Where are all of the “bake the cake” progressives NOW?

The difference is there is no law protecting liars
So now you’re saying that there are special laws that only apply to some U.S. citizens? Are you really do stupid as to not realize that is illegal? All laws must apply to all U.S. citizens.

There are public accommodation laws that says you have to serve black people and let them drink out of the same water fountains, etc. Again, and?

I'm on the left, and I don't think it should have happened. However the right does things thinking it's so smart, and then when it comes back at them, they get all pissy about it.

You're trying to turn the attacks back on the left, typical tactic of people on the right on this forum.

The US is falling apart. The govt isn't making sure things don't fall apart, and you people are cheering on while it all crumbles around you.
I'm on the left, and I don't think it should have happened.
Well I’m on the right and I completely respect a private business owners right on private property to decide who they conduct business with. I was merely pointing out the disgusting hypocrisy of progressives.

But...kudos to you for being consistent in your views. You’re a very rare liberal.
And here I thought it’s because she thought porky Sarah would eat up all the food
The left’s War on Women continues. The misogynist ToS not only attacking women (because they all reject them), but also reveals his hypocrisy of supporting this while feigning “outrage” when a baker won’t bake a cake for a gay wedding.
Omg did Rotty just PC police me? :laugh:

Sorry I triggered you, snowflake. This is not the same as the baker. Political views are a choice. Porky pig endorsed a child molester for public office. I wouldn’t let a pervert like that in my restaurant either.
You could say being gay is a choice.

Here is what is funny...i skipped over hundreds of posts here with liberals sanctimoniously explaining the governments ability to enforce "public accommodation". They were almost teary eyed and poetic in promulgating the idea that nobody has the right to refuse anyone service.
I knew it was BS then...and I know it now. And you know it. They dont care about public access any more than they cared about the school shootings they devoted ten million words to a month ago or mexican kids they bloviated about a week ago. They have no deep seated morality or philosophy so everything is situational for advantage. Next week another crisis/tragedy/emergency-but-always-a-tearjerker will present itself for another ten million words.
Just ignore them. They are well and truly beaten.

Yeah, it's mighty hard to scream about Christian bakers who politely decline to bake gay wedding cakes and then turn around and say it's okay for a liberal restaurant owner to decline to serve a meal to a Christian family because the mother happens to work for the President of the United States.

Can you just imagine how liberals would have screamed and howled if a conservative restaurant had refused to serve an Obama administration official?

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