When you think about it, most of America’s culture war revolves around protecting children:

Funny how you have no link for that where I did

77% of ALL child abuse is committed by parents
2/3 of ALL child abuse is sexual

Therefore parents are indeed committing sexual abuse on their children.

The link was supplied above. If you choose to ignore it, I can’t help you.

So, in Australia, the study is about child abuse materials, not overall child abuse. And during the covid lockdown? In Australia, that had severe penalties for disobeying the lockdowns? That whole country suffered severe mental breakdowns.

You crack me up. What’s your gender? I’m guessing it has something to do with your palm?

But because your lazy, here is the link

"Well, Johnnie, we realize you are only 5, but the staff here at Madison elementary thinks it is never too early to get you thinking about sucking cock".
Where is that happening.....besides in your own fantasies?
I'm to the point of wondering if vigilante justice may be the only thing that stops it.
And when you get it wrong? Like these people?

The man tortured and murdered had done nothing wrong.
The link was supplied above. If you choose to ignore it, I can’t help you.

So, in Australia, the study is about child abuse materials, not overall child abuse. And during the covid lockdown? In Australia, that had severe penalties for disobeying the lockdowns? That whole country suffered severe mental breakdowns.

You crack me up. What’s your gender? I’m guessing it has something to do with your palm?

But because your lazy, here is the link

Why do you want to know a poster's gender? Is this TINDR?
Statistics show one out of ten students will experience unwanted sexual abuse from educators or school employees. There's roughly 50 million students in the US That's mind boggling numbers
Where are those statistics? Post them.
Since it’s an annual report, that’s 1 year. So expanding that over the amount of time these loons use when whining about priests, that would give Chicago alone at least as many incidents. The problem may be much worse than anybody thought.
Look the other way when religious leaders are grooming children, eh?
Since most children who are sexually abused are abused by family members the real question is who is protecting your children from their own family?

A lot of homeschoolers are doing it so no one sees what they are doing to their own kids....

People with a deep value system do not abuse children, their own or others. It is the the weakened values in our society that is causing this problem.
Actually, child abuse was more prevalent when children were con-sidered property belonging to their parents with no outside agencies created to protect them.
When the child and the teacher hide it!
The abuse is by teachers not informing parents
Parents live with the child and see them most of the day and week.....and yet you put reporting on a teacher that maybe sees THEIR child for 50 min a day 5 days a week 180 days?

Talk about not taking responsibility as a parent.....
The link was supplied above. If you choose to ignore it, I can’t help you.

So, in Australia, the study is about child abuse materials, not overall child abuse. And during the covid lockdown? In Australia, that had severe penalties for disobeying the lockdowns? That whole country suffered severe mental breakdowns.

You crack me up. What’s your gender? I’m guessing it has something to do with your palm?

But because your lazy, here is the link

A lot of homeschoolers are doing it so no one sees what they are doing to their own kids....


not many people home school
not many people home school
3-4%, from what I've read.

Which means there should be characters positively representing home-schoolers in any movie that hopes to qualify for an oscar nomination. And of course all ads.
I don't make shit up like other people do.

Most child victims are abused by a parent. In 2020, a reported 483,285 perpetrators abused or neglected a child. In substantiated child abuse cases, 77% of children were victimized by a parent.

And FYI that includes sexual abuse.

2/3 of ALL cases are sexual abuse so that means 2/3 of the 77% of abuse by parents are sexual abuse
Includes but is not the total

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