When You See a Rich Person do you feel, anger, bitterness or jealousy?

I remember once on a talk show, Bono (from U2) said that the difference between irish people and americans is that an american person will walk by a mansion and say to himself, "Someday, I will live in that mansion". When an irish person walks by a mansion he says to himself, "Someday, I will burn that bastard's mansion down".
I always thought that was a great compliment to give americans. I fear though that those days are over.
When I look in the mirror I see a rich person, me, I am not bitter or jealous of me, that would be hard don't you think. Of course I see a person that could have done a few things differently and even today, though nearly perfect, occasionally has a slight faux pas. ;)


"Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.' "Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?' "The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'" Matthew 25:34
All the rich people could be poor by tomorrow and I would still be a working class stiff. Fortunately, I would still be frikin' awesooooooooome!!!!!!
I remember once on a talk show, Bono (from U2) said that the difference between irish people and americans is that an american person will walk by a mansion and say to himself, "Someday, I will live in that mansion". When an irish person walks by a mansion he says to himself, "Someday, I will burn that bastard's mansion down".
I always thought that was a great compliment to give americans. I fear though that those days are over.
Or a real slur directed at the Irish.
Sometimes I do feel anger, bitterness or jealousy and sometimes I don't.

In my world I rarely 'see' rich people. Plenty of people who are seemingly doing better than I am. Generally nice people so they don't ignite my ire.

At present, I am fighting 'unkind thoughts' about a particular conservative radio talk show host. It will pass---it has passed before. There is truth --some--to what he says and even if there is 'none' he has the right to say it.

I assume one of his principles is 'God helps those who help themselves'. Religion is not a topic he features in his daily lectures--he has mentioned it and I assume that he communicates with a Higher Power. He is philanthropic--has done much good anonymously I am certain of that. Supports those who assist others, etc.

I somewhat object to the inference that if I had done as he did that I, too, would have accumulated great wealth and be enjoying 'golden years' without any regrets.

I worked 'hard and long', utilized the talents and abilities I possessed, developed said talents and abilities --clearly not as well as I could/should have.

Yesterday, his last day before the trial run on 'being retired'--I heard him say,' You are either a maker or a taker.' Makers create jobs/private sector and the Takers include--those on the government dole, anyone who works/has worked for the government and anyone receiving payments of any kind from Social Security and related assistance.

That hurts. Why was I not told this when I was in high school? At that time --the 60's women with 'careers' were rare. I chose a stereotypical female career and that seemed 'good'/good enough.

To learn at this point in my life that I did something 'very wrong' and have actually been a 'parasite' on society for my entire life --that is something that doesn't sit well with me.

Bitter, yes. Envious--somewhat. Discouraged--greatly.

I can't tell how much money has in their bank account by looking at them.

Wristwatch and shoes are a dead giveaway.
I admit to getting feelings of envy.

But I don't hate them. I just either try harder or remind myself how much I already have.

You do understand that you're setting yourself up for failure, don't you?

Change,'try harder' to 'try smarter'.

Reminding yourself of how much you already have is complacency.
I have met and known a few fairly wealthy people, most were just people with a skill at making money. All of them had made their money legally. And most were admirable. If anything, they seemed to be more eccentric, in good ways, than most.

There are rich people that I do hold in contempt, such Boesky, the original 'Greed is Good' purveyor. Kenneth Lay and his ilk, that harmed millions of people for his personal enrichment.

And there are those, like Romney, that I believe haven't a clue as to how the rest of us live, and the challenges we face. Good people, but living in a universe of their own creation, and entirely seperate from that the rest of us live in.

Nothing to do with skill. Knowledge is how you make money.
If the only way to be a successful in society is to be a wealthy creator of jobs, who will work in all of these jobs we create? Where we will find the people to do the lower paying jobs for the owners, executives and managers? Not everyone can be in charge, somebody has to take orders. We need worker bees too.

But we shouldn't get so overcome with greed that we compensate the worker bees so little they become wards of the State.
No, I simply take what's in their wallet and leave.

Seriously, I have never been jealous of another man's success, whether it's a result of his own effort or just plain luck. In truth, I am rather content with my present status. I don't want a vacation house on the French Riviera, and I don't need a Lamborghini to drive to the grocery store. As long as the toilet flushes and the refrigerator works, I'm a happy camper.

So you're settling?
When You See a Rich Person do you feel, anger, bitterness or jealousy?-

Oh Lord NO... why should I? Good for them! :clap2:

If we happen to be friends we would all share the nice parties and good food and good wine and last but not least good music :D.... fun!

Good for them :D at the end of the day .... everybody has a great time!!! :D

And you get to go shopping?
Sometimes I do feel anger, bitterness or jealousy and sometimes I don't.

In my world I rarely 'see' rich people. Plenty of people who are seemingly doing better than I am. Generally nice people so they don't ignite my ire.

At present, I am fighting 'unkind thoughts' about a particular conservative radio talk show host. It will pass---it has passed before. There is truth --some--to what he says and even if there is 'none' he has the right to say it.

I assume one of his principles is 'God helps those who help themselves'. Religion is not a topic he features in his daily lectures--he has mentioned it and I assume that he communicates with a Higher Power. He is philanthropic--has done much good anonymously I am certain of that. Supports those who assist others, etc.

I somewhat object to the inference that if I had done as he did that I, too, would have accumulated great wealth and be enjoying 'golden years' without any regrets.

I worked 'hard and long', utilized the talents and abilities I possessed, developed said talents and abilities --clearly not as well as I could/should have.

Yesterday, his last day before the trial run on 'being retired'--I heard him say,' You are either a maker or a taker.' Makers create jobs/private sector and the Takers include--those on the government dole, anyone who works/has worked for the government and anyone receiving payments of any kind from Social Security and related assistance.

That hurts. Why was I not told this when I was in high school? At that time --the 60's women with 'careers' were rare. I chose a stereotypical female career and that seemed 'good'/good enough.

To learn at this point in my life that I did something 'very wrong' and have actually been a 'parasite' on society for my entire life --that is something that doesn't sit well with me.

Bitter, yes. Envious--somewhat. Discouraged--greatly.

Well I too chose a 'stereotypical female role' and said role eventually brought me into a 6 figure salary.

You really don't sound very smart. In the 60, the schools told ALL the boys they could be what they wanted. They told the smart girls they could be anything they wanted EXCEPT a doctor or a lawyer. If you wanted to be something you had to fight for it, and clearly you didn't want to be something badly enough to fight for it.

I have seen 'rich' people on a daily basis. And, some have even considered me 'rich' even though I just consider myself a hard working middle class widowed mom. The only time I 'think' anything about the 'rich' is when I go to the opera. Those times, I kinda wish they would give me a lift to my car in one of their limos.
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"When You See a Rich Person do you feel, anger, bitterness or jealousy?"

No. having been there, I have a frame of reference and the only thing I feel for them, is empathy. They may look good, act good and do good, but inside, unless they are being loved the way they want to be, they are vacant and lonely. Money only buys what money can buy..

Money buys everything!
I admit to getting feelings of envy.

But I don't hate them. I just either try harder or remind myself how much I already have.

I agree. Jealousy isn't the proper word. That's over people, envy is about stuff.

A long time ago (50 years) I heard stories in my family about siblings (my aunts and uncles) fighting over personal possessions when their parents died. Stuff like who gets the furniture, who gets the silverware, etc. There can be lasting feuds in a family over issues like this, feuds that a child learns about when he asks questions like why his aunt X isn't on speaking terms with his aunt Y.

Ya....my grandma died about 45 yrs ago. My mom had 3 sisters. She gave me grandma's old hair dryer. Wow...but did THAT cause an argument! :cuckoo:
I admit to getting feelings of envy.

But I don't hate them. I just either try harder or remind myself how much I already have.

You do understand that you're setting yourself up for failure, don't you?

Change,'try harder' to 'try smarter'.

Reminding yourself of how much you already have is complacency.

Why's that? I'm the same way....I don't have a lot, my husband and I have worked hard all our lives. We do ok, sometimes struggle at paying some bills. It would be nice to make just enough to not have to worry about those things, but at 60 i'm probably where i'm always going to be now (unless I win the lotto!! :) ) I'm happy with what I have. But there are times when I might see a big beautiful home and think "I'd love to have that!"....but I don't hate the people that do have it.

I don't believe I'm be complacent....I'm being accepting of my situation and I try to make the best of it. We've made bad choices through the years, and some we're still paying for. But I'm not bitter or dislike others that have it easy and maybe have made better choices than i have.
I am happy for anyone who succeeds. I've never felt envy towards someone achieving success. Ever. In my view it reveals some unresolved issues if people envy what others have worked for. I have a hard time understanding it.

On the other hand, if they are elitists, it isn't their money I resent but their ideas - such as: they can buy judges, people, governments instead of playing by the rules. I don't care for people who don't play by the rules the rest of us must play by. Which is why I do not like Monsanto people. - Jeremiah
I agree. Jealousy isn't the proper word. That's over people, envy is about stuff.

A long time ago (50 years) I heard stories in my family about siblings (my aunts and uncles) fighting over personal possessions when their parents died. Stuff like who gets the furniture, who gets the silverware, etc. There can be lasting feuds in a family over issues like this, feuds that a child learns about when he asks questions like why his aunt X isn't on speaking terms with his aunt Y.

Ya....my grandma died about 45 yrs ago. My mom had 3 sisters. She gave me grandma's old hair dryer. Wow...but did THAT cause an argument! :cuckoo:

I was not there for the dividing of my Grandmothers personal belongings. My cousins have everything she owned but I never asked for anything either. It didn't matter to me. They did the same thing when my grandfather died. I didn't say anything about that either. You know, life isn't about all that for me - I'm not sentimental.

I feel richer than most folks because I'm a country girl - have wonderful animals - my bull loves me. What more could I ask for? :eusa_angel:

Life is good.

- Jeri
"When You See a Rich Person do you feel, anger, bitterness or jealousy?"

No. having been there, I have a frame of reference and the only thing I feel for them, is empathy. They may look good, act good and do good, but inside, unless they are being loved the way they want to be, they are vacant and lonely. Money only buys what money can buy..

Money buys everything!

No, not everything. If one can cope with the stress, and there IS stress involved in having money, then it does buy an ease of living that most don't have.

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