When you vote November 2 2010 I want you to remember this

Such a good GOP you aren't, son. Take your racist, homophobic comments and ram them up your butt, kiddo. Come back when you want to be a real Republican.
Such a good GOP you aren't, son. Take your racist, homophobic comments and ram them up your butt, kiddo. Come back when you want to be a real Republican.

Come back when you know what a real Republican is, Obama lite.......
i guess im biased in saying your vote doesnt count for anything. where i live, it's not even worth the effort of going to a voting location...gop, gop, gop, through and through, even the dem gov at the moment in cognito. and what does wyoming's two electoral points/one hardcore gop congressman count for anyway? thats why i dont vote!

This is the last time for the government when the vote at the polls will count. Come next election if this mess has not been turned around, and those elected continue as is. The votes will be by Bullet.


You're such a scary person.

Obama now wants to eliminate the homeowners interest deduction.

Yeah, really? Is that before of after he eats middle class babies for breakfast?

Don't you mean the commission he formed is putting that option asd well as others on the table for consideration to reduce the deficit?
Bi-partisan commission = I refuse to lead and can blame epic levels of fail on some re-tread!!!
i guess im biased in saying your vote doesnt count for anything. where i live, it's not even worth the effort of going to a voting location...gop, gop, gop, through and through, even the dem gov at the moment in cognito. and what does wyoming's two electoral points/one hardcore gop congressman count for anyway? thats why i dont vote!

This is the last time for the government when the vote at the polls will count. Come next election if this mess has not been turned around, and those elected continue as is. The votes will be by Bullet.


You're such a scary person.


I do not lie and I do not make idle threats
Yeah, bigrebnc, does make idle threats, for he has not the strength of his convictions.
when you vote remember this

Remember the man that hates America supports obama
Farrakhan America Must Be Burned!!
When you vote remember how they ran the government
Inter view in 2008 I wonder if he remembered his own words

I think most Americans can't wait for this Dem-led Worst U.S. Congress in History to be gone. Nov. 2nd can't come fast enough for most. Come on Nov. 2nd!!
I think most Americans can't wait for this Dem-led Worst U.S. Congress in History to be gone. Nov. 2nd can't come fast enough for most. Come on Nov. 2nd!!

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.
If you like to spend money for waste vote for the democrats
If you like arrogant bastards vote democrat
Democrat Silence
Why would anyone vote for this idiot?

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