When You Shatter A Woman's Heart

JW Frogen

Gold Member
May 10, 2009
It is a hell of a shit feeling.

I think I would have rather have shattered my own.

Maybe I have?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BwOXlGbW6Q&NR=1]YouTube - ‪Eagles - Desperado‬‏[/ame]
It is a hell of a shit feeling.

I think I would have rather have shattered my own.

Maybe I have?
What did you do, cheat on her? If you "done her wrong" then you deserve that "shit feeling".

But if you no longer love her and wanted to break it off, that's ok. Better to do it now than after 20 years of marriage.

Get rid of everything that reminds you of her and move on.
It is a hell of a shit feeling.

I think I would have rather have shattered my own.

Maybe I have?

Probably part of why I really have very little interest in the concept of Romantic Love. Too much of a chance of somebody getting hurt. Sometimes I really think that I'd be more than happy to settle for a nice business-like relationship where there really isn't a lot of emotional attachment instead of an emotionally based relationship. Doesn't seem I'm likely to find either given my past.

Hope you feel better soon.
It is a hell of a shit feeling.

I think I would have rather have shattered my own.

Maybe I have?

When you have shattered a woman's heart, you have shown her you are not the man she thought you were, and you will lose her respect and perhaps more. I would much rather be hurt, than hurt another. I can control whether I get "over it", as I know I could not get over betraying a loved one's trust.

I hope things work out for you and for the woman that trusted you.
It is a hell of a shit feeling.

I think I would have rather have shattered my own.

Maybe I have?

Guess my thoughts on it, is at least you are being honest. If you didn't really love her, it has to be so, she needed to know, and you are doing her a favor in the long run. My guess is that you'll learn from it, she'll learn from it. Doesn't mean it doesn't hurt huge. Learning from our mistakes and getting pruned kicks us really hard, but is good for us too.

Whatever it is, you're old enough to have known better.

How can you be so sure of that, Sherry? In another month and a half I turn Thirty-Seven and I can honestly say that I have NEVER experienced Romantic Love. I've never felt it for another person and I can honestly say that nobody that I've ever met or dated has ever felt it for me. So age shouldn't really be expected to be a factor in this. Experience, yes. Age, no.
Whatever it is, you're old enough to have known better.

How can you be so sure of that, Sherry? In another month and a half I turn Thirty-Seven and I can honestly say that I have NEVER experienced Romantic Love. I've never felt it for another person and I can honestly say that nobody that I've ever met or dated has ever felt it for me. So age shouldn't really be expected to be a factor in this. Experience, yes. Age, no.

Frogen is a wise dude and a romantic one....he's also human. He fucked up and I doubt he's the sort to try and make excuses.
Frogen is a wise dude and a romantic one....he's also human. He fucked up and I doubt he's the sort to try and make excuses.

Wisdom, Romance, and Love are three very different things, Sherry.

My only point was that one should not simply assume that because someone is of a particular age that they have a certain level of experience with something. By the way; I can be exceptionally romantic even though I've never been in love with anyone, so I'm not sure what those two things have to do with each other.
Frogen is a wise dude and a romantic one....he's also human. He fucked up and I doubt he's the sort to try and make excuses.

Wisdom, Romance, and Love are three very different things, Sherry.

My only point was that one should not simply assume that because someone is of a particular age that they have a certain level of experience with something. By the way; I can be exceptionally romantic even though I've never been in love with anyone, so I'm not sure what those two things have to do with each other.

They can also be beautifully intertwined.

I was only talking to Frogen, not men in general. Yes, I'm making an assumption based upon my limited knowledge of his online persona.
Whatever it is, you're old enough to have known better.

How can you be so sure of that, Sherry? In another month and a half I turn Thirty-Seven and I can honestly say that I have NEVER experienced Romantic Love. I've never felt it for another person and I can honestly say that nobody that I've ever met or dated has ever felt it for me. So age shouldn't really be expected to be a factor in this. Experience, yes. Age, no.

I think you need some counciling.

Im not trying to be mean.

If you have had a normal level of relationships for a 37 year old and have NEVER felt romatic love its time to ponder wether you are allowing yourself to be emotionally free enough to feel romantic love.

It comes with a level of vulnerability. You can not experience it if you can not allow yourself to be vulnerable.

Please dude go see someone and do a little exploring of your emotional health.

To never experience romantic love is not really living.

There is no shame in getting help and VERY much to be gained by you.
It is a hell of a shit feeling.

I think I would have rather have shattered my own.

Maybe I have?

Been there, bought the t-shirt....

But would it be better to be one of the guys that do not feel like shit?

Guys that just leave a wake of destruction in their paths....maybe even enjoying it?

Frogden, we're not the best in the lot, and we're not the worst, but at least we have the capacity to get better.
There is no shame in getting help and VERY much to be gained by you.

I'll agree that there's no shame; but I'm not so sure that there's as much to be gained in my case as you might think. The rest of your comments have been replied to privately.
Whatever it is, you're old enough to have known better.

How can you be so sure of that, Sherry? In another month and a half I turn Thirty-Seven and I can honestly say that I have NEVER experienced Romantic Love. I've never felt it for another person and I can honestly say that nobody that I've ever met or dated has ever felt it for me. So age shouldn't really be expected to be a factor in this. Experience, yes. Age, no.

I think you need some counciling.

Im not trying to be mean.

If you have had a normal level of relationships for a 37 year old and have NEVER felt romatic love its time to ponder wether you are allowing yourself to be emotionally free enough to feel romantic love.

It comes with a level of vulnerability. You can not experience it if you can not allow yourself to be vulnerable.

Please dude go see someone and do a little exploring of your emotional health.

To never experience romantic love is not really living.

There is no shame in getting help and VERY much to be gained by you.

Yes, Frogden....you need to get in touch with your inner-child and embrase him.




Frogen is a wise dude and a romantic one....he's also human. He fucked up and I doubt he's the sort to try and make excuses.

Wisdom, Romance, and Love are three very different things, Sherry.

My only point was that one should not simply assume that because someone is of a particular age that they have a certain level of experience with something. By the way; I can be exceptionally romantic even though I've never been in love with anyone, so I'm not sure what those two things have to do with each other.

Well one wonders how an idiot who has never experienced romantic love would know this, but whatever toots his retard boat.

Wisdom, romance and love and inextricably entwined, and the older I get and the more experience I have the more I realize that. True romance springs out of true..if not love, then consideration..and consideration usually has its roots in love, either love for a specific person, or love of people in general. It's a combination of wanting someone else to feel special, feeling special oneself, and having enough love for your fellow humans that you can truly relish the moment.

I've had lots of romantic moments, contrived and accidental. The accidental ones are always the best, and you don't get them if you aren't a lover of humans and always looking for the beauty in small moments. Can't do that if you don't like people and place no value on romance.

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