When You See a Rich Person do you feel, anger, bitterness or jealousy?

How would you know if a person was rich? What you are saying is that you covet possessions. It's normal enough for bank robbers and jewel thieves and modern anti-corporate revolutionaries.
I doubt most here would even recognize the wealth of someone who was truly wealthy.
Most don't advertise their wealth by standing out in a crowd - The wealthiest man I ever met wore a decent shirt, blue jeans and cowboy boots and hat. He drove a dirty old Jeep. He looked like a cow hand and talked like one too. It wasn't until after getting to know me that I had any clue how much he was worth. when I found out I ask if I was supposed to ask for money - he smiled and told me I wouldn't. He knew me pretty well. Heck, maybe he had me checked out - if he did I didn't know about it. We did some driving together and recreational stuff. He was a great guy. When he died there were only a few people at the funeral but we all found out that we knew him the same way. I don't know what the distribution of his money was - that part never interested me but I would bet it went to some worthy organization(s).
Another way of putting it is "when you see someone who has a possession you covet do you think about taking it from him"? It's an unhealthy attitude that is often promoted by ruthless politicians who ironically have everything themselves.
I had to laugh to myself at the topic of this thread, for the thought of getting angry because someone had more than I was preposterous. But the more I thought about any individuals that would get bitter, I thought how sad it must be to live with constant unhappiness.
Right. Now let me tell you the reality of the situation. As it truly is. Jo Millionaire owns a yacht, a plane and a ten million dollar home on Key Largo. He is miserable. He's a mini Solomon - he's got it all and says to his yacht, "when I bought you, you were supposed to make me happy! Why haven't you done so? So he goes out and buys the latest model Mercedes and again he expects THIS will make him happy. But it doesn't. Why isn't Jo Millionaire happy? He's looking in the wrong places. It will take more and more to fill the empty place in Jo's heart before he realises that place in him can only be filled by God.

Then you've got Larry the missionary. Larry lives in Mozambique in a thatched hut ministering to the poorest of the poor and caring for the orphans. Yet Larry the missionary is full of joy. He never seems to have a care in the world! He doesn't stay awake at night worrying about his portfolio because he doesn't have one! He trusts God will provide and miraculously God does just that. Larry is living the abundant life.

Back to Jo Millionaire - this mini-Solomon has pampered his flesh to the point of making it ripe for hell. Jo never considers the waitress whose been waiting on him for past 5 yrs. While it is within Jo's means to help her out with a generous check - he never thinks to do it. He is too self-absorbed with why he is so unhappy. Were he to step out of his comfort zone and do something for someone else he would have immediately experienced joy but the thought never occurs to him. So he remains in the dark and miserable. Or so he thinks........

One day there is a world war. Food is scarce. Power grid is down because an EMP has knocked out all the electricity and water. Suddenly everyone is back in the 18th century. The dollar crashes and Jo Shmo is suddenly hit with the realization that his maid won't be coming back, he has no food in the fridge because he dines out every night, his wife leaves because he is now penniless, his car won't drive because there is no gasoline, he is stuck. So Jo Shmo decides to jump out a 100 story window because the truth is the only thing Jo Shmos luxurious lifestyle did for him was to make him a pathetic, weak, incompetent invalid.

Larry the Missionary notices no difference. He lives in Mozambique and is used to wars. He lives in a thatched hut and hunts with the natives. He's been living without electricity or running water for 20 yrs. Larry the Missionary doesn't have a bank account so the bank crash has no effect. Larry the Missionary will keep right on going where as Jo Shmo jumped out a window because unlike Larry he wasn't prepared.

The more you can live without? The more power you have. The wealthy have an illusion of power but when the rug is pulled out from beneath them they crumble like a cookie. They have weakened themselves by over indulging themselves. You get it?

Feel better now? You should. You're the one with the power. Not Neal Boortz. On the day of disaster it will become self evident. Stay tuned.

Can't stand them,especially the ones you know personally...my wife's bosses for instance..multimillion dollar jet,shopping trips at drop of hat to wherever she wants...pays employees 8$ an hour and refuses to give any employee full time so they don't have to pay benefits to them. I hope their jet crashes one day. I will dance a jig on their grave as I piss on it.
I've always had a bit of admiration and fascination of the rich, but in a tepid and distanced manner.

The wealthy, however, are my A-listers.

I've driven the backroads of rural Appalachia and have befriended people more wealthy than the richest of kings. Family, faith, and a dry roof is what makes cloud-niners of the most destitute among us.

That's my kind of "rich".
Money come, money go... don't worry me:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZHQyo9M9wc]Yes Money - YouTube[/ame]
I've always had a bit of admiration and fascination of the rich, but in a tepid and distanced manner.

The wealthy, however, are my A-listers.

I've driven the backroads of rural Appalachia and have befriended people more wealthy than the richest of kings. Family, faith, and a dry roof is what makes cloud-niners of the most destitute among us.

That's my kind of "rich".

This is my kind of post! :clap2:
Sometimes I do feel anger, bitterness or jealousy and sometimes I don't.

In my world I rarely 'see' rich people. Plenty of people who are seemingly doing better than I am. Generally nice people so they don't ignite my ire.

At present, I am fighting 'unkind thoughts' about a particular conservative radio talk show host. It will pass---it has passed before. There is truth --some--to what he says and even if there is 'none' he has the right to say it.

Bitter, yes. Envious--somewhat. Discouraged--greatly.

According to Thomas Stanley, author of the book and study, "The Millionaire Next Door," you don't recogonize most of the rich. Those that he says look rich normally aren't but instead are very poor in capital. Usually the tradesman, such as a plummer, with his own truck and a few employees, who is married to the same woman after 25 years, still lives in the house he bought when he got married, goes to church or some religious service regularly, cuts out coupons, shops at JC Penny or a similar store, and so on can be found in the majority of so-called rich. Its a good book to see who is really wealthy in America, and how to pick up some of their traits and become so as well.
You only have to look at the punishing Death Tax to see the hostility towards the rich..

Imagine forcing an estate to sell the farm or hock Grannies Steinway to pay a tax on property already taxed..

And also imagine the damage that does to the majority of rich who came from meager beginnings.

I imagine that Bill Cosby or Venus/Serena Williams would love to pass on a legacy so that their progeny can breathe easier than they could. Instead, some covetous hand comes out and tells them --- "this is not yours to pass on".. And then the jealous ones wonder why the wealth gap doesn't ever seem to heal.

As though grabbing that farm or that piano ever actually GOES to the poor....
Sometimes I do feel anger, bitterness or jealousy and sometimes I don't.

In my world I rarely 'see' rich people. Plenty of people who are seemingly doing better than I am. Generally nice people so they don't ignite my ire.

At present, I am fighting 'unkind thoughts' about a particular conservative radio talk show host. It will pass---it has passed before. There is truth --some--to what he says and even if there is 'none' he has the right to say it.

Bitter, yes. Envious--somewhat. Discouraged--greatly.

According to Thomas Stanley, author of the book and study, "The Millionaire Next Door," you don't recogonize most of the rich. Those that he says look rich normally aren't but instead are very poor in capital. Usually the tradesman, such as a plummer, with his own truck and a few employees, who is married to the same woman after 25 years, still lives in the house he bought when he got married, goes to church or some religious service regularly, cuts out coupons, shops at JC Penny or a similar store, and so on can be found in the majority of so-called rich. Its a good book to see who is really wealthy in America, and how to pick up some of their traits and become so as well.
There is rich, very rich, and super rich. The spread is huge.
after this weekend--I found a little bit of 'hatred' left for Nancy Grace.

living not 15 minutes from me--in a mansion.

snarl--one of those areas where people are really conservative and profoundly liberal--the best of all possible people.

if you could only see--they didn't like the mess the county was in--and formed their own city--when will Nancy talk about that?

sure--live in your Ivory tower and chastise the rest of us.

please, 'B'.
"When You See a Rich Person do you feel, anger, bitterness or jealousy?"

No. having been there, I have a frame of reference and the only thing I feel for them, is empathy. They may look good, act good and do good, but inside, unless they are being loved the way they want to be, they are vacant and lonely. Money only buys what money can buy..
"When You See a Rich Person do you feel, anger, bitterness or jealousy?"

No. having been there, I have a frame of reference and the only thing I feel for them, is empathy. They may look good, act good and do good, but inside, unless they are being loved the way they want to be, they are vacant and lonely. Money only buys what money can buy..

that's true. I keep that in mind most of the time.

Cancer--all manner of afflictions are great equalizers.

Just 'shut up'--about all the other stuff. Everybody gets something and it hurts, really hurts.

Thinking of my friends--some of whom had 'a lot of money'--one suffered from mental illness, the other was persecuted daily for trying to live with integrity.

But--we are a judgmental society--that will never change.

How much time I have wasted over trivial things. It took me a long time to learn that those who judge you based on how much $ you have are not the best of people. fwiw.
"When You See a Rich Person do you feel, anger, bitterness or jealousy?"

No. having been there, I have a frame of reference and the only thing I feel for them, is empathy. They may look good, act good and do good, but inside, unless they are being loved the way they want to be, they are vacant and lonely. Money only buys what money can buy..

A very successful money manager told me that people with money don't get to live under the delusion that money solves all problems and I've seen that concept in action. One of his clients gave me a peek into his life and showed me the trainwrecks his kids are. Addiction, failed marriages, always chasing the next ego boost instead of enjoying the easy lives provided for them.

He told me that the last thing he'd wish for my kids is that I become rich. "I want you to be comfortable and able to provide your kids with all the opportunities they can use to be happy." We were friends until he died and he let me pick a charity to receive a large chunk of his money.
I only get angry with the rich when they belittle/talk down to someone, or act in someway, arrogant, thinking that just because they have money, they are somehow better than hard working people who are less fortunate.
When in the military, I would encounter the wives of senior officers and they would look down on the lower ranked personnel serving them and address themselves as "Mrs. Colonel, or Mrs. Commander" and expect preferential treatment. All they had to do to earn the title was to say, "I do" and spread their legs.
I admit to getting feelings of envy.

But I don't hate them. I just either try harder or remind myself how much I already have.

I agree. Jealousy isn't the proper word. That's over people, envy is about stuff.

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