They ALL are air conditioned.

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