Where are all of the “bake the cake” progressives NOW?

This is not the same as the baker. Political views are a choice.
So is a man sticking his dick in another man, dumb ass. :lmao:

It’s not like some force of nature - more powerful than gravity - pulls a man towards another man.

Also, snowflake, deciding to get married is a choice. :laugh:

Having sex is a choice, being gay is not. Gay people are not being denied service for what they do, but who they are.

OMG! If having sex is a choice, having gay sex is a choice as well!

Oh, and opposite sex sex serves the most important requirement of the human race.

Gay sex serves no biological purpose.

Every man, woman and child ever was created by the coupling of male and female components.


Attractions are not a choice.
No coupling was needed to create the five babies I bore. You're not as necessary as you seem to need to think you are, sorry.

A male component coupled with a female component. To believe otherwise proved you have mental issues.
Well I am not tolerant of intolerance. Those ***** who threw Sanders out are pure evil pigs! I hope she goes broke!

well, shit, speaking of that, here's a fun story. Branch Trumpidians apparently suck at Geograpy.

Internet Haters Target Wrong Eatery After Press Sec Ousted

Internet vitriol comes in many varieties. But perhaps none is so bewildering as the vitriol that emerges from a complete misunderstanding of a situation.

For example: When your family restaurant just happens to share the name of a suddenly-Internet-infamous establishment that turned away President Trump's press secretary Friday night.

That is the unenviable situation of The Red Hen in Swedesboro, New Jersey. The mom-and-pop joint is not, in any way, even remotely, even a little bit connected to the Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, Virginia.

"At first, it was, 'Are you The Red Hen?' and then people would curse and swear. And slam the phone down." Operating Manager Elizabeth Pope told NBC10.

The Swedesboro restaurant's Facebook reviews took a dive after the news broke, with multiple people posting 1-star reviews since Friday. "Never recommend it for a family dinner as they have guests removed for political reasons. Not very American!" reads a typical one.

Other new, one-star reviews trash the food. "I am concerned with what it can do in the long term," Pope told NJ.com.
Well I am not tolerant of intolerance. Those ***** who threw Sanders out are pure evil pigs! I hope she goes broke!

well, shit, speaking of that, here's a fun story. Branch Trumpidians apparently suck at Geograpy.

Internet Haters Target Wrong Eatery After Press Sec Ousted

Internet vitriol comes in many varieties. But perhaps none is so bewildering as the vitriol that emerges from a complete misunderstanding of a situation.

For example: When your family restaurant just happens to share the name of a suddenly-Internet-infamous establishment that turned away President Trump's press secretary Friday night.

That is the unenviable situation of The Red Hen in Swedesboro, New Jersey. The mom-and-pop joint is not, in any way, even remotely, even a little bit connected to the Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, Virginia.

"At first, it was, 'Are you The Red Hen?' and then people would curse and swear. And slam the phone down." Operating Manager Elizabeth Pope told NBC10.

The Swedesboro restaurant's Facebook reviews took a dive after the news broke, with multiple people posting 1-star reviews since Friday. "Never recommend it for a family dinner as they have guests removed for political reasons. Not very American!" reads a typical one.

Other new, one-star reviews trash the food. "I am concerned with what it can do in the long term," Pope told NJ.com.
Unintended consequences! Isn’t intolerance lovely?
Works for me. I can show intolerance for anyone I disagree with. If a pro abortionist is asked to leave I will applaud the action. Screw tolerance!

You obviously didn't understand the words you read.
Then clarify.

You don't have to be tolerant of intolerance. That should be simple enough even for you.
Well I am not tolerant of intolerance. Those ***** who threw Sanders out are pure evil pigs! I hope she goes broke!

Of course you are. You support every one of the so called "Christian" bakers denying service to gays, in violation of local laws. No law was violated in denying Sarah Huckleberry Sandbag service.

Who do you think would go out of business sooner, the anti gay baker in Oregon or Colorado or the anti Trump restaurant in Northern Virginia?

To be accurate, they did not deny service to gay customers. They declined to get involved in a gay wedding.
Well I am not tolerant of intolerance. Those ***** who threw Sanders out are pure evil pigs! I hope she goes broke!

well, shit, speaking of that, here's a fun story. Branch Trumpidians apparently suck at Geograpy.

Internet Haters Target Wrong Eatery After Press Sec Ousted

Internet vitriol comes in many varieties. But perhaps none is so bewildering as the vitriol that emerges from a complete misunderstanding of a situation.

For example: When your family restaurant just happens to share the name of a suddenly-Internet-infamous establishment that turned away President Trump's press secretary Friday night.

That is the unenviable situation of The Red Hen in Swedesboro, New Jersey. The mom-and-pop joint is not, in any way, even remotely, even a little bit connected to the Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, Virginia.

"At first, it was, 'Are you The Red Hen?' and then people would curse and swear. And slam the phone down." Operating Manager Elizabeth Pope told NBC10.

The Swedesboro restaurant's Facebook reviews took a dive after the news broke, with multiple people posting 1-star reviews since Friday. "Never recommend it for a family dinner as they have guests removed for political reasons. Not very American!" reads a typical one.

Other new, one-star reviews trash the food. "I am concerned with what it can do in the long term," Pope told NJ.com.

The same thing happened to Arizona Tea after Arizona said they were going to actually enforce Federal immigration law. Idiots tried to boycott a New York based company.
Don’t ever open your fat lying mouth about intolerance again!

Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them. — In this formulation, I do not imply, for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would certainly be unwise. But we should claim the right to suppress them if necessary even by force; for it may easily turn out that they are not prepared to meet us on the level of rational argument, but begin by denouncing all argument; they may forbid their followers to listen to rational argument, because it is deceptive, and teach them to answer arguments by the use of their fists or pistols. We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant. We should claim that any movement preaching intolerance places itself outside the law, and we should consider incitement to intolerance and persecution as criminal, in the same way as we should consider incitement to murder, or to kidnapping, or to the revival of the slave trade, as criminal.”

Karl R. Popper, The Open Society and Its Enemies
Works for me. I can show intolerance for anyone I disagree with. If a pro abortionist is asked to leave I will applaud the action. Screw tolerance!

You obviously didn't understand the words you read.
Then clarify.

You don't have to be tolerant of intolerance. That should be simple enough even for you.

Why should anyone tolerate that?
To be accurate, they did not deny service to gay customers. They declined to get involved in a gay wedding.

But they were happy to get involved in weddings where straight people engaged in all sorts of behavior that is prohibited by the Bible.

The same thing happened to Arizona Tea after Arizona said they were going to actually enforce Federal immigration law. Idiots tried to boycott a New York based company.

Which idiots were those? I think you are making stuff up now.
To be accurate, they did not deny service to gay customers. They declined to get involved in a gay wedding.

But they were happy to get involved in weddings where straight people engaged in all sorts of behavior that is prohibited by the Bible.

The same thing happened to Arizona Tea after Arizona said they were going to actually enforce Federal immigration law. Idiots tried to boycott a New York based company.

Which idiots were those? I think you are making stuff up now.

We're you not paying attention?
Unintended consequences! Isn’t intolerance lovely?

No, there is nothing lovely about the ignorance of the Trump Cult.

You're all attacking the WRONG RESTAURANT!

My brain hurts, I'm going to go grill something.
/——/ democRAT Maxine Waters said to attack ALL Trump supporters and staff in public. So to be fair minded like Maxine we will attack all restaurants named Red Hen especially those in Blue States, just to be fair.
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We're you not paying attention?

To non-events that happened 8 years ago... no, not really.

/——/ democRAT Maxine Waters said to attack ALL Trump supporters and staff in public. So to be fair minded like Maxine we will attack all restaurants named Red Hen especially those in Blue States, just to be fair.

Awesome, Cleetus, you do that... Remind us all what narrow minded bigots who can't read a map you are.
David Axlerod is a hardline lefty. You have to be pretty off the rails for him to call you out on the left. Thank you progressives. You are rapidly turning President Trump into a savior in the eyes of the American people.

He's entitled to his opinion. He can open his own restaurant and feed Sarah the Sow all he wants. And if he's really lucky, no one on the right will claim he's molesting kids in a basement that doesn't exist.
We're you not paying attention?

To non-events that happened 8 years ago... no, not really.

So you, despite being ignorant on the subject, thought it safe to act like it didn't happen. Hmmm.

Open mouth, insert foot. Oh, well, at least now you've been educated some more. And you really should pay better attention.
We're you not paying attention?

To non-events that happened 8 years ago... no, not really.

/——/ democRAT Maxine Waters said to attack ALL Trump supporters and staff in public. So to be fair minded like Maxine we will attack all restaurants named Red Hen especially those in Blue States, just to be fair.

Awesome, Cleetus, you do that... Remind us all what narrow minded bigots who can't read a map you are.
/——/ We are reminded that democRATs who denied service based on working for someone they don’t like called us bigots.
He's entitled to his opinion. He can open his own restaurant and feed Sarah the Sow all he wants.
And thankfully, American citizens are once again entitled to their opinion down that Marxist MaObama is going and President Trump sits in the White House. And those citizens can deny homosexuals anything thanks to the Supreme Court.

Isn't liberty awesome?!? You used to whine about it like a typical little statist bitch. But even I can see your glee at the Red Hen "bigots" being permitted to deny the honorable Sarah Sanders!
That is incorrect. If you sell a product to couple A then refuse to sell the same cake to couple B, that is a denial of service and you could be in violation of public accommodation laws.
This might sting a little bit Wytch (the truth usually does for the left)...
The Red Hen denied service to Sarah Huckabee Sanders precisely because of who she is. They did not refuse to create a custom order that would have endorsed views they disagreed with. They denied her service, period.
The next time the left is either correct or consistent will be the first time the left has either been correct or consistent.

The Flawed Red Hen Analogy Shows Liberals Still Don't Understand Christian Baker Case
That is incorrect. If you sell a product to couple A then refuse to sell the same cake to couple B, that is a denial of service and you could be in violation of public accommodation laws.
This might sting a little bit Wytch (the truth usually does for the left)...
The Red Hen denied service to Sarah Huckabee Sanders precisely because of who she is. They did not refuse to create a custom order that would have endorsed views they disagreed with. They denied her service, period.
The next time the left is either correct or consistent will be the first time the left has either been correct or consistent.

The Flawed Red Hen Analogy Shows Liberals Still Don't Understand Christian Baker Case
/----/Libtards understand the difference but choose to use the incident to put us on the defensive. They will ignore this article and beat the issue to death until we give up and walk away. They count that as a victory.
So you, despite being ignorant on the subject, thought it safe to act like it didn't happen. Hmmm.

Open mouth, insert foot. Oh, well, at least now you've been educated some more. And you really should pay better attention.

Naw, man, it wasn't relevant then and it isn't relevant now. Just because you go through life categorizing every petty grievance, the rest of us have better things to do

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